"Well The article is not bad. It's very delicate and picturesque. If you can give this novel illustrations, it seems to be very interesting.

after elder Ji ye came to the Department, sister Qianjia showed her the manuscript written by xuenai, and senior Ji Ye gave her a very high evaluation.

“……” Qianjia is in silence.

"What are you going to do, sister?" Senxia asked, "let's call Xue Nai to write something like this. If you can, do you want to ask her to continue?"

"I lost." "Xuejie long sigh of relief," you take the snow here in the afternoon, this story has to ask her to discuss before it can continue. "

"Well, is there anything else to pay attention to when it comes to the script?" Senxia asked again.

"Basically, there is no problem. If there is something wrong with it, it will be corrected slowly later. Now there is also a problem of clothing. We'd better design a school uniform that is more eye-catching. " Qianjia Xuejie said as she looked at Ji Ye.

However, Sen Xia snapped back at this time: "miniskirt plus black silk, in this case, it must be very eye-catching!"

"A miniskirt with black silk? It seems that it is also good... " Ji Ye smiles.

"It's really good, but reject, miniskirts and other things, absolutely can't appear in the drama." However, Xuejie gave Sen Xia a very painful blow.

"Nani?! Why is that? " Senxia's eyes widened.

"Because if we do, I'm afraid we will face a very big problem, that is, school audit. If we insist on it, we will only force the school to cancel our performance

Mori Xia wilted, had to say, the elder sister said too reasonable.

"If you have a way to get the school done, not to mention miniskirts, not even swimsuits, not even anything. That's not a problem. "

However, this sentence with did not say the same, senxia this time already understood this cruel reality.

"What about the dress?" Senxia asked again.

"Simple, although we can find one of the school uniforms of our school and change the style a little, it's almost the same. Look at this Shengying school. It's very aristocratic. It matches the temperament of our school before, so there's no problem at all. "

My sister's plan tutor is very good.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Oh, it would be very kind of you to help." Elder sister smiles at elder Ji Ye.

"Well, it's just your business anyway." I'm not the one who plays anyway. No matter what you do, it's OK to join in the fun. Anyway, you have written so many manuscripts. You just have to hand in all the manuscripts, and then it's OK. If the drama is popular, we can make money by developing novels. Hey, this is the king!

Everything was under the control of the senior sister, and the script was scheduled for 90 minutes. Moriha needs to keep the length of the manuscript within this range.

As for the clothing and scenery, this is the aspect. As long as the design drawings are submitted in the front, the latter is required. It's more convenient because the elders of the drama club once left a lot of things. As long as you take them out and sort them out a little bit, you can do it.

"Kyle. Have you thought about Dong iket's work yet? " Looking at the matter almost, the elder sister held a meeting to discuss other things.

"Well, if I think about this story. It's very beautiful Ji Ye's face showed a happy smile, "Na, senxia Jun, I still use you as the protagonist of the story. Do you want to know the content of the story?"

"Absolutely not!" Senxia refused with righteous words.

"It seems to be very interesting. Let me hear what senxia doesn't listen to." This time, my sister came to join in the fun.

"Well, the content of this story is about a young man with a beautiful face. He failed to learn because of his family relationship. However, at this time, he suddenly found that if he wore women's clothes, he could not only earn pocket money, but also fool those uncles. However, at this time, a very strange bad uncle appears, and our protagonist has no way to deal with this guy... "

"Oh, oh! It's really interesting, and there's a shadow of Mori in the hero Qianjia student sister praised.

"I have a normal sexual orientation, so I won't be with men!" Senxia rolled her eyes.

"Well," said master Jiye, nodding. "In the cartoon, the hero thinks the same thing, but he doesn't know what a gentle and thoughtful uncle he is. At the beginning of the story, the hero does not follow, and the uncle doesn't force him to wear a woman's dress to show himself, and then the spark of love starts to burst out in this... "

In a word, the following script is the story of the hero and uncle going to a happy life together. The final result is that we all get happiness, Congratulations, congratulations Head off!

