At the beginning, Li Nai and Chao Yan both looked at Youqi here with some vigilant eyes.

But when they knew that Yuqi was a disabled person who could not speak, their original hostility disappeared. Instead, they looked at Youqi with some pity.

"It doesn't matter. Although I can't speak, I can feel the kindness of everyone."

It's written in a notebook.

"So we're going to buy clothes and things to lighthouse country." Senxia took the opportunity to say.

"Well, it must be a hard work for a girl who has no way to speak to go to a foreign country." Lynette took up the perched hand.

For reinai's exclamation, Youqi smiles and shakes his head, indicating that this is nothing to him.

"In that case, all the necessary props are indeed necessary Especially defensive props. " Zhaoyan is also thinking.

No, no, no, no, you're all wrong. Yuqi's combat effectiveness is very strong

But senxia knows that it's better not to say this at this time.

"Let's help Youqi choose clothes together."

Lynette said with a smile.

After hearing reinai's words, Youqi looks at senxia here. She also winks at senxia.

"What's the matter?"

Chaoyan noticed the expression of having a habitat.

"Senxia Jun and I made an agreement to help each other choose clothes. Originally, I wanted to test senxia Jun's eyesight a little bit. I didn't expect that he would find foreign aid. He was a little tricky."

In the end, Youqi also drew a smile expression, which is a smile expression of qicq in the software.

"Speaking of it, we are also choosing clothes." Chao Yan also laughed, "it's better to let Sen Xia Jun help us choose clothes together!"

"Ah?" When Li Nai heard Zhaoyan's words, she seemed to have no idea that she would say so. But Chaoyan smiles at him and says, "Lina, don't you want to choose a dress, too? Isn't it a good time to ask senxia Jun to help you? "

Hearing Zhaoyan's words, Li Nai also lowered his head: "that's what he said, but let senxia Jun help to choose what..."

Lynette murmured in a low voice, but her words were finally unable to speak.

Lynette is an ordinary girl. At least she thinks she is ordinary. So at this time, she feels a little tangled and troubled?

But senxia said at this time: "I think we can choose together. I am a boy after all. Even if I have a good eye, if I help you girls to choose clothes, they may not look good. Let's see - there are four people here, one of them chooses clothes, and the other three help with reference. Isn't that right? "

"Ah, ah, senxia Jun, it's so cunning!" Zhaoyan sighs and shakes his head, "today is obviously the test of senxia Jun, your present practice is completely against the rules."

"Er Have you been seen through? " Senxia scratched her head.

"Why don't we go to another place and sit down for afternoon tea?" Youqi wrote a new line on his notebook.

"Well, it's also true. Now everyone is tired." Mori looked at the time. It was exactly three o'clock in the afternoon. It was also the time for afternoon tea.

When we came to the coffee shop, we sat down together, and senxia felt more comfortable.

Since the golden week, the weather in Tokyo is getting hotter and hotter day by day. If it's in the mall, it's OK, but on the street, the temperature has indeed begun to rise.

It's nice to sit down and have a sip of cold orange juice.

After sitting down, Chaoyan began to talk with Youqi.

Although Youqi can't speak and can only write, the communication between the three people is not so slow. On the contrary, after sitting down, the words on Youqi's unloading notebook look more beautiful and vivid, which is comparable to that of calligraphy masters. Just looking at it, it also makes people feel like a kind of enjoyment.

"Most of what you write is Chinese characters." After a long time of thinking, she noticed that she used a lot of Chinese characters when she was writing.

"Well, unlike most hiragana and katakana, which rely on spelling and pronunciation to determine the meaning of each character, the meaning of every Chinese character is very accurate. In this way, it will not cause any trouble." Youqi wrote this.

"Well, is that so?" Lynette was curious.

"Hi, although it may be difficult for you to read Chinese characters, most of the time, you can understand the meaning of Chinese characters. On the contrary, if it is a pseudonym, you still need to spell it out to understand the meaning. When communicating, it is better to use Chinese characters."

If there was a habitat, Lynette seemed to understand."By the way, do you know sign language?" Lynette said, "that's great, isn't it?"

Hearing reinai's words, Youqi raised his hand and made a gesture.

Although I don't understand the specific meaning of "Habitat", reinai understood it.

As a result, Lynette was a little embarrassed.

"I see. Most of us don't know sign language here, so we have no way to communicate."

Although it's true that Youqi knows sign language, they don't speak sign language on the side of reinai and Chaoyan.

So at this time, Reina also understood that the reason why Youqi communicated with notes and notebooks was that other people could not understand sign language.

Senxia didn't speak at one side, he just watched quietly.

It would be great if they could get along well with each other.

After having tea in the afternoon, several girls are obviously closer to each other. Mori consciously reduces her sense of existence and gives them more time to get along with each other.

Senxia knows that girls with defects like Youqi want to be friends with others. It's not easy for them to make friends with them. It would be great if Youqi could make friends with Zhaoyan.

However, Sen Xia wants to lower her sense of existence, but the three girls here don't let Sen Xia get what she wants.

They haven't forgotten to let Sen Xia buy clothes.

As a result, senxia had to continue to choose clothes for several girls at this time.

