The sound of today's poetry is totally different from that in ordinary times.

The poem with long black hair shows a mature posture.

"No, don't look at me like that. I'm very ashamed!"

Senxia's eyes are focused on the poetry, which makes the girl a little embarrassed. She looks up at senxia and then lowers her head.

"There is still a little time." Then, senxia said.

"Ah? What time? " The poem sounds strange and looks at Sen Xia.

"Are you imitating your sister

Mori Xia's words, let the poetry sound stiff.

Although not willing to admit, but the poetry is really imitating their own sister.

"Actually, I think it's better for you to have a double ponytail." Senxia said so.

No way! Double ponytail can't do it! I'm no longer a child! "

"I don't think double ponytail is a child. I just think that you are suitable for that feeling. Would it be great if you had a long ponytail and went to be an idol? "

“…… Really? "

The poetic sound looks suspiciously at the senxia here.

"Well, our club has a project called" future of the first sound ". This young lady of the future of the first tone is a double horse tail."

If Sen Xia's tone is not so coax the children, maybe he will believe the poetry, but his tone, how to listen, how to make people angry!

"Hello, I said -"

"- well, let me change your hair style."


Originally wanted to lose his temper, after hearing the words of senxia, stopped.


She looks at Sen Xia suspiciously.

"Yes, I didn't know how to do it before, but I learned how to do it."

Senxia didn't know how to make her hair before, but after her hair grew, he also considered how to take care of it. What's more, senxia thinks that if xuenai wants to change her hair style, it seems very good to help her comb and weave her hair.

So senxia also learned two skills.

"Well, would you like to have a try?"


"It's not a good day for you to have a double tail, right?"

"Well But in advance, I don't want to change my hair. I just hate your nonsense. I just want to see you make a fool of yourself

No, no, no, if you make a fool of yourself, it's poetry sauce, right?

But This character is really lovely!

After reciting the poem sound, senxia stood behind it and gently grabbed her hair.

The poem sound's hair is well arranged, dark and bright, and the fragrance of shampoo is floating in the hair.

Her soft hair is like silk, sliding on senxia's fingertips. She grabs her poetic hair. At this moment, she can't put it down.

Pick up the left and right sides of the hair and weave it into a small braid.

Instead of changing the whole hairstyle, I tied a little princess braid. This hairstyle is very similar to yasna in Sao.

But senxia, in the middle of the princess's braid, did not deal with it as usual. Instead, she took out a blue pendant and tied her hair gently.

The design of the pendant is very ingenious. It drops gently from the back of her hair. It is introverted and profound. Although it is inconspicuous at ordinary times, it gently shakes, but it reflects the dazzling brilliance.

"How about it?"

Senxia pulled the poetry to the front of the dresser, and then removed the bathroom mirror, so that the poem can enjoy her appearance at this moment.

“…… Well, not at all Obviously, her face was astonishing, but the girl's words were not right, "but it's too troublesome to get back, that's it!"

Ah, ah, although this kind of character is very lovely, but the poetry sound goes out like this, really won't be sold?

