"I'm back..."

When senxia finally returned home to prepare for the opening of school for a few days, he found that the atmosphere at home seemed to be a little delicate.

Xuenai and several other maids went to the yuzao shrine, which was planned to open as a tourist attraction this year - but senxia didn't understand how the place was on fire - so xuenai had to go to work there.

After all, the end of April is the golden week of mud boom, and the yuzao shrine has become one of the symbols of Musashino's publicity. Of course, this place can't be left alone.

At present, there are only Qianjia and Lihua.

In addition, senxia found that Ji ye also came.

After renovating for a while, Chutian village looks very good here. At this moment, three people are sitting in the living room of the hall.

But anyway, the atmosphere is a little bit subtle.

Ji Ye talked with Lihua for a while. Although Lihua seemed embarrassed, she was still very serious in responding to her.

And Qianjia next to me Surprised.

Qianjia was sitting on one side of the table at this time.

This atmosphere This feeling Why is it similar to yesterday's cherry blossom watching

Senxia inexplicably felt a sense of both seeing.

"Good morning, senxia Jun"

the first person to greet senxia is Ji Ye.

"Good morning, master."

Senxia also said hello to each other.

"In fact, senxia Jun, you just call me Ji Ye. The address of" elder "makes me feel a little old ~"

Ji Ye tilts her head, and her plain tone is "literary girl". However, the atmosphere of the scene is not so "literary".

Looking at the scene, senxia found that she seemed to understand something.

He looked at Qianjia.

Their eyes met.

And then senxia quickly understood.

"That Ji ye We We By the way, Naiye is going to show it at E3 exhibition. Do you have any interest in making a copyright drawing and publicity map

What am I talking about meow!

Moriha felt a little confused.

When she is ready to help Qianjia out of the siege, senxia can't think of any good reason.

Then, it turned into such a sad story.

Some bullshit.

But Qianjia is relieved.

She took the black tea from the table, and then suppressed herself.

"Yes, Naiye is our child


Qianjia spurted out all of a sudden, but fortunately, it was sprayed on Lihua's body.

Lihua had only been wearing a white nightdress. After being sprayed with a mouthful of black tea, Lihua is now all wet

But Lihua didn't have the Qianjia of the Kongli Association at this time, but looked at Ji ye and senxia.

Obviously, Ji Ye's words caused critical damage to both of them.

"Although there is no problem with your words, I always feel a little Subtle. "

Senxia felt her mouth twitch.

Strictly speaking, there is no mistake in Ji Ye's words.

Because the two most important creators of Naiye's work are senxia and kiye.

What, do you ask Du Zhuzhen Ji?

The goods are still happily following Jizong Gangji in the forgiveness society to make green hats for their hero!

In this world line, even if Du Zhuzhen Ji wanted to make a magic girl Naiye, Sen Xia would not want to. God knows what kind of lunatic plot duzhuzhenji would make after contacting with forgiveness literature.

Anyway, senxia can't imagine it.

No matter whether zhuzhenji is going to let Naiye be green or fitter green, it's a plot of super egg pain.

And the goods really have such a criminal record, although forced to round back, but how to see how egg pain.

Senxia is also very distressed by this plot. In the real world, if anyone wants to pry into the corner, there is only one way for senxia to do it: destroy the humanity on the other side.

At the thought of this, Sen Xia suddenly felt that the second disease of her ancestors did not seem to be incomprehensible.

"Well, if there is such a powerful maid team, who dares to bully xuenai, as soon as my maid team goes up, they will kill the opposite side, which is really good..."

Although their ancestors are in the second, but think through this point Sen Xia found that the maid team is really useful.

Surprised, is this the foreshadowing, the correct use of the maid team is actually to kill those who want to dig the bottom of the wall?!

This This You can have this!"Senxia Jun, what kind of drawing do you want?" Ji Ye's voice came.

"Er - of course, it can give people a sense of shock. Naiye, like lulutio, is a double start animation and game. No, with comics, it's a triple start work. Of course, it's going to shock people."

What am I talking about?

Sonia is trying to find her lines.

Their own nonsense just to let Qianjia side to get free, but Ji Ye's last sentence, directly let these two people into a certain state of madness.

In the case of kesulu running group, the status of these two people is probably that the San value is greatly reduced, and then they fall into a crazy state for a moment.

That's it.

"Well..." Ji ye thought, "this is really not a simple request, but fortunately, E3 game exhibition is in June, before that, we still have time."

Of course, there is time, because it is only April now.

Naiye belongs to the project with relatively low publicity. Before, there were works such as fairy sword, digital baby and so on. Those things have already been prepared.

"But the inspiration thing, also can't say." Ji Ye smiles, "well, senxia Jun, why don't you come and help me find inspiration?"

“…… Looking for inspiration? " Senxia asked strangely.

"Yes, so - let's go on a date."

"Date --!"

"Why did it happen?"

Lihua and Qianjia over there speak at the same time.

Qianjia is obviously a little bit crazy: "hateful - bad, unconsciously, it seems to be in the same situation as yesterday's Mori ha!"

Qianjia, there is no cover up at all.

"That I think it's important for us to get along well... "

Senxia's face is also delicate.

What would you like me to say at this time? I'm not helping you out? How did you say it yourself?

"Ah Lala, qianjiasang, what are you talking about? We are all girls. Do you think there is a special relationship between us?" Ji Ye smiles.

