In the past two days, it has been very lively.

The name of "world E-sports competition" has become popular in the industry.

Zhou Ruize is an editor of Da Ruan.

After hearing the name of the world E-sports competition, he was really surprised.

"Can E-sports compete? Can e-sports, like other sports, be carried out as a competition

People from a big eastern country were really surprised by the news.

Zhou Ruize has been checking the news since he got the news - until the official website of WCG is officially opened.

After confirming the news, Zhou Ruize spread the news.

What is hidden in the heart is not only a simple "excitement" can be summarized.

In a big eastern country, gamers are a very delicate group, especially at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century.

In the eyes of many people, video games are cancer.

But according to Zhou Ruize, video games are no worse than other activities.

Besides, he has seen a lot of funny scenes.

Those who rub hemp, on the one hand denounce video games, on the other hand, they are happy to rub hemp with card friends every day.

While sighing at the "poison" of video games on the younger generation, they are addicted to chess and cards.

Zhou Ruize is very impressed by the family he lives in downstairs.

The hostess of the family plays mahjong in the chess and card room downstairs every day, regardless of her children.

When the child was bullied at school, she said, "don't disturb me.". But when she heard that the child had gone to the Internet bar, she would chase him with a feather duster.

When her child's grades dropped, she lamented that video games had poisoned her children, but she didn't realize that she didn't care about her children at all.

At this time, Zhou Ruize suddenly remembered his childhood.

When he was reading, TV was also a novelty. He liked watching TV at that time, but he had few opportunities to watch TV.

When you met Ruize in the middle school, he said that he didn't do well in TV

How did I get hurt by TV?

I can't even watch TV for two or three hours a week, and you watch three or four hours a day!

Now, if you think about it carefully, the two actually mean the same thing.

Parents lament that their children are not good at education, but it is not.

They are just making excuses for their laziness.

In Zhou Ruize's opinion, the reason why these parents push the factors that their children don't learn well to TV and games is actually their own irresponsibility.

Or the child before, he was bullied at school, his father was busy at home, and his mother kneaded every day. The child took video games as his spiritual sustenance. Isn't it very natural?

People are fragile, the feeling of loneliness can be suffocating.

As far as Zhou Ruize knows, the reason why the child went to the Internet bar was that he had no object to talk to.

In Zhou Ruize's opinion, if the child does not have the Internet, it is really easy to suffocate. Instead, the Internet has become the sustenance of each other.

"Xiao Zhou, come here for a moment."

Zhou Zhou is Zhou Ruize's internet nickname and his pen name.

"Oh, here it is!"

When he heard the chief editor calling himself, Zhou Ruize stopped his work.

"Xiaozhou, the world E-sports competition, you know?" Asked the editor in chief.

"Well, I'm looking at the information on the official website." He said so.

Although the term "Xiao Zhou Zhou" is a little spoof, I'm used to it by listening to it. Moreover, Zhou Ruize is a pretty and pretty person. Such a nickname sounds very interesting.

"In fact, we have contacted with the world E-sports competition."

"Over there?"

Hearing the chief editor's words, Zhou Ruize suddenly thought of something.

"Well, the organizers of the competition took the initiative to get in touch with us before the competition was announced," the editor in chief said, "but you may not know about this. It is also confidential, but we are all preparing for it. Now that the news is out, we've got to tell you. "

How could it have happened?!

"Chief editor, what's the matter?" Zhou Ruize quickly asked, "is it because..."

Zhou Ruize recalled that several major game manufacturers engaged in E-sports here are all from Nihong and lighthouse countries, and occasionally a few are from Europe. As for the game manufacturers of a big eastern country None of them.It's cruel, but that's what happened. They didn't get selected here.

The chief editor's statement here immediately made Zhou Ruize associate in his heart.

Yes, if it wasn't for such cooperation, would it be

Sure enough, the chief editor said, "as far as we are a big eastern country, our big soft has also been invited. After that, our big soft will help hold the competition there."

It's true!

Zhou Ruize marveled.

He's very excited now.

"I want you to be responsible for this." Said the chief editor.

"Give it to me!" Zhou Ruize immediately agreed.

After coming out of the chief editor's office, Zhou Ruize started to prepare.

The world E-sports competition, this matter up, Zhou Ruize is still very excited.

After hearing that he is in charge of this matter, even if the chief editor didn't call Ruize last week, Zhou Ruize would agree.

He began to write his own report on the WCG.

In his opinion, the world E-sports competition is a good opportunity to rectify the name of video games.

Video games can't be stigmatized!

In his opinion, there are too many things on the video games. These things should not be borne by them, which makes game lovers suffer.

But now it's an opportunity!

The emergence of the world E-sports competition also shows that playing video games can also win glory for the country!

"But I didn't expect that there was really something involved in the country..."

This competition was negotiated in the General Administration of sports of a big eastern country. From the official name, this thing actually makes sense.

How to say that.

In this world, money can really do what you want.

In the future, a big eastern country will loosen its mouth to the video game industry because of the tax revenue brought by this industry?

