The door opened.

It was Lihua who came in.

"Ah, it's here. Senxia Jun, about next month's final Ah? "

Qianjia and senxia in the room are watching TV. There is an animation they have not seen on TV.

Li Hua remembers this animation. This is the new version of the magic girl Naiye, which will be shown next month.

But how to say that.

Atmosphere incorrect.

Even Lihua, who has just entered the door, can feel the atmosphere is not right now.

There was animation on the TV, and there was no word on the scene.

However, the feeling of the two people is totally different from watching TV seriously.

To be precise, it was as if the pause button had been pressed.

Super embarrassing.

Embarrassed for several chapters of two people, at this moment, finally ushered in the highest point of embarrassment.

"Cough -" Li Hua coughed gently. Of course, she realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between the two people. "At this time, should I say," the degree of favoritism has dropped by 10 points? "

Well, it seems that this "love game" thing is really well known.

Lihua's words seem to be playing keys on the remote control.

Senxia and Qianjia moved again.

Qian Jia turned her head and said to Sen Xia, "is this your" eight gods wind "

Although the story of the second season has not come out yet, people have already done it. And the person who was labeled as the protagonist of the second season is the eight gods wind.

"Is this Naiye's animation?"

After all, it is the student president. Lihua is very reliable when necessary.

"Well, that's right." Qian Jia said, "so I was just asking Sen Xiajun about the second season."

After seeing Lihua, Qianjia's original stiff tone and expression are finally restored to their original appearance.

Even Sen Xia also felt the change of Qianjia's tone.

"Lihua, what's the matter with you?" Senxia asked and stood up.

"As your assistant, of course I'm here to report to you." Qian Jia said, "WCG finals."

October is not just when Naiye begins to play, it's also when the WCG finals begin.

However, the two things are different in basic aspects, and they are not in conflict.

"Ah, so." Senxia stood up.

Lihua has now changed her job. She has changed from dealing with the affairs of group A to helping senxia deal with things here.

In a sense, she is Mori's secretary.

There's a secretary to do, nothing to do Cough

Of course, Lihua's affairs are not just the Secretary's work. It's too humble, but Sen Xia doesn't give Lihua too much work - after all, she is still the student president of Dongda.

"This is a fax from lighthouse."

Lihua gave the document to senxia.

"Well, good."

Senxia took over the document.

And then moriha was not good for a second.

Because this document was written by Alice.

Fortunately, I introduced the situation of the lighthouse country. Alice is worthy of being the big landlord over there. Everything has been taken care of, including the visa on this side.

…… But the latter content, Sen Xia but some can not be looked at directly.

"This is Are you showing love? "

I don't know when, Qianjia also came.

"Well - Alice is such a person. I can't help it." Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

"Well, but senxia Jun, you may feel very happy. So many girls like you."

Well, it's a good thing to be liked by sister paper. Seriously, if a man is surrounded by so many sister papers but doesn't feel happy, then there is a problem.

But Qian Jia's tone is not right

"50 points off favoritism." Qian Jia sits back in front of the TV.

"Er - it's not my fault, is it?" Make complaints about the summer.

"Passive infidelity is still infidelity, Sen Xiajun." Qian Jia said.

"This can't be counted!"

"If you are a girl who is pursued by others, but the boy who pursues you is also pasted upside down by all kinds of girls, what would you think?" Qian Jia raised her eyebrows.

"Er - you're right."

Well, Sonia has nothing to say.

"Well, forget it. It's about this. Why don't you go on and say what you think? "

In fact, the second season has started to prepare in advance. Although the script of Mori hasn't come out yet, the outline has been roughly completed.

After all, both games and animations need to be prepared in advance.However, Naiye in this world is half a year old. Unlike another world line, Naiye doesn't have to rush to make a new one next year.

Of course, if the progress is fast enough, seamless connection is naturally the best.

"I have thought about the subsequent plot, but I haven't thought of it yet. By the way - "senxia looked at Lihua," Lihua, do you have any opinion on Naiye's follow-up? "

Lihua hasn't seen the animation version just now, but Lihua has also played games, so she knows what senxia is talking about.

"In the follow-up, it should be that Naiye stirred up the eight gods wind, and then the wind sauce and the fitte sauce were jealous at the same time, and then they fought each other Er - sorry, I just played on campus the other day... "

As soon as Lihua finished, she felt a little embarrassed.

This game is really some brainwashing. After playing this game, Lihua is full of thoughts of tearing and wood knives.

After seeing senxia's side Well, although a little unkind, Lihua's head is full of dark plots.

I always feel that senxia Jun will be divided by seventeen.

…… Why is seventeen division?

Well, whatever.

"Er - just talk about what you want to see in the future." Senxia changed her question.

"Well, I really want to see the tangle between Naiye and fitter. Well, by the way, it seems interesting if fitter is caught or threatened by the enemy when they take a risk... "

Li Hua blushed when she spoke.

Because at this time, she thought about her role in beautiful new world.

At the thought of her role in the game, Lihua's face turned red.

"Thank you." Senxia laughed twice.

Well, sure enough, it's better to think about the plot yourself.

The original story and senxia's story are completely different, and the reference value of the follow-up stories is also not significant.

Eh, by the way, in that case, why not ask the magic conch Bah, why don't you ask other people?

Senxia knows a lot of scriptwriters here. Maybe others have some special opinions?

"Well, try it."

Sen Xia glanced at Qian Jia, who was watching the animation. She was a little relieved.

It's also Is it over?

Death flag or something didn't happen, but senxia felt that the two hours before it was really worse than death


The second change of meow ~

the meow presented by the author's principles

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