White lily women's University.

Game department.

Tiao Yue Zhen Tong is meditating in the room.

The game club has two rooms.

The room where Zhentong is located is not very large. It is only less than 20 square meters.

There are desks, sofas, drinking fountains and other small things in the room.

There is a door on one side of the room that Wang went to another room.

On the desk of Zhentong, there is a computer. At this time, Zhentong is looking at the contents of the computer,


Two girls walked in at this time.

"Ah, Xiaoyao, Xiaolian!"

Chen Tong greets them.

The two people who enter the door are shenqiyao and Qihai love. Both of them are friends of Zhentong.

"Why did you set up a club all of a sudden? And it's a game club. It sounds like fun! "

Talking about shenqiyao, she looks very spiritual, the whole person looks very fresh, she combs a capable single horse tail, the horse tail on shenqiyao's head is also swinging with her when she comes towards the real pupil.

Seven sea love is not come together, she just smile, and then reserved walked over.

Seven sea love also has a single horse tail, but her horse tail is not in the back of the head, but combed into one side, and then put in front of the body. If he saw it, he would make complaints about the death style.

The hairstyle of "seven seas love" is often found by the wife character in the animation, and this role is also basically convenient in the story, so it was later ridiculed as "death hairstyle" or "flag hair style".

"In fact, this place was built by snow." "Really Tong shakes his head," I also did not want to be a minister, but snow is Lord ordered me, I also have no way. "

"Ah ah? Snow is an adult? " As soon as I hear the complaint of Zhentong, shenqiyao is surprised.

"Well," Zhentong nodded, "yes, it was originally built by xuenai, but xuenai asked me to be minister."

At that time, hearing the request of xuenai, the real pupil on this side asked xuenai to ask for another expert.

But xuenai said, she has decided.

Zhentong has no choice but to be a minister in person.

"Has xuenai joined the club Seven sea love curiously asked.

"Ah," Zhentong shrugged, "yes. Originally, I hoped that Lord xuenai could become Minister, but Lord xuenai said that if he became a minister, the video game club would become the focus of attention. At that time, it was not convenient for us to open activities, so we did not do so. "

Snow is the focus of the white lily women's University.

Baibaihe women's University is a closed management university, so everyone's things about the school itself are aunt gengzi's.

In this university, which is completely different from that of ordinary universities, we are more enthusiastic about the things around us, which means that if there is any change in xuenai's body, we can immediately know.

"It's OK to say if xuenai only joined the club, but if she really became the Minister of the video game club, you will receive hundreds of application forms now, Zhentong." Shenqiyao deeply believes in xuenai's treatment plan.

If you just join in, you can still solve this problem.

After all, xuenai is the president of the student union. As long as she is there, the news of joining the club on her side can be ignored by other people.

But if xuenai becomes a minister, there is no way to cover up his face.

"There's another room here?" Exclamation after playing, shenqiyao noticed the door inside the room.

"Ah, yes, that's where our video game club trains." Zhentong said, "Xiaoyao, you like shooting games very much. How about it? Do you want to join it?"

"I'm the main force of Kendo society. Zhentong, you are poaching. If they are instructed by the elders of Kendo society, they will be angry. " Shen Qiyao chuckled.

"It's not that you can only join one club. Besides, isn't xuenai also registered in Kendo Club?"

Xuenai not only joined the video game club, but also was not just the student president. Before that, she actually had a name in kendo society.

After all, she is the national champion. Although this kind of competition is not well known by the public, in kendo society, xuenai's reputation is indeed real.

"I'm the future Kendo champion. It's not good if you pull me over like this."

"Hi, hi, Miss champion of the future." "Really Tong shrugs," clearly Kendo so powerful, but the result is in the game but like shooting game shenqiyao students. "

"The game is not the same as the real world." Shen Qiyao chuckled and waved his hand. "Moreover, he likes Kendo and games. There is no problem. In the real world, no one uses a knife to chop people. "To be honest, shenqiyao is still very powerful in kendo society. She was a Kendo genius since she was a child.

After entering baibaibaihe women's University, shenqiyao's ability also made her enter the main force of the school's community at once - you know, she is only one year old!

However, in kendo competition, he was easily defeated by xuenai.

Since then, shenqiyao has evolved into xuenai's brain powder.

However, it's strange to say that it's obviously this kind of shenqiyao. When she plays games, she likes to play shooting games with guns, and her level is very excellent. She doesn't say the gun blows the head, but the hit rate seems to be very strong.

"Is this -- ah?"

Shenqiyao this time has been to the other door above, she just pushed the door into.

However, after opening the door, shenqiyao is stunned.

It turned out that this room was almost made into an entertainment hall like place.

Different from the previous room, this room is very spacious and huge, with more than 100 square meters.

After entering the door, shenqiyao saw and placed a dozen arcades.

Fighter king, street fighter, VR fighter

On the other hand, there are several home computers, including Sony's PS2 and the order of Phoenix's dc-p. beside the home computers, there are two cabinets full of game CDs.

In addition, there are more than a dozen PC computers on the other side, and there are many game CDs beside these computers.

After seeing this scene, Shen Qiyao is stunned at the door directly.

"What's the matter?" Seven sea love to see God qiaoyao's appearance, also leaned over the head.

Then seven sea love was shocked by the picture in front of her.

It's full of video games.

"What's going on here?"