Behind all the bizarre things, there must be interest driven.

The truth is so simple.

Zhou Ruize doesn't know this, but as a game editor, from this perspective, Zhou Ruize thinks that this world E-sports competition is really an opportunity.

Gamers can also win glory for their country!

He wrote with such a mentality.

He wrote a large chapter of the article, that is to say about this world E-sports competition.

After writing the article, Zhou Ruize was ready to start the organization.

But before that, he thought about it, and then logged in to qicq.

He went into the software and went to a group.

This group is a game group organized by high-end players.

In this group, everyone is a technology stream. Some players are very well informed. In fact, a lot of foreign intelligence is from here.

It has to be said that qicq ahead of time has indeed changed a lot of things in this era.

At this time, the group is also talking about the game.

"Let me tell you, lighthouse country is crazy. These days, players are pulling teams everywhere, and all the teams in lighthouse country have been pulled out. The game is crazy with WCG. Before that, I also saw the local tyrant team. As long as he liked his teammates, he would send all heroes, all skin, sleeping troughs and big money! "

"Ni Bang is more interested in boxers and street bullies. These two games are also a bit evil, but other events are not so good. I think the hero track is the European and American war."

"You are too superficial. My brother is studying in baseball. The game of hero track is a strong one. Here, people play two games, one is StarCraft, the other is hero track. I feel there is still hope in Asia."

Yeah, great country!

These days, the people of a big east and east country don't hate stick country as much as later generations.

So when he heard the name of baseball, Zhou Ruize here also felt that if there was no one from a big eastern country who could qualify for the championship, it would be a glory for Asia.

"I'm already organizing a team." This is said by a user who only has the letter "P".

Mr. P!

Zhou Ruize immediately recognized that this person is a more senior gamer.

"Mr. P, do you want to organize a team, too?" Zhou Ruize curiously typed on the keyboard.

"Yes, but it didn't go well. As you all know, I went to the northeast to invite him. As a result, his parents are really hard to deal with. "


"Disagree?""What happened?"

The onlookers below are also asking.

"At the beginning, I told them it was an E-sports competition, and I was almost knocked out of my house by them." Mr. P is a little sorry.


"Yes, I remember the sea told me before that he was ready to set out for demons?"

"Well, I told them that the champion's bonus was $50000 per person, and then they let go." Mr. P expressed a sweating expression, "but they asked me to pay 10000 yuan for the hard work first. At any rate, the sea was raging and they said they would jump out of the building. However, I also gave 2000 yuan, which is a hard sea."

"Hard work..."

"My family is in the magic city, I also went to the team, the family is very supportive." The man's nickname is "Pi of war", and he is also one of the top ten players in the national costume of hero track. At first, his nickname was the God of war P, but it was slightly repeated with Mr. P. later, he added a lowercase I to his nickname, and then it became PI.

"In terms of the total prize of the Asian champion, I remember it was five thousand dollars." Zhou Ruize still remembers what he saw before.

"In fact, the bonus is not important, the honor is. We have to rectify the name of a big eastern country's E-sports." Mr. P is quite free and easy. "The boy in the sea also wants to do something. It's a pity that the family relationship has become like this."

The talent of the sea is very high, Zhou Ruize also knows.

Because different from other people, the sea row is a single row, and the number of players who can be compared with the sea in the hero track is absolutely very small.

One of the reasons why the sea is famous in the industry is that it is.

"But the sea used to be a single row, will it not adapt to the competition?" PI asked again, "I have played with him several times. His personal skill is very good, and the rhythm of his team is first-class, but there are still some defects in the cooperation."

"Well, I feel good. I played with him in a team. In the northeast of China, I went to the double row Internet bar with him. I found that the sea was able to cooperate with each other, but he probably seldom formed teams before, so he was a little rusty."

At this time, everyone began to discuss technical issues.

At present, the game of hero track is the most popular one in China.

"By the way, StarCraft, who do you think has more potential?" Zhou Ruize asked.

"In terms of StarCraft, the soil in China is not very good. I have seen the StarCraft competition in baton, and these people operate very well. Basically, the local area network plays its own role. This is difficult!" It's a netizen who is studying in Bangguo.

"Counterterrorism elites are said to be hot. Oh, by the way, did you hear that company V is talking with group A about the acquisition. Company V may be the brand of company a in the future. "

"Oh, I'm in lighthouse country. I've heard about it, but it's also said that it may be cooperation. It seems that the anti-terrorism elite is ready to get the support there, and then make a separate client with ladder mode

V club to be acquired?

Zhou Ruize's eyes brightened. He had never heard of the news.

But if it's cooperation, maybe it's possible?


It's not a game It's not a game

FGO actually introduced the ksulu myth system.

It's worthy of being a star boss. The idol who can be offered up by mushrooms is still very powerful. Kneel down directly

I've been whispering for a few days that I hope there will be a big news

The editor of Da Ruan, after careful consideration, decided that all the staff were elevated. After all, they were the predecessors. This is good.

Two in one meow ~

see if you can update it earlier tomorrow

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