It is not only in the East that there is a big country in the East that is shocked by the magic girl Naiye.

In fact, this work not only shocked the people of a big eastern country, but also the insiders of mud boom.

It's not that they don't know the "sky of fate" that Musashino animation produced before.

That work was praised as "the last animated film masterpiece at the end of the 20th century" by the mud industry.

With the help of this work, Mr. Jin min is almost a God, and has become a hot director.

"The magic girl Naiye" uses the same techniques as the "margin of the sky" to make. But the latter is theater animation, and the former is TV animation, which is hardly an order of magnitude.

Of course, compared with the latter, the skills of the former are relatively simple - that is, of course, if we do not do so, we must not say about the funds. At least in terms of time, Naiye will definitely not catch up with the release in October, and even whether we can go on in October next year is also a problem.

After initial surprise, these manufacturers quickly realized that the magic girl Naiye produced by Musashino animation is not a normal animation, but a dazzling animation.

They were relieved by this discovery.

As for the original level of "the magic girl Naiye", we can see the previous eva-retake.

In this work, re evangelical Warriors also adopted new painting techniques, but they were not so radical.

The main innovation of re evangelical warriors is the texture of the picture.

Including the clothes of the characters and the texture of the robots, these are the places where changes have been made, but that's all.

Among the re evangelical warriors, the costumes of the characters have been changed by magic. For example, the main character's combat clothes have been replaced with the texture of latex coats, which makes all the combat uniforms very attractive and attractive. The modification of EVA also makes these robots more tensive.

In addition to the color texture, re evangelical warriors only have a small taste of photography techniques, but not to the extent of "the sky of fate" and "the magic girl Naiye".

These animation companies in Nihong are shocked, but also understand the action of Musashino.

But they still don't understand that Musashino's funds are really too much.

they are not Tucao Musashino animation, but simply make complaints about Musashino animation envy and jealousy.

Of course, Musashino animation is very good, but they can not have so much money to burn.

You Musashino animation people, did not consider the funding ah!

Many animators are roaring in their hearts.

The first two words of Naiye, a magic girl, are the contents of two episodes. One is 48 minutes, and the other is 96 minutes. I'm afraid that the length of some theater version animation is not so much No, some theater animation funds may not be enough to complete these two episodes of TV animation.

This is not money burning, what is money?

Well, their idea, in a sense, is quite right.

Because senxia has too much money to burn.

I, moriha, have money!

Although Sen Xia can't afford to buy an apple, there's no problem burning one or two animations here.

In this world, there are many kinds of works with sufficient funds.

One is the return on investment, which can bring enough profits to investors.

One is that the grand system, which can bring enough influence to investors.

The other is called Kitchen! power! Let go! Out!

Naiye, the magic girl, is the work released by senxia kitchen power.

I, moriha, have money!

Because it's very important, we need to remind you again.

Senxia has money, so Mori Xia can let Musashino animation burn money regardless of the cost.

And it turns out that Mori's approach has paid off quite well.

At least after the magic girl Naiye began to play, the world E-sports competition, which had been discussed, had basically disappeared in mud boom - because at this time, everyone was talking about the magic girl Naiye.

However, most people look at things differently from professionals.

What the professionals see is the burning of funds for Musashino animation. They even think that the painting techniques used in "the magic girl Naiye" are not practical.

Renjie's animation is the cancer of money.

As for the next rich and wayward, it should be Netflix dad. In the future, Netflix has invested in the animation industry of mud boom and produced many rich and willful animations. Therefore, Netflix is known as "netfly dad".

However, there is no one on senxia side to address him with this kind of address.

In the eyes of professionals, Musashino animation is a new animation company that is very concerned about new techniques and new technologies. In fact, some aspects of their technology are very good.For the audience, it's a different story - the audience is more concerned about the story itself.

Although Naiye is a magic girl's work, Naiye's anti routine is very surprising.

"Such a determined and powerful magic girl, I'm still two in one

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