In the theater, Sen Xia and Xue are looking at the pictures on the screen.

After being changed by Sen xia Mo, Yuan Zhikong has become Mr. Jinmin's masterpiece.

This feeling is totally different from the GALGAME of the other world.

In a burst of slow and melodious music, the screen gradually cut in.

This piece of music is Liszt's dream of love. With the unique melody, the picture gradually cuts in.

The beginning of the story is the story of the two brothers and sisters leaving the city and returning to their hometown in the countryside.

The story gives people a very comfortable feeling.

It's not intense, it's not fantasy, it's a kind of feeling.

The montage technique used by Mr. Jin min in the Millennium girl you, or the shooting methods in other works, are totally different. He made a unique style of the whole work according to the work "the sky of the edge".

On the screen, the whole work emphasizes the "bright" color, especially the green in the background, which is very good in the whole work.

After entering the countryside, the picture began to become more colorful.

This kind of background with xinhaicheng style is specially made, but the purpose of its existence is not simply to "show off skills", but to reflect the contrast between the environment and the character's heart.

Obviously, it is such a beautiful thing, but for the spring Yeyou and the spring sky, all these things are so suffocating.

The bright and beautiful scenery of the outside world is also a subtle and special existence for brother and sister.

For brother and sister, as long as they devote themselves to this beautiful thing, they can get good, but it also means betrayal to each other.

The temptation of the outside world and the suffering of the heart, two people with taboo feelings, will maintain themselves in this environment.

And master Jinmin's grasp of the role is also in place, a shot, or a few words, can reflect the connotation of the picture.

As a matter of fact, this film is also a challenge for Mr. Jin min.

Because the role of teacher Jin min is usually the role of "real department". In the "space of fate", everything gives people a very dreamy feeling.

Of course, Mr. Jin min did not connect Yuan Zhi Kong with Meng.

The style of Ni Bang's animation in the 1990s, except for a few works such as the new century evangelical warrior, the style of other works has been evolving to a more and more subtle level. The style of yuanzhikong is similar to that of the original version, but it is quite normal compared with the common style in the 1990s.

After all, the style of the future gets to the present, even if it's the cute dolphin style, sometimes it's very advanced.

In other words, it has advanced ideas.

In the 1990s, such a style of "Yuan Zhikong" is a unique style. What, you say, another world line of TV animation? No, senxia absolutely does not admit that it is the empty mouth tooth of the edge!

Mr. Jin min used the image of people, and then combined with this dreamlike background, created a stage with some dreams.

Because the story to be told on this stage is also a very rare story in the real world.

The ultimate dream of the three aspects, on the contrary, builds a balance. When the story begins to narrate, the story of the role relationship and background which is slightly "divorced from the masses" also begins to appear in front of us like "real things".

Through the dream to interpret the real, through the real to convey the feelings of spring wild brother and sister to all the audience.

This style, this feeling, so that all the audience, are immersed in a subtle atmosphere.

This is not the same as Mr. Jin min's previous ministry house, which uses a fantastic style to show the story, but the painting style itself takes the route of the real department, which is just the opposite of yuanzhikong.

In the follow-up of the story, the content of the story becomes more and more depressing. On the contrary, the whole picture becomes more and more beautiful. The extreme illusion presented by the extreme scenery and the extreme reality presented by the extreme virtual are really irresistible.

"After Mr. Jin min filmed the Millennium actress, maybe she could go further..."

Looking at the picture in front of her, Sen Xia can't help sighing.

"Are you talking about the works that Mr. Jin min will shoot later?" Xuenai asked.

"Ah, yes." Sen Xia said in a low voice, "but today min teacher can do this level, I did not expect it."

But if you look at the background and the painting style, it can be said that it is difficult to find the shadow of Mr. Jin min in the whole "sky of fate".

However, it is easy to understand the way the story is shot.

When shooting, Mr. Jin min is very good at using the technique of ellipsis. Sometimes some scenes of the scene are skipped. The story and blank space of this character are also very much in "the sky of fate". Combined with the feelings of brothers and sisters in the whole story, the feeling is so harmonious.Jump back, leave blank, then hint, close-up, plus the description of the character's fixed scene, that kind of modern style still exists.

The special is the strong experience of space in the story.

In the countryside scenery, many times the scenery, only the open background and the role, this is a kind of hint for the character's inner loneliness.

"What are you writing, brother?" Xuenai noticed that the pen on senxia's hand did not stop for a moment.

"Write reviews." "I've hired a lot of people, but I don't think it's a problem for me to write one or two articles," she said

Of course, if you want to contribute, you can only use the status of a vest.

I "brush" the film reviews for myself, which is what Sen Xia is doing here.

"Brother, do you write reviews for your movies? Isn't that a foul? " Xue Nai looks at Sen Xia in surprise.

"Famiton is also supported by Nintendo Senxia had no consciousness.

Famiton was originally the abbreviation of fami communication. This initial name was named after "fami" in the 1980s.

What, what is your fami?

Red and white machine!

This is a red and white machine!

There are a lot of people doing such things as bragging about themselves, and there is no lack of Sen Xia.

In fact, every family will have such "blowing" and "black" from their opponents.

In many of them, there will be a lot of magazines to play after the main characters' movies and games are launched. Of course, this can be regarded as a writing strategy. But if you think about it carefully, maybe behind those works, the protagonist and those magazines have engaged in dirty py transactions or something

Well, I can't think about it, I can't think of it like that. If I think so, the things I've seen in my last life have become very dirty

Senxia shook her head and continued to write on it.