After hearing the story, senxia had goose bumps all over her back."Sure enough, rotten girl or something..." Senxia sighed and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Isn't senxia satisfied with the story? I think it's great. " Xuejie smiles at Sen Xia, but how she looks at this smile, she feels full of malice.

"Well, forget it. That's the story." Senxia waved her hand. "I always feel that if I discuss this topic in depth, I will definitely go to the abyss that I can't turn back."

"It's a pity that I still wanted to hear from the client." Master Ji Ye looked at Sen Xia with a strange look, blazing with expectation.

“……” Sen Xia skimmed over the head, this kind of thing absolutely cannot respond, as long as the response, you will lose!

"Well, the lunch break is coming to an end. Let's have a good discussion when xuenai sauce comes in the afternoon." Xuejie took a look at Mori Xia, "of course, you have no problem with the script. If you can finish it, you can do it as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, Qianjia suddenly stopped: "I don't know if it's an illusion. I always feel like I've seen it somewhere before, but I can't remember clearly when I think about it."

"I don't know, but I can feel the love of the author of this article." Master Ji ye also praised xuenai's text, "such a story is really rare."

"Love Tut. " Xuejie turned her eyes reluctantly, but Xue Nai's article made her speechless Who told her to write so much less than xuenai?

After lunch and leaving the Department, the afternoon course began. Tongguxiao is still groaning at this time, and Harada seems to have identified this brother-in-law.

"Well, Tonggu, have you ever told Harada about meihui Senxia asked in a low voice.

Tonggu Xiaoxiao shook his head: "no Meihui looks like a good girl in front of her family. She can't even wear jewelry. She has a private rental house outside, which is used to store clothes and make-up when she goes out

You've already started to shout? What's more, you even know the secret of the other party?!

Until this time, Sen Xia suddenly realized that the feelings of this guy is the mouth dislike body integrity!

Tong Gu Xiao, I have been wrong about you. I didn't expect that you, as a fool, dare to play tricks with me!

Sen Xia was deeply distressed.

Class bell rings, Sen Xia turned back, no longer to pay attention to this idiot. After school in the afternoon, senxia got up and went to class one a year.

One class a year is next to their classroom in senxia. However, due to their own community activities and the relationship between xuenai and other employees, they seldom go home together except for a few hours.

"It's rare that my brother doesn't take part in club activities today?" Xuenai has just packed up her things and is preparing to go to Kendo Club. At this time, senxia comes.

"Are you busy?" Senxia asked strangely.

"No, I just want to train early because I want to participate in the competition." Xuenai asked, "what do you want to tell me, brother? If it's my brother, I'll have time at any time. "

In fact, from school to activities, this is close to an hour of free time, but generally speaking, people who have nothing to do will directly participate in community activities.

"Oh, well, I have shown your manuscript to Qianjia. She agrees with what you have written, so she wants to ask you to discuss about the script." Senxia explained.

"Oh!" After hearing Qianjia's attitude, xuenai's whole body seemed excited, and even the tone of her voice was raised by three degrees, "of course, I'm going to go! I must see how my sister comments on my novels! "

After snow is finished, already walked out of the classroom quickly, will Sen Xia Leng in place. Snow seems to be really impatient. She seems to be more eager than usual.

At this time, Sen Xia couldn't help but think of Qianjia Xuejie.

They don't know why. If they have time to meet No, just mention the other person in front of one of them, and the two of them will be in a very strange state.

As it is now, the usual snow will not do such things.

Seeing that senxia was still in the same place, xuenai pulled over senxia and said: "well, it doesn't matter if you ask for leave for today's club activities. I have enough confidence in writing novels."

"Er..." Senxia didn't know what to say.


I fell asleep while I was coding Cover my face and add more tomorrow, let me slow down a little, or I will die. The update at noon will be postponed for two or three days. Take a breath. (to be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!


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