Although Sen Xia has made up her mind to write a novel well.

But it turns out that the more flags are erected, the more difficult it is to achieve the goal.

On the next day, that is, on Sunday, Mori began to paddle again

To be exact, the word "paddle" is not accurate.

Senxia went to receive Wang Qiwen.

Wang Qiwen brought a delegation of young entrepreneurs from a big eastern country - well, it was Wang Qiwen who paid for it and invited it in the name of Japan.

It's the last day of the honeymoon between the two countries, so we're all friendly at this time - but it's hard to say what the future will be.

Senxia and Wang Qiwen didn't go to receive the delegation. There was official contact. Wang Qiwen mainly brought the families of those entrepreneurs to have a drink.

Young Zhu Wenbo followed his uncle and set foot in this country.

As for the first impression of red, Zhu Wenbo felt "clean". The feeling of this place was that it was very clean. It was totally different from a big eastern country with dirty everywhere.

"When can my country become so clean?"

Zhu Wenbo, full of the feelings of his family and country, thought of his own country after seeing the clean mud boom.

He is a high-quality student graduated from a famous university. In these years, the gold content of college students is still very high. Of course, Zhu Wenbo also has real talents.

But to say it, this is the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair.

Although he can't understand what these people are talking about, Zhu Wenbo still feels a very comfortable feeling. The air is fresh and the ground is clean. There are buildings everywhere and modern cities everywhere.

Some people may not believe it, but before the 2011 earthquake revealed the tiger skin of mud boom, in the eyes of the vast majority of the people in a certain oriental country, mud boom was powerful and invincible, and various modern war novels also regarded mud boom as the ultimate boss.

But after that ha-ha.

Don't mention the ultimate boss. Ni Bang is in the heart of the people of a big eastern country, and its status has plummeted. Even the intermediate boss is not counted. The people of a big eastern country have already regarded the lighthouse country opposite as an intermediate boss.

What, you said that the author who often misspelled the word "ultimate" into "intermediate"?

No, not at all, because at that time, in the novels of a big eastern country, the people who acted as the ultimate boss were all aliens

But it was a moment in the future.

But at this moment, we still think that mud boom is "invincible".

As a matter of fact, until 2010, most of the novels of a certain oriental country needed gold fingers at the level of gold thigh to defeat Ni bang. In this way, many readers think that the author's heart is too big.

This is the difference of the times.

The mud boom of this era is still the second largest economy in the world, and it is the existence highly admired by people from a big eastern country.

Although Zhu Wenbo was brought by his uncle, he did not go to see the new things like others.

He cares more about the bustling cars on the neon street and the computers placed in the shop one after another.

These days, even the most developed imperial capital and magic capital of a big eastern country are not as prosperous as Tokyo?

Although some people in the group thought it was indecent, it just showed the youth and vitality of the city in Zhu Wenbo's opinion.

It's not just the urban area, but even the suburbs. Zhu Wenbo has come to the "Musashino area" which is said to be the outskirts of the city. But even here, it is still very powerful. Moreover, there are single family houses everywhere, which look like villas, which is really a show.

"Xiaozhu, what are you still looking at? Come and worship in the temple. It is said that the God here is the thief spirit!"

Zhu Wenbo has not finished appreciating, an aunt then called Zhu Wenbo.

"Auntie, this is not a temple, it's a shrine." Zhu Wenbo couldn't laugh or cry, "this place is called yuzao shrine, which is the shrine before worshipping yuzao."

"OK, come and worship quickly. The statue of yuzao Bodhisattva is in front."

God, he meow jade algae Bodhisattva!

They are nine tailed foxes!

Although Zhu Wenbo doesn't know Japanese, he doesn't know much about Nihong culture.

In front of yuzao is the Nine Tailed Fox, that's right - if according to the history of neon.

However, if Zhu Wenbo told these uncles and aunts that "Daji" was worshipped here, his future journey would not be so good.


Zhu Wenbo walked to the corridor of the shrine, where he introduced the history of yuzao.

Not only Japanese, but also Chinese and English."Eh?"

At this time, however, Zhu Wenbo found that the identity of yuzao in this yuzao shrine was different from what he knew.

According to the textual research here, yuzao seems to be a profile of the Heavenly Emperor, and the body is a white faced golden haired Nine Tailed Fox. And here are some of the history of a big eastern country.

At this time, Zhu Wenbo discovered that the Nine Tailed Fox was once auspicious in the early stage of the history of an oriental country!

"Neon people are so serious that they even have a textual research on this kind of thing. It's really terrible! What a terror

This is the explanatory textual research combined with the literature and photos. This kind of thing originated from a big eastern country has been hidden so much by neon gold textual research. It is really shameful!

Zhu Wenbo sighed.

"Source 2? What else? "

Zhu Wenbo saw another statement behind the shrine. However, this statement is a little simpler, but it is also reasonable. According to this statement, Jiuwei fox can be traced to yuzao, Jiuwei fox can be traced to the earth vein, and finally to the origin of Pangu

"Well founded, convincing..."

Zhu Wenbo praised.

"Er Do you know much about the history before yuzao, sir? "

Zhu Wenbo raised his head and found a boy with long hair looking at him.

He remembered that the other party was one of the neon gold who was responsible for receiving them, but he said that he had the lineage of a certain oriental country, and his Chinese name was Xiasen.

Oh, oh, by the way, it's the mud Bang genius high school student who caused a great sensation in the TV last year!

Zhu Wenbo nodded. He said, "it's clear that the Nine Tailed Fox originated from a big eastern country, but no one in our country has studied this kind of thing, and neon gold has been able to test out such a history. It's really powerful!"

