Although senxia felt some kind of nameless malice from the universe, it did not hinder their discussion of the story. A kind of A kind of

"In a word, we will follow this principle first. EVA is not a general work. If we can, we will continue to launch subsequent works," well, very good articles. " While talking, Qian Jia looked at the clock next to him and said, "anyway, it's time for community activities. If you don't go there soon, you'll be late."

"Ah..." Snow Nai's face just showed a satisfied color, she just prepared to say a word was choked by the other party.

"Snow, you said you would take part in the competition, but now you are absent. Not so good? " Senxia also thought of the previous words.

“……” Snow is a deep breath, and then can only stand up, "then, impolite, I have something to do, and later if there is a chance, we can talk about it."

Snow is to pack up their own things, unwilling to leave from here.

"Since that's the case, it's better to leave the story to Xue," said Sen Xia, who was confident and confident about her sister. "Now it's a drama, isn't it?"

"When it comes to drama, it seems to be very interesting, but why do you have to pretend to be a girl to enter a girls' school? If it's a boy school and a boys' school, we call it "onysama". Isn't it cute Ji ye also put forward her own views.

"This kind of thing can only be regarded as the" rotten point "of corrupt women Sanger make complaints about it again.

"Ah? But for me, this is also a very loving point. Why not? " Ji Ye pursed her mouth.

To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for Ji Ye's rotten nature, senxia would have been sprouted by her. There is no doubt that the petite figure and face of master Ji ye have given her great lethality.

Senxia once again stated that he had no complaints about the rotten girl. It's just that I feel uncomfortable being treated as material.

"Between girls and girls, I don't think it's a problem. It's better than before. It should be easier to be accepted, and because Mizuho is a fake mother, it has formed a sprouting point. However, whether it's the girls who dress up as men and enter the boys' school, or the simple relationship between boys and boys, this kind of budding point is relatively less, so it's really the best story. " It seems that the elder sister has really considered this problem.

"Is that so?" Master Ji Ye pressed her fingers on her lips and pouted, "but what you're talking about is actually a minority?"

"It's because of the minority that we can gradually popularize it in the future," she said. "It's because of the minority that we have to gradually spread this culture. As for the rotten women, the base number of this group is very large."

Girls like to see boys and boys, which is just like boys like to see girls and girls together. Even if they are not ordinary girls, when they see boys and boys together, although they don't like it, they will not always resent it. Therefore, it is an indisputable fact that the audience of putrid women group is more than that of puppet women group.

Of course, for gentlemen, it must be lovely boy's paper with more market. Yes

"In fact, lovely boy paper may also become a popular trend in the future. You see, it has both male characteristics and female charm, so this role can bring feelings!" Senxia, who knew the future, put forward his prediction and judgment.

"Well, anyway, the script has been decided. I will send it to the drama club in a moment, but I don't think they will have any opinions," she continued. "At most, it's just to modify some words and sentences, which should be nothing. Anyway, I'm the vice president of the drama club."

"Ah ah ah ah!" Sen Xia was stunned, "Xuejie, are you the vice president of the drama club?"

"Well, it's just a name. Don't worry. If the drama club is just a small club, no one will care about it."

Listening to Qian Jia's reply, Sen Xia wiped the sweat on her forehead.

Well, you have already penetrated into the enemy's interior. This kind of thing is of course easy! Sen Xia is not really want to make complaints about it.

"But it's not good to be authoritarian like that? There is still a lot of time left. Shall we go to the drama club to discuss the script? " Senxia still felt it was not right.

"No, I'll talk to you about it at that time. Today is the first day of school. The students of the drama club haven't even read the script. What are you in such a hurry to do?" Qian Jia looks at Sen Xia, "now we have a lot to do And now there's another important thing here. "

"What?" Senxia asked inexplicably.

"It's about working. I'll tell you about it." Qianjia Xuejie told senxia what she had said before.

"Part time job?" Ji Ye seems to be more interested in this than senxia. "Nah, do you want to put Mori sauce on women's clothes and go to work in places like wine houses? Ah, the truth is, it must be very interesting to see how senxia sauce is seen by handsome boys“…… In this case, I will never go! "

Are you kidding, this kind of pit father to the extreme work, absolutely has no any significance to ah!

"What are you talking about?" she looked at them. "It's a serious job. It's in the Chinese restaurant I went to."

"Ah, is the Chinese restaurant contacted by my sister Senxia asked in surprise.

"Well To be exact, it's not a complete Chinese restaurant, "she said to Sen Xia after sorting out her language." it's not a complete Chinese restaurant, but a Chinese restaurant with a business model similar to that of a high-end western restaurant. "

"And that kind of thing?" Senxia asked casually.

"There are still some problems in terms of funds. If you don't have any problems, you will probably be able to come to work in two days."

"Well, no problem." In all kinds of sense, part-time jobs are necessary. If there is no funds, their plans can not even start.

Fortunately, senxia and Xuejie had a lot of money saved before. Although there is still a gap, the gap is not very big. If we only need ordinary workers to support them, the later work can continue.

"Zhonghua restaurant? Is it Qianjia, the one you are working for? " Ji Ye understood.

"Ah?" Hearing this news, Sen Xia was also surprised, "sister, do you have a part-time job?"

"Of course," said the elder sister, "I have been working in order to save money. Have I told you about this before?"

"Ah..."? Is it? " Senxia scratched her head. Did you really say that?

"I used to find a job as a hotel waiter for Sen Xiajun. The high-end pubs there are very fond of lovely boys like Sen Xia." She shook her head regretfully.

"Hello, Hello, what are the boys who like to be cute?" Senxia rolled her eyes.

"It means literally, like cute boys." Qian Jia looks at Sen Xia with a strange smile. "There are a lot of ladies in the high-end tavern over there every day. So in that kind of place, senxia's lovely boy paper is very popular ~"

Sen Xia has a chill: "this is a cowherd!"

"It's not cowherd. It can only be said that lonely women need lovely boys to comfort them. Their empty hearts need boys to fill in."

Hearing the description of the elder sister, the cold sweat on the forehead of Sen Xia came down.

"Ah? Then why didn't you choose this job? " Master Ji ye asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing. It's just that there's something wrong with the simple feeling in the back," she turned her head over. "Besides the high salary factor, I really wanted to see how Sen Xiajun looked when she was at a loss, but I always felt a little uncomfortable..."

"If it's the kind of work that needs to sell integrity, I certainly won't want it!" Don't say anything about this kind of thing. Senxia must refuse!

"In any case, if you want to let senxia work, it's better to put it under my nose. It happens that the store manager is also recruiting people, so I recommended senxia," after explaining it, my elder sister turned her eyes to Sen Xia, "so you can prepare a little, and you can go there with me in two days."


In a word, the new book monthly ticket list fell to the fourth place, which failed to live up to everyone's expectations


the update at noon is postponed to the afternoon (to be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!


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