The girl with flaxen hair was surprised when she stepped into the Department of modern visual research.

She looked curiously at the hands on the ground.

"Sit down, please."

Senxia arranged the chair for the time being, and then let the girl sit down.

The girl nodded to the senxia, and then sat on the chair cleverly.

I don't know if it's senxia's illusion. He always feels that this girl seems to be paying attention to herself all the time. Although the other party was attracted by the operation in front of her for a time, her eyes still focused on Sen Xia's body,

and senxia's looking at her at this time also gave birth to a sense of both sight.

I always feel I've seen it somewhere!

I always feel that I have seen this girl somewhere.

However, it seems that Mori can't remember exactly where it was.

"Ah, by the way, I haven't introduced it yet. My name is Tian Hai Sen Xia. Senior Qian Jia has something to do now, but he will come back later."

After hearing senxia's words, the girl's face seemed to show some doubts.

"Oh, by the way, what do you want? Is green tea OK? " Senxia stood up at this time.

Girl lenglengleng looked at Sen Xia.

"There is no drink here. I'm sorry. Just a moment, please." After senxia finished, she left the room and went outside.

In Nihong, serving tea to guests is one of the basic politeness, which is similar to that of a big eastern country.

There is nothing in senxia's room, so there is no way to make tea or land tax.

However, there is an automatic vending machine not far from the door. Senxia used to buy two bottles of green tea and then returned to the room.

"Here you are."

She handed the green tea to each other.

The girl took the green tea and nodded to mori.

Then she took out a small notebook of her own, wrote something on it, and handed it to senxia.

Senxia was a little strange, but he still took the other party's notebook.

"Thank you, senxia Jun. you remember my favorite green tea."

There's a sentence on it.

Then senxia Leng.


Wait a minute.

I always feel like something is wrong.

After the other party came in, senxia felt something wrong.

A sense of disobedience

Yes, it's a sense of disobedience!

What's more, I seemed to think subconsciously that this girl would like green tea?

Why is this?

Wait a minute.

On paper?

"You can't talk?" Senxia asked.

The girl nodded.

"I Know you? "

The girl nodded.

"Do you know Qianjia

The girl shook her head.

“…… Are you here to join us? "

The other side did not answer immediately, but tilted his head, as if in deliberation.

On the other hand, senxia was stunned.

It seems that It seems that A mistake?

In front of her, it seems that this girl is not the "friend" she knows, but someone who knows her?

What What What on earth is

The girl in front of me should know

"Ah! Yes

Senxia remembered!

After hearing that, the girl over there was also a light in front of her eyes, and then she looked at Sen Xia.

"My classmate! I remember, I did see you when I entered the class

Hearing senxia's words, the girl's eyes showed some lost expression.

However, she could not deny that she shook her head: "no, we know It should be before that. If we really know each other. "

Moriha doesn't feel right.

Although I just thought that the other party is a person they know, it seems that they are not just an ordinary relationship between students and classmates.

I always feel that there is something else in this

It was before that.

Careful readers may have guessed the identity of the girl, but as one of the parties, Tian Haisen Xia, at this time, fell into thinking.

Because senxia is a guy who can't ignore the girl's request, so don't look at him like this. But in fact, before the story begins, he has already known a lot of girls.

So, who is it?

Senxia was lost in thought.

"Ah, ah, it is true that there is ah, now the visual research!"At this moment, a man's voice came from the door.

Looking for a look, Sen Xia found a yellow hair is holding the club list there.

"Filial piety?" Senxia was shocked.

Yes, that person is Tong Gu Xiao.

What the hell is this?

"Why are you here?"

Senxia looks sorry to the girl, and then stands up.

The girl didn't do anything, she just looked at this side of the senxia went to the door.

"How did you come to Dongda?"

"Oh, senxia, I haven't seen you for a while."

The Yellow haired fool who failed to dye his hair was very cheerful.

"You're off campus, aren't you? Is it OK to be here?" Sen Xia looks at Tong Gu Xiao.

"Off campus personnel?" Tong Gu Xiao's eyes widened, "how can I be a member of the school?! I'm also a member of Dongda. "

“…… Clam? "

What the hell is this?!

When can Dongda even be a fool?

How unreliable is Ni Bang's education? How can such a fool be admitted to the highest university?

This is the pill!

Mori sighed.

"What's going on here?" Moriha obviously didn't believe it.

But three days after parting, I should look at you with a new look. Maybe Tonggu filial piety is like this?

After the last traffic accident, Tonggu Xiaoquan has lost a lot of weight, and his image has changed from the original "school bully" to the beautiful boy Well, if you don't count the yellow hair that failed to dye your hair.

Tongguxiao belongs to the type of hair style that destroys his life.

In short, daga is tongguxiao who offended the barber there when he was born.

Since even appearance can have such a big change, maybe when I was hit by a car, some of the brain circuits that were not connected were suddenly connected together, and then he suddenly realized that he had a high IQ?

Well, it's also possible!

Tonggu xiaoqiqiao six holes, and then a car accident, so that the rest of the hole also opened, this feeling seems to be quite reasonable.

"Because the father of meihui sauce thinks that if I can graduate from a famous school, I ask my father to arrange for me to come in!"

Sleeping trough, this is the back door! What's more, I still walk through the back door without any consciousness!

Senxia was shocked.

But Tong guxiao didn't notice Sen Xia's wonderful expression. At this time, he said with a smile: "I was still considering joining any club, but when I saw the" Modern Visual Art Research Association ", I was wondering whether it would be the same as the one in our Kanye School Park."

