The arrival of September, did not let the weather return to cool, open the door of the house, a warm wind blew into the room, senxia felt that his whole person would melt. Σ

"well, I really want to go back to my room and blow the air conditioner." Senxia sighed.

"No, today is the first day of school. You can't be late!" Snow is side say, while will prepare the Bento to Sen Xia.

"Insulated lunch box is the highest!" The Sen Xia who took the lunch gave a little cheer in his heart.

With the heat preservation lunch box, it means that when cooking, Mori doesn't have to choose those cold meals that are already tired of, but can make some hot dishes and bring them over.

"Damn it, is it still autumn? Let's forget about the explosion in Tokyo. It's so hot! "

Stepping out of the gate, the heat was steaming, and the abnormal temperature was suffocating.

"It's just that the temperature of these two days is a little special. After a while, the temperature should be lower, and my brother likes to shout."

Snow is in the back also put on shoes, and then came out.

"If it's OK at ordinary times, but our school uniform is just like a pit father. If one day when I become the student president, I must change all the school's long skirts into mini skirts..."

Senxia complained.

"This seems to be decided by the headmaster?" Snow is strange to ask, "can the student president do this kind of thing?"

"Tut, of course, there is the right. As the student president, it is not good to force all the students to go up to the palace? And these days, short skirt school uniform is the king? Now this kind of long skirt is really polluting the sight Senxia is heartbroken!

"Brother is a boy, don't you want to wear a skirt?" Snow make complaints about Tucao.

"No, it's just a gentleman's self-cultivation. As a gentleman, I naturally want to seek welfare for the majority of female compatriots." Senxia's righteousness is awe inspiring!

As an honest gentleman, for the common aspiration of the majority of gentlemen and compatriots, this kind of thing is popular. Of course, it is!

"And then you'll be treated as a pervert, and you'll be kicked out of the position of student president." Snow make complaints about it.

"How can it be! I'm for everyone's good, and they will support me! " Senxia disagrees with xuenai.

"If you say you are a girl, and then you wear a male uniform just to protest that the school girls are ugly, I think we can persuade some people." Snow is laughing at Sen Xia.

"Why does this kind of strange unfolding appear, and why is it women's dress?" Make complaints about anger.

"When my brother was running in the hot spring a few days ago, I was mistaken by others." Snow is as like as two peas. "Brother brother is exactly like me. Your potential is also great. Change a girl's dress, even if do not make up, will be very beautiful

Hearing xuenai's words, senxia stretched out her hand and rubbed her hair on her head. Because she was so busy in the whole summer vacation, senxia had not had a haircut for a long time. Her hair was really long recently.

All the way into the subway station, senxia just felt a little cooler.

"Hoo Air conditioning is indeed one of the greatest inventions of mankind in the 20th century. " Sen Xia sighed, "why can't summer school uniform be changed into short sleeves?"

"In fact, long sleeves have the advantages of long sleeves. If it's short sleeves, it's easy to get a tan. " Although xuenai was also very hot, she did not complain like Sen Xia, "the most important thing is that the weather is abnormal today. Don't experts talk about the greenhouse effect or something? "

"Don't believe that kind of lie, xuenai. Have a dialectical view of things." Senxia quickly corrected her sister's wrong common sense.

"Speaking of it, if she becomes Miss Ono, who represents our school. To be able to wear good-looking clothes. " Xuenai thought of another topic.

"Oh, is that Miss Ono, who is chosen once every two years?"

One of the most beautiful activities of the school is to select a beautiful girl. To promote the school.

"Yes," xuenai said with a smile, "I would like to take part in it next year. It must be very interesting ~"

"to tell you the truth, I really think this kind of election is superfluous. It is better to get a college idol, μ s or something, which is stronger than this. The influence of lovelive is to crush our so-called Miss Ono? "

"Muse? lovelive? What is that? " Snow does not understand.

"Oh, nothing. I just think that the school can make a whole school idol group and so on. Then the activity is called lovelive, ha ha ha ha."

It's a close call. I almost let it slip.

Why can the topic change from the weather to the school uniform, then to the greenhouse effect, and then to the beauty pageant?

Anyway, it's just a normal chat between brother and sister.

After leaving the subway, it is close to the school."Well, it's still hot..."