Whether they want to be cute or courteous, they all want to have sex.

It is because they are very cute girls, so what they wear are very attractive, but if you want to wear some characteristics, it is not a very simple thing.

At the end of the day, senxia chose a white dress for Reina. The dress also had a certain white cap. With the short hair on her shoulders, it was a girl's unique vivacity.

For Chaoyan's clothes, Sen Xia chooses a blue shirt, and the bottom is a red skirt with a retro style. With the experience gained from Qianjia's elder sister, senxia is also equipped with a white wide brimmed hair band. Wearing this set of clothes together, Chaoyan's whole person even shows a kind of boudoir's style.

As for Youqi, Sen Xia chose a blue and white top with British campus style. In the middle was a red ribbon for embellishment. The same blue pleated skirt and white stockings were underneath. Wearing this set on Youqi's body, it had the same feeling of female students in high school and middle school. But Youqi was also a college student, so there was another one on her Different from that of female students.

It's not a simple thing to help three people choose these clothes. After choosing clothes, senxia almost lost his nerve.

After all, everyone's style is different, and there can't be too much difference between each other. It's not a simple thing.

You know, if the difficulty of choosing a suit for one person is 3, then for 3 people, the difficulty is the third power of 3, which is 27.

Simply, at the end of the day, everyone was very satisfied. Senxia was relieved.

But Sen Xia's own words, actually was one person to choose a suit of clothes, he himself took three sets of clothes

After choosing the clothes, the four people had a dinner together.

Originally, Sen Xia's reservation was to go home for dinner, but after the four people had chosen their clothes, it was too late. Everyone simply finished dinner and said goodbye to each other.

"Li Nai, Chao Yan, are you really not going to join the current research institute? I remember Qianjia also invited you? " When about to leave, Sen Xia asked Li Nai and Chao Yan again.

"Thanks for Sen Xiajun's invitation, but --" Li Nai and Chao Yan looked at each other, and then rinai summoned up courage to say, "but if I can, I also want to stand in front of Sen Xiajun one day. Now I have no spare time to participate in idol training and work in the white bear cafe."

Reinai now forms a combination with Ayana and Nanai. It has been tested before, and it is said that the effect is very good.

Lenai is also an idol of becoming a monk. She probably has a sense of crisis.

After all, becoming an idol is not a simple thing. Working in the white bear cafe is also for exercise and practice.

Reinai really did not have the time to participate in the activities of the current research institute.

"What about Chao Yan?" Senxia asked the next face.

"I joined the office, too." Chao Yan said, "in the office, in addition to Nanai and them, only Ono Daisuke is alone. Isn't this too pitiful? So now I'm also practicing. Before that, I might have become the agent of lenai. ""Well If it's Zhaoyan, I really feel more at ease. "

Senxia nodded.

Reliable faces are certainly more popular than outsiders.

As for the ability or something, senxia didn't care much.

Even though there are only four people in their office, it is no problem to take over the job even if it is still a versatile type of Ono Daisuke.

The leader of the secret silver force is so wayward.

After saying goodbye to them, senxia sent Youqi back together.

Youqi lives in Tokyo, and the place where she lives is not far away from mori.

However, according to Youqi's own side, her parents will go to work overseas next month, and she may be alone by then.

There is a very common Japanese style single family house, in front of which is a small garden, and the place to enter the house is in it.

"Would you like to come in and sit down?" Asked Youqi.

Senxia looked into the room and found that the light was on.

He shook his head: "it's so late that I won't disturb you. And we live so close to each other, and we all go to school together, so we can meet for a lot of time in the future. "

Youqi blinked, then took out his notebook and wrote, "will I be able to go to school with Sen Xiajun in the future? Just like before. "

"If you like it." Senxia said.

Hearing senxia's reply, Youqi seems more happy.

"Thank you very much today, senxiajun."

The other side wrote in his notebook.

"It's nothing. We're not friends. Well, it's time for me to leave."

Senxia's side is ready to leave.

However, at this time, Youqi took senxia's hand.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Her fingers are soft, delicate and comfortable, but she doesn't know why she is holding herself at this time.

Youqi put down senxia's hand, and then wrote on the paper: "conditions, senxia Jun promised."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot. "

At this time, senxia also remembered that he and Youqi had made an agreement when they were just at the same time. However, they met Li Nai and Chao Yan later, so they all forgot about it. Now, with the reminder of Youqi, he remembered.

"Well, Yuqi, what do you want me to do?"

Senxia asked.

"Close your eyes, please."

This sentence has already been some in the notebook, Youqi opened to this page, the words above appeared in front of Sen Xia.

"Well, all right."

Senxia closed her eyes gently.

And at this time, senxia suddenly felt something soft to feel close to him, and then gently touched his lips.

When Sen Xia opens her eyes in surprise, Youqi has come to her home.

She blushed, then waved to mori, and then shyly returned to the house.

At this time, senxia touched her lips.

There is a soft and sweet feeling


In fact, there are many routines in this chapter, 23333.

It is said that FGO's new script was written by the starry sky, and the script of the God of the stars was the first.

April witch's room, it's wonderful.

Another mouthful of new Yingling is really green.

Today's two in one ~

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