"Do you know the students of the same grade? This is a classic game After finding out Wang Qiwen's reaction and Shen Jiahui's shining eyes, Sen Xia already knew that these two men must also have the potential of being gentlemen, probably because what they had done before was just a matter of business, so he did not show such gentleman's feelings.

But now moriha is going to peel off their skin and see their inside.

Although Wang Qiwen and they wanted to discuss it, they noticed the Qianjia school sister beside Sen Xia. At this time, there was a girl beside her. It was hard to say anything from her heart. Even though her sister had no integrity, she was worried about me after all.

"Cough, I hear it's a very interesting game." Wang Qiwen originally wanted to say something, but forced it back into his stomach.

"Where is the toilet, please?" At this time, the elder sister herself is the initiative to stand up.

"Oh, well, turn right ahead and go to the end. There's a hint there." Wang Qiwen said quickly.

"Thank you." She nodded to the other side, and then said to Sen Xia, "the rice field is so big that I'm also very interested. The temperature here makes me feel a little unbearable. I'll take the cool here."

With that, she took out her mobile phone and shook it: "if you have something, you can call me later."


They nodded to each other, and the elder sister opened the door and went out.

"I really envy you, senxia, to find such a beautiful and understanding girlfriend." I haven't waited for Sonia to talk. Wang Qiwen came over with a smile and poked senxia with his elbow.

"It's not a girlfriend, it's an elder." Senxia argued.

"You're not right. If you don't eat such a beautiful girl by your side, is there any reason to give it to others? " Wang Qiwen raised his eyebrows.

"Girls in this world are nothing. If Ayanami comes out of the TV, I can think about it." Shen Jiahui butted in.

"Tut, it's obviously from Xiangjiang. I'm not active at all." Wang Qiwen looks down at Shen Jiahui.

"Who said that Xiangjiang people must be able to pick up girls!" Shen Jiahui argued. "It's strange that you want to write about things on the brain every day! I already have a girlfriend

"That's why I'm the forerunner of my classmate Sen Xia's life to guide him!"

"You're teaching bad kids." Shen Jiahui is not good at words, but Wang Qiwen. "I just like my ayangpoli and Asaka. Girls in the real world don't disturb me."

After saying this, Shen Jiahui did not continue to participate in the discussion. He turned his head. Continue typing code in front of the computer.

"Ah, but senxia, you mentioned that student of the same level before. You are also a fellow of our generation." Wang Qiwen stood up and put his arms around Sen Xia's shoulder, "but relatively speaking, I still prefer junior students."

"If it's not limited to campus themes, imprisonment and so on, I'd like to say what I like best. None of them. How can I say, I like more elaborate games. If only it could be as delicate as a picture. " Shen Jiahui couldn't help but interrupt.

No way, how many people can endure when talking about things they like?

"It must be the dwarf who chooses the high one. If you really want to say, those painters who give the characters silk stockings are all pit goods, and they can't reflect the beauty of silk stockings in the picture. The effect of that fabric clinging to your legs is exciting just to think about it. That leg, I can play for a year

Wang Qiwen said indignantly, "but you see what they are painting. They change the color of their legs into black, white and other colors. They don't even have any highlights, and they're all opaque! And those who draw suspenders look more like silk stockings! Only translucent silk stockings can reflect the beauty of thigh! Only the suspender stockings with exposed suspenders can be called suspenders! Do these people understand it? "

"In that case, the painter of the witch's house in senxia is very good. It seems that he is also the painter of Plants vs. Zombies?" Shen Jiahui added.

"Yes," senxia nodded. "In fact, if I want to say something, I think the current game is a little weak in tension, too pure and meaningless, and then too aggressive but not logical, there is no balance point. Characters and so on, you can make up your own brain by closing your eyes, but you should go to your brain to make up for the plot, you might as well write a story yourself."

Sen Xia stretched out a finger: "in the game industry now, to be honest, I have no perfect work in my heart."

"So, senxia, do you want to play h-category games yourself?" Wang Qiwen asked.

"A little bit of that, but it's just an idea. I don't have that much time, and I'm still under age after all." Said senxia.

"It's not a problem. As long as you have the heart, to tell you the truth, it's very nice to meet your colleagues here." After finding that senxia was also a good friend, Wang Qiwen became more enthusiastic than before."Well, we are all gentlemen, gentlemen of the new century!" Sonia was excited.

