"We have this project? I don't know. "

A note from Qianjia really scared the senxia here.

"Of course, there is no such project. I lied deliberately to comfort Youqi."

"Oh? Is it true that you, a scum man, should cheat an ignorant girl in such a way? Good feeling - 10. "

Qianjia also specially marked the "good feeling-10" label.

Senxia at this time just remembered that he should be "pursuing" Qianjia.

"It's not like that! I think this project can have ah, although it is a white lie, but now I am ready to start to do it! "

Mori explained in a hurry.

"Well, I see. Sen Xiajun is really a great man. He even opened a project for girls. The degree of liking for living in heaven is + 10, and that for thousand feathers is - 10. "

What the hell!

See Qian Jia handed over the notebook, Sen Xia is really crying and laughing.

But Qianjia is so willful, senxia here is also helpless.

"Try to think about how strong this project is for the promotion of our image. Please think about it, sister! Can occupy the moral high ground, why not do it? " Senxia here is to move with emotion, to tell the truth.

"Well, you do have a point in saying that, so change it to" good feeling-9. "

Qian Jia facial expressionless will write a good content of the notebook to Sen Xia.

See the above text, Sen Xia mouth some hesitation.

"Not only that, such equipment is very simple, but also can be used as a production tool."

"Well, I've seen what you said before. Tell me more about it. What's the difference between this device and a laptop? Is it just a one handed typing system? "

Qianjia let Sen Xia talk about his own ideas and his specific.

Senxia nodded and then turned to see Youqi, indicating that he was talking with Qianjia.

Youqi nodded, and senxia here also began to write down his own ideas on the paper.

"Our device is not an intelligent device, it can't run games, and the required machine performance is not high, but these are not important."

Senxia rationalized her thinking, and then began to write:

"this kind of machine has only one function, that is typing. Of course, the previous practice of helping Youqi needs to add another reading function, but it's nothing. But I think it is feasible to simply type words as input devices and production tools

"This kind of equipment, because it does not need the relationship between performance and display effect, can be driven only by dry battery, and the time of one use can be very long. I think that more than 20 hours for battery life is completely enough. As a one handed device, such a machine can let us create the machine in the hand anytime and anywhere, as long as it is typing text. Of course, the function of one hand operation is mainly for people like Youqi. We can develop a typewriter version with a keyboard

"Such a machine can use a folding screen and a design similar to the IBM butterfly keyboard, and because it does not require too much functionality, the device is much lighter and more faceted than a laptop. If typing alone, it can even be convenient for journalists to use. "

Among journalists, there is a powerful machine.

The name of the machine is a stenographer, which can be used to type more than 10000 words in just an hour.

This kind of speed recorder is really very, very easy to use.

Part of Mori's ideas come from this.

"Of course, if such a machine has a small profit and a high sales volume, its profit is not high, but we can distribute it as a product to expand our influence. Isn't it great that authors use our products to create, and people who can't speak use our products as tools to speak? "

After a long period of writing, senxia finally returned the notebook to Qianjia.

He pinched his finger.

At first, she chatted with Youqi, but now she wrote so many words to Qianjia. She really felt that her fingers were sour.

And Qianjia is looking at the things written by Sen Xia at this time.

She seemed to be lost in thought.

But the more you see the back, the more brilliant Qianjia eyes.

Senxia's brain hole is very suitable for Qianjia's idea. After seeing what senxia wrote, Qianjia also felt very satisfied.

Then, senxia saw Qianjia also wrote a sentence on the notebook, and then handed the notebook to senxia.

Senxia took the notebook, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Well, it's very good, senxia. You can take one with you in the future. I can watch your writing any time."

After senxia described the prospect, Qianjia was really interested, and the first user that Qianjia thought of was senxia himself.At that time, Qianjia probably thought that Mori would use this device to create, so it was a flash in front of her eyes?

She was probably thinking that after senxia had this thing, she would be able to create anything anytime, anywhere?

But Qianjia took the notebook and wrote another sentence on it.

"The idea of this device is something like that?"

"It's not the same. The two devices are different. This typing machine needs lower performance, some do not need a good screen, but as an input device, the keyboard needs to be polished. In this respect, I think IBM has a high reference value. "

As for the keyboard on mobile devices, if IBM dares to say the second, no one dares to say that he is the first. Sen Xia is also the best to learn from IBM.

Qianjia felt that Sen Xia's statement was reasonable, and she also nodded.

"What about the contents of the machine?" Qian Jia asked again in the notebook.

Senxia did not immediately answer, but pinched his finger.

One thousand words at a time and one thousand words by hand at one breath are totally two concepts.

When typing, senxia can write a large string without breath. However, when she writes such a thousand words by hand, she feels that her hand has no strength.

"The machine itself does not have any content, this is a creative platform, extremely simplified design. If you need to add other features, I suggest developing multiple versions. As for the machine itself, my temporary idea is that this machine provides about 1MB to 2MB of storage space, so that users can store the content. If they care about the content, they can use the mode of mirror backup. That is to say, the RAID1 pattern is formed. "

The so-called RAID1 is to save a file as two copies through two identical storage devices. Even if one of the files is damaged, the other can be saved with a high probability.

A text of about 1MB to 2MB is only a few hundred thousand words. If it is used for creation, such a large size is certainly enough.