"Hold on. We'll be in the classroom soon. We'll be more comfortable when we have air conditioning." Snow is encouraging Sen Xia.

The classrooms in kauno School Park are equipped with air conditioning, so as long as you enter the classroom, you will be much more comfortable.

Just stepped into the classroom, Mori immediately felt a hot breath from the inside, even stronger than the outside.

"It's hot. Isn't it air-conditioned?" Senxia wiped the sweat from her head.

"The air conditioner is broken. It's under repair." Sitting at the door, inouyama Ryoko pointed to two workers who were repairing at the back of the classroom.


What is this? It never rains but it pours?

Senxia looks back. Two capable middle-aged men are repairing the machine there. The position is behind them. However, soon, senxia is attracted by another person nearby.

That is some gaunt tongguxiao.

When he was on holiday, this guy was full of energy, but now What's the situation?

Tongguxiao's cheek obviously sank down a circle, and this guy didn't even finish his summer homework. At this time, he was still writing hard on the desk.

Sen Xia walked to Tong Gu Xiao, and then asked incredulously, "are you still catching up with your homework now?"


Tonggu filial piety does not lift his head, but lowers his head and murmurs. His voice is powerless.

"Hello, Hello, Tong Gu Jun, are you ok?"

What's the situation? Don't you think you should be a fool like Chunyuan Yangping? Shouldn't you be a fool who is always full of energy? Why did it happen?!

"It's cruel who made you look like this!"

I can't bear to see it!

"Don't worry, tonggujun has been playing with my sister because of the summer vacation. Maybe it's just because of the overdraft of energy. There's no need to worry about it!" Harada, next to him, stood up with a smile.

It's that That By the way, what about "meihui sauce"?

"It seems that Tong Gu Jun really had an enviable summer vacation." Sen Xia with a man know smile to look at Tonggu, but found Tonggu this time is a sad face.

"All in all It's hard to say. " A tone full of infinite emotion.

What's the situation?

Forget it, Tong Gu Xiao's eyes also know that he doesn't want to discuss this topic, but senxia is still a little strange: "but you haven't finished your summer homework yet? Will class begin in a moment

"It's just a little short of..." Tonggu seems to have some vague consciousness. He seems to have no idea what he is writing. He just fills the paper with inexplicable answers.

Finally, before the bell rang, he was relieved to finish all the summer homework.

"Saved." Tonggu long spit out a breath, "Sen Xia, you are also very hard in rush work?"

"Summer homework?" Sen Xia was baffled, "isn't it because on the first day of the summer vacation, it should all be done?"

“……” Senxia noticed that tongguxiao's hands trembled at this time.

Class bell rings, the air conditioning has been repaired, bursts of cool wind blowing in, and finally people feel much more comfortable.

"Sonny, let's go to the bathroom." After class, Tonggu called on senxia.

"Well." With Tonggu all the way to the toilet, senxia suddenly noticed that the other side's eyes were strange.

"What's the matter with you?" Senxia was baffled.

"I feel that you have some changes, compared with before the summer vacation Well, it seems to be more beautiful. " He thought for a long time and came up with such a word.

"Hello, I haven't changed at all. Have you reached the point of starvation, even boys?" Senxia doesn't want to stir up the foundation.

However, as soon as he finished this sentence, Tong Gu Xiao shook his head in a hurry: "absolutely not. This summer vacation is really my most painful summer vacation..."

He seemed to be heartbroken, and didn't seem to want to discuss this topic: "I don't know where you have changed, but I don't know why. It just feels like you are more attractive."

"Er, OK, I will not make complaints about your aesthetics." Sen Xia patted Tong Gu Xiao on the shoulder.

"If you don't think senxia is good-looking, it's a problem with this aesthetic view." He continued to make complaints about the situation.

No way. This topic will be endless if it goes on like this. It's better to continue the previous topic.

At this time, the two people had already walked to the door of the toilet. Mori pulled Tonggu: "by the way, Tonggu, what did you experience this summer vacation? Why is it like this? "

"Ah, Harada told you about this. Meihui and I spent a summer vacation together."This is obviously a good thing, but tongguxiao's face shows a look of sadness and indignation.


When updating get ~

lively, no one may not know Cough.

The gods behind them are ferocious. They can't hold them.

Sleep, get up and continue to code. (to be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!


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