Another world line of the revelation of the academy is meat pan.

But in the current world line, it can't be meat pan.

After thinking about the plan given by xuenai, Sen Xia thinks it should be feasible.

Before this, senxia was the boss of the company, and her identity was being checked. Now, she is helping her sister as her brother.

What should we do?

Sen Xia is thinking.

"Xuenai, the plan here has been decided. Do you have any idea about the specific content?"

The model is almost certain.

The general production direction of Mori's silent record of learning garden has been determined, but how to do the follow-up content depends on the production of your side.

After hearing senxia's question, xuenai fell into thinking.

"Well, in terms of game mode, it's a shooting game with cooperation. Then the melee character, the long-range character, the auxiliary role... "

The snow murmured.

When Mori heard xuenai's idea, he thought of "quality effect" and another game called "the land of no owner".

Quality effect: ugly girl Ah, sorry, it's Andromeda. Although this game has been popular, the quality effect trilogy before this is a masterpiece.

In this trilogy, there is a special setting, that is, when the player goes out to war, there are actually two teammates, so the game is said to be in team mode.

The game of "no owner's land" can be said to be role-playing, but it can also be said to be a shooting game. In this game, although it is shooting, it also has rich skills.

Xuenai said that these two models let Sen Xia think of these two games.

Maybe these parts can also be accepted?

The condition of network online is not very good now. It is not cost-effective to develop the mode of "the road to survival".

"I think we can provide a plot mode, a multiplayer mode. What do you think?" Sen Xia at this time, naturally thought of this aspect of the content.

There are many settings for plot mode and multiplayer mode.

Similar to gta5, there are two modes of gta5 and gtaol, one is plot story and the other is online game.

Not to mention, whether it's the plot or multiplayer game mode, the game has a good reputation - it's just that for some unspeakable reason, the server connection of this game in a big eastern country is not good, so many people here in a big eastern country can't have a good multiplayer experience.

But it is undeniable that this model can be used for reference.

"Something like Starcraft?" Qianjia was watching the StarCraft game in North America before she came, so she naturally thought of the game.

"Well, almost, but not exactly the same. The single player mode plays the plot, while the multiplayer mode, the player's role image, is decided by the player himself

Well, anyway, senxia has learned so many games here. Now it's almost the same to learn from the two games.

If so, that's fine - it doesn't matter if you learn more from two games.

Senxia has given up treatment for her sister.

"The players decide for themselves Pinch your face? " Qianjia naturally thought of this model.

"Well, almost. For multiplayer games, I think xuenai's design was very good before - take a look, sister."

Senxia opens the document before xuenai.

Qianjia stood up, then walked over to this side to check the documents.

"Well, four person cooperation customs clearance mode..."

"Well, it's almost right, but in the case of multiplayer mode, I have two plans. One is that all characters start from the same starting point, and the other way is to have multiple characters with different characteristics to choose from at the beginning. I'm thinking about which is more appropriate. "

The former is "anti terrorist elite" mode, and the latter is "watch vanguard" mode.

"In addition, I hope to add a combat mode to this mode." "On the one hand, he plays the survivor, and on the other, he plays the special infected person, who dies and resurrects at regular intervals, while the former needs to get to the destination in the hindrance of the latter, which is probably the case," senxia said

"In the case of multiplayer mode, in fact, the two modes are the same, but if you want to talk about competition, surely the former is more fair? But the latter, um More interesting? "

"Well, if so, you don't have to pay too much attention to this aspect..." Senxia muttered, "design according to the former, and then give the latter some special settings For example, in the beginning, some characters have close combat weapons at the beginning, while another character's power to blow his head is 10% higher. This simple design is still OK. "

If you can, that's fine.Senxia decided not to get involved.

"Well, let's do it this way." Senxia made a decision for xuenai.

"But I'm more concerned about the stand-alone mode. If the plot doesn't work, I don't agree!" Qian Jia turns her head and looks at Sen Xia here.

"Stand alone, the content of role growth will be more abundant."

This time, senxia learned from StarCraft 2. In StarCraft 2, players can upgrade their units to new units with more characteristics when in single player mode. However, in multiplayer mode, there are only basic units. This is also the intention of senxia.

"But now, it seems that the whole story is not the feeling of four girls leaving the dormitory together before Snow is the content of writing, is more inclined to the supernatural, but shooting games take the supernatural aspect, these two elements are not very matched.

“…… What are your plans, brother? "

Some of them read the same sound.

Snow is this sound, let Sen Xia feel a cold back, the whole person seems to have goose bumps the same feeling.