"Gentlemen Well Gentlemen... " Shen Jiahui next to him muttered the word, and suddenly he stood up and said, "yes, we are all gentlemen."

"Don't pay attention to this guy. He's just a coquette. You don't know how many magazines are piled up in his room." Wang Qiwen shook his head. "But the word" gentleman "is used very well. I fully experience the future trend of us as a new generation of human beings."

"The world must belong to gentlemen in the end." It's a wonderful thing to be able to meet with gentlemen's friends!

In this world, only a gentleman can understand a gentleman. Senxia and Wang Qiwen look at each other and have a feeling of mutual sympathy Oh, by the way, there is Shen Jiahui next to him.

"In fact, I had thought about doing 18x series games after graduation, but later I had a girlfriend. This thought faded down, but today saw Sen Xia you, my heart once again ignited to that year's love pursue and persistent ah

We met a few times ago. All of them are polite words. Now we are together, we are really in touch with each other.

"In the future, if we have time, we can continue to cooperate. Maybe we will have a chance to develop 18x games together in the future." Senxia said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, it's hard for gentleman games to have influence. They can't get on the home computer." Shen Jiahui shook his head. "All the games on the PC are a one-off deal. Only when you can get on the home computer will there be a future."

As Shen Jiahui said. In PC games, many games are sold only when they are just released, and many of them are like this.

However, this is not the case on the home computer. Some games have a sales cycle that can last the entire life of the home computer.

In the future. More and more games do not hesitate to give up 18x to enter the home computer, one of the big reasons is because of this.

Of course, in addition to that, there are those who want to expand the audience. It's hard to beat Sen Xia. When the game is hot, you don't need to go out in person, and someone will come to you and ask if you want to make an all age version. Then it's transplanted to the home computer.

"Saturn Oh, it's Sega's SS. Originally, they can play 18x games. Unfortunately, later, Sega made a rule that she could not do it. You said that there was something wrong with it. " Wang Qiwen has some regrets.

"It's OK. Maybe there will be."

DC's only pity is that its life is too short. From 1998 to 2003, the platform has been on sale with 18x games - even though DC has stopped production at that time.

For the majority of gentlemen, DC's suspension of production is far greater than ordinary players.

"Ah. Unfortunately, we have nothing now. Now it can only accumulate. The pure series of 18x, I feel nothing cool

I can't see that Wang Qiwen's heart is quite big.

"That's no problem. If we have money, we can not only develop the 18x game of RPG, but also let the whole world play our game together."

For example, girls' scrolls, radiant girls and other games. Although such games can't be said to be pure 18x, they are more meaningful than ordinary 18x games.

If you have money, senxia can develop a similar game, and then the official will make a hidden 18x touch D. anyway, the official who developed these two games in history did so.

If you can do the first day of junior high school, we can do fifteen!

And if it works, maybe you can play 18x games on all kinds of home computers

Of course, this kind of game is the ultimate situation. Senxia hasn't considered it yet. Now it's just bragging and joking.

What? You said old roll and radiation are now available?

It doesn't matter. There's no need to stick to one game at all.

The more they talked, the more lively they became. As a result, they even forgot the time. When senxia's phone rang, it was dark outside.

"Well, it seems that I've gone too far." Senxia wiped the sweat on his forehead. At this time, he only felt his mouth dry.

I can't help it. It's too hot. They chatted together for such a long time.

"Moximoxi." Senxia stood up and took the call.

"How long do you have to discuss it?" There came the voice of my sister.

"Well, almost." Gentleman's topic is always endless, from the luster of girl's stockings to the texture of skin, these are topics that can be discussed for a century.

"Go to your girlfriend. Don't leave her alone. We can continue to talk when we have a chance."

Sen Xia turns back, Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui both give their thumbs up.

"Well, there's a chance to continue!" Senxia responded to them in the same gesture.

In this world, only a gentleman can understand a gentleman. If you look at the world in the future, it must be a gentleman's world!……

Girls scrolls are ancient scrolls, radiant girls are radiation. Both of these games are famous for their huge amount of touch D. players can develop various 18x plug-ins. In the game, some 18x plug-ins download much more than some 18x games, and even some people play the game specifically for 18x, such as someone who is exploding liver code words.

Moreover, in this game, the official has reserved a special interface for the 18x plug-in to facilitate the access of the 18x plug-in. For example, a very famous lab plug-in in in the ancient scroll 5

The speed of code word protection is a little slow, sorry QAQ (to be continued)


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