Fasten the motor! (bad)

ASO felt as if he had played a fake Lily game.

Isn't this a lily game?

Why do I think the AI of this training machine is super strong!

Asao Seiichi picked up the game manual, which has a basic role profile.

Yes, the characters in the script are all sister paper.

There is a supporting actor, but there is no leading actor - a ghost!

"Bt-7274: Huang Weiyi's training machine during training."

This orange mecha is printed on the manual.

This mecha, Mori learned from the orange training machine of inayi fan from jiezuka, and the whole structure was modified according to the bt-7274 setting in Titan fall 2.

In the blink of an eye, this machine is really a training machine, but ASO Kenichi looked at it carefully and found that the setting of this machine a was very pleasant.

Obviously, it's just a training machine. Why do you look more and more handsome?

BT is a very simple machine, different from those sultry special bodies.

But the more you look at it, the more you enjoy it!

How to say that, for ASO Kenichi, the setting of BT as the protagonist's machine is like a clean stream in the robot industry. The machines of the protagonists in other works are either special machines or first-class machines, which are simply gorgeous Jian goods!

As a group of charming white lotus among Jian goods, Asao's love for BT is absolutely beyond words.

Although his attitude will be killed by a group of people when he goes out.

After all, he is a very small number of reasonable parties.

It's a long way off.

In a word, Aso saw the BT mecha, and suddenly had a feeling of sudden enlightenment: This is the hero who meows!

Yes, in the story, the one who interacts most with Huang Weiyi is not Mei Zhi, nor anyone else, but the mecha in front of him.

What's more, Aso found that he interacted with Huang Weiyi and Meizhi He would like to see the interaction between Huang Wei Yi and BT.

This is embarrassing for him to meow.

Fortunately, the characters in the plot are still very cute. Xuenai doesn't abandon the original characters completely. The female characters in xuenai are all added to the work according to her own needs.

Of course, only the background and personality are used for reference. As for the experience and so on, xuenai is completely original. Sen Xia will not write so many things on the character card for xuenai.

Although he felt his sexuality had been challenged, Kenichi ASO continued to play.

After the initial plot, the truth of the story is gradually revealed.

Huang Weiyi "defected" because she found that the upper class had already planned to be the "leading Party".

This kind of plot is very normal. In this world, only the upper class can sell their own country for a good price.

Huang Weiyi's school is the training school set up by Nihong to train new pilots. It's equivalent to giving mud boom no ability to continue to fight. The plane without pilots is not a pile of scrap iron?

However, the new Huang Weiyi, which was integrated into the part of the naifan of jiezuka, saw through the essence of beta all at once.

In the plot, other characters dream of being able to understand the ideas of aliens, and in the plot, there is a seemingly intellectual beta.

But Huang Weiyi is the most determined character in the plot to kill all the aliens.

After the destruction of the base group, Huang Weiyi realized that there was no future for him to stay in this place. He told bt-7274 his analysis and successfully convinced the big guy.

You know, these robots are based on predetermined settings, and they have machines designed with harmonious AI. They are very powerful in dealing with bugs and vulnerabilities. In the plot, to convince such a machine requires very strong logical ability, and something must be proved.

But Huang Weiyi did.

That's amazing.

In order to convince the pure rational AI, this setting will make Ma Shengxian sprout up on this paper.

"Speaking of it This Huang Wei Yi feels like the minister? "

Seeing this, Mr. ASO also noticed that the appearance of Huang Weiyi seems to be somewhat similar to Qianyu Qianjia.

However, compared with the characters, Mr. ASO really likes Er It's still BT.

Although it is a pure rational life, but in the plot, the machine will use rational thinking to say some cold jokes, seemingly reasonable deduction, but led to absurd results, people can not help laughing.

After that, the content of the story has gradually been revealed. With reasonable deduction and evidence, Huang Weiyi understands that beta is not a pure alien. These guys are, to be exact, carbon based blood and flesh mechanical tools, which are essentially the same as BT.What's more, unlike BT with AI, beta has the ability to think, but it's a cold swarm reaction. Huang Weiyi therefore judges that those leading Party members are either corrupted or pure stupid x, and of course, they also include Zhonger Chubi who want to destroy the world.

"That's how the carbon from beta comes in." Aliens may have powerful technology, but if a beta is just the other party's machine, it's easy.

It's like an African country that is properly crushed by the lighthouse army, but if lighthouse sends only one chariot to the country, the situation is different.

But why do aliens do this?

After one doubt was solved, another came into being.

But Mr. Aso's hands are itchy at this time.

He couldn't help opening the forum.

In the forum, the relevant news is not much, but there are also some spoiler, but so far, play to follow-up players, or very few.

One of the characteristics of the games of group A is that it is highly discussive. It is not that other games have insufficient topics. However, on online forums, the works, discussions and topics of group A are very hot, far surpassing other series.

Similar to that of Kenichi Aso, he is the leader of group A.

"Finished, clearly is a light lily to the game, but I fell in love with BT, this can do ah!"

Mr. ASO posted a post.

"Ah, yes, it can't be repaired. It's clearly a mecha, but it's so cute. I've fallen in love with it!"

"It's just a training machine Great

"Well, man-machine love is not bad, Plato's spiritual love is also very interesting."

"As a mass production machine, but there is dubbing or something, it is really a foul! That Ono Daisuke's voice is amazing

"Hello, Hello, above, are you dissatisfied with the mass production machine! Don't you know that zaguchai is the strongest one? "

"I feel like my sexuality has broken down..."

