In April, cherry blossoms bloom.

In Tokyo University, it is as peaceful and harmonious as ever.

"As a result, when I went to university, I had to look at these things again. It's really painful..."

Senxia murmured as she looked at the textbook on her desk.

On the platform, the professor was giving a lecture, and Mori took the opportunity to glance at her class.

This is the Juchang campus of Dongda, and also the location of the "Education Department".

Tokyo University has four departments: Law, science, literature and medicine.

But in addition, there is a "Education Department" in the University.

This may be strange.

Put it another way.

In Tokyo University, liberal arts and science are divided into three categories, which are divided into six categories.

The classification of the university almost determines the Department that can be promoted. Although it is not impossible to study in other categories, it is generally very difficult.

The first category of liberal arts corresponds to the law department, the second category corresponds to the Department of economics, and the third category corresponds to the Ministry of literature and education.

The first category of science corresponds to the Department of engineering, the Department of science, the Department of pharmacy and the Ministry of agriculture; the second category is the nursing discipline of the pharmaceutical department and the medical department; and the third category of science corresponds to the medical department of the medical department.

But before that, that is, when they were freshmen and sophomores, all of them were studying general education subjects in the Education Department of foochang. Wait until the beginning of the third grade, and then according to the results of the selection of the Department and subject.

Senxia's future is the liberal arts.

Sen Xia studied science and Engineering in his last life, and he was also a famous school. As a jumper, he did not allow himself to be both literate and martial arts. How can he do this?

Moreover, in order to experience the "college entrance examination" of Nihong, Sen Xia also specially attended the entrance examination of Dongda.

But in fact, senxia can actually get the recommended admission qualification. Even if there is no back door, as the winner of Zhimu appreciation and Xueba who dominates the ranking table all the year round, it is not too simple for Sen Xia to get the recommended admission of Dongda.

But now Mori feels that she wants to skip the grade and graduate directly. She doesn't know whether dongdati will provide the business for freshmen to graduate?

There's no way. As a climber, Sen Xia was prepared for danger in times of safety. When she was a child, she had seen nichong's university courses. The professional courses were different. However, he could understand all the ordinary departments. However, he was a bully and learned to draw inferences from one instance. Therefore, in the eyes of Sen Xia at this time, his college work life seemed to be the same as that of his high school days It's boring

While others are listening, senxia simply took out his notebook to ponder on his novel, until class was over.

The interpersonal relationship in college is weaker than that in high school. After class, we don't need to stay in the same classroom all the time. After the bell rings, senxia is ready to leave the classroom..

"Senxia Jun!"

But senxia's movements were interrupted.

Because just after class, a girl came to Sen Xia's side.

"Oh, hulixiang, what's up?"

In front of Sen Xia, it is Qingjing and hulixiang.

She was the monitor of senxia high school, but what she didn't expect was that she was in the same class with herself.

Oh, by the way, he did not take the examination route because he was recommended for admission.

"Ah, although it's a bit late to say it now, please give me more advice in the future." Erika smiles at mori.

"Hi, hi, hi, dear monitor." Senxia shrugged.

Probably because of her natural temperament. Well, when she entered the university to choose a monitor, she was elected to be the monitor.

So after being the monitor of senxia for three years, he is likely to remain the monitor of senxia in the next year or two.

In a sense, this is a bad relationship.

The only thing to be thankful for is that there is no other old acquaintance in Mori's class.

"Senxia Jun, what are you going to do?"

"Go to see the club, since you have entered the University, then if the community is also a necessary life experience."

Senxia joined the club in high school, yes.

But how to say, in the community of moriha high school, it is really not meaningful.

The association of "xianshiyan" in senxia high school is, frankly speaking, the place where everyone drinks tea, chats and reads comics.

Even if you join the light music club, it's better than blind mixing in the current research. At least people drink high-grade black tea!

Well, it doesn't make any difference. I also drink high-grade black tea here. That's right.

But But this is not the club life that Sen Xia wants!

Community is not the kind of hot-blooded struggle, the kind of hard fighting?!

The kind of club calling "coach, I want to play basketball" is what senxia wants to experience!warm blood! Burning! battle! match!

A good season for youth!

This is the club Sonia wants.

Therefore, the first club Sen Xia chose was the boxing club.

When it comes to blood, many people think of basketball and football, as well as baseball.

However, as a senior lover of the second dimension, Mori also appreciates works like "tomorrow's Zhang" and "the first magic fist".

And these two works are "masterpieces" in many people's eyes. Naturally, they tell the story of boxing.

“…… Is this the boxing club? "

"Yes, yes, we are very good at Taijiquan. Come on, join us!"

In Dongda boxing club, what senxia saw were five skinny monkeys.

Oh, there is another one sitting over there, about 300 kg of fat paper Probably also a member?

He said hello to moriha from a distance, but he didn't stand up.

Also, this type of body standing sit, it must be very hard.

Senxia doesn't discriminate against fat people, but in a society with the theme of "Sports", there are still such talents who can't walk. It's really unimaginable for senxia.

How to say, senxia always felt that he could jump the honey of Dongda boxing club with one hand.

"Tai Chi? Is it the Taiji of a big eastern country Erika is interested.

When Sen Xia was ready to join the club, she followed along.