All over the body are uncomfortable feeling, let Sen xiadun when super not calm.

Sen Xia silently moved her eyes from Qianjia's black silk thigh.

With a huge conscience, senxia did not dare to be presumptuous.

"Well, xuenai, what do you think of the story?"

"Well, if it's a school, I think it's interesting to do something special with the role of the long sword in school. It should be a very interesting idea to drop a character in a romantic comedy into such a cruel world. "

Well, it's just like senxia wanted to throw the girl in the battlefield.

By the way, this work has been decided now. We are negotiating with some big eastern country to make a cooperative film.

Of course, supervision and split script are still done here, but a big eastern country should be responsible for the overall painting. Although many skills of a big oriental country are not good at present, but in terms of pure hand-painted, a big oriental country is still very good. A big oriental country that has just made a standard work of "Baolian lamp" still has a strong production technique Harmful.

However, because a manufacturer from a big eastern country wants to follow the Disney Line and has a disagreement with senxia, the current situation of the whole project is actually a bit awkward there.

Let's not mention it for the time being.

In a sense, xuenai's wave is very similar to senxia.

Xue is thinking of something like this "contrast sprouting" feeling at this moment.

"Well, let the character of Qiu Zhi's recollection fight the zombie, or let the character of heart beat recollection go to boot a Well, in a sense, it's a very special experience. " Qianjia thinks that xuenai is very interesting.

However, hearing Qian Jia's praise, the snow here curled her lips, and then gently put her hands on Sen Xia's chest.

It was like a kitten swearing sovereignty.

Unfortunately, senxia, who was sworn in sovereignty, did not see this scene.

"Well, I find the contrast interesting. At the beginning of the story, the protagonist has a bad friend, a childhood sweetheart, a gentle elder sister, and a natural transfer student Well, that's OK

Senxia nodded.

There are other world lines in the "the revelation of the School Park" which can be referred to, but it does not mean that senxia should refer to every place.

"Let's start with eight characters. When going to war, it is better to choose four at a time. The protagonist himself is one, and then there are seven teammates No, in addition to these roles, there should also be roles responsible for driving and selling cute... "

Some of the designs in the original book are good for mori.

The school doctor with a driver's license in the story, and then a loli I I saw on the way, can also be found in senxia. Even the settings can be put in the story without any modification.

However, some roles also need to be modified.

"For the protagonist, we can interact with the multiplayer mode to provide face pinching production..."

Senxia's protagonist, he felt that he could also modify it.

The original "xiaoshixiao" was abandoned by senxia cruelly.

"If there are two protagonists, one man and one woman will be better."

Playing this kind of shooting game sister paper is relatively small, so the beginning of senxia locking, most of them are boys.

In this story, the character is naturally to be dominated by female characters.

Some people like the boy strategy girls mode, some people like to see the pure lily plot between girls.

"You need a childhood sweetheart first." In the original book, it is Gong Benli. This character is good at using guns. The story is not brilliant and even boring. In this case, the role needs to be modified."Then there's the man's best friend."

In the original plot of the book, yongjinghao is a good friend of Kobayashi. By the way, he Prys into the corner of the wall and becomes Gong Benli's boyfriend, giving him a big green hat.

In the original plot, this setting was an interesting part at the beginning.

But in the game, the tension of the story does not need this kind of content. Therefore, this setting can also be adjusted.

At least Sen Xia thinks that it's not good to let people wear a green hat for the protagonist.

What's more, senxia can pinch his face here. If he is the protagonist of sister paper, and there is another such male No.2 around him, isn't it implying that the player says "male No.2 is the winner of life" and so on?

If it's for girls, this design is actually very interesting.

But if it is to face boys, this kind of plot is better.

"Then there is the gentle elder sister."

The reason why Sen Xia thought of the book was actually because there was such a "sister" in it.

In acgn industry, there is a legendary trio, which often appears in the same culture. Therefore, these three people are called "three big buses".

Of course, the titles of these three buses have also changed, but they basically include fangjianshan huangquan, Yuban Meiqin, altoria and Tokushima.

Why, four of the three buses?

Nonsense, four King Kong has five, three bus has four swollen!

Although "public transportation" was a negative word at the beginning, it became a kind of ridicule later.

Among them, the poison island in the book of revelation of the school is such an excellent role.

Well, by the way, this elder poison island is the heroine of the dynamic picture of hiding bullets with her chest part in the Internet legend.

This role can be retained, or even completely used.

Senxia thinks it can.

"Then there is the need for a transfer student."

This There's no such thing.

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Today's meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, me. We should also pay attention to


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