"Please calm down, girls and robots are boys' favorite, we like both at the same time, there is no problem at all."

"Well, what this one said just now is right. Why can't robots! Robots can do it too! What's wrong with I like BT! "

“…… The birth of opportunistic love

Aso did not know that after his post, the word "opportunistic love" became a hot word on the Internet, and began to be popular on the Internet at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century.

After posting to see a pile of resonance, Asahi sobbed back to the game.

As the story goes on, the truth is getting closer and closer.

And the cosmic law of "dark forest" has also been revealed.

The cruel truth of the universe has shocked Asahi.

At this time, Asao learned that beta was really a weapon launched by aliens.

The universe is dangerous. It's OK to destroy the earth directly by driving a fleet. However, for aliens, it doesn't make sense. Driving a fleet means that a torch is lit up in the dark, which is likely to be discovered by other cosmic civilizations.

And this kind of super distance attack consumes a lot of resources.

So these alien life sent a spore to Earth - the original beta.

These flesh and blood life, can collect the earth's resources, can also be used to destroy the earth's civilization, this is the alien, it is simply kill two birds with one stone.

But snow is in this story, and does not fully explain the so-called dark forest law - that is not the theme of the story.

Moreover, Huang Weiyi in the plot also feels that human technology and aliens are absolutely irresistible.

Therefore, Huang Weiyi's strategy is to use beta to send out interference waves, and then shield the earth's civilization scene and coordinates, so that aliens can't track the earth.

But Huang Weiyi also said in the plot that this method may last for 10 or 100 years, but it is not a once and for all method.

Human beings need counter attack, and human beings also need means of checks and balances.

But that kind of story will not be shown in the plot.

Liu has also used three books to write the three styles. The MUV here only draws on the concept. This part has not been fully developed.

By the way, Sen Xia, a science fiction world magazine from a big eastern country, has also been acquired. However, it is said that there is an engineer who has contributed recently. It is said that the contents of the articles are very good

At the beginning of the story, Huang Weiyi is fighting alone. But with more and more sister papers, the story gets more and more support from all over the world.

In the final decisive battle, Huang Weiyi entered the enemy's base with his support group.In the end, Huang Weiyi needs to connect beta through mecha, and then cover up the earth's intelligence.

However, if the plan fails to keep up with the changes, the enemy's nest will collapse, but there is not much time left for Huang Weiyi. If she really sends out information, she will die here. Huangweiyi had planned to sacrifice, but at this time, BT threw huangweiyi out.

"Agreement 3."

In the story, when landing in the cockpit for the first time, there will be an agreement. The content of agreement 3 is to protect the pilot.

As a result, BT completed the final step by itself after throwing the driver out.


After BT's sacrifice, Kenichi ASO of organic love immediately sent out a burst of wailing.

BT died like this

The feeling of loss made him feel empty in his heart.

Well, that's the revised part of shawson.

As for plagiarism Plagiarism ten years later, is it called plagiarism?

What? How do you want to shoot the story of Titan fall 2?

Well Let's talk about it after ten years. Maybe there will be a better plot? Right?

Mm-hmm. what's more, after more than ten years, we'll make a similar plot, and then say "salute". It won't be a problem. Mm-hmm, we are the meow of homage!

As for the bt-7274, what is it called Well, 9527 might be a good code name.

No, I'll do something

Back to reality, Mr Aso has new ideas in mind.

Even for BT, I have to do something

As soon as ASO thought about it, he opened a new post on the forum. However, different from previous feelings, this time, Asao made a comparison in the story.

“…… Throughout the story, we can find that there are two kinds of artificial intelligence in the story, one is beta and the other is human AI. The former is a carbon based flesh and blood body with only cold thinking; the latter is a metal body based on silicon, but has a thinking close to human nature. It can be found that beta and BT are in fact two sides and completely opposite. Moreover, the abbreviation "beta" is very similar to the code name "BT", which has a strong implication... "

“…… We all know that in works like terminator, AI usually represents the destruction of the world, but in the world of MUV, we can find that the most sincere characters are not those lovely heroines. I admit that these characters have their own characteristics, but in my opinion, the most lovely character is BT with mechanical body. The story of artificial intelligence and human harmony, is very rare. But in the story, I think it is very reasonable that AI is not the enemy of mankind, but the friend of mankind... "

After writing a long paragraph of writing, Mr. ASO gave up.

After being posted on the Internet, this piece of content has also aroused great resonance.

It has to be said that snow is an excellent emotional narrative, which directly fascinated the boys who were originally interested in robots.

Ah, ah, BT, he meow really with feeling!

By this time, I can't wait to play the first part of the game

I seem to fall in love with BT, what should I do?

Mr. Aso is in distress.

"Ah - yes." Inadvertently, he saw the present time.

The third word of the magic girl Naiye is about to begin!

Aso forgot BT for a moment, and his brain was filled with Naiye again


Titan fall 2, did not play the students can recommend to see the black Tung Google strategy, single look at the plot is very enjoyable. In order not to reveal, BT said a lot of interesting lines, I did not say, too bad.

It's over. Huang Weiyi and new Huang Weiyi, a super combination of yinaifan and huangweiyi, have made me forget the image of this character in the original work Cover your face.

Today's two in one, the author's integrity!

Two in one meow, meow meow ~

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