Escape is shameful but useful.

But when there is no escape, there is no way.

After the opening ceremony, senxia was almost escorted back to the hotel.

Well It's the one that Xiyan rented to Sen Xia for changing clothes.

Or the presidential suite.

This is revenge! It must be revenge!

Looking at Ji ye who is smiling in front of him, Sen Xia strongly believes that this is revenge for himself.

Yes, there are only Kye and senxia. Just now, Kye has changed into a green kimono, and Mori next to him has just changed into another suit.

Well, it's all prepared by Kyle.

"Senxia Jun, how about me?"

Kyle makes a turn in front of senxia.

"Very Not bad. " Senxia's tone was a little stuttering.

But there is no denying that this dress on the other side is really a good look.

Ji Ye's figure is relatively small, but it is not the "Lori" feeling of the figure, but a more girlish style of clothing.

Girlish clothing with that some green and astringent figure, give people a just right feeling, the original twist braid, has also been combed into a bun in the back of the head.

The kimono girl is very nice.

"For my sake, Curtis

Ji Ye smiles.


Senxia also at this moment also will own heart calm down.

Indeed, in a way, Ji Ye is a very good girl.

But senxia found that she had never looked at Ji Ye's face before.

Although it is very beautiful, in senxia's heart, his understanding of Ji Ye is still the feeling of the "rotten girl" before.

Now think about it, it seems that this idea is biased.

"Senxia Jun was shocked by my beauty?" Ji ye came to Sen Xia and said, "or is Sen Xia Jun thinking about other girls at this time?"

"No, no!"

Mori quickly shook her head.

"Well, that's good, senxia Jun, today is a date between us. If Sen Xiajun goes to think about other girls during the date, I will be sad!"

Although Ji ye said so, but her face was full of smiles. Sen Xia looked at such a Ji ye, but also some helpless.

Why on earth does Ji Ye want to date herself?

Senxia didn't understand.

She and Qianjia should be good friends. If she wants to understand her own heart, Ji ye should go to "date" with Qianjia.

How to say, Sen Xia is an outsider who broke into the friendship between girls.

To be honest, there is such a lovely girl looking for her date, of course Sen Xia is happy.

But whether the other party really wants to date "Tianhai senxia" here, Sen Xia has reservations.

In fact, a few days ago, Mori also wanted to know what happened between Qianjia and Jiye, but it was very helpless that senxia's inquiry did not produce any results.

But at that time, Ji Ye suddenly stretched out her finger and gently touched the head of senxia.

With the girl's temperature fingers and his forehead, Sen xiadun is a shock.

"Senxia Jun, you are in a daze again!"

Ji ye let go of her hand, then stepped back, put her hands behind her and leaned forward. She was smiling and looking at the embarrassed senxia.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just thinking, master Ji ye, why do you want to date me. " In the face of such a literary girl, if she beat around the Bush, she might lead herself to another stove, so at this time, senxia chose to use a straight ball to ask Ji Ye's purpose.

However, when she heard senxia's question, Ji Ye pursed her lips. She sat gracefully on one side of the sofa, looking at Sen Xia, but did not speak.

After a long time, senxia finally responded. He patted his forehead and said, "Kye."

Don't use honorific names.

It's by first name.

After hearing senxia's address, Ji Ye's face finally showed a smile: "well, that's good. But just now you didn't reflect it. It's also because I have been calling you "senxia Jun". So at this time, I also changed my address. Senxia. "

Well -

the sound of "senxia" seems to contain some kind of subtle and powerful magic. After hearing this sentence, senxia felt her whole ears as soft as a burst of tenderness.

"What's more, if I choose to date Sen Xiajun, it's not a fluke." Ji ye also began to answer senxia's question, "because from the beginning, I wanted to confirm the relationship between you and me."“…… Do you really Like me? "

If Ji Ye is just an ordinary girl, Mori thinks this kind of thing may come.

You know, when Mori was in the kauno School Park, she had a lot of fans.

But a girl like Ji Ye is obviously different from other girls.

Her face also showed a rare confusion: "in fact, I don't know. Human beings are always moved by all kinds of things. If I am moved by your unremitting production of gentleman's games, it may be

Hearing Ji Ye's words, Sen Xia also felt a little sad: "people's emotions are really complicated..."

It's like I don't understand what you're doing right now.

"So, when I saw Qianjia and Xue bathing in the hot spring together, my confusion suddenly became clear."

Hearing Ji Ye's words, senxia seems to understand at this time.

Feelings Love Qianjia was in hot spring with Lihua before!

Since can let Sen Xia so egg ache, that he feels, before these two people certainly did not do anything good.

According to Sen Xia's urination to Qianjia, it is likely that Qianjia was teasing Lihua on that dark night, and the degree may be too much. Lihua chose to enjoy after resisting. Then, just at this critical moment, Ji Ye suddenly broke through the "adultery" between the two men. Look, I will give you the scene Original.

According to my own understanding of Qianjia, this is probably the case.

"Since I don't know whether I regard Sen Xia as my brother Jun or friend a, I think if it's a date, I can probably understand what I'm thinking." Ji ye said, "or say, senxia Jun, you have so many girls around you that you dislike me?"

