The Three Kingdoms

When everyone was training for the competition, senxia was checking the game with Lihua at this time.

Well, during the hot competition, senxia was blowing the air conditioner and drinking drinks in the office. In addition, she had two small Secrets (Lihua and Xiyan), so she had a good life.

At this time, senxia tried a new game here.

"Ao Shi San Guo" is a performance event that Sen Xia plans to play in October when the world series is on the stage. At the same time, the work will also be on sale at that time.

"Yes, I saw it at E3. I contacted them and brought them here."

Perhaps few people have heard of the game "Aoshi Three Kingdoms". Maybe many people think it is a gimmick for the Three Kingdoms, but in fact, Aoshi Three Kingdoms is a very classic game.

Perhaps few people know, but in fact, "Aoshi Three Kingdoms" is the first game of a big oriental country to be displayed at E3 exhibition, and it is also one of the few games translated into English and distributed abroad.

Well, yes, the game has been translated into English and sold abroad.

At least the original world line is like this.

Senxia didn't care too much about the game of Aoshi Sanguo before. At that time, senxia was working hard for E3 exhibition.

But just at the beginning of the exhibition, Mori had a whim and wanted to see what kind of games some big oriental country had.

Then at that time, senxia saw Aoshi Three Kingdoms.

Then, the Sen Xia then in front of a bright, and then with each other's joint.

After that, Sen Xia will be proud of the three countries in the performance of the project.

Aoshi Three Kingdoms is a very interesting game. In the original world line, Aoshi Three Kingdoms has two works, one is the original version and the other is the expansion film "three parts of the world".

And this is one of the few original more interesting than the expansion of the game.

Aoshi Three Kingdoms is a real-time strategy game. No, to be exact, it should be a strategy game.

"This is the game next door?" Lihua is now senxia's assistant, but she hasn't started work immediately, because Lihua has a lot of things to deliver in group A.

"Play first and see how you feel about the game." Instead of playing by herself, senxia pulled Lihua to her computer and said, "I want to hear how you feel about the game."


Lihua's sense of the game is neutral. She doesn't hate it and doesn't like it. But such Lihua can give senxia a reasonable judgment.

Lihua followed the game for a while.

Although it is the first time to contact this game, Lihua is no stranger to the real-time strategy game, such as command and conquer, interstellar, Warcraft, and Empire era, etc., Lihua has tried it as a reference game for her own side.

Lihua in familiar with the game, then began to formally fight.

Well, it's still a roller coaster.

After Lihua finished this game, senxia immediately began to ask, "how do you feel? Christina? "

"Well?" After hearing senxia's address, Lihua felt that her brain was short circuited, "what did you just say?"

"How does the game feel, Christina?" Senxia asked.

"Wait a minute, senxiajun." Lihua seemed to understand. "Is Christina talking about me?"

"Yes," Sonia nodded. "If it's an assistant, it's Christie."

"I'm not Chris, and I'm not Tina. What strange things are you thinking about?"

Christina, a name that sounds like a common name.

But I don't know why, after hearing the name - especially when the name is associated with the name of "assistant", Lihua feels a kind of inexplicable evil taste.

"Isn't that great, Christina." Sonia's addicted to stalking.

“……” Lihua fell into a speechless state.

"Well, forget it," senxia said, "forget about it, my dear assistant. Tell me quickly what you think of the game."

"Dear assistant sauce..." Lihua felt her head hit by something, "well Let me see. "

In order to cover up her wavering, Lihua quickly began to think about her own view of the game.

After a while, Lihua opened my mouth and said, "the mode of this game is very interesting. Although there are many shadows of the Empire era at first sight, it does have its own characteristics. Moreover, the mode of dual maps of city and field is relatively new."

Since it is the "Three Kingdoms era", then the so-called "city strategy" must exist.

In the game, the place players used to develop at the beginning is their own city, but in addition to their own city map, the game also has a map of the wild.Although these two maps of inner city and outer city are similar, the actual difference is still very subtle.

In particular, there are some props in the game that can send people into each other's cities and so on, which is also very interesting.

It's a long way off.

After hearing Lihua's opinion, Sen Xia took out his notebook and wrote down the contents one by one.

"How do you feel different from other games?" Senxia asked again.

"Well, there are some references, but on the whole, the game is very special. Let me see By the way, what's more novel is that there are loss of logistics resources, soldiers' morale and physical strength are limited, and they have to take food and grass when they go out to fight. Well, these places are quite different from other places. "

One of the characteristics of Aoshi Three Kingdoms is the need for money and food.

Similar to other games, such as StarCraft, there are "population" restrictions. In the Aoshi Three Kingdoms, the corresponding restrictions are very special, that is, the design of carrying food and grass in war. If there is no food and grass in war, there will be no return. This is very rare in pure real-time strategy games.

"In addition, the surrender system is closer to the strategy category."

Aoshi Three Kingdoms is a rare game with more functions than expansion. There are many interesting designs in the original game of Aoshi Three Kingdoms, but it is a pity that these designs have been emasculated in the expansion.

Well, in this case, the strategy of the game is actually reduced, but this design improves the gameplay itself, because it makes the battle easier and more comfortable.

"What are the disadvantages?"

Senxia asked again.

