Falling off the city and the weak warrior


Underground city and warriors.

This game, senxia, is doing it.

This game is not a normal game.

Although the picture is simple, although it is cross-border version, such a game has always been in the top of the list of games of a big oriental country. When it comes to the game of an Oriental power, the game has to be said.

After all, in the history of online games, this game is a very important part.

Senxia has even considered this way to integrate his version of the "God of sword" and "underground city and warrior".

But considering that, he is likely to be killed by ALAD warriors, so senxia thinks that the underground city can have, but it needs to be optimized and revised.

By the way, underground city and warriors, this is also a "we beat life and death, but the world has destroyed" the bullshit story.

Throughout the story, the players experienced a magnificent story, read epic plot, and then And then the world was destroyed.

This kind of bullshit plot often appears in various games. It is very bullshit, but I don't know why, the production team is always happy with it. In all kinds of games, there are similar plots.

But what to say, this "I try to save the world, but the writer thinks the story is not interesting." so the back of the bullshit, it is really a matter of people want to drag the screenwriter out and beat it.

As the great disaster of Warcraft, as the underground city and the great transfer of warriors.

The former is good, the latter is because of a bullshit reason, then the world is destroyed, the map is coming again, the story of the egg pain story.

What's more, after the story has been modified, the writer can't pull it down again, and then force it to be "parallel world", then drag the original version out and reset it, and then shamelessly say "the original version.".

What makes you feel worse is that even if you are planning to sell equipment at a high price every day, the writer feeds you shit every day, but you just want to play.

Underground city and warriors, that is a game.

Of course, this is Sen Xia's own view, although some map gun suspicion, but the fact is that.

But the planning of the game is just beginning. The main work is to give it to the online game production group over there. The progress is nothing, and senxia doesn't go to manage it.

"It's done! It's doing it! " This is probably the only way to answer senxia.

“…… But why is it a fight game? " Asked senxia strangely.

"Nonsense, if it's not a fight game, is there a win on this side of mud boom?" Thousands of good said the grand sense, senxia said nothing right.

"Cough - I think the first person shooting game can still be saved."

In the mainstream games, mud boom is only the first person shooting class of the game has the lead.

"Well, the situation here is different from other places. It is impossible to go with the mass market."

In fact, Sen Xia himself is also a little helpless.

Mud boom is a cultural island for many times. Some things suitable for mud boom are not suitable for the world. Some of the games are very popular in the world, but there is no wave in mud boom.

For example, the game of "hero track" is about to become a phenomenal work all over the world, but there is no water flower here in mud boom.

What can I do, I am also very desperate!

Of course, there are other situations, such as many games on the secret silver platform, which are not only very hot in mud boom, but also very attractive in the world.

…… Well, it's mainly the butter.

It turns out that the people are really fond of gentleman games, and such games are the common language of the people of the world.

But as for other games, there are less.

"Because there is a problem with neon gold's brain circuit." Qianjia glanced at senxia.

"I think it's better not to be heard by others."

"Said senxia hastily.

The top thousand elder sister is worthy of being "non national". When spraying the native people, she has no hesitation at all. The contempt and contempt contained in the language are enough to make a group of trembling m forget.

At this time, senxia looked into the Internet Cafe: "unfortunately, the network is not developed enough. If our network can be broadcast online anytime and anywhere, it is really good."

But unfortunately, it's not possible for the moment.

The development of the network is objective and regular. If you want to see what is live, it will take at least four or five years. Now the network speed can have a trillion speed, which is already very strong.

"Although I don't want to admit it, you can see you very well sometimes." Qianjia thought of what Sen Xia had said before.Although senxia's mouth is sometimes unreliable, when it comes to major events, she is always able to talk about the most critical place. If she has no vision, she can't really do it.

"Of course, I am the prophet who came to this era twenty years later." Senxia couldn't help but fart.

Then, he found that Qianjia was looking at himself.

Cool face.jpg.

The smile grew stiff.

"Come on, we're almost going." Qian Jia looks at the time. If he doesn't return to Tokyo at this time, I'm afraid it will be late.

"Well, yes, hurry up, or it will be early in the morning after I go back Sister After senxia finished, she looked at Qianjia, and then she saw Qianjia looking at herself with the same kind of "the child is hopeless" as before.

"Ten points for favoritism." Qian Jia said so.

"Clam? Why Why do I have to be inexplicably withheld good feeling ah!

Sen Xia's face was confused.

"Because at this time, you should rest with girls, right? At such a late time, you have the heart to let girls go home alone? Are you still a man

"But Lihua is still waiting for you at home! Don't tease me with such words all the time, sister! This time, it doesn't work for me

Mr. shawson said, I have seen through you!

Then, senxia found that Qianjia was looking at herself in shock.

“…… I see. It's a love story, but do you want to achieve double? What's this, give me a pair of wings Qianjia gazed at Sen Xia, "it's not enough to pedal two boats. Do you want to push down two people together this time?"? Well, that's why. It can really crack the wood knife... "

"What the hell is the Chai Dao! What's more, I'm a serious man! Look at my eyes, look at my eyes, such a pure and kind person, such a person as me, is rare in the world

Senxia said that he was fed up with slander and rumors to himself!

I'm a decent man

Although two people in the back mischievous, but the front of those star players can not see the situation behind.

Qian Jia didn't speak at this time, she just looked at Sen Xia.

That pair of majestic eyes, so looking at Sen Xia.

There was the sound of keyboard tapping, and the sound of pressing and moving the mouse.

