? KX? 6? C1!? GN? 8145rm?? a4c}? 3. \R

and those who appear in front of Songtian Qingping are freshmen who have just entered this year. \However, Matsuda Qingping knows another identity of the other party. \R

"the order of Phoenix can sponsor your research. Do you also want to make progress in brain science?" Sen Xia looks at each other with a smile. \Matsuda Qingping also looked at mori, but his eyes, which always looked at the stacks of Fukuzawa Yuki, had betrayed his heart. \R

I can't help it. As a middle-aged man in his fifties, he always needs to earn some money to support his family, isn't he? Make complaints about \r

, but at this time, he really wanted to make complaints about what you didn't call Matsuda Ra, but he still didn't know how to Tucao. \R

"but I don't have much research on games..." \R

in spite of this, Matsuda Qingping had already conceived it in his mind at this time. \R

games can make people happy, games can be antidepressant, games can make people positive \R

anyway, as long as you can break, you can choose to give up the discipline! \R

"it doesn't matter, Professor Songping. You are studying the brain science of middle-aged and elderly people." \R

"Hi." Matsutama No, matsutama is a little stunned. \R

how to say this aspect? \R

do you want to sell games to the elderly? \But senxia said with a smile, "I remember you wrote an article about mahjong's health care and prevention of Alzheimer's disease?" \After hearing Mori's words, Matsuda Qingping understood that he really wanted to sell the game to the middle-aged and elderly people! \R

"Hi, yes." \R

is it to sell online mahjong? \R

"I think this research is very good." Senxia said with a smile, "why did Professor Matsuda want to do such a research?" \As soon as Matsuda's eyes lit up, he immediately knew what senxia wanted. \R

so he said at this time: "well, the reason why I do this research is because my mother likes playing mahjong very much. Then I found that among my mother and her card friends, the number of people with Alzheimer's symptoms is less than that of the general population. After my investigation, I found that all the middle-aged and elderly people who play cards are generally more likely to have Alzheimer's disease than others Other middle-aged and elderly people have been delayed or reduced. " \It's true that Matsuda Qingping has written such a paper, but what he is talking about now is "data survey" Well, buccal. \R

the neon gold is not all like this! \R

anyway, as long as no one finds out, this is the correct data! \R

What's more, it doesn't matter even if it's found out. I can say that it's sample error. Even if it's completely exposed, we just need to apologize sincerely. We will certainly forgive me! \R

"well, take a look at this survey." Mori did not respond to each other, but threw an investigation report to Matsuda Qingping. \Songtian took the report and looked at it. \Then he was stunned. \R

lying in the trough, this is actually It's real data! \Mr. Matsuda is a knowledgeable person. \R

although his data survey was false, he did not have professional knowledge at all. \R

so after reading this data survey report, he found that it was really a little bit like his previous papers Close. \R

"how does the professor feel?" Senxia asked with a smile. \R

"Gudong!" \After swallowing his mouth, Matsuda quickly nodded: "of course! sure! The data is perfect! " \R

with this data, the argument of my paper will be available, at least without falsification. \R

"I don't know if Professor Matsuda is interested in working for the order of the Phoenix - of course, we don't ask Professor Matsuda to give up your job. We just need you to give us some help. We will have this number for you at that time. What do you think?" \Mori handed a contract to Professor Matsuda. \R

Professor Matsuda's salary is written on the contract. \Then Professor Matsuda was stunned. \R

50 million yen! \R

50 million yen! \R

as you know, the average annual salary of a professor at Dongda is only about 12 million yuan, and the top one is 20 million yuan. However, Sen Xia offered himself five times his salary in one breath, and only provided the corresponding "consulting" business. This job is really good! \R

"I know that Professor Matsuda often appears as a consultant expert in some programs, so I think this amount of salary is also very good for you?" \rYes, Professor Matsuda often makes soft advertisements for some health products in order to subsidize his family. \The reason why Sen Xia attaches importance to the other party is that he often goes to such a "running field", so his exposure rate among the public is relatively high. \R

What's more, this product has another advantage, that is, it has a good image. \Although he is a middle-aged man, Professor Matsuda's image is very special. On the one hand, his hair has been gray for a long time, but on the other hand, his whole face is relatively young. \R

such an image gives people a feeling of "crane hair and childlike face". It is also easy to get involved in the middle-aged and elderly groups. \R

"as long as you sign your name here, we still have 50 million contract money. What are you waiting for? Think about your daughter, think about your wife - if you sign your name here, you can get 50 million immediately!" "What's more, we promise to package your image and provide you with a very good personal image consultant, so that you can meet people in the most beautiful manner all the time." \R

"hi Hi \Matsutada signed his name on it vaguely. \Senxia smiles, takes back the contract and claps her hands: "sister Yi Ji, you can come in." \R

"Hi." \After Matsuda Qingping signed the contract, she came in with a group of maids. \R

"Mr. Tianhai, is this \R

Matsuda Qingping is a little confused. \R

"this is my maid team. This is tianhaiji, the maid captain. She will be responsible for your image design." Senxia smiles, "you are now the president of the Elderly Health Association sponsored by the order of Phoenix. Of course, you should pay attention to your personal image." \R

"I, President?" Matsutada was stunned. \R

"well, don't worry. You just have to be a good professor at Dongda," Sen Xia chuckled. "That's your job, isn't it?" \R

just rely on your own fame? \R

"Hi! Hi \Songtian Qingping nodded quickly. \He also knows the weight. \Although Mori has paid himself five times his annual salary, Matsuda Qingping knows that the other side is still paying attention to the name of "Tokyo University". \R

would you like to change to Pacific pheasant university and see if you can get 500000 consultation fee? \R

