In the end, senxia decided to use xuenai's script temporarily if there was no problem.

"Well, in that case, we will use the script for the time being. The next question is how to make the script into a game. If we set it like this, the protagonist is very strong at the beginning. If so, we should also consider the game

In many sequels to the game, the main character is to be weakened at the beginning.

For example, let the protagonist be severely damaged because of something, and then forcibly "reset" the level.

Moreover, this kind of thing is not only in the game, but also in the animation.

The reason for this is that if the protagonist is too strong, it is not conducive to the development of the story.

And in the game, if the player's role in the beginning is strong enough to hang the sky, then the player in the game, I'm afraid it will be boring.

It's natural.

Sen Xia at this time to shape the protagonist's forced grid, then the next step should be similar methods to "weaken" the protagonist.

A leading character who is forced to explode is of course very powerful, but on the other hand, if the protagonist is too powerful, it will be like this at the beginning - there is no need to play.

So, the protagonist can be strong - in the prologue.

In the preface, it is often the teaching stage of the game. At this time, it is a good thing for the players to familiarize themselves with the control of the game with powerful characters.

But after all, the role has to be weakened.

"In this case, there are many ways." Xue Nai said, "the simplest way is to let the protagonist get hurt."

Injury, and then slowly heal, this is the most common method in the game.

"But how to make him hurt is better Well, it should be better to use the heroine Well, should we give the protagonist a name first? " Sen Xia felt that the direct leading role of the leading role called this, as if some strange.

"I think it would be better to call it" swordsman. " Snow, however, gave an unexpected answer.

"Oh? Swordsman? " Senxia felt something, but he still wanted to hear what snow was like.

Xuenai sorted out his thoughts and then said, "Hey, our protagonist is a swordsman. At the beginning, he did not really pursue anything of his own, because in the dark past, at this time, he has become such a person."

Senxia nodded. What xuenai said is very reasonable indeed.

He opened a new document, and then crackled down the contents of xuenai.

Today's content is very useful. Mori thinks it's better to record them all.

Otherwise, it's not worth the loss if you forget it later.

At this time, xuenai continued: "at this time, the protagonist is just a" machine "who abides by the rules. He is such a self-discipline robot. But in the process of his operation, there are some small bugs (errors), and this error is our heroine. "

Senxia nodded.

But xuenai then continued: "because of this, I think we just need to call him" swordsman. "

"In that case, I think it would be better to have his name at the end of the game." "If that's the case, we can hint that the swordsman has completed the transition from machine to human," senxia said

Senxia stopped for a moment, and he said, "maybe it's the transformation from man to immortal?"

Although the name "Xianjian Qixia" has this name, in the original story, the protagonist of the game has never really become an immortal.

As Chuang Tzu said of Kunpeng, immortals should be able to soar up to 90000 Li.

But in the original fairy sword script, there has never been a similar plot.

Immortals are not necessarily forgetful, they should return to their roots and illuminate their true selves.

"At the beginning, the swordsman is a machine and the holder of killing weapons. But in the process of transformation, he gradually returns to himself. He gradually improves his heart. He begins to emancipate. He begins to have his own subjective initiative. At this time, he not only becomes a person, but also, after he has a thorough understanding and gets great freedom, he becomes a man It should be a "fairy."

It is not to say that the body or strength of the immortal, but in the mood to achieve sublimation.

By this time, the swordsman's story should be over.

As for the latter part, it's probably that the swordsman and the little girl live together, and then after the girl grows up, the swordsman's day sword becomes thin

Well, what is the outcome? Senxia hasn't thought about it yet.

"What do you think of snow?" he continued"It's really a brother." Snow is a face worship looking at Sen Xia, "such a story, is really too interesting!"

"Well, snow, what do you think the end of the story will be better? Can you tell me the ending? Happy reunion

Senxia asked curiously.

"Well, it's a little subtle." Xuenai seems not very satisfied with the outcome of the two designs.

"It's very happy to have a happy reunion, but generally speaking, it's hard to make a deep impression on people. But if the ending of this story is too cruel, I feel heartache again... "

Xuenai seems to have gone deep into the story.

After thinking about the story for a while, xuenai thinks that although such a story can make people feel interesting, it is a cruel ending. As a creator, xuenai herself can't stand it.

"Although the protagonist in the campus is miserable, the role was designed to let him be cut by everyone. But in such a story, the swordsman is very heartbreaking."

Senxia nodded.

Yes, such a swordsman, growing up in suffering and darkness, if he finally has a dark ending, and then says that his heart has been sublimated Senxia felt she couldn't do it.