“……” The boy on the other side has a strange face. Is he uncomfortable?

What Zhu Wenbo doesn't know is that senxia has been holding back as much as possible at this time.

-- no way. The history here is really just made by my own mouth.

No matter what kind of Tianzhao Dayu God, or what Pangu source, it is the egg pain thing that senxia did before.

But all these things are on fire.

As a result, this place is not only a neon gold place, but also a lot of foreigners who come to visit the shrine and yuzao on special occasions. Musashino has also made yuzao shrine into a tourist card of his own - not to mention, they are quite reasonable. After all, there was a "killing stone" worshipped here.

Although Sen Xia thought that the stone might be just a common stone moved from anywhere on the ground, other people obviously didn't think so.

Senxia originally thought that the end of the boat was done, and this kind of thing could go with it.

However, in such a place, he still felt himself Super embarrassing.

Especially when those aunts were devoutly paying homage to the big hands in front of yuzao in the "type moon FGO", senxia felt that she was going to be distorted.

"Mr. shawson, are you all right?" Zhu Wenbo noticed some strange features of senxia.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little upset. Excuse me first..." Senxia waved her hand and ran away.

Zhu Wenbo here watched senxia leave, turning his head and walking toward the yuzao shrine.

"Si - is this the statue in front of yuzao?"

To be exact, it's not a statue, but it's a "God" in front of yuzao. That's right.

When he entered the shrine and saw the true face of yuzao, Zhu felt as if he had some Like this statue?

"It's really neon gold. All the statues in our country look terrible, but the jade algae is so lovely..."

Zhu Wenbo has also traveled around the country, but in Zhu's opinion, those statues simply can't keep up with the aesthetic standards of modern people.

Especially once, when he saw the statue inside in the Mahavira hall, there was a thunderclap outside, and he almost urinated!

But now it seems that this neon gold here should be the real "Idol"!

"No wonder King Zhou fell in love with the statue of Nuwa when he saw it. If the statue of Nuwa was such a beautiful God, I would like it too..."

What a horror! So terrible!

Zhu Wenbo praised.

Unfortunately, Zhu Wenbo did not know that there was a word called "Meng". Otherwise, he would use this word to describe his feelings.

"Amitabha, God bless..." Next to Zhu Wenbo, several aunts are holding the innocent bear child in front of yuzao, while on the other side, some local tourists are also paying their respects.

Originally, Zhu Wenbo was not a superstitious person, but after seeing the statue of the God yuzao, Zhu Wenbo bowed his head devoutly.Learn the posture of neon gold worship, and then pray for blessing. Although it can't be said to be perfect, at least learn a way.


On the other side, senxia finally adjusted her mind and entered the shrine.

But as soon as he came in, he saw Zhu Wenbo and his uncles and aunts calling out "Amitabha" in front of yuzao. Senxia's expression was distorted again You are here to surpass this miss Jiuwei fox?

"Hoo Whoa Whoa... "

Senxia came out again to breathe.


As soon as he came out, Wang Qiwen came over. He was also amazed.

"This shrine is really powerful. Your neon gold textual research is really a thief!" Wang Qiwen gave a thumbs up, "it's not like our country, which specializes in producing historical inventors. They hold things they don't know where they come from, and they say how despicable our ancestors are..."

Sorry, I'm also a young history inventor

Senxia felt that her expression was not enough today.

At this moment, Sen Xia suddenly felt that if she stayed at home to write a novel today, it would be better than to come out to receive the "tourist group" today?

No, I really can't!

However, no matter what Sen Xia thinks, everyone seems to think that this place is very powerful, especially for the one who has done it by hand Oh, I admire the statue in front of yuzao.

In a certain oriental country, which temple fair makes such fine statues?

If the eyes are not too big, the statue will look like a real person!

Of course, these great masters and aunts in discussion don't know that if they really become human beings, the statue in front of yuzao will enter the bottom of the "valley of terror". The closer we get to human beings, the more people will like them. However, when we go beyond a certain limit, the closer we get to human beings, the more scared we will feel. This is the valley of terror 。

This "cartoon" shape of yuzaoqian makes people like yuzaoqian, which is the most important. But once yuzaoqian is completely anthropomorphic, it will be really terrifying

Senxia's unintentional, just stuck in a very perfect line. Although Sen Xia felt all kinds of egg pain and distortion, it is undeniable that he really created a very powerful shrine.

If senxia is committed to changing the world line, then this "Historical Invention" that has changed history and myth must be ranked in the top three of all things senxia has done.

It's only at the cost of making Sen Xia's embarrassing cancer almost break out.

After dumping Wang Qiwen, senxia came to the room to rest. He decided not to leave before everyone visited here, otherwise he would be really embarrassed to death.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Covering her face and making a twisted voice, senxia felt that her whole body was in pain and uncomfortable, skey.

It's not surprising that senxia was so upset because he had seen the revenue and the number of visitors to yuzao shrine before. After the transformation from bird feather shrine to yuzao shrine, the daily passenger flow of this place has increased three times, and the number of tourists received has increased ten times. From the past, there were few foreign and foreign tourists, and it has become a tourist attraction This kind of mood is really subtle


The author Jun came into contact with the Internet in 2004. He started writing in 2006. In 2009, he was a real contribution from dianniang. At that time, Nihong was the ultimate BOSS level existence. Millions of words said how the protagonist could open his golden thigh to resist mud boom. But now, it can only say "ha ha". In this era, who regards mud boom as the ultimate boss will be laughed off

Two in one, meow meow ~

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