The people who came here are senxia and Qianjia. That's right.

"Would this place be too shabby for a date rehearsal?"

Qianjia is looking around at this time.

Hearing Qianjia's words, senxia is a staggering, almost fell.

"Sister, this is not a date."

Here's the thing.

After the competition, the rest of the players were invited to Mudong.

The idea wasn't Mori's, it was Alice's.

Because this is the relationship of the first world E-sports competition, so many things have just started. In order to make the players more professional, Alice suggests setting up such a training venue.

Senxia thought that Alice's idea was good, so she also designed a place like this during the preparation.

Then, at the end of the competition, he applied to all those who had passed the regional games.

The krypton gold online game on senxia's side is also preliminarily determined, and the training ground here is almost ready. Senxia and Qianjia come to have a look together and have a meeting by the way.

Because of this, when she came here, Sen Xia learned about the situation here, especially the situation on both sides of the stick country and a big eastern country that Sen Xia paid more attention to.

Although there are so many countries in the Asia Pacific region, to be honest, only these two countries can have deterrence. At most, half of the mud boom is added. However, the mud blows away the "non mainstream" route, which is still crushed in the mainstream projects.

There is no need to say that the game of "hero track" is very strong, whether it is a great power in the east or a great country in the East. The teams on both sides compete with each other. Among the eight teams promoted, these two countries occupy half of the quota.

But StarCraft is more subtle.

The baseball countries have three places, while a big eastern country has only one - which is also because, according to the rules, each country can only have three teams at most.

Because of this, Sen Xia came to see Chen Yang who was struggling alone.

Facts have proved that Chen Yang has the strength. He has seen the video of the other side's competition, and he has also seen the practice match here. Therefore, he is very satisfied with Chen Yang's battle.

Anyway, people's standard, crushing Sen Xia himself, that is relaxed and happy.

Senxia is not hypocritical.

On the contrary, he has a good view of each other.

Things are actually going well - if my sister doesn't come.

The preparation of the world E-sports competition, in fact, has little to do with Qianjia, but Qianjia still came with Sen Xia.

What's more important is the lines just said by Qianjia.

"Date rehearsal What a ghost

"A date is a date." Qian Jia is smiling.

At this moment, Qianjia is wearing a white open-ended dress with dark silk lining inside, and black stockings of the same material underneath. This pure and seductive appearance makes Qianjia show an indescribable charm.

Especially with Qianjia's cool temperament, this strange feeling has a strong impact on senxia's senses.

"Ah, la la la, don't you like dating girls like me? In fact, it's better to say about Xia senjun's new year? "

"It has nothing to do with it."

A expressionless Qianjia said these words, really let Sen Xia have a kind of can not calm down feeling.

Fortunately, there were no other figures in the guild hall. Otherwise, senxia's embarrassment would have to be seen by others.

"Oh? Is it irrelevant? " Qian Jia squinted at Sen Xia, "that is to say, Sen Xia Jun actually prefers the new year?"

"EH - eh? So why come to such a conclusion? " Make complaints about the summer.

After confirming the "love relationship" between the two sides, Qianjia became bold.

How to say, such a thousand good, let Sen Xia can't help but think of each other when they first met.

At that time, Qianjia was like this Well, when Qianjia is in a state of fanaticism.

But is Xuejie determined to really fall in love with me?

"Since I said you like Spring Festival and your reaction is so great, what you like is new year's Eve?" Qian Jia said so.

"I mean, my orientation has nothing to do with what year or next year!" Senxia couldn't help it.

"I see." Qianjia suddenly realized, "that is to say, senxia Jun, are you the legendary hungry wolf? When you are hungry and thirsty to this extent, you are really hungry

"Don't learn the poisonous tongue of sunset!" Senxia can't calm down any more. I'm such a virtuous person. How can I become a voracious eater?

"What's more, it's still in public. My elder sister has self-respect.""What are you afraid of? I'm afraid that not many people here can understand us?"

In addition to a few translators, to be honest, there are few neon gold in this guild hall, especially those who can speak Japanese.

In this respect, Qianjia said that there was no problem.

Can hear Qianjia Xuejie said, Sen Xia don't know why, but always feel like some strange.

"Wait a minute, so that's not the problem! I mean, sister, don't use this strange reason to misunderstand me

Clearly I am such a moral person, how come to your side, I become a fool without integrity?

Even if it is for the sake of his own reputation, there are some things that can't be compromised, as expected, they can't be compromised!

"I misunderstood you? I misunderstood you what? As a prospective girlfriend, if you see a boyfriend and other girls living together, you will have ideas, and you are still such a young, beautiful and lovely girl

Sen Xia Leng for a long time, just think of Qianjia said, is to drive two people over the sunset.

"Wait a minute, I have lived with Xiyan for a long time! And we were not together before? " Senxia is dizzy about Qianjia.

"With this answer, the popularity will be reduced by at least 20 points. Mori Xiajun, your popularity on my side has reached a negative number." Who knows, respond to Sen Xia's, unexpectedly is thousand good this sentence.

After hearing Qianjia's words, senxia understood it in a trance: "wait a minute, sister Xuejie, start now?"

Qian Jia nodded and then looked at Sen Xia: "of course, it started."