After all, the name of "Modern Visual Art Research Association" is not a general name such as "basketball club" or "football club", and the probability of repeating the name is very low.

Although Tong Gu Xiao is a fool, he seems not to have made any mistakes in this matter.

"But don't you like the kind of club that makes you more handsome?" Sen Xia Ji in high school, Tong Gu Xiao is this idea.

But after hearing senxia's words, tongguxiao's face showed some shy smile: "I hate it, senxia, people already have meihui sauce - wow!"

Tongguxiao has not said anything, because at this time, Mori almost subconsciously is a whirl kick, let tongguxiao fly directly.

"Sorry, tongguxiao, you just that smile is too disgusting, I can't help kicking."

Senxia said without expression.

"Wow, do you want to be so heartless, senxia?" Tonggu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "- eh, there is a girl inside? Who is she? Is it a member of the research institute? "

"This I don't know how to explain it to you, but she is not a member of us here, probably My acquaintance. " Moriha shrugged.

"Oh? Senxia, did you hook up with a girl again? " Tong Gu Xiao's face showed an envious look, "it's good, senxia, you can always be with lovely girls."

Tong Gu Xiao's eyes are a bit of vicissitudes.

"Don't you already have meihui sauce?"

Harada meihui is the younger sister of Harada, a classmate of Mori and tongguxiao high school. Although she looks like a lovely young girl, she is actually a girl with a strong taste of Shibuya. Although she has only seen each other several times, she has left a deep impression on mori.

"Ah, my Lord meihui is lovely, but my management is a little too strict." Tongguxiao's face showed a bitter expression, "every time I communicate with other girls, when meihui sauce sees it, it always makes meihui sauce angry. Then meihui sauce makes me kneel on the keyboard - ah, by the way, the most serious one, I was forced to put on a set of women's clothes and kneel on the keyboard!"Tongguxiao's experience, which is really sad, listening to tears!

After sighing over his sad past, hungry Tonggu filial piety went back to his body.

Sure enough, stupid people don't remember the overnight feud

Sonia thinks it's good.

It's just a little strange.

"Where's your mayonnaise?"

"Meihui sauce says she wants to be a bride - ah, here it is."

Tong guxiao took out a photo and handed it to Sen Xia.

"This is meihui sauce in the bride's practice. How about it, isn't it?"

"Er --" Sen Xia was defeated.

In the photo, there is a girl in black makeup. She looks like It's killing.

"Cough, I'm sorry, I seem to have brought the wrong picture..." Tong Gu Xiao touched himself for a while and found that he didn't find the photo of the other party.

"OK, OK. Are you going to join the current research institute?" Sen Xia put the topic back on track.

"Yes, yes," Tong Gu Xiao nodded, "will that girl in there join the present visual research? You used to know each other. Did you ask your classmates? "

"Just give me an application today." Sen Xia waved his hand, "you go to accompany your meihui sauce now."

"Ah?" Senxia finally sent the fool away.

But before seeing off each other, Sen Xia thought of Tonggu Xiao's words.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and then he approached the girl again.

"I'm sorry I'm late. It was my high school classmate. He thinks from a strange angle. "

Mori first thought of the girl and apologized.

The girl waved her head to show that she didn't mind.

"That, we used to be classmates?" Senxia asked again.

Hear Sen Xia so ask, the girl immediately is in front of a bright, then suddenly nod in there!

The other side looked at Sen Xia with strong eyes, as if to say "come on, just a little bit, you can know my name!"

"Well It's really difficult... " Sen Xia looked at the girl, "can't you just say it?"

When the girl heard senxia's words, she wrote in her little notebook again: "because I think senxia Jun's expression is very interesting ~"

well, the other party's appearance is obviously not intended to say so directly.

"Classmate Classmate Students... "

Moreover, there is no way to say

At this time, senxia also slightly felt something.

By the way, and that flaxen hair!

The girl stares at senxia, who also looks at each other.

Two people's eyes suddenly looked at each other.

"Yes Elementary school? " Senxia tried to ask.

The other party immediately nodded.

"I see!"

"I I remember! "

Senxia has already remembered at this time.

"Your name, I remember it."

"There is tenon and Alice in the sky."

There is habitat in the sky.

Senxia remembered.

Because the surname "Tianyin" is more often used in the first name, there are two pronunciations of "aenon". The former refers to recitation, and the latter refers to pronunciation.

Although Tianyin is a common name, it is very rare to use it in surname.

If you read the name "Youqi" directly, it is "Alice", and there are also "Youzhu" and so on. The pronunciation is this.

So, there are some special names in senxia's book.

Of course, it's not only that. The reason why senxia knows each other is because she has helped each other. It can even be said that when she is in the same class, the relationship between them is quite cordial.

However, the appearance of tianyinyouqi changed a little after growing up, so that Yu senxia didn't recognize it at all.

But now, Sonia knows her name.

When she heard senxia calling out her name, the girl No, Tianyin Youqi smiles at Mori Xia.

Ah, I remember.

Senxia at this time also toward the sky sound have habitat to show a smile.

"Really Well, it's gone. "


"I remember" is the classic line from the forbidden mantra. I think it's funny.

As a surname, Tianyin also exists, such as the famous Ni Bang action movie actor Tian Yinlin Cough

It is said that the first episode of Jingzi is very good. If you take another sip of Jingzi, I will be the best in the world!


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