"This is the Department of the current visual Research Institute..."

Senxia was in the Middle East of the Ministry.

At this moment, senxia has followed Qianjia to the activity department, but to her surprise, there seems to be no one else in this place.

There was nothing in the empty room.

"Ah, because I seldom come here. Although I got this department by way of sponsorship, I want to move all the books here, and then I come back to do club activities every day. Is that really not so interesting?" Qian Jia's face is taken for granted.

"If other societies know you're doing this, they'll cry..."

Mori covered her face.

In many schools, the departments for community activities are in short supply. Generally speaking, some physical preparation rooms and chemical preparation rooms are usually open to students as clubs. Even in the University, it is a little troublesome for students to coordinate their departments.

I used to be OK when I was in kauno School Park. Although the "senior high school research program" was not reliable, at least they would go to read books and write things, which could be regarded as a community activity.

But now the situation here is a little more subtle.

It is obvious that the university has never carried out any activities, and there is no one in the Department.

"So from this year on, we are going to carry out activities. I plan to recruit about eight to ten students, male and female."


Hearing Qianjia's words, senxia was a little surprised.

Sister, this is a sudden change of sex, want to do normal things?

Lying trough, this is not scientific!

"Why do you look at me like that?" Qian Jia narrowed her eyes and looked at Sen Xia, "senxia Jun, every time you think about impolite things, your eyes will become very funny. You must be thinking about something impolite now?"

"Well," said Erika, waving her hand beside her, she began to play the game. "I think we'd better think about how to carry out the community activities. I also want to know how the seniors want to arrange this association."

"First of all, we should start by enriching the community offices." Qian Jia held out the index finger of his right hand, "so, the first activity of our association is to buy furniture!"

“…… What you said is reasonable! "

Sen Xia actually wanted to make complaints about what he bought furniture, but suddenly he found that the first thing he wanted to do after he came to this place... Actually, he is going to buy furniture!

The activity room of the whole association is empty. The whole room is just like the vacant room after decoration. Besides the air conditioning on the wall and the jack on the wall, there is really nothing left.

"So let's go now." Qian Jia said, then let Sen Xia they come out, and then closed the door.

"Where are we going?" Erika asked.

"Why not? Akihabara, of course Qianjia smiles, "the first thing we want to buy is electrical appliances. Now visual research is the "Modern Visual Art Research Association". Since it is a visual art, it's true that games and animations are indispensable. We need both TV sets and game machines, and then we need the Internet. Well, by the way, computers also need some. "

Qianjia said and then pondered. She was obviously thinking about what should be purchased.

"Tables, chairs, cabinets, bookshelves, in terms of necessity, are these the most important?" Senxia thinks these things are the most important.

What's more, although this activity is a little smaller than that room in Kano School Park, it also has a space of nearly 100 square meters. If there are only some electrical appliances, it can't fill the room at all.

Is it difficult to set up a computer for everyone, and then we sit in rows and eat fruits?


Senxia suddenly had a sense of vision in the computer room of a big oriental country in this era.

Lying trough, as expected, still need to let the department inside have a little popularity!

"Well, in that case By the way, we need a round table! " Qian Jia's eyes suddenly brightened, "yes, it's the round table!"

"Round table? Round table The knights? " When she heard Qian Jia say "round table", she suddenly thought of "Knights of round table".

"Well, it's not bad, so the activity Department of the research institute is Carmelo?" Qian Jia muttered.

"Why did you suddenly bring up King Arthur?"

We don't have a blonde sister here, King Arthur. What a round table!

"Because I'm going to put a big table here. You see, this way."

Qianjia didn't mind the trouble, she opened the door again, and then rowed.

"Is it an oval table?"

Senxia, this is going to lift the table.

Is the conference table? What round table are you talking about!

"It's necessary." Qianjia said seriously, "since it's a community activity, it's obviously the best for us to sit together and discuss. We can put the TV set here, and there are some spare places here Well, that's itAfter Qian Jia finished, she pulled senxia and hulixiang again, then closed the door, left here and headed for qiuyeyuan

However, they did not know that, just after they left, a girl came to the Department, and she still had a club's roster in her hand.

This girl is the girl who was paying attention to Mori when she was in the classroom.

However, after seeing that the door of the Department has been locked, the girl tilted her head and left here

On the other side, senxia, Qianjia and hulixiang have returned to qiuyeyuan again.

However, Sen Xia didn't go to the club to work, nor to the white bear cafe for tea, but to choose electrical appliances.

Akihabara in this era is not the holy land of imperial residence in the future. Another major function of this place, or the original function of Akihabara, is as an electrical street.

"We must use Sony's TV, we must buy one for each game console, and three copies for all games. Well, by the way, the handheld also needs... " Qian Jia closed her eyes and seemed to be seriously thinking about what should be needed next.

"Senxia Jun, do we want to buy a big fish tank? If we can raise fish, it will be very interesting." Suddenly, he suggested.

"But in that case, the budget is not enough? What's more, according to the idea of Qianjia, is there really no problem? "

"What are you afraid of? I used my own money. Even if I let a jade algae God be placed in the Department, there would be no problem! "

Qian Jia said calmly.

"Tut, the face of the local tyrant."