In fact, what senxia wanted to say at the beginning was that 256Kb of storage space was enough, but he thought that if it was a business trip or something, such a small amount of storage capacity might not be enough.

That's why he raised the capacity to MB.

However, this kind of thing is good, because it is in the specific beginning of product design things.

Capacity, connection to the computer, and so on.

Although it is later, senxia almost wants to do well at this time.

For the time being, this kind of device can only be connected to P through a wired device, but this is completely enough. The user writes 100000 words and then connects the machine to the computer, and the data above will be backed up and saved. This is just right.

In the future, when the machine capacity is large, you can also play the multi version file correction mode. Each file provides multiple versions. If a user thinks that this version is not good, then they can find the version they wrote yesterday.

After describing the idea, senxia handed the notebook to Qianjia again.

Qianjia picked up the notebook and looked at it carefully.

At this time, Youqi also handed over his own notes: "is Sen Xiajun talking about creation? I saw that Sen Xiajun wrote a lot of content. "

"Well, it's almost the project I told you about. Qianjia has just had some new ideas, and we are discussing them."

Senxia said this is also a response to the habitat here.

Having read Sen Xia's answer, Youqi wrote something again and handed it to Sen Xia.

"Come on

After this sentence, there is a lovely expression.

Mori Xia, who had already pointed sour fingers, felt as if he could write many more characters at this time!

He smiles at Youji.


However, at this time, Qian Jia clapped her hand on the keyboard of mori.

Qian Jia simply stood up at this time.

"Let's talk about it." Qian Jia said.

"But is this a plane?"

Is it really OK for you to stand here all the time?

Qianjia pointed to her side, and there was no one on the seat beside Qianjia.

Then Qianjia said to Youqi with a smile: "Youqi, I'll borrow senxia Jun for a while. Is that ok? Although you seem to be very busy before, I also have some business to ask Sen Xiajun. "

Youqi smiles and nods at Qianjia.

Qianjia plan pass.

At this time, Sen Xia also stood up and sat with Qian Jia on the empty seat beside her.

"Senxia, you have a good idea."

As soon as Sen Xia sat down, she heard Qian Jia's praise for herself."Only if you like it." Said senxia.

"I don't object to your doing so. On the contrary, I think it's very good." Qianjia continued, "single function, and then the ultimate lightness and continuous endurance, these aspects are very good. If writers have such equipment, then even if they go to collect wind, there is no excuse?"


"Because this thing can be taken with you, even if you go to collect wind, you can start to create in that place? It's better to say that if you can create on-site, the effect will be better sometimes? "

Qian Jia blinks at Sen Xia.

From Qianjia's eyes, Sen Xia can see that Qianjia Xuejie really looks like this!

"You You're right. "

Rowing king senxia said he could not refute it!

"Oh, that's fine. Well, the former favorability can be modified. Now it's not "minus nine points of favoritism," but "adding a little bit of favoritism." Qian Jia smiles and pats Sen Xia on the shoulder.

"Why just a little?"

"Because Sen Xia Jun, you are still a big radish with a big heart. If you want to increase your popularity, you should take out the spirit of your utmost and let me be moved!"

Qianjia's lovely tone is obviously fake. The feeling of reading is too obvious and can't be looked at directly.

"I wish I hadn't done anything strange?"

"No, no, no, if it's in the game, you don't do weird things for the heroine, so there's no way to improve your popularity?" Qian Jia retorted.

Well, what she said is quite reasonable. In the game, this role is probably the kind of passer-by, right?

It's really miserable.

"How well do I like it now?" Senxia asked again.

"No specific calculation, but on the whole, it should be negative."

“…… Huh

"Because senxia Jun, you've always been trying to impress others?" Qian Jia turned her head and looked at Sen Xia with her light. "The heroine of this route is me. If you are good with other girls in my route, my popularity will certainly drop. In the end, it will definitely be Chaidao. By the way, D society is ready to make the script of xuenai's wood knife into a game."

Xuenai wrote a script, that is, according to the script in the campus on that day inspired by Sen Xia.

Although it is different from the original version, this version of the wood knife is more fierce. When Mori saw it before, she also felt cool under her crotch.

But that was before. The script was hidden by senxia.

"Cough, is that ok?" Sen Xia was really flustered this time, "and I think we set up the current visual research institute together, and then make common progress in our career together. Now we have to go to lighthouse country. How can we say that our popularity has become higher?"

"Well, you have a point. Negative numbers are not so good." Qian Jia thought for a moment.

"That is to say"

"well, it's zero point popularity No, just now you've increased your popularity a little. Now we have a little bit of good will. "

Mori Xia: "it's just

"Well, if you push me, maybe you can increase my popularity by 100 points."


"It can also be negative 100 points."

"Don't play with me, sister!"

The atmosphere seems to be gradually active, and there is a habitat, then enviously looking at the two people chatting here


This kind of input device has been used in the white box, but there is no Chinese

The change of the extreme sun and moon is still very big. If there is no change, it must be that we didn't play it seriously. For example, the changes of various elements and the opening plot are not the same.

And the biggest change is that Lilly AI's feelings for the protagonist are less, and she has become a passer-by Passers by Passers by

Last thought

Sad two in one passing by

Meow meow meow

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