The season of September gradually passed, and the time finally came to October.

Senxia asked naisu and them to think about Naiye's "authority". That's what happened.

"Er, I suddenly feel like there are a lot of things..." Sen Xia Leng for a moment.

"No, I have removed the unimportant points. EA is preparing to conduct strategic negotiations with us. They can provide a lot of funds, and the subsequent committee will be related to our cooperation,"

The following does not count the words

in a word, one of the ancestors of senxia was the Czar's little princess. However, in FGO II, this sister paper may be Anastasia. As a result, every time the author sees each other, he feels very delicate

Today's meow meow ~

two in one. Baidu

awful two days in the company's thoughts, things will be on-line, but the outline is still thinking, hair is white Orz

finally make complaints about the Baidu encyclopedia, which has been blooming in America, has been changed into a strange website and strange dates, and there is no way to change it.

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