"Well As far as my personal feeling is concerned, I think as a strategic game, the game is a little bit less intense. "

Compared with the previous games that have played back and forth, although this Aoshi Three Kingdoms looks very interesting, it is a bit boring to play.

"Well, indeed."

Senxia thought.

"In this era, people's entertainment activities are not as rich as 20 years later. Without mobile phones and other equipment, people's time is more inclined to the whole block..."

In the world 20 years later, due to the development of Internet technology and other reasons, people prefer to read news on the Internet and read two novels instead of just playing games. However, in this era, people's time is relatively fragmented, which means that most people in this era are willing to spend the whole time for recreation.

Well, at least judging from what senxia has observed so far, that's what happened.

And Aoshi three kingdoms do have shortcomings.

"Senxia, do you want to make a similar real-time strategy game?"

Li Hua asked.

"The real-time strategy may not do it, but the corresponding type of game is very enlightening." Said senxia.

How to develop games according to the taste of players is a knowledge.

It's like the hero track game. The game lasts at least half an hour. If the game is more intense, it may take 40 or 50 minutes. If the two sides are in a stalemate, it can be played for more than an hour.

If we change it to a short and easy game like pesticide (laughter), the time will be shortened to 20 minutes, and people of this era will not necessarily like it.

The game of King's glory still has its attraction, but people in this era need the game that can be refined and polished. Therefore, the game of King's glory is doomed to be impossible to be too popular in this era - because the time of a game is too short!

Of course, with more and more fragmentation time of the public, the future games will also change. The number of games that need to hold their bladder to play is also less and less.

In some sense, it's really a pity, because many games need to be played for a long time in order to be able to brew feelings

What, you say civilization Series?

People originally have a core group of players, and "another round" or something is not a very popular game. In fact, there are more people joining in the fun.

For this kind of game, it is more necessary to sell stalks, and for the game of soul of darkness, it is more important to brush sales.

Some games are naturally made for others to watch live, and many games are live to watch, which is much more interesting than playing them yourself.

For example, the famous cat Leo and the "i-want" series belong to a large audience, but not one tenth of them will go to play the "watching game".

Because people like to watch how they like to be killed.

These games belong to that kind of malicious games, because in such games, there are often terrible traps that many players don't know about. These traps will give a back stab when the players think they are going to pass.Seeing people suffer, we are comfortable in our hearts, while playing by ourselves is called masochism

That's the difference between games.

"But I don't know if I can play the web game..."

Senxia thought for a while, and suddenly a very special game appeared in his head.

Well, of course it's not about the infamous pit money web game.

At this time, senxia thought of a famous shiplady game, which was fleet collection.

Well Can this kind of game come out now?

Well, there seems to be no way.

Senxia himself immediately rejected the view.

"I turned off the game?" Lihua saw senxia into meditation, her side also turned off the game, "senxia, you seem to be a little disappointed?"

"It can't be said to be disappointed. The game is really interesting, but the defects of the game itself are too bad."

Well, in fact, other people know the defects of these games, but even so, the game has entered the performance competition of the world E-sports competition.

Let Aoshi Three Kingdoms landing performance competition, in fact, is not Sen Xia, but the game market of a big eastern country.

As the first game to enter E3, the "aura" of Aoshi Three Kingdoms is actually greater.

Many game manufacturers have no objection, or the game of Aoshi Three Kingdoms has entered the performance competition. In fact, they also want to ask the way, and see the situation of a big eastern country.

But we are doomed to be disappointed - because within 10 years from now on, only online games can make big money in some big eastern country.

If it's not for this reason, senxia is actually more interested in developing such games as illusory records or three kingdoms heroes than bubble hall games.

In a big eastern country, the Games "illusory records" and "Three Kingdoms group Yingzhuan 2" are absolutely very popular.

Which of the more players who have played magic baby and stone age or who have played fantasy?

Well, it's hard to say, but moriha can be sure that the difference between the two numbers won't be great.

But fantasy will never make more money than the other two games, and that's what it's all about.

There are too many pirated copies!

It's not just piracy. There are a lot of factors that affect this matter.

"Well, Lihua, what kind of games do you think we need to develop in the future?" Senxia asked Lihua.

"What kind of games to develop? What kind of game does Sen Xiajun want to develop? "

"Well, I'm not sure. That's why I asked Lihua about you."

"Well I think interesting games are good. No matter what kind of game is good, the game is interesting. "


What Lihua said is really good.

Whether a game is interesting or not is really very important.

Hearing Lihua's words, senxia's brain also produced a glimmer of light.

Yes, I don't want to make money. I want to make games with feelings, and then take everyone together to high. Finally, I realize the great idea of spreading gentleman culture!

Thinking of this, senxia was excited. He gave Lihua a bear hug: "thank you very much, Lihua. I feel my thinking will be relaxed for a moment."

"Ah, ah, ah?" Caught off guard, Lihua was held in the middle by Sen Xia.

At this time, Richardson was in a state of confusion


Aoshi Three Kingdoms really good game, and the concept of hero unit is earlier than Warcraft, very interesting.

Recommend a wave.

In addition, at that time, the Three Kingdoms star sea situation was also good. It was a pity that AI caught the rush, but the concept was very interesting, especially to make heroes and kill them, so that the soldiers could take the hero's weapons

Two in one meow ~

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