As the same local tyrant, senxia scolded himself.

"So there won't be any problem with a fish tank. Mm-hmm, I get it!" Hulixiang is really going to buy a fish tank!

"Well, since there are fish tanks, why don't we buy some more interesting things? There are some vacancies over there - how about buying two arcades there?" Qian Jia suddenly proposed.

"Forget about the arcade," senxia quickly stopped. "Just be a little normal!"

My college club career is probably in vain. In order to avoid the university club activities becoming more difficult to accept, Sen Xia is trying to stop Qian Jia from doing his best.

"Yes, the arcade is loud. In the future, we'd better organize members to come to the arcade hall for activities. Maybe we can have some interesting things..."

"How about the projector?" "Since it's a community activity, there are a lot of people. Of course, the atmosphere of projector is better than that of TV, and we can watch movies together."

"Well, that's a good idea!"

Qianjia accepted Sen Xia's proposal.

"I don't think we need to buy too much equipment." Senxia said, "now it's better to see what's right first?"

"Well, in the case of electrical appliances, that's about it." Qian Jia also nodded, "but even if you buy these, it's still not enough."

Just saying, Qianjia has already brought Sen Xia to a shop.

But this is not an electronics store, it's

"Ah, do it yourself?"

"Yes, yes, since it is the study of modern visual art, it must be done by hand! So what we need most at this time is to do it by hand! Do more! Countless hands-on! We want everyone to feel the warmth surrounded by the second dimension as soon as they enter our department! So - it's necessary to do it by hand! "

“…… You're right. " Senxia almost didn't hold out a word.

This kind of thing, is not the local tyrant, really can not do it.

What to do by hand is usually synonymous with burning money.

It's OK to have a room at home, but in the Department of the school, senxia suddenly feels a little shame.

But Qianjia seems to have made up her mind.

"This, this, this None of these, all the rest. " Then, Qianjia directly charged a whole display cabinet with krypton gold.

The poor shop assistant didn't seem to understand the meaning of Qianjia. After Qianjia finished, she was still in a confused look.

Fortunately, the store manager was quick witted. After hearing Qianjia's local tyrant's speech, the other party was stunned for a second, and then ran to him: "Hi! This guest

The other party looks at Qian Jia's eyes, which is more intimate than seeing his mother

"It's OK to have one or two displays, but is it really necessary to do so much?" Senxia's face is already confused.

"It's all necessary." Qian Jia smiles, "Sen Xia yo, let me teach you some life experience. It is also a very important part to show the financial resources of the association in University associations."


Lying trough, good reason!

Although Qianjia has always been very unreliable, but senxia suddenly found that Qianjia's words are really reasonable!"We have just established our research institute, so it is impossible to compare with other organizations in terms of popularity. In addition, the number of students who are interested in the pure secondary culture is also a small number. In this minority, many people may choose to hide their identity. If the current research institute is a very obscene and do not know the so-called community, they may not easily expose themselves. But if we are a community with abundant financial resources and style, the resistance of these people will be reduced a lot. "


"Senxia, why do you look at me like this?" Qianjia noticed the unbelievable expression on senxia's face.

"I was shocked," senxia really sighed, "I never thought that you could say such an insightful thing so seriously, sister Xue! Cough I'm sorry, but I just think you might choose some unconventional means to join the club or something? "

It's like in high school, the reason why the current visual research institute didn't dissolve was because Qianjia got many ghost members in, and all kinds of means came out in endlessly. Although Lihua, the student president at that time, tried every means to make Qianjia submit, she fell into Qianjia's hands every time.

"For a non national like me, it is quite normal to understand such human psychology." Qianjia is nothing, "and this scheme is also the inspiration I got from the painting of incense."

"Oh, me?" Hulixiang was a little surprised, apparently did not expect Qianjia to mention himself at this time.

Qian Jia nodded and then said, "yes, you have many handmade and models on the display wall of white bear cafe. I noticed that the guests also appreciate that."

In fact, it was senxia's idea

"Here is your card." At this time, the owner came back, he respectfully returned Qianjia's black credit card, and then asked, "excuse me, how do you want to take these things away? We can provide vehicles to escort you home."

"Oh, oh, that's great. Do you know that?"

Qianjia said the address, and then the shopkeeper went to prepare the goods.

With such a large sales volume, the shopkeeper also threw away his own integrity and looked like a dogleg.

"Money makes a man a dog." Senxia looked at the owner who had gone away and sighed.

"Oh, that's a good line. It can be used as a fine line." Qian Jia chuckles.

"Well," senxia shrugged, "shall we go and buy electrical appliances after that?"

"Don't worry. Let's go to the bookstore next door to have a look. At least some good works will be prepared." Qian Jia said, "senxia Jun, your works are definitely needed, and then the famous comic books are also needed, especially the kind - yes, the" forced style "you said, such as JOJO Well, by the way, DVD is also needed... "

"Maybe we can provide a maid to the present research institute?" As the manager and owner of the maid's coffee shop, hulixiang suddenly had a subtle brain hole


Mario's new work, suddenly want to play Tut, as senior Ren Hei, we must keep the bottom line! baseline!

Nintendo is black for life! You can't leave your integrity here!

Two in one!


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