Qian Jia's "start" naturally refers to the beginning of the "lover's game" between two people.

When Qianjia says "start", the real meaning of "start" is naturally understood by Sen Xia.

But just because it is clear, so senxia some not calm.

"But didn't the new semester begin?" Senxia was baffled.

But in the face of senxia's question, Qianjia just poked her hair at will, and then gazed down at senxia: "because this is the capricious privilege of girls. Since you want to pursue me, senxia Jun, at least such a little thing should be tolerated? "

God, he meow so little things!

"Besides, it's not the time to tell me about it?"

Hearing Qian Jia's words, Sen Xia patted her head here.

Well, I don't forget that there are memories below!

After dinner, senxia still needs to meet with these people from various regions.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with the meeting. The main reason was that these people came to Mudong only a few days ago, but some players were already tired. Some managers here think that if it goes on like this, it's very likely that the players here will have problems.

After all, mud boom is a material rich area, but many players are from developing countries, especially from monkey country in the south. These players can stand out from such an environment. Naturally, they are of high standard. However, after they come to Mudong, they begin to fish.

How can this work!

You know, the competition is in October, and there is still a month to go!

If these people mess around, they may be abandoned after a month!

Therefore, the reason why Sen Xia came here is not only to understand the reason why the players of a certain oriental country are here, but also to solve this problem.

Of course, it's OK for Sen Xia to say that, more importantly, whether these players will produce any moths.

The fact is, not long ago, some players were arrested for drinking.

This is an embarrassing thing for him to meow.

Chen Yang, a man who only eats, drinks and plays, is actually OK. Although he plays everywhere, he doesn't make trouble at all. Later, the prodigal son goes back to strengthen his training. But if you really meet this kind of person who makes trouble everywhere, it's really cool.


On the other side, Chen Yang finally reflected after senxia left. Unfortunately, when he went out to ask for a signature, both senxia and Qianjia had disappeared.

To the end, Chen Yang can only be distressed to return to his room.

"Chen Yang, no practice?" Chen Yang just came back and saw a man saying hello to himself. He also went to say hello, "just had dinner. How about Haiyao?"

Opposite is Hai Yao, the star player of "hero track".

In the final game, it was Hai Yao who led his team to turn the tables and beat back the covetous baseball country.

And only won a game, and then by the other side three to one to crush Chen Yang, do not know where high to go.Although "hero track" and "StarCraft" are two different games, but this does not hinder Chen Yang's admiration for Haiyao.

Look at people, this is called technology!

"I hear you're playing a training match with baseball?" Hai Yao asked.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Chen Yang asked curiously.

Haiyao was silent for a moment and then said, "this I suggest you'd better change your opponent. If you train with them, it's very risky. "


Haiyao's statement reminds Chen Yang of the senxia who just said this to himself.

Both of them said that.

"What's wrong with the bangguoren?" Chen Yang asked curiously.

"I found that in the previous games, they copied our tactics." Haiyao said.

"It's normal to learn tactics, isn't it?"

In fact, there are many common points between the two games. After all, one is a "real-time strategy game", and the other is a "real-time tactical game".

"It would be nice if they just learned. They played practice games with us first, and then they still talked about it here..."


If this is the case, it seems that it is indeed too much. But it seems that there is nothing wrong with this tactical matter, right?

Although Chen Yang is also worried about this kind of thing, he is still looking for reasons to convince himself.

How to say Chen Yang is guilty.

He's been training with baseball players for so long, and he's got some ideas.

But now think about it, the other side of their own side of the research is still more transparent.

After all, most of the time, they are using tactics to test their side's dismissal. In fact, their own tactics are not exposed much. On the contrary, Chen Yang's side has exposed a lot to the opposite side.

Now think about it Well, what about the next game?

It's ok if you don't meet a baseball player, but if you meet the other side during the game, don't you deliver the food here?

After returning to the room, Chen Yang opened his computer uneasily.

In order to facilitate the training, so in the guild hall, no problem, the rooms are actually equipped with a computer that can access the Internet. After Chen Yang came here, although he spent most of his time training in Internet cafes, after he returned to his room, he would occasionally chat with some oriental country like this - qicq software, which is really very easy to use now If you go abroad, you can contact with China anytime and anywhere.

Open qicq, Chen Yang found his good friend Huang Dong.

"Lao Huang, I may finish this competition."

"What's the matter? Didn't you say the game was good? Haven't you been practicing with baseball? " There's something strange about the other side.

"When I met Haiyao, he just told me that there seemed to be some problems in the baseball side. They deliberately asked us to practice and then found out the opponent's tactics."

Chen Yang told the opposite side of his analysis and what he heard.

This time, Huang Dong, who was also quite calm on the other side, was also anxious.

"It's over. How insidious are the Bangguo people! Well, it seems that there is no way out. Try to think of a new tactic. However, I don't know if it will be enough for one month. If you meet the baseball team in the game, you will be more or less unlucky. "

“…… It's OK. I feel like I have some confidence again. "


Seeing Huang Dong, Chen Yang was relieved.

My friend has a magic mouth. What he says is likely to be the opposite.

After hearing Huang Dong's words, Chen Yang on this side actually had Peace of mind?

He was confident again.


Today's meow meow ~

there are only surprises ~

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