Mori Xia: "it's just

Qian Jia: "what's more..."

Cold sweat came down senxia's forehead.

And it was at this time that Qianjia's voice rang out.

"Senxia Jun, do you believe that

Do you believe it yourself?

"Er --"

the cold sweat teacher Sen Xia said that he did not know what kind of expression to face Qianjia sister.

Senxia or something, and pure and kind, may come.

"Plus ten in favor."

"Oh, so why do you always take off my favoritism like this Ah, plus

Did I hear you right?

Sen Xia is surprised to see Qian Jia here, and Qian Jia also looks at Sen Xia.



"Why add?"

Senxia looked dazed.

"Because of the shameless look on your face, I was so funny that I wanted to laugh, so I added it."

“…… So what the hell is the standard of adding and deducting points? "

"Standard?" Qianjia seemed to hear something interesting. She looked at Sen Xia here. "The standard is that I'm happy. Do you understand? By the way, if you really take me to the hotel tonight, you'll win 200 points. "


Senxia some heart, but also some doubts.

"It's true, of course. Then I'll call xuenai live. Well, isn't it interesting? "

"Er --"

How do I feel like you want to murder me?

"Speaking of words, xuenai's team will also participate in the anti-terrorism elite competition after that. Zhentong is also very outstanding among the street bullies and boxers."

Although the white lily team is a group of students, but these people really want to participate in the game after more than a month.

But because of the students, they didn't come here.

In fact, if snow wants to come over, senxia will try to stop it.

I'm kidding with wool. It's all crooked nuts. How can I put my sister in such a dangerous place?!

Although the subconscious knows that these people together may be crushed by snow, but this does not prevent senxia from breaking out of his brother's soul!Senxia said that this kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable!

"It's very popular and forcibly shifts the topic." Qian Jia's face was cold as if she were a dignified judge.

"Ah?" Senxia, who was seen through, said he couldn't calm down.

"By the way, when you change the subject, you are talking about your sister, and your popularity continues to decline." Qianjia continues to mend the knife.

"Ah? Why should I even deduct points when I say snow? "

Senxia said she didn't accept it!

"Nonsense, you are a dead sister. You are proud to talk about your sister's affairs in a abnormal tone. Don't you want to deduct points? This kind of thing, no matter from which point of view, this kind of thing is very bad and disgusting? " When Qian Jia talks, she still looks disgusted.

"I am the purest care and love for snow! My real brother is like me

I'm a model brother! I'm a model among my brothers!

Senxia said that only this kind of thing can't compromise on his own side!

"No, no, no, I think your brother must be a pervert who wants to kill his parents?"

“…… So where on earth are you from

Say, sunset, you pretend to be a schoolsister, what is your intention?!

Thousand good this appearance, let Sen Xia think of sunset all of a sudden.

This disdainful words, this disdainful attitude, such a sense of contempt, and sunset is almost the same!

"make complaints about this kind of Tucao," Qianjia looked at herself with dignity, "and you have mentioned other girls in front of me more than once. If you are in love on the premise of marriage, I'm afraid you will be hanged by the cross in the opposite direction immediately?"

"Is it the fighter from where I am going to be on a blind date?" Senxia shook her head.

"No," Qian Jia looked at Sen Xia. "It's just a trick I learned before. I was going to use it after you took me to the hotel." Thousand good facial expressionless said let Sen Summer Chrysanthemum a cool fact.

"So it turns out that you really want to do something strange to me just now, sister?"

Senxia says, this kind of thing oneself cannot bear!

"Ah, what's wrong with that? If you add 200 points, this price is still ok? By the way, if I increase my liking degree by 200 points, I will have a positive impression on you

So when did my favoritism become negative?!

can't make complaints about it!

make complaints about summer. You make complaints about Tucao!

make complaints about make complaints about the pudding, and Tucao loses, and Tucao loses.

Senxia murmured in her heart.

"Forget it." Qianjia decides not to molest Sen Xia any more.

At this time, she had already walked towards the outside of the Internet Cafe: "well, we should almost leave."


Senxia is more powerless behind Qianjia. After

make complaints about this, Sen Xia feels at this time that his whole people seem feeble.


However, halfway through the journey, senxia stopped.

By the way, is it better for me to go home from Qianjia, or should I go to the hotel with my sister?

I'm afraid it's not some kind of hint?

Sen Xia thinks she has a play. Jpg.

Because senxia suddenly stopped, Qianjia over there also turned to look at the senxia here.

“…… So senxia Jun, is it because you really want to do something like this and that to me? "

"Er - this - well, I'm just thinking about what's next." Senxia said quickly, "our competition will be followed by the world series Hehe "

because the turning point is too rigid, Sen Xia seems to feel a little embarrassed.

Seeing the appearance of senxia, Qianjia over there just saw the same thing as senxia: "do you believe it yourself?"


"Do you believe that for yourself?"

“……” Senxia scratched her head.

This is really subtle.

If it's a gentleman's story, senxia can communicate with Qianjia seriously.

But that's just a gentleman's story. If the gentleman's affairs develop to three dimensions, this kind of thing will become some kind of unspeakable fact.

At this time, senxia had no way to calm down.

Sister, what kind of expression should I use to face you at this time?

Senxia said she was in tears.

"Well, let's go back first." Qianjia Xuejie turns around, leaving a natural and unrestrained figure, and the senxia behind can only be so lost in the back.…… Completely suppressed


Two in one, two in one.

If you are not careful, you will be on the fifth shift. Praise me, baa ha ha ha ~

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