Why is brother ghost animal here?!

When she saw senxia, her heart broke down.

What the hell is this?!

Real Tong's face is full of unbelievable expressions.

Why is this so!

"Brother, why are you here?"

Run to the snow on the side of Sen Xia, this time is also a face of surprise.

"I worked here before. It was hard to find some time." Senxia said, "but I have to go to the present research institute to stay, so I can only stay here for three days."

Three days later, senxia will go back to lighthouse country to attend the sleeping in there, and then fly back to Nihong.

Although some feel why it is hard to come, but in order to make snow happy, it is necessary.

In order to make snow happy, a little hard work is nothing!


But the expression of the real pupil here is very delicate.

"Everybody, this is my brother. Oh, Tian Hai Sen Xia, I think everyone knows it." Xuenai introduced senxia to others.

After meeting his brother, xuenai introduced these people to Sen Xia: "brother, these are my classmates in white lily University. They are also members of my video game club and members of our white lily team. Oh, this diaoyue Zhentong, although pronounced Mato, is actually the two Chinese characters of" Zhentong ". It's strange to read them Yin bar ~ this is qihailian. Her name is very similar to the Chinese characters of "qilailian" in the game made by my brother. When I first saw her name, I misread it. I was really shocked. This is shenqiyao. Although she is a year old, she is actually the main force of Kendo society. I tried a lot to persuade her to join our club. Xiaoyao's swordsmanship is absolutely first-class. "

"Lord moriha." Real Tong smiles at Sen Xia.

"Hello, senxia It's true that Xue is an adult. Don't talk about that kind of embarrassing misunderstanding! " Seven sea love some blush.

"Mr. senxia, please give me more advice. In addition, snow is a great praise. My skill is less than one tenth of yours." Shenqiyao is modest, but xuenai's praise seems to make her very useful.

"Kuku Ku, I'm worthy of my blood. We finally meet again!" The second disease is Lily.

"Senior senxia!" His face was slightly red, and xiaotou was somewhat happy.

"Oh, Hello, everyone!" Senxia said to the others, "OK, I'll take you to the place where you live first! If we go now, we should be able to catch dinner. "

Senxia said, then called everyone together to open this side.


True pupil is silent, looking at Sen Xia holding snow is the hand to walk in front.

After walking for a long time, the seven arrived at the parking lot.

"This is RV Then Zhen Tong saw that they were going to the car.

A large RV.

"This is Sapporo. It's a little bit far from here to stay. I think if it's a RV, you'll have a good time on the road." Senxia turned her head and gave everyone a smile.

"Good, considerate!" Seven sea love small voice of praise.

"Yes, yes," Shen Qiyao was also surprised, "but it's the first time I've ever been in a RV or something!"

"It's just showing off wealth." The real pupil comes up.

"Well That's true... " Xiaoyao feels that Zhentong's words seem reasonable.

"KUKUKU, is this my concubine's mobile castle?" Dear Miss Lily, as always, is a secondary 2 student.

The door opens from the inside.

A girl in maid's clothes came down from inside and bowed to the crowd: "Hello, everyone. I'm the maid Xi Yan of Lord senxia. Please follow me to get on the bus from here."

Tut, as expected, he is a playboy and has a maid next to him! What's more, the maid's dress is so out of line!

After seeing the sunset, she noticed the figure of the other side.

Senxia's maid's dress is based on the maid's dress of the work horizon on the boundary line. It's really a kind of self-cultivation design on the outside.

This kind of dress is very difficult for ordinary people to wear, but the maid in front of her eyes clearly put on this tight dress with a kind of elegant feeling.

Worthy of being a playboy, this can really play

True pupil in the heart to Sen Xia again on a stroke.

We got on the RV together.

Although it's just a carriage, the interior of the RV is surprisingly spacious. There are TV sofas for rest and entertainment, capsule rooms for sleeping, and even a set of miniature kitchen facilities.

There are two rows of seats in the front of the saloon car. Although it is only two rows of seats, changing the front seats can quickly turn into a table.

"Don't mention it. You can have a rest. There are drinks and snacks in the fridge. If you are hungry, you can take them as you like." Senxia was very generous and said, "everyone came here early in the morning. It must be very hard. There is breakfast for everyone here. You can eat it when you take it to the dining table.""But how did you prepare the RV, brother? Even with the money at home, it's too luxurious... " Snow is some blame to look at Sen Xia.

"It's not me. It's the old man." Senxia also had a look of crying and laughing. "He heard that I came here, and he gave me the car and let me treat you all..."

Speaking of this matter, Sen Xia is also quite helpless.

"It's grandfather. My brother can't cope with it." Xuenai said with a smile on her face.

Seeing xuenai's smile, senxia over there also smiles.

But after two people, see two people show the true pupil of love, only feel that there is a fire burning in their own heart.

Ah, ah, this nameless fire, there is no way to fade from the heart!

But how angry!

"Zhentong, would you like something to eat?" Seven sea love is over there to check the breakfast Sen Xia prepared for you, and then found that real Tong has been standing here, seems to have no reaction for half a day.

True pupil toward seven sea love smile: "no, you go to eat, I am not hungry."

You're kidding!

Just looking at the brothers and sisters in front of me, I feel like I'm full of dog food!

Now I have no appetite for anything else!

How can you repair it!

Why is this so!

For the first time, I joined a favorite club and stayed with the most respected president for the first time. Obviously, it was such a happy thing. But why did I have a very unpleasant feeling burning in my heart?

