The author of "when the cicadas cry" is named Dragon Knight 07, no matter which world line.

But the two games are also called "when the cicadas cry", in fact, there are differences.

One of the biggest differences is that the other world line "cold cicada" is a work of co-workers, which is even called one of the three miracle of Tongren by diewan fans.

But in this world, cold cicada is produced by group A.

Many production groups have been set up in group A. as long as they are time-consuming new year products and long-term works, they will be divided out, such as Lu Lu Xiu's production group; the production group of black soul, evil spirit and tolerance to evil spirits; the production group of gem maze, Zuma, Plants vs. zombies, etc.

However, some works are still being done by our society.

For example, "sin crown" series, and now "when the cicadas cry" series.

Dragon Knight 07 teacher, at the beginning of this world line, was actually in charge of Naiye's work, but later he produced a certain brain hole.

Therefore, there is now the work of Han Chan.

Because it's not the original co-worker's work, the background, CG and drawing of Han Chan are almost completely different from those of the original world line.

In a sense, the CG quality of the other world line "cold cicada" is really frightening. After the animation, it is a super beautified version.

But in the hands of group A, the present "cold cicada" is a beautiful masterpiece.

Not only that, but also the exquisite OP and song as well as the whole voice and 2dlive.

Well, for now, this is a large-scale work with large capacity.

However, unlike 3D works, GALGAME is big, but in terms of production time, it has to occupy an advantage.

Therefore, the advantage of word game speed is still there.

What, you said Yueji r?

What is that? What dimensional game? Why is there such a game? I've never heard of it!

It's not true.

In a word, Dragon Knight 07 thought of "cold cicada" when he was working in group A.

Of course, it wasn't just such a thing in the beginning.

At that time, the young people only thought of the small story that happened in a station named xiaojianze.

On the other world line, the beginning of all this is actually because of the drama story related to daishizawa.

But what's the most popular plot of group A?

Nonsense, of course it's healing!

In group A, healing and depression are two themes that can never be avoided.

The world's Dragon Knight 07, naturally, began to heal.

Another feature of the series of stories of group A is the parallel world and multi-week items.

The endless space formed by countless dimensions is the characteristic of the story created by group A.

As a result, players here like to use group A as a benchmark and contrast when they talk about the world outlook related to the parallel world.

Once upon a time, some people thought that the work of "hero's track" was the masterpiece of the whole parallel world.

As we all know, although this game is not very popular in neon, this "not" actually refers to the play method of the game itself, rather than the setting and story of the game.

In fact, there must be a reason why the costume of "hero track" can still survive now. And the reason is the story and setting of the world in the hero's track.

-- well, the hero track itself has a great main line. If you play the RPG map, players will be lucky to experience the story.

In fact, in the Japanese clothing "hero track", most players also play various RPG maps, among which the Oriental series of maps is one of the most popular.

What, you said the original 5-on-5 Summoner Canyon fight?

Ah, sorry, it's stunt. It doesn't exist. Those who play this orthodox mode in Japanese clothes are students from Europe and the United States, some big eastern country, and baseball country.

But there are also some settings kitchen feel, these so-called online game settings should not be true.

"This is just a carnival setting Some people make complaints about it.

No wonder, because in this game, there are many other works that do not belong to group A.

Originally, they are the projects that Jiaochuan wants to do.

Speaking of it, if the project is in neon red, there will be a lot of right and wrong. After all, Jiaochuan also has its own interests. If this thing is in the neon fire, it will be back to "All Star".

However, the place where this work is popular is my big lamp tower country. In the neon side, the response is flat. After thinking about it, Okawa decided to sit and collect money by himself.It's a long way off.

Back to the set kitchen.

As a matter of fact, what these setting cooks care about most is the magic girl Naiye.

As soon as the concept of the space-time administration came out, it was very interesting for many people to see the concept of an endless world and a multiverse.

After all, this concept existed before the game was launched, and some people said that group A would definitely launch game works around this concept.

Er - this is what senxia said on the Internet in a vest.

However, at this time, another story using the so-called "multi-dimensional space-time" appeared again. This is the "when the cicadas cry".

In the summer Comiket, "when the cicadas cry" with the name of animic club, so Shi Shi ran was sold.

And then And then the Internet howled.

I have to say that "cold cicada" is really a very important work.

At the beginning, the players were just shocked by the amazing wood knife in front of them. When the protagonist Keiichi Maehara raised the butcher's knife, everyone thought that the protagonist might be crazy. However, the whole story revealed a sense of disobedience that was hard to explain. The feeling of mystery and cocoon peeling made players care very much.

Then, the first one ends.

- yes, the cold cicada of the world is not a story directly. As a masterpiece, chilling is naturally the most essential part.

However, in addition, moriha's interference in this work is not very large.

In fact, there is no special change and change in this world line except that part of the story was modified by dragon knight 07 himself.

The biggest change of the whole story is just the UI and painting style.

Well, from this point of view, "cold cicada" is really super super super magic


The painting style of Han Chan's original works Let's say, someone has specially made a beautification patch. Well, yes, it's a beautification patch. This is a rare treatment even in the east of Zun

The author felt better. Today, he took the high-speed rail to go back, and by the way, he recovered. Then there was a wave of explosion.

The first watch on the train, and maybe

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