"-- you did it on purpose." "Thousand good Tucao", "at that time, you should make complaints about two choices in the brain, one is to join in, the other is now." You should choose which one is interesting! "

Qian Jia, Ji ye and Li Hua are all good Ji friends, so Qian Jia also understands Ji Ye.

Although she appears to be a literary girl, Ji ye also likes that kind of interesting things. However, unlike Qianjia, who takes the initiative to make choices, Ji Ye is better at choosing more interesting options.

The "interesting" option that Ji Ye noticed at this time was obviously to turn the hot spring into a Bai Xue scene.

At that time, Ji ye should have another choice, that is, three people scuffle. In Qianjia's view, Ji Ye is weighing up the three man scuffle, and there is no white school scene interesting, so she chose this.

So, as long as you lift the table, things can be explained clearly --

"-- this time is not right." Then Ji Ye shook her head. She didn't show any anger or disappointment. Her expression was like a literary girl who saw a suspense puzzle in the book and was thinking about it. "Although I almost believed what you said, Qianjia, at that time - just at the time of my first impression, I really felt some slight tingling in my heart."

"Ah?" Qian Jia, who has been "planning through" for a long time, is also stunned after hearing Ji Ye's words.

Ji Ye's words What's the meaning of this?

"That is to say, I was a little strange at that time. So I've been trying to figure out what that feeling is about

Ji Ye tilted her head.

She does not know her feelings very well.

"Although I've painted a lot of things, I'm also confused about what part that strange emotion represents."

Hearing Ji Ye's words, Qianjia is stunned.

She didn't think the other side was trying to argue.

Indeed, if Ji Ye is really a prank, it can not last until the morning.

Sleep a sleep, things are basically not, the most to take out to tease just.

However, in the morning, when the three met, it was embarrassing.

So at this time, Qian Jia didn't say anything at all.

"Well, I know what serious issues you are discussing, but can you tell me what happened?"

Sen Xia looks confused.

I slept in the office all night yesterday, and now the whole person is still a little uncomfortable. But now, senxia has some doubts about the situation.

…… So what did you do last night!Senxia wants to know what happened last night, but no one seems willing to answer.

"That's a girl's secret, senxia Jun. the boy who discusses the girl's secret will not be popular." Ji ye said with a smile, "so what happened last night is the secret between our girls."

Okay, okay, you're the boss, you say.

Although senxia has been helping Qianjia to extricate herself from the siege, after listening to the dialogue between Ji ye and Qianjia, Mori strongly suspects that the reason for this situation is Qianjia.

Schoolsister, you should back this pot!

Sen Xia thinks that the rate of this pot is probably Qianjia, but he is not interested in backing Qianjia.

But what happened last night?

Senxia takes a look at the smiling Ji ye, and then looks at Qian Jia, who is stunned. Finally, she puts her eyes on Lihua, who is wet and delicate.

Is it possible that Qianjia and Lihua took a hot spring last night, and Qianjia tried to overthrow Lihua, but Ji Ye bumped into her and became the scene of Bai Xue?

Clam? What a coincidence in the real world!

Impossible, impossible at all!

Senxia, who rejected the absurd ideas in her brain, began to listen to their conversation carefully. Maybe through this dialogue, she could find out any clues and so on?

"So What on earth do you want to do, Kaya? " Qianjia doesn't understand her good friend.

Because Qianjia never remembered when Ji Ye was really serious about something.

She is always "interested", she will also do things with her heart, but to say pay her heart - Qianjia has not seen it.

Ji Ye's heart is always hidden deep. Even Qianjia doesn't know what Ji Ye is thinking.

As if now, Ji Ye's attitude at this time makes Qian Jia who thinks she knows each other at a loss.

…… Don't I know Kye enough?

Qian Jia's heart is shaking.

Clearly, we should be good friends, but why did it happen?

If anyone else, Qianjia may not be shaken, but Ji Ye is the only friend who has the same interests in the past years.

We all like animation, comics, novels and games. We can exchange our favorite stories with each other.

Clearly It should be like this!

However, the reality of the situation, but let Qianjia feel a little confused.

Ah, ah, it turns out that precious things slip away from your fingers. It's such a miserable thing

"I, I want to reexamine the relationship with Qianjia and everyone." So she said.

Pain, loss, and then firmness.

After Ji Ye's answer came out, Qian Jia's face instead showed a smile: "Hoo Hoo hoo, if that's the case, then I'll let you become my friend again!"

Yes, since there is a problem in the relationship between us, it's good to knock it down and start over again!

"I think so." Ji ye also said, "the original words."


"We still want to go back to the past, but we can still find that the relationship is not enough if we are closer." This is how Ji Ye answers Qianjia's question.

"What on earth are you going to do?"

"I mean, senxia Jun, let's go out on a date."

Ji Ye turns to senxia, and her eyes are fixed on senxia, who has fallen into a sluggish state.

“…… Ah, ah, ah ×3。

Not only senxia, but Qianjia and Lihua here are also confused because of Ji Ye's words.

"Since I can't get the answer from Qianjia and Lihua, I can only rely on you, senxia Jun Kiye smiles. "So let's go on a date."


What are you going to do?

Ji ye: I'm not a man, Qianjia!

Ji ye put on the stone mask with a slap

Heavy fog.

To break into the University chapter 2333

two in one meow meow ~

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