Super uncomfortable ah ah ah!!!

No way!

I want to cheer up!

I can't be knocked down here!

True pupil brain began to recall the strategies left by the master and tutor.

Being angry in secret is the worst way to deal with it, because it will not only do no harm to the enemy, but also keep the people you are looking forward to away from you.

At this time, we should be magnanimous and calm.

Well, it would be a good tactic to make the enemy angry at himself in turn.

It's a pity that adults are still around each other now

Looking at these two people who are talking and laughing, the heart of the real pupil is full of reluctance, but she has no way.

"No, no, you should think about the good. At this time, brother ghost is here, so I There's still a chance! "

Yes, I can now take the opportunity to show myself in front of the ghost animal brother!

There are so many girls around this guy, which shows that he must be a playboy.

As long as he shows up in front of the other side, this guy may be hit

Real pupil sauce, plan pass!

At this time, Zhentong made a strategy immediately.

At this time, senxia also finished talking with xuenai, and senxia also went in the direction of the restaurant.

Is it a conversation? You've revealed yourself!

Then, Zhen Tong discovers that senxia I found Xiao tou.

Hello, Hello, Hello, so many girls, why do you suddenly find a boy to chat with!

"Oh, xiaotou, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing? "

"Hi, master, I'm very good. Now the visual research institute is also very good. Lilisang has recruited many one-year and two-year students. Now the operation of the current visual research institute is very good. Even if we all leave the current visual research institute, we will be able to manage the club well." Xiaotou said to senxia with a smile.

"Well, that's good." Sen Xia is very gratified, "now visual research can only please you, xiaotou."

After that, senxia also patted xiaotou on the shoulder.

By Sen Xia such a pat, small through the face revealed some subtle blush. He was a little flustered and said, "in fact, I haven't made any efforts. It's all due to Lilly sang."

"Lily..." Senxia shook her head. "You know this guy's second illness. It's good if you don't scare people away. She has no communication skills with normal people, so she can only rely on you. "

Tut, it's so normal.

What's more, that lovely boy over there. You are all boys. What kind of blush have you just made!

The real pupil has a lot of slots to vomit.

"I'm not a secondary disease! My concubine is the real ancestor of vampires Lily was still in the fridge for drinks just now, but she just heard what senxia said when she came over.

Then Lily rushed to senxia.

Zhentong is also very gloating: tell you to speak ill of others behind your back. Now you have been heard. This is to reduce the degree of favor!

If it's a game, now Mori must be in the state of "Lily's liking degree-10".

What, do you think Zhentong is fond of Sen Xia? Why don't you ask? "- 100" of course!There is no emotion between the enemy of love!

"Listen, I just don't want to communicate with ordinary people. Those human beings are not qualified to communicate with the great me!" Lily looked proud. "Why? Because my concubine is the legendary vampire, the vampire among the vampires, and the first and final vampire Lilith --"

"Hi, hi, Lillis Saint fenasiya esofstira Sophia Qihuang Lucifer. You are the best. You just don't want to communicate with others. So in this respect, please entrust xiaotou with full authority. " Senxia interrupted Lily and took the opportunity to touch Lily's head.

"Ah?" Lily didn't expect that senxia called out her "full name". As a result, she lost her voice at this time.

"Since it's the request of my blood, there's no way out..."

The real pupil next to him was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

And this kind of operation?!

Even remember that super long, super do not know the so-called second disease name, and then at this time quietly said it?

This This is an old driver!

Invisible strategy is the most lethal!

What's more, you are No. 2 Laurie, but what are you doing there! At this time, you should not compromise, and then grasp that guy to criticize it well?!

In front of the state, the real pupil said that he could not accept!

"Diaoyuesang, don't you come to dinner?" Everyone else has gone to dinner, but the real pupil has not.

Senxia noticed the real pupil here, so she came over.

True pupil squeezed out a little smile toward Sen Xia: "I'm sorry, but I'm not hungry now. I don't have any appetite."

"Yes." Senxia did not force, but went to turn on the TV, and then turned on the power supply of a dc-p host under the TV. He turned to Zhentong and said, "I'm sorry, there's no stable signal on the bus, so I can only play stand-alone games. As for TV, there's no way to watch it - ah, but if it's a movie, there are a lot of discs here."

Dc-p can not only play games, but also play DVD, so watching movies is not a problem.

"Thank you." The true pupil turns to think, now is not oneself performance time?

"Is there a game here?" she said

Sen Xia nodded: "ah, there are many, but there are no online games."

"Do you have a top flying car?" Chen Tong asked.

"Just a moment."

After Sen Xia finished, he found the CD of the best flying car and put it in.

After that, senxia also went to dinner, and Zhentong began to fly the best.

In the past few days, Zhentong not only did exercises, but also tried many other games. Now it's time to show her skills!

Yes, through this method, let xuenai realize the advantages of his side, and then take xuenai's eyes from the ghost animal brother on the opposite side!

This is one of Zhentong's plans!

In this way, let senxia have no way to communicate with xuenai, and he will get angry, and then his ugly behavior will be seen by xuenai

Plan pass!

Soon, true pupil entered the game.

She warmed up first,

soon, Zhentong entered the game.

She warmed up first,

Make up for the strange cat.

Me and your port Oh, great!

Although the painting style is very strange, but after adapting to the unexpected super praise!

Today's two in one ~

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