Yes - it's all through.

At the barbecue shop, a group of people are staring at the moment.

This is a harmony style barbecue shop. Everyone is sitting in the barbecue shop gazing at each other, while Ji ye and Sen Xia, who are sitting together, dare not go to see it.

Tracking all the way, and then being caught This kind of thing is really embarrassing.

Oh, I almost forgot. There was another one who didn't get caught.

Sunset in the forest summer to find snow is before has received the notice of sister Yi Ji, and then evacuated. So in the barbecue shop, there are just eight people sitting in two rows eating fruits and fruits.

"Well, it's delicious."

Of course, there are also forced as if nothing happened.

Don't look around and say you, Qianjia!

Clamp the roasted meat into the bowl, Qianjia puts it to his mouth and blows it gently. Then he dips it in a little bit and bites it down.

"Mmm, it's delicious."

The second person to start eating barbecue is xuenai.


The third is Zhaoyan.

Then, lenai, hulixiang and Lihua were all slightly relieved.

It seems that the atmosphere has eased a little bit?

"Well, it's great that we can get along in harmony." Ji Ye smiles.


Xuenai's brother, the radar, suddenly made an alarm.

She raised her head and looked at the leisurely face of Ji Ye.

This feeling - this feeling - this kind of calm in the palace!!

My place! My position has been robbed!

Snow is sauce big crisis!

At this time, xuenai finally realized where his sense of crisis came from.

That's it!

Ji Ye is now in her place!

So, this is the biggest problem!

"Well, in addition to the three predecessors, we are now college students." Senxia said at this time, "well, although some very delicate things happened today, anyway, from today on, please give me more advice."

As the head of the family Senxia, this is the time to make a concluding speech.

In any case, the embarrassing events that have taken place now are all kinds of problems that still exist in senxia's side.

But at least from today on, we'd better get along well.

At this time, senxia was a little lucky that Alice had returned to lighthouse country. These people had been enough trouble for Sen Xia. But if Alice was still a guy from lighthouse country, the situation would be very troublesome now?

Today we eat barbecue together, one-time can solve the problem, that is naturally the best.

It seems that there was some embarrassment before, but now the situation is OK. Qianjia has not made explosive speech again.

Fortunately, world peace ~

"You say senxia Jun?"

At the same time, Ayana and Nanai also ended their singing contact in the afternoon.

After that, they went to dinner together and discussed the issue of reinai, who will join the group from tomorrow.

But I don't know why, they said, talking about senxia.

"Yes, yes, senxia Jun and Ling Nai. Are you good friends?"

Nanai said as he put a piece of freshly roasted beef into a bowl.

Well, the two chose barbecue for dinner, but they were not in the same place as senxia.

Nanai is very curious about the relationship between Ling Nai and senxia: "were you childhood sweethearts before?"

"Well, when I was in Sapporo, I was in the same school Well, it doesn't matter that I've always been a classmate. " Ling Nai said so, the expression on her face seemed to miss, but it also seemed to be subtle. "We knew each other before kindergarten, and later we went to kindergarten and primary school together, but then we separated."

When we met again, everyone was already in Tokyo.

What happened between this, now think about it, is really delicate.

"In that case, you have understood senxia Jun well from the beginning?" The stars almost appeared in Nanai's eyes.

Obviously, Nanai is very interested in Sensha's gossip

"I can't say that, but Well, Sen Xiajun was a very impressive person from the beginning... "

In saying this, Ling Nai's purple eyes become a little subtle.

"Oh?" Mizunouchi is very curious about the things of Ling Nai's side.

"My purple eyes, in fact, are very conspicuous," said Ling Nai, pointing to her eyes. "Such pupil colors are very rare all over the world."The real world is not the two-dimensional world. There are colorful hair colors and strange pupil colors everywhere.

Ling Nai has purple eyes, which are very rare all over the world, not to mention in places like mud boom.

Nanai nodded, too.

Ling Nai's purple eyes give her a wonderful and incredible temperament, which is now one of the selling points of the office.

"Although people now say that the purple eyes are lovely and beautiful, I worked very hard at school." Ling Nai said, here also self mocking smile.

But after hearing Ling Nai's reply, Nanai's face also showed a dignified expression.

Bullying, or bullying on campus, is very common in the mud boom.

In most schools in Nihong, similar bullying incidents will not be stopped.

It's very common even in the Kawasaki School Park.

Of course, there are fewer such things in Mori's class. One of the reasons is that the school itself is a school with high enrollment rate, and there are few single moths. Secondly, the students in the school are all of the second generation. They have received elite education since childhood and pay more attention to interpersonal relations, so they will not easily offend others. The last reason is that senxia is the school There is a good monitor in the class, AOI picrika, under her coordination, Mori's class can be integrated exactly - of course, this also has something to do with the fact that Kano school will not re divide classes in the new school year.

But in other schools, that's not the case.

"At first, everyone was just curious about my eyes, but I don't know why. Later, everyone isolated me because of these eyes..." Ling Nai said, "it's ok if it's just like this, but later, things start to get a little strange. The sportswear is soiled, the shoe cabinet is put with nails, and then the textbook is made into a mess. I don't know who did it. Tell the teacher, but the teacher said that it must be that I didn't get along well with you, which made trouble for everyone..."

