"That's it."

The time has come to November.

Muv-luv sales as always good, and Naiye is also in the hot broadcast.

"Earth Defense boy" will be released in April next year. Senxia specially asked Lao Xu and GUI Tou to help the animation.

But at this moment, senxia is sitting on the plane, went to a certain oriental country.

Er - to be exact, it's senxia, Qianjia, Lihua, Xiyan and Yiji.

After flying to a big eastern country, senxia and they stayed in the hotel of magic capital - the house has not been built yet.

Sister Yi Ji needs to be responsible for the affairs of Tianhai family, so when she came here, she went to the imperial capital first. Xiyan was senxia's maid. However, at this time, she did not follow senxia's side, but went to see the house. At present, a lot of furniture materials of a large oriental country are not very qualified, especially the hardware, so when senxia came here, she specially made a set Mud Bang original home decoration, take it there to decorate. As far as the standard of household hardware is concerned, mud boom has always been ahead of a big eastern country in this respect, and it will still be so in the next ten years. Many of the furniture with mud boom dare to move all kinds of mechanisms, but in a big eastern country, these similar institutions are very easy to be damaged - at least for now.

So mud boom original, sometimes really need.

And senxia, Qianjia and Lihua three people, at this moment is crowded in the club in the magic office.

In front of three people is a dc-p.

"The resolution ranges from 640 × 480 to 1600 × 1200. It can support a high resolution."

Unfortunately, when the resolution is high, the refresh rate of the screen will drop and the screen will flicker.

At this point, the machine is connected to a monitor, running at 1024 × 756 resolution and 85Hz refresh rate.

This is also the standard display mode of this era.

"But it doesn't feel the same as what I saw on TV." Qianjia looks at the dc-p on the other side. This dc-p is connected to the TV set. It is an ordinary game machine that has not been modified.

"Of course, the definition and requirements of TV sets are different from those of computers. Now we use monitors to watch, of course, the effect is different. The gray scale supported by the monitor is different from the TV itself. "

"The picture on the TV is softer, and the picture on the monitor is clearer." Lihua is comparing the two.

"But the edges and corners on this side of the monitor are very hard." Qian Jia watched TV, and then came to the table top of Sen Xia.

"Three meter anti aliasing, five meter Full HD, that's what the monitor is like."

Senxia took a look at the picture in front of her.

"The monitor has no video image reprocessing. It directly outputs the game signal to the screen, but the TV still needs to process and optimize the signal inside the TV set. It is normal to feel the difference."

Hearing what senxia said, Qianjia saw the screen of the monitor again.

After trying, she connected the normal dc-p video cable from the TV to the monitor.

The same game effect, as expected, is more different.

Compared with the huge TV screen, Qianjia found that the screen on the monitor is smaller and less shocking.

What's more, the screen on the monitor is angular and jagged.

But compared to the picture on the TV, she also found the advantages of the monitor.

First of all, the picture is more transparent, and the clarity is also rich, which has promoted a level. What's more, when playing games, Qianjia actually experienced a totally different feeling from that of playing on the computer.

She couldn't help sighing: "although the picture here is not as soft as that, I feel more refreshing here..."

The picture is the fighting game champion 98.

To be exact, it's "Quan Huang 98 infinite fight ol".

This fighting game is not only an ordinary fighting game, but also an online fighting game. On the basis of being able to fight, the players of this game can also fight the players on the network through the Internet.

what make complaints about the 99 fighters? What is the 2000 of the king's name? What's the 98 of the king's name?

Congratulations to senxia. After being killed by yuechu and Naiye powder, he is now going to be killed by fans of K and Kula.

"Because the input delay is lower, so it's sensory close to the arcade?" Said senxia.

"I see." Qianjia nodded. At this time, she was in stand-alone mode, with zero delay input and display, and her senses were better than those on TV.

And at this time, Qianjia's eyes suddenly brightened, and then looked at the senxia: "it's decided!""Ah?"

"I decided that if I want to play games in the future, I will use dc-p to access the monitor directly. It's amazing!"

"Ah?" What is the conclusion?

Senxia looked at Qianjia strangely: "although it has some effect on the fighting game, it is not necessary to put it on other games. "Lu Lu Lu Xiu" this game, put on the monitor, the sense of the game will be different from before. "

Lu Lu Xiu is a 3D game.

In this era, 3D technology has not yet matured. Although in theory, the game console on senxia's side can obtain very powerful performance, but in fact, due to the limited conditions, the actual effect of the machine is not satisfactory.

For example, the game God of war.

Theoretically speaking, the game console on senxia's side should also be able to achieve this level of picture, and even be able to slightly exceed it.

But because of the development of the system and other reasons, these can not be done easily.

"Anti reverse Lu Lu Xiu" belongs to the most classic kind of game players, "three meters anti aliasing, five meters Full HD.".

After the goods were installed on the monitor, the picture effect was greatly reduced, but there was still a certain degree of decline.

"Better. And why can't a monitor be the same size as a TV? Will a 30 inch monitor be very comfortable? "

"And then the price will go up." Senxia shook her head.

"The problem that money can solve is definitely not a problem." With a big wave of his hand, Qianjia said he didn't care.

did not make complaints about the best Tucao, but instead changed the video line of the DC-P to the TV set, and then reconverted the DC-P that operated the desktop window to the display again.

Dc-p has been equipped with mouse and keyboard from the beginning. Although it is not a required accessory, it is also an optional accessory. Many people who play online games will choose to buy a set of keyboard and mouse.