And the snow next to her, however, pouts out her mouth at this time.

"Isn't my brother here to accompany me to the cinema?" Xuenai's toes gently touch Sen Xia's trouser legs. She is wearing sandals at this time. Xuenai pinches senxia's trouser legs with her big toe and swings.

"Well, it doesn't matter. We have a long time, but inspiration or something is fleeting." Mori sighed.

"Am I not as important as a movie as cricket?"

It is xuenai who invited Sen Xia to come to see the film. However, after she found that she was completely immersed in the film world, xuenai felt some regret.

Mingming brother should be mine, but he was taken away by the film.

That's how it feels.

"Of course not." Senxia said, "and the work" the sky of the edge "is created by me for the sake of snow. I am also very moved that Mr. Jinmin can narrate the whole story in this way. What I want to show in my heart has been reflected with 120% degree by Mr. Jin min

"Ah..."? Oh

Snow is sunk.

"For, for, for me?" Xue Nai asked, blushing.


No, I just said it casually. As a result, snow seems to be taking it seriously

Senxia found that she accidentally made a slip of the tongue.

Well, it can't be regarded as a slip of tongue, because the spring sky in this version of senxia does refer to xuenai's side, and in the dubbing, it's also on senxia and xuenai.

If you think about it now, you and Xue seem to have the potential to be excellent singers No, no, it's not this!

"Even if we put aside love, the emotion between the dome and you is very wonderful. The fetters, connections and feelings between them are very similar to ours." That's what senxia said.

"Yes, is it..."

Snow is blushing to turn her head, and then pretend to look at the movie screen.

And senxia was relieved.

"That's great. Lord xuenai and Lord senxia seem to be developing very well, because the space of fate is to tell the story between brothers and sisters, so the fetters between them are also deepened?"

On the other side that Sen Xia and Xue are not able to see, they are tracking the trio. At this time, they are also looking at these two people.

Seven sea love after seeing the development between the two people, they found that the relationship between the brother and sister seems to be very good.

She turned her head and looked at the real pupil: "well, in this case, you don't have any regrets?"


However, the face of Zhen Tong shows a reluctant expression.

The seven seas love over here looks muddled.

"True, true pupil?" Seven sea love some strange, "are you ok?"

"Well Nothing. "

It's just a little difficult to accept emotionally.It's clear from the beginning that snow is an adult's favorite is his elder brother.

But why? Now I really feel What a fire!

At this time, I should wish that the brother and sister can always maintain this good relationship, but now Zhentong wants to destroy the whole relationship

Ah, ah, ah, what am I thinking!

Zhen Tong is very angry about the relationship between the two people and her own ideas.

"Xiaoyao, is Zhentong OK?" Seven sea loves to see the true pupil's appearance some is not right, then then turned head to see to this side's God Qi remote.

But seven sea love found that the other side seems No response?


After pushing Xiaoyao several times, the other side seems to have reacted, but he still doesn't return.

Xiao Yao's eyes are completely focused on the screen.

“…… No, it's OK. "

In this case, Xiaoyao has no way to negotiate, so the seven seas love decisively chose to give up.

Then, seven sea love and look to the real pupil side.

Zhen Tong didn't know what she was thinking at this time, and her face showed an unpredictable expression.

One is sad, another is rapture.

I don't know what strange things she's thinking.

"Then again, this" the sky of fate "tells the story between a pair of brothers and sisters, and Lord xuenai and Lord senxia are also brothers and sisters. Is this some kind of hint Real Tong murmured.

"Well, I think it's just using myself and the people around me to draw materials." Seven sea love feel real pupil seems to be more and more fierce, so quickly let her back on track.

"Well, I understand that, but I just don't think it's that simple." Zhentong still thinks that the situation is not so simple. "You see, the brothers and sisters in the movie are so far away from us, but they are so real. This feeling is definitely not what ordinary people can do? It must be the author who has the corresponding experience to write it. "

Love of the seven seas

Leng for a while hot seven sea love just asked: "did you see a movie?"

"Of course, I've been watching. The dome is a class one! Such a lovely sister, I also want to move home Zhen Tong does not grudge her love for the dome.

“…… But didn't you always watch the snow from the Lord's side? " Seven sea love some strange asked.


"Wait a minute. You're watching movies while you're watching?"

"Yes, it's the most basic skill as a tracker to be able to do it with one mind."

True pupil does not matter to say.

Ah ah ah?!

Seven sea love a face muddled.

Feelings from the beginning, has not been watching the film that person, only their own?

Because there is something wrong with Zhentong, Qihai love has been paying attention to this side. As a result, she did not pay much attention to what happened in the movie.

But now after hearing the words of Zhentong, she finds that Zhentong is also watching a movie?

Why are you so skilled! Why is this kind of thing with one mind and two purposes a basic skill!

Also, you just admitted to being a stalker! You admit it!

The heart of seven seas love is roaring Also, you just admitted to being a stalker! You admit it!

The heart of seven seas love is roaring Also, you just admitted to being a stalker! You admit it!

The heart of seven seas love is roaring Also, you just admitted to being a stalker! You admit it!

The heart of seven seas love is roaring


Today's two in one.

The sad author Jun is still in the daze of praise

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