The voice of the poem gaped at Sen Xia.

It was like saying, "I've never seen such a brazen person.".

To be able to say the details of the work is so solemn, so reasonable and convincing, the poetic sound is really stunned.

"You -- what are you talking about?" The poetry sound feels that the whole person is in disorder in the wind.

Two people sitting in the hot spring, a man and a woman, and then said such harmonious words, the poetic sound felt that the whole person was not good.

No! I will think of the shire who pushed me down in the hot spring again!

Ah, no, it's not me, it's seven Sete love! It's the character of the game!

The sound of poetry wails in my heart.

Because of Sen Xia's operation, the poetic sound felt that his whole person was no longer good.

"Poetry in mulberry." Senxia looked at the music of the poem.

From the previous high pitched return to normal, Mori Xia calm attitude, let the poetry sound is also quiet down.

"Shiyinsang, have you ever thought about it? If you can enter a world that belongs to you and use the face you have never had to show your heart's desire, and all this belongs to you alone..."


At that time

That feeling


It seems that It's very good.

If I can become a love of seven setes

At that time, could I push back the shire?

Oh, no, no! Obviously, it was that bastard who came to me at first and wanted to do strange things to me!

Yes, I will never compromise!

"I recommend you try the game" beautiful new world ", which is a story in which players play the roles they want to be and then take risks in different worlds. Well, the main part of the game is words. Not everyone can accept this game mode. "

Beautiful new world is absolutely the most free online game on the market.

This game's existence type, and the traditional network game is completely different.

If you want to play a fierce confrontation game, you can't do it in a beautiful new world. If someone wants to form a team with others, you can get a copy This is OK, but the effect and experience in the game is not as good as one's own "single brush".

But if it is a player who wants to experience a "life in a different world" to play this game, and at the same time this player has a very strong brain tonic ability, then the game will definitely make the other party like it.

Well, this is a game like this.

The advantages and disadvantages of the game are the same rich, although belongs to the minority, but the loyalty and retention of players are also very high. Because of the powerful plot mechanism and random mechanism of the game, the script and plot capacity of the whole game are also very powerful. Of course, the consequence of this is that the balance of the whole game is in a mess, but what does it matter? Because this game is originally a game that players use to experience fantasy life. What we want to see is the plot, and the intensity of the game. In fact, the relationship is not very big.

"Beautiful new world..." Of course, Shi Yin knows the game, but she can't even use the Internet. It's really hard for her to play online games.

"Yes, there are also rich elements of craftsmanship in this game. If you try it, you may be able to change the content of gentlemen."

"No! Never! "

Well, the most important thing is to go to Just criticize the game!

Well, that's all!

"Well, when you want to try, just come to me." It's not surprising that senxia refuses the poem. The girl seems to have a kind of inexplicable emotion for herself. Since she has already refused here, senxia will not continue to "Amway".

Once again, the atmosphere returned to its former quiet appearance.

"NAH." Finally, the poetry here also calm down.


"How did you and your sister get to know each other?" The girl looked at the senxia, her eyes staring at the face of senxia, but looking at her appearance, her attention seemed to be not in the appearance of senxia.

"At that time..." Senxia's face showed a nostalgic expression, "at that time, I just came to the kauno School Park. I just entered high school, and I also wanted to join a community related to acgn. However, our school was either rich or expensive, or it was a school of gifted and gifted students. So there was no such association at that time. However, it was at that time that I saw the animic society. "

“Animic…… Is it the name of the club

The sound of the poem was surprised.

"Yes, it's the current visual research." Senxia explained.

"And then you joined my sister's club?" Asked the voice of the poem.Senxia shook her head: "the situation at that time was quite Well, how do you say it? It's a little subtle. When I went to animic, that is to say, I did not meet any members. But later, it was my sister who found me. "

"Sister Found you? "

"Yes, he saw my lost notebook, found the novel I had written on it, and immediately came to me - ah, what a super man with powerful action - that's what I thought at that time."

"Although I always like to use out of the board moves, although it always makes people confused, although I don't care about things outside my own interests. "

" but my sister's action is really admirable. " Senxia sighed, "if you think of something, you can do it immediately, and then without any hesitation. In order to achieve this goal, all means and methods can be used - she is really powerful."

Hearing the praise of senxia for her sister, she was also happy: "of course, she is my sister."

"Well, that was pretty much what happened. But to be specific, when Xuejie and Xue met later, it was the most interesting... " As soon as Sen Xia thought of her sister, she also showed a smile on her face.

“…… Is that your sister? " Shi Yin and Xue are just a simple face-to-face. For the appearance of xuenai, Shi Yin just knows that there is such a person.

But when she heard senxia's words, she couldn't help being curious about the role of "sister".

"Well, yes. At that time, I was invited by Qianjia, and then joined the Research Institute. But xuenai was not very happy about my sudden joining the club - well, it was the feeling that my brother was taken away by others. "

Senxia's description makes the poetic sound nod his head.