Shenqiyao quickly asked.

"As you can see." Zhentong said, "here are all the props we use. These machines are used for training. Well, don't worry. The sound insulation inside is very good. You can't hear it outside. "

"No, no, no, that's not the problem. I mean, why did you get so many video games?"

That's unreasonable!

"It's snow. It's prepared by adults." True Tong said so, but seven sea love has noticed that when she said this sentence, her face seemed to have a numb expression. At this time of the year, you can continue to say, "most of these events on arcade games and other world competitions can be found."

In the competition, there are a lot of game categories, in addition to the formal competition, there are many competitions are performance events.

The so-called performance events fall into two categories.

One of them is that the game is really vivid, but it is not suitable for purely competitive games. Some of these games will be made into different rules to compete, and some will be used as special modes for everyone to enjoy.

For example, Plants vs. Zombies under the conditions of the fastest clearance, or survival game who can get the last goods and so on.

The other is that the game may have potential, but it can not enter the formal events for some reasons. These games are very famous, but compared with the current projects, it is not believed. Therefore, it can only be put on the top as a seed game as a performance competition. This kind of game may also join the formal competition group in the future, so it has great potential.

"It's all made by adults here. Not only that, she also connected those machines to the Internet."

So these computers and dc-p machines are now able to access the Internet.

"It's amazing..."

Shen Qiyao marvels at this.

But the true pupil did not speak, she stood up, then fell two people said: "go in and have a look?"

"Hi, hi!"

Shenqiyao got permission, and then immediately entered the "training room.".

And seven sea love came to the true pupil side: "Na Na, true Tong, do you have what didn't say?"

"No? No, no, nothing. "

Zhentong shakes her head.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhentong was as shocked as shenqiyao, but she found that it was not a thing for her to continue to be shocked.

At first, she was shocked to know that xuenai owned a shrine. Later, she was shocked by her brother. Later, she saw that xuenai had bought so many machines because of her disagreement.

Before going to carry the machine, Zhen Tong followed xuenai to her home, and then Zhentong couldn't speak any more.

By now, Zhen Tong finds that she has been used to it.

"But it's so fierce here. It's really brave of snow to be an adult."

Seven sea love praises the power of xuenai, which is not something ordinary people can do.Apart from other things, the dozens of arcades can be used as private machines in schools. This is something that no one else can do.

"It's OK." Zhentong shakes her head.

In the seven sea love exclamation time, the true pupil actually thought of the snow is before said to oneself, she seems to think here is not enough appearance.

"If I can't compare with the current research, I'll lose..." Something.

"Ah, Lala, there are guests coming. Are they students coming to visit? Do you want to join us? Is it a video game club

At this time, Zhen Tong heard the voice of xuenai.

Shenqiyao in the room had already started to play, but after hearing this sound, she immediately dropped the mouse in her hand and let her role be killed.

But shenqiyao has forgotten the game - because the snow is coming. In front of snow is the adult, hang up just, calculate chat what? Don't learn from good children.

"Ah, it's Qihai love and shenqiyao, Gui'an."

After seeing the appearance of two people, snow is to say hello to them.

"Your honor, your honor. "

these two people also greet xuenai with Zhentong.

White lily women's University is a kind of university with aristocratic temperament, and the aristocratic style here is far more than that of kuono School Park.

So in this kind of time, we are all in the elegant greeting.

"Don't call me president. Just call me xuenai. I'm a member of everyone." Snow is very kind.

"Hi...!" Shenqiyao quickly responded.

The seven seas love over there has some doubts: "will You know me, snow

Different from the other two, Qihai love and xuenai have less intersection. Qihai love doesn't remember where she got to know xuenai. So at this time, Qihai love was a little surprised that xuenai knew her name.

"Ah, I've seen the names of all the students in the school, so I remember your names."

Well, I analyzed the possibility of you threatening your brother

Well, you can't say that.

Xuenai still remembers that her grandfather once said that this place is for my brother, so there must be some students who exist for special purposes. They may not know, but there are arrangements here

"It's true that snow is the Lord!"

Seven sea love does not know snow is the heart to, but snow is said to remember all the names of students in the school thing or shocked her.

"Are you here to join the video game club?" Xue Nai asked curiously.

"In fact, we came to see Zhentong sang," said seven sea love. "Although I think video games are really interesting, if I play them myself, I'm not very confident."

"My favorite thing is to watch me play games." Shenqiyao added the following sentence.

"Oh? Did you know so much about games, Xiao Yao? " Xuenai didn't think of it. "I remember you are the main force of Kendo society?"

"Ah, in terms of games, I have a little bit of confidence in shooting games." Shen Qi Yao said with a smile.

"Oh?" Snow is interesting, looking at shenqiyao, she seems very curious.

"Well But I can't do with E-sports or something Shenqi Yao and embarrassed said.

"It doesn't matter. We don't have to compete. It's also good for us to get along and play well in the club," xuenai said with a smile. "Since it's such a coincidence, we might as well eat some cakes and have a good chat? Even if it's used as a tool to enhance feelings. "


In fact, I wanted to write about Clark before, but why did he become Ralph? Is there a mysterious power hiding Clark?

Personally, Clark really works better.

The gate works well in 98, but it doesn't work.

In addition, the story is only 2000 years old, and the routine has not yet taken shape.

By the way, boxer 98 has ol games in Daiwan

Two in one meow

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