Why do people who like to play online games buy keyboard and mouse?

It's very simple, because dc-p has now connected to the server of hero track, and has also obtained the transplanted version of StarCraft from Blizzard. These games have no keyboard and mouse. How can he play it!

This is not the era of touch screen in the future. You can learn from a king

Since you can't learn, you can only honestly follow the tradition.

Skillfully opened the browser, senxia began to use this dc-p in the network surfing.

"No matter how many times I look at it, I think this browser is really comfortable." Qianjia shut down the game machine over there and came to see the web page open.

"Nonsense, this interface and interactive logic, he Miaomiao plagiarized chrome..."

Of course, it is impossible to say such words.

But moriha is unlikely to say that.

And the most important thing is that no one believes it!

But the multi label web browsing mode is really very eye-catching. In this year, it represents the most advanced computer interface.

By the way, senxia also uses this multi tab design in system settings and other interfaces.

As for whether this kind of practice can be used for reference by Juqiang in reverse, Sen Xia thinks it is unlikely that he will take the initiative to sell himself, but Juqiang gaoleng says that we don't care.

This is embarrassing for him to meow.

Although it looks very good and powerful, the current giant hardware can't do this kind of large-scale modification of operation logic.

As for the future of win8 and win10 Well, it's the trend of the times.

"But senxia, are you really going to use this machine to enter the market of some big eastern country? We only have one model. Is that really OK? " Lihua is more worried about practical problems.

"As long as the optimization is done well, I think there is no problem. In addition to the field of professional software, we have no problems in the general office field. "

Mud boom is simply the representative of garbage optimization. No game manufacturer's optimization is worse than mud boom's.

As for Bangguo, it's even worse. Mud boom can only be said to be garbage optimization, while Bangguo is just garbage from the code level.

If there is a programmer who praises the good work of the code, he or she is probably insane by the code.

"It can even be said that the biggest advantage of our dc-p is that we only have one model. This means that we can optimize the software with high precision. In a sense, we can even use assembly software to do some programs to maximize the effect of optimization. "

If the level of programmers is exactly the same, assembly language must be the most efficient, and a generation of ordinary computers, in view of the type of all-round super optimization, performance can even reach 200% of the original.Of course, this is not absolute.

For example, in programming, if you calculate the sin value similar to sin in junior high school, even if you let the assembly do it, it is not necessarily very good. At this time, if you have a table written in advance, and then let the program look up the table, the effect will be much better than the direct calculation.

However, in any case, the unified hardware will reduce the cost of Machine Optimization on a large scale, which means that they only need to do a good job in configuration optimization, so that all the machines on the market can get super improvement in quality.

"But then again, it seems that we can't call this office machine dc-p?" Qianjia mentioned a key question, "the game machine has just been closed here, but it's really strange that we continue to call this name?"

"Well, you have a point." Senxia nodded. "We should have a better name."

But What's your name?

This machine should have a name of "crazy bully cool drag" and "fried sky".

The general name has already been unable to enter Mori's eye.

"How about the Milky way?" Qian Jia put forward his own opinion.

"Well, it's interesting, but it's too big, and there's already a supercomputer called Galaxy here."

Yinhe is the first computer researched by a big eastern country with a computation capacity of 100 million times per second.

By this name, there is a reputation, but Sen Xia thinks that people from some big eastern country may feel that there is something wrong

"Tianhe?" Qian Jia changed her name.

"Well, it's good," senxia thought for a moment, "no, it's still Forget it

Qian Jia: "why?"

Not why, I feel that if I call this name, it will be PK by cross world line

Tianhe No.2 or something

"How about Shenwei? Weimeng has power... " Lihua also thought of one.

"Keke - Taiwei is fierce. We are office machines."

If you add another light of Taihu Lake in the back, I will probably have to go to the elderly to discuss life

These names can't be bad, but senxia knows "history", so these seemingly good names can be used by senxia himself Have psychological burden!

"Well Loong! Dragon! This name is domineering! Isn't a descendant of the dragon Qian Jia said, "Dragon - this must be very interesting."

"It's too ostentatious. I don't think it's good." Senxia shakes her head and opens her notebook. On it, she also records some useful names. She has many precious memories brought from another world line, but the memories are vague and easy to be forgotten.

So when senxia thought of something, she would record it on paper.

"Tut, it's just a name. It's so complicated..."

Qian Jia shook her head. She also felt that it was a little too painful.

It doesn't seem very good to call it Phoenix directly.

"Well Well? "

Just at this time, senxia looked through her notebook and happened to find a sketch.

Senxia looked at it for a while, but it was bright in front of her eyes.

"Yes He yelled excitedly.

"What?" Qianjia and Lihua are Qi Qi looked at the senxia.

Senxia's sketch was drawn on the plane. Senxia side in the production of the game, including a game called "Monster Hunter", and the present sketch, is a set of game inside.

Because this suit is really cute, its popularity, in another world line, has even surpassed the game itself.

"What about Kirin? Kylin in English

Well, this suit is called Kirin suit. Because of the relationship between this suit, there is even a "Kirin lady".

The dragon and Phoenix are too big. Although the unicorn is also a auspicious beast, it is relatively introverted.

Qianjia and Lihua look at each other.

"It seems that Good? "


K and Kula are the role of the champion, by the way, Kula super cute!

Raspberry pie someone compiles the arm version of win10, which is said to have been successfully installed, not IOT, but arm version. Although it is useless, it can be said that this is people's tossing spirit

Two in one meow.

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