"Yes, yes! That kind of villain is the most disgusting

Bad guy

Senxia felt that the poetry sounds as if it meant something.

But Sen Xia at this time is in the memory of that year's things, to also did not pay too much attention to the fragmentary reading of poetry.

"She said How to say that, although xuenai shows that she wants to get along well with her sister, she can't help but want to fight against her every time she meets her. "

Although xuenai wants to stand in the position closest to senxia to express her magnanimity.

But there is no way, the appearance of Qianjia always makes the snow unable to calm down.

Well, if you think about it carefully, it seems that at that time, they had a good time.

At that time, senxia was still a little confused about why the two people were reconciled. However, it was only later that senxia realized that the two guys had reached a consensus on Sen Xia's "women's wear".

This is what the so-called "United Front" is.

But how to say, that kind of thing, now Mori Xia a think of, feel oneself all over is not comfortable.

I didn't even give it to my sister and my elder sister to unite to give pit

Although the past is happy memories, but only such things, senxia now does not want to explain with the poetry.

It's really embarrassing

"Shiyin, you are also the sister of Xuejie. I can understand your mood. I think it's really a wonderful thing to look forward to and revere my sister." Although I don't know why Shi Yin's attitude is so special, as an old driver, Sen Xia can't fail to guess the relationship between all this and Qianjia.

It is because of the longing for her sister that Shi Yin used this special attitude to deal with the guy who "took away my sister"!

At this moment, Sen Xia has already guessed the idea of poetic sound.

"Don't worry, poetry. Your sister will always be your sister. You don't have to worry about your sister being taken away from you! "

"Well --"

Mori Xia's words, let the poetry have a shake, the girl's cheeks at the moment slightly red, the whole person seems to have become a little confused.

"I will not worry about that kind of thing! Sister is sister The sound of the poem, which was seen through, blushed again.

But after talking with Sen Xia for a long time, the immunity of poetry music side has also improved a lot.

Although the mood fluctuated for a while, but after a while, the poetry voice has calmed down.

"Speaking of poetry, have you ever played the game your sister and I made together?" Senxia asked curiously.

But when I heard senxia's words, the poetry sounds on this side, and the whole person's face became a little Twist?

"Ah, ah, that witch's house I was in Osaka at that time, and then my sister specially sent me a copy... "

As soon as the game "the house of demons" is said, the atmosphere of the scene becomes very strange.

But senxia has already understood: this poor child, is probably abused by this game of witch's house?"That game is that kind of game Well, but we're also doing very healing and lovely games afterwards. That "Plants vs. Zombies" is a very interesting game. Oh, by the way, our recent "magic girl Naiye" is also an interesting story about magic girls. "

To be honest, senxia is very happy to see someone being abused by his own games. If a black deep disabled game does not let people produce psychological trauma, the game is not qualified enough?

“…… Qilai loves her sister very gently indeed... " The sound of the poem is also muttering.

"Seven Laise love?" When senxia heard this familiar name, she was immediately interested.

Oh, no!

When the poet heard senxia's words, his heart began to beat.

This game This game is a work game!

Bad, now I say I like this game, this This is absolutely not possible!

"Well, yes, I heard that the character is It's very popular on the Internet, and I think when we discussed it, they all said that Qise love is very gentle and kind... "

“……” Senxia looked at the sound of the poem with a strange look.

The poetic sound didn't feel anything, but after senxia's eyes looked at her for a while, she felt that senxia's eyes made her more and more uncomfortable.

The girl became more and more restless.

"It's a good love for seven children."

Just be happy.

Senxia decided not to say much.

Seeing the appearance of senxia leaving after finishing this sentence, the poetic voice here is finally relieved.

…… by the way.

Speaking of words, those games, it seems that this guy did it?

Shiyin remembers that the common pen name of senxia is "Xiasen", and there is such a name on the entry of this hospital story.

In other words, is this guy doing the game?

The girl's heart became more and more alert.

"The game you played?" She asked.

"Do you say that seven Sete loves that one? Well, not really. But I do most of the script of the story - well, it's mainly the game part of the interactive movie. In the GALGAME part, it doesn't have much to do with me. "

Originally this game is a word adventure game.

The magic change on senxia's side is that after this game has become a 3D game, senxia created another two heroines according to ova of another world line, cutting the two versions of the game world.

The fact has also proved that the plot made by Sen Xia was successful. Now, the popularity and word-of-mouth of this interactive movie version of a hospital game is far better than this one. Moreover, the heroines of the other two routes in the game, "love between the wind" and "eight gods" are also very high in the hearts of players.

Mori thinks it's all very good.

“……” Shiyin took a look at Mori Xia and said, "you did the beautiful new world you just said?"

"In that case, it's the second generation of Mu teachers. If it's a game I made Let me think about the main line of the crown of sin. However, there are other people working together on this one. If it is purely made by me Novels

"In that case, it's the second generation of Mu teachers. If it's a game I made Let me think about the main line of the crown of sin. However, there are other people working together on this one. If it is purely made by me Novels


The two in one meow meow ~

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