His wife died, and then he said that a thorough understanding of the world?

If it was senxia himself, he would probably say, "go, meow And then I'll just screw up the world.

To paraphrase the famous lines of Liu Pleiades, the leading role of China, that is, "even my beloved woman can't be saved, I still become a fart immortal!"

There is nothing to be desired in the plot of the forced death of the mistress. The immortal is for the sake of great freedom and carefree. If even the sister can't be saved I'm a fairy, and I'm so free?

"Well, in the end, let's let the swordsman make a mess of the world." Senxia said simply.

“…… What? "

Although xuenai is fluent in Chinese, senxia's line is the future Internet language. Xue Nai's face is muddled at this time.

"Well, it's to let the swordsman fight the villains directly in the end, for the sake of the girl, and then fight the decent after the fight."

After fighting the villains, fight the decent.

Of course, this "decency" is not the decency on the side of the protagonist, but the decency in the eyes of others.

"Let me see. In the final crisis, it should be to fight against the last villain, and then the heroine dies in order to save the swordsman, or is polluted Or, what do decent people do with their heroines... "

One of the works that Sen Xia can remember is "Legend of Heroes 4: Tears of vermilion", which is not the later reprint of win, but the original DOS version.

In the original version, the protagonist Elvin finally killed the two gods of darkness and light.

The plot is actually very interesting.

But the problem is, in the later version of the blood of vermilion, there is no such heroism at the end of the story.

This is also senxia's regret for the Pharaonic control So, when will the legend of heroes 7 be available? There are too many trajectories in hero legend 6!

It seems that the Pharaon didn't intend to do this on his side, but senxia planned to learn a little from this story.

After all, this kind of feeling for the sake of my sister is really very exciting.

This kind of plot is our pursuit!

Elvin killed okutom and then killed barudos Mm-hmm, that's it!

Senxia feels that this feeling is still very good.

"The villains need her as a key in order to unlock their seal. For the decent, the existence of the heroine is also a factor of instability. Even the existence of the heroine makes them feel threatened." Said senxia.

"Well I think we should design it like this. " Xuenai felt that Sen Xia's statement was not very appropriate, so she sorted out her ideas and then said, "in our story, what the decent does should be in line with human nature and common sense, but it is better that readers can't accept."

Hear snow is this sentence, Sen Xia stopped beating keyboard hands, he looked at snow is this side: "specific talk about?"

Snow is nodding: "decent behavior, we should be able to accept in reason, but at this time, their behavior, in the concept of players, should be unbearable."

"So It seems to be OK

Because we know that the heroine's sacrifice is necessary, we can only accept it in pain. But on the other hand, everyone can't accept this ending, which will be very difficult to bear emotionally.

At this time, release the player's emotion with one breath Well, that would be good."It's just because they can't accept it, so when the swordsman makes unexpected moves, they will be moved." Senxia's face also showed a smile.

Yes, that's what we need!

It's because of knowing that everyone can't accept it, and because it's necessary, it's moving when the swordsman makes such an action.

"However, if the protagonist, for the sake of the heroine, simply goes to hell or heaven, that would be too conventional..."

Sen Xia thinks that although this plot is interesting, it is easy to fall into the conventional pattern sometimes.

“…… Well, isn't it interesting? " Xue Nai thinks this plot is very good.

Sonia patted her head.

Well, it's good for xuenai to appreciate such a plot in front of the people of this era. After all, it's in the era of immature routines.

However, senxia was still unable to accept such a simple and crude operation.

"This kind of story can be traced back to the great disturbance in heaven many years ago! We want something more special! "

Well, fortunately, this kind of story has been used by predecessors. Now senxia finds an example to refute something, which is actually quite simple.

Hearing the words of senxia, the snow here also nodded.

Senxia organized her own language, and then expressed her own views: "so, if we are here, we can simply set up a big crisis or something, such as the crisis of the world's demise. At this time, we need the heroine to make up for it. But what the hero did was unexpected -- you see, how about putting off the world crisis to 10 billion years later? "

“…… What? "

Snow is not very able to understand what her brother said 10 billion years later.

Senxia sorted out her language and then explained

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The sun sword is thin or something. You are so dirty that even the author is polluted Ah ah

At the beginning of the track series, it was actually part of the hero legend series, but many new players probably didn't know about it. In fact, the kakab trilogy is really good to say!

Today's two in one!

Author Jun absolutely praises meow!

Ship B is related, the last one is finally out of Washington, relieved

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