Hearing Ling Nai say what happened at that time, Nanai's face also showed an expression of intolerance.

But Ling Nai's expression did not matter: "and my family was in a difficult period of business at that time, and I didn't want to add trouble to the family..."

"Don't give people trouble." in the mud boom environment, everyone is receiving this education.

Therefore, when she was a child, she chose to swallow her anger.

"But at that time, Sen Xiajun stood up and caught a classmate who put nails into my shoe box. Originally I thought everything would be OK, but I didn't expect bullying to get worse. I still remember that the next day, Sen Xiajun's desk was painted in a mess, and his textbooks and books were torn up

"Ah?! How could it be so! " There was a look of surprise on Nanai's face.

"Well, but Sen Xia Jun is the most impressive one: he directly changed his desk with one of his classmates who was laughing, and then robbed the textbook of another laughing classmate." When Ling Nai said this, her face also showed a smile.

"Ai Ai, will these people let Sen Xiajun do this?" Nanai was startled.

"Well They were probably scared, because before this, Sen Xiajun directly swung his chair, and then knocked down the most laughing classmate, and then tore up his textbooks Well, I remember when he stepped on the other person's face with one foot... "

“…… Sen Xiajun had done such a thing before. I didn't expect that... "

Nanai really didn't expect that senxia was so fierce before.

But why does the present Sen Xia Jun, give oneself the feeling so soft?

"It's not over yet. After that, senxia Jun beat all the people before he came - well, other people don't know about it. Sen Xiajun asked these people to the corner where there was no one in various names and beat them." Ling Nai's face showed some subtle expression, "this thing was said by Sen Xiajun when he showed off to me later. I still remember him saying that he was excellent at beating people, leaving no trauma, and making sure that the other party could find his parents would not work..."

Finish the last sentence, Ling Nai's expression became a little strange.

At that time, she was still young and didn't understand what senxia meant after all. But now she thought about it and found that senxia Jun was really amazing.

"After that, although I didn't have much communication with the people who bullied me before, other people didn't isolate me any more. This is also the blessing of Sen Xiajun."

"It's not because people don't want to contact you with Ayana sauce. It's just because those bullies dare not contact you." Nanai is a little sad.

Ni Bang is like this, sympathizing with the bullied students will also make themselves become the object of bullying.

"Yes, because there are senxia Jun. although there are a large number of people, they dare not say anything more when facing Sen Xiajun Senxia Jun's revenge is really super terrible. " Ayana sighs."Ah?" Nanai was puzzled. "I feel These means are not very Is it terrible? "

Ling Nai nodded: "but this matter has nothing to do with me. That was after we divided classes again. At that time, Sen Xiajun helped a girl who was bullied and had some physical defects in the class, and was blocked up by the group of students who had been bullying each other

"Ah -" Nanai could not help but cover his mouth and forgot to clip the barbecue.

"Then senxia Jun caught one of them and almost beat him to the hospital However, that was just the beginning. After that, Sen Xiajun also found out these people one by one, beat them up, and then began to send them to these families It should be regarded as a threatening letter... "

"Should it be?" Nana was puzzled.

"Well, Sen Xiajun sent an anonymous letter to their family, but it was not dangerous. It was just about some information about the family. The first one was about the father, the second was for the mother, and the third was for the child, which explained their specific situation. Later, these families were so nervous that they had to move to another school But the most powerful thing about senxia Jun is that no one knows it was senxia Jun who did it. "

When he heard this, Nanai was stunned.

But she also found a strange place: "wait a minute, why do you know Ling Nai so clearly?"

"Ah, because xuenai was sitting next to me at that time. Sometimes I can see xuenai write letters for my brother..."

Ayana spat out her tongue.

"I see..."

Nanai bit the meat.

For Sen Xiajun's brave life when she was a child, she did not know how to comment, because these things were beyond the limits of Nanai's imagination.

Well, no one can do such a thing in this country.

"After knowing some unknown things about senxia Jun, I suddenly feel that the present senxia Jun is not the same person Nana didn't feel right.

"No, senxia Jun's character hasn't changed all the time, especially in the aspect of accommodating xuenai. It seems that he has become more and more serious."

Ling Nai's head is crooked.

"Ai Ai, but I think Sen Xiajun was more like that kind of A tough type? " Nanai was surprised.

Ling Nai shook his head: "in fact, senxia Jun's character has not changed. If he is forced to be anxious now, he can do anything. Don't think that qianjiasang is exaggerating. Senxia Jun will definitely do more extreme things in a critical moment - well, he said before his eyes, as long as he is not found It's not a crime. "

"Er It's hard to imagine. "

If Nanai knew that senxia had already tracked a wave of girls who were following him through ijifa, he would not have thought so.

But Nanai here seems to have grasped something.

"- I remember you said" girl classmate "

Ling Nai was stunned and nodded.

"Well..." Nanai thought, "you are also a girl in Ling Nai sauce. In this way, Sen Xiajun seems to have not changed..."

Hearing this sentence, Ling Nai chuckled and said, "it's really true. It's no problem to say so."

Nanai over there was laughing.

Two people smile one after another


One of Sen Xiajun's black history, lifting the ban

This is today's moral integrity. We held a meeting recently, keeping a low profile

Two in one meow ~

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