"so image design is very important. Sister Yi Ji, try it first. " \Senxia waved her hand and asked Yi Ji to do an image design for Matsuda Qingping. \R

"Hi." \He nodded and came to Matsuda. \R

the awe inspiring maid made Matsuda Qingping in a trance. \This is a maid! \R

Real maid! \Although Matsuda is married, he is a Er A strict wife. \R

although outside, he is a professor of Dongda University, but at home, he does not enjoy the treatment that mud boom men should have. \Therefore, Matsuda Qingping often goes to the maid's coffee shop and enjoys the title of "Oh, xiujinsa". \"Mr. Matsuda, please stand up." Yi Ji said to Matsuda. \R

"Hi!" Matsuda Qingping quickly stood up. \After that, the group of maids began to take care of Matsuda's image. Within five minutes, Matsuda found that he had not enjoyed anything, and the maids had retreated. \R

"well As expected, she still has a good taste. " \Sister Yi Ji used to take care of her old man's image in Tianhai family. Sen Xia thought it was just right, so she asked her to come and have a try. Unexpectedly, the effect was really good. \R

he changed his grey suit, put on a white coat again, changed his hair style, adjusted his beard a little, and then painted a light make-up. At a glance, he knew that he was an elder with a long life, and appeared in front of senxia. \R

the effect is very good. \R

this image is just perfect! \R

"Professor Matsuda, would you like to see your own image first?" There is a floor mirror in the room. Mori let the other party have a look at himself first. \R

"this Is this me? " \After seeing himself in the mirror, Matsuda Qingping was also shocked. \R

the elder seems to be older than "Matsuda Qingping". However, if the two people are put together, no matter who they are, they will think that Matsuda Qingping is not as young as this "elder"? \R

"yes, from today on, you are going to be a friend of the middle-aged and the elderly. Of course, the necessary image is necessary!" \The words of Mori Xia make Matsuda feel very comfortable. \R

it's amazing that I have a professional image design! \r"By the way, Professor Matsuda, I think your paper needs to be improved." At this time, senxia took out another document. \R

seeing this document, Matsuda's heart almost jumped out. \R

"although your paper seems to be very good, there are some omissions in some data. This kind of thing is very bad, do you know it yourself?" \R

"Hi! Hi! Hi \It's true that Matsuda Qingping did a lot of papers after he became a professor of Dongda University, but those papers were just perfunctory and completed the work, and many data could not stand scrutiny at all. \After Mori took out this document, Matsuda Qingping knew that his underwear had been stripped off. \R

"you will be our image ambassador in the eyes of the middle-aged and elderly people in the future. How can such unqualified papers appear in your resume? I think you should revise these papers. In addition, you should write carefully for your future papers Senxia tells Matsuda to be Qingping. \R

"ah? Hi... " Matsuda Qingping is a bit muddled, but what others say is also reasonable. \R

"in addition, the tasks you receive in the future also need to be reviewed by us. These advertisements Impolite, these programs may be able to enhance your popularity, but if you encounter the kind of works that have no effect or false publicity, then the problem is big? " \R

"but this -" - R

"- no, but, Mr. Matsuda, you have signed a contract. From today on, the order of Phoenix is also obliged to maintain your image. The work that does not conform to your image is of course the best." \r

“——!!” \R

there are such contents in the contract?! \R

just now Matsuda Qingping was completely caught up in Mori's routine. He only saw 50 million yuan above, but he didn't pay attention to other things \R

"image management is very important. From today on, your image in the society, your personal image, and even the image of your family members are very important." \Is 50 million yen so easy to take? \R

kidding! \The only reason why capitalists offer you 50 million yen is that you can earn at least 500 million yen! \Mori used matsutada Qingping on her side. Of course, it was impossible for her to leave any flaws. \R

after all, Sen Xiake not only regards each other as a tool, but also as a useful prop that can be used all the time. \R

video games play people's thinking. It is certainly the best to have a professor of Dongda waving flags and shouting. \R

well, if you can, you'd better get another laboratory, which will be more authoritative. \R

of course, things like that in the laboratory are not accomplished overnight. It would be good to cultivate people like Matsuda Qingping for the time being. \R

when there is an opportunity in the future, it is good to demonstrate it slowly. \R

although the market for the middle-aged and the elderly is far away from senxia's gentry and house culture, it doesn't matter, because such actions can improve the market share. \R

it is a problem for the elders to oppose the younger generation to play games, but if the elders have their own game machines, their own positions will also be Cough, I'm sorry, it's not because of such a dark stomach. \R

if the elders can enjoy the game, they must be able to understand the younger generation! \R

well, it must be! \R

we should understand each other! \Mori signed the other side, and now his goal is for his Xbox. \R

but after that, it's certainly more than that. \R

can't you see? In the future, there are studies that show that first person action shooting games can also help players improve their eyesight! \R

the game is out of sight. In the future, people will tell us that playing games can relieve depression. \R

the game is out of sight, and some people are surprised to find that it's too cool to smoke Sorry, this is not. \R

"our cooperation will be all-round in the future. Mr. Matsuda, you must remember this point." Said senxia stood up. \R

"Hi!" \Matsuda Qingping walked to Mori's side to send Mori off, just like a dog leg. \"Image, image." Senxia admonished. \After a cough, he immediately changed his image and temperament. A 60 year old man with crane hair and childlike appearance appeared Although he is only 50 years old \R

"ooh, that's it." Senxia nodded. \r

…… \R

creative crash I want to bump my head \R

however, we have planned the plot before, which does not affect (force) \R

in a word, this is today's routine. \rThis is a sad story

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