When he heard the question of lilixiang, the little monkey immediately brightened up, then nodded fiercely and said, "yes, yes, join us! Taiji is the so-called Yin and Yang. You are also a couple. Let's join us

“…… Lovers and so on... "

When she heard that the boxing club said "lovers" or something, she immediately turned red. Instead of denying it, she turned her head and looked at Sen Xia.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but it suddenly occurred to me that we still have classes later, and we're leaving --"

Senxia retreated very quickly, and without any doubt, he pulled up lilixiang and left the unreliable boxing club.

"He meows, boxing club is good at Taiji, dare to believe it?"

make complaints about summer.

"But I think it's interesting." She had a smile on her face.

"But I want to go to that kind of warm blooded club!" Mori sighs.

"But this is the case with the sports department of the University. In the competition of Nihong National University, I haven't seen any good results of the University. Senxia Jun, look open. " Erika told a cruel fact.

Yes, if we choose Dongda, we will accept it.

Because the community of Dongda is indeed a scum in this respect.

In terms of sports, it's not accurate.

"I know that too. So I chose the boxing club where boxing went to meat. But I never thought that the boxing club, which was supposed to be very hardline, turned out to be like this." He shook his head.


Erixiang takes a look at Mori Xia, who is still holding her hand.

Mori seems to have no idea what's wrong. She doesn't open her hand here. On the contrary, she seems to be very happy about it.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you should be such a boxing club. It's a good boxing club to practice his meow Taijiquan!"

Well, Taijiquan is also boxing, but how can it feel so strange

Mori finally went to the football club and basketball club to have a look.

And then

Then senxia died.

So senxia decided to find a more common club.

"A restaurant? Eh? No halberd? No lighting? What kind of restaurant is this? "

"Light music club? Ah, as a light voice society, you don't drink black tea? "

"Gongdao society? Don't mind. I'll see if there's any brownies from Sui Qun yuan Ah? What is the brownie of Sui Qun yuan? It's just the kind of just messengers passing by... "

"Women's wear? What kind of suspicious association are you! Ah? Is it a women's wear club? I'm a boy! What's better for a boy? Let's run

As a result, after visiting a group, Sen Xia did not find any favorite club.

Although everyone is trying to recruit new people on the road of Dongda, senxia just doesn't see what he is interested in.

This is a sad story.

"Ah, hulixiang, do you value any associations? Tell me for reference?"

But when Hsiao Mori paid attention to his face, she didn't look at her face.

Just now, two people were pulled by the women's wear club. The other party thought that senxia and hulixiang were engaged in a cross-talk. Then they warmly invited Sen Xia to join in, and hulixiang's face was black.There's no way. She's at peace. She's an absolutely flat chest. She's even two points higher than a man. She's been beaten by people. She's not silent yet. She's lucky.

"Ah - I'm sorry, I don't like any clubs either Ha ha... "

The expression of erixiang is distorted.

She probably realized that her expression was not very good at this time. She took a deep breath, then raised her head and said, "what's Sen Xiajun's opinion on what club she wants to go to? What's more, senxia Jun, aren't you very busy on weekdays? "

After all, as a light novel In other words, senxia, who is becoming a serious novelist (big mistake), has to write novels in addition to managing his own club. Does senxia have this time?

"No problem, there's still time."

I have advanced skills in rowing. It's OK to spare time to go to the club.

"Young boy, I see you are embarrassed. Are you confused about joining the club? Well, why don't you join our club? "

At this time, senxia heard a familiar voice.


He raised his head, and then looked to his left. There was a table. There was a white cloth on the table, but there was nothing on the white cloth.

Only a girl in the school uniform of "girl's life" is sitting here holding her chin.

Behind her, there is a huge poster of Sakura.

Maybe it's because the atmosphere is so weird that people around seem to be walking around here.

And Sen Xia saw this scene, but the corners of his mouth twitched.

"How many times have you said it, sister Qianjia!" Sen Xia raised her head, "I, Tianhai, senxia, even if I am dead, I must not join the present research institute!"

I'm kidding. Sen Xia joined the current research institute in high school for three years. Now that she has gone to university, does she have to continue to waste time in the current visual research? What an international joke!

For the Qianyu Qianjia sister in front of her eyes, Sen Xia really feels a little delicate.

In high school, Sen Xia was pulled into the current research institute by the other party Er, well, in fact, it was Sen Xia who ran into it himself. But what Sen Xia didn't expect was that after graduating and entering Dongda, Qianjia also established a current visual research institute!

But senxia was tired, and he didn't want to enter the present study.

"Are senior Qianjia recruiting new employees?" "He asked.

"Ah, yes, it was not easy for me to set up the present research institute. This is not a simple thing. But how can we say that there are some places that are really similar to each other... "

Well, we can't recruit any new members. This is really similar.

"So why do you think of setting up a research institute in universities?"

Although the animation "xianshiyan" describes the story of the University, it doesn't mean that I will join in the University!

"Senxia Jun, this is the key option to enter the" Qianjia route ". After joining, I will praise up for your good feeling Qian Jia looks at Sen Xia with a smile.

"The real world is not a GALGAME, where is the route?" Sanger reflects the beginning of the Tucao, "I am not modest, but join the current research institute or forget it, you should make complaints about your sister."

After that, senxia was ready to leave, but at this time, Qian Jia put a hand on Sen Xia's shoulder: "young, if you offend the minister, you want to run. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"


Qingyin society is a place to drink tea

Although it is very painful, but Dongda boxing club is really good at Tai Chi

In addition, the Dongda of the world line is not the same as that of the world line. Although it is roughly the same, there is no need to apply it in some places. After all, the world line is not the same.

In a word:

College articles, break in!

Today's two in one!

Here you are!

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