Senxia picked her eyebrows and said, "no matter how many girls, I have no problem!"

Hong Kong (speaking) really, senxia is really a man among men in some way. It's no problem for all the girls to go out on the street - who told us to buy the high-quality value-added service of onion star people?

By the way, are those two onion aliens male or female?

Senxia suddenly thought of a more delicate thing.

"Ah, ah, ah, this looks like a scum man's speech."

Hearing the statement from senxia, Ji ye also shook her head.

"Cough, I just have enough confidence in myself."

Senxia put her hands on her chest and looked out of the open window.

"But it's interesting." Ji Ye smiles, "and your Tianhai family used to be like that..."

I know my ancestors are secondary two. Can you stop talking about this at this time? I'm embarrassed

"Well, it's almost time," Kye looked at the time. "Let's start our date like this. If we don't have enough time, we'll continue tomorrow."

Under Ji Ye's urging, senxia left with each other helplessly.

Coming out of the room, they went down the elevator.

After both of them left, Linai, hulixiang and Chaoyan poked their heads out of the other side.

"Damn it, the president's suite is so big, and the sound insulation effect is so good. What have these two people just discussed in it?" There are some remnant thoughts in hulixiang.

"Shall we keep up?" Lynette hesitated.

"Keep up, I have done some investigation and anti reconnaissance practice, as long as you are careful, you will not be found." It is Zhaoyan who speaks.

Three people nodded and saw that the elevator on senxia's side had already gone to the half way, and they followed the elevator down the stairs.

“…… Come out

And in the cafe opposite the hotel, Qianjia's face also showed the essence.

"Hello, Hello, Qianjia, are we really going to do this? Tracking How can I say that? "

Sitting in the cafe are Qianjia and Lihua, who have been following Ji Ye since the beginning.

But Qianjia did not choose to meet the other girls, but chose to squat directly under the hotel.

In Qianjia's opinion, there are three girls in reinai. Those three girls should be the first batch of baits to absorb fire power. Qianjia and Lihua are both in the dark at this time. In this way, it is the best way to attract firepower in front and investigate in the back by yourself.

"Ji Ye is so cunning that she even put on a kimono..."

When Sen Xia and Ji ye leave the hotel together, Qian Jia notices Ji ye and Sen Xia over there.

Can't help, a green kimono vertebra name Ji Ye Shi is too conspicuous, so Qianjia suddenly saw each other.

"Shall we follow?"Li Hua's voice also has some excitement and excitement.

"Oh? Our president, is this time not to entangle in moral and immoral matters? "

Seeing that the speed of senxia is very slow, Qian Jia here turns her head and makes fun of Lihua.

"Yes, no! I just think that in order to prevent senxia Jun from getting deeper, it is necessary to monitor to a certain extent, but we are thinking for senxia Jun's own sake! " Although she said so, Li Hua's face was still a little delicate, and I didn't know whether it was because of the embarrassment and guilt of saying something against her heart.

"Well, it's almost time to keep up."

After finding out that lenai and they also came out of the hotel and followed senxia and Ji Ye secretly, Qianjia realized that she should start here.

“…… Let me see what you really want to do, Kaye

Qianjia put the sunglasses on her face and walked out of the room with Lihua


At the same time, on the other side of the block, xuenai also put down her telescope: "what a mistake. I never thought that Ji yesang even asked her brother to change clothes. In this case, the eavesdroppers and other things would not work at all."

"It's my fault, Miss snow." Standing beside the snow is the sunset.

At this moment, xuenai is wearing a long skirt, which is the uniform of the white lily school. After the opening ceremony, xuenai hurried over, and she also covered her body with a suitable coat on the outside of the school uniform.

At this time, xuenai feels that her brother's radar is constantly shaking. Xuenai also realizes that she should understand what her brother is going to do now.

Xuenai also heard about the things before, but like senxia here, xuenai has no idea what happened.

Moreover, there is nothing to care about in the story between several girls. Until xuenai hears from sunset that Ji Ye wants to date Sen Xia, xuenai explodes.

She made a series of plans, including changing her brother's costume into a device for eavesdropping.

But what Xue never thought of was that his plan was not possible from the beginning.

-- the evil Ji Ye changed Sen Xia's clothes!

This is unexpected!

So there is no way, snow can only choose at this time, human flesh to monitor his brother's affairs.

"Wait a minute, these two people just changed their clothes in the hotel?"

Xuenai immediately thought of an important question.

Since these two people have changed their clothes, isn't it that they are actually in the same room, and may even help each other through clothes?!

No wonder my brother radar has been calling the police since then!

"It's my dereliction of duty, miss xuenai," said Xiyan. "But if you want to know the situation, I can record it for you without anyone noticing."

"No I'll go there myself

Although sunset is professional, Xue Nai knows that she must be positive in order to be meaningful - because at this time, xuenai has already noticed that she and chenai, as well as Qianjia and Lihua on the other side

You can't lose yourself!


Some people are really boring.

This book is very pure, there will be no forgiveness plot. Of course, if you want to say that Qianjia overthrows Lihua, I have nothing to say.

Say strange words again, let Sen Xia push you down directly, and then press under the body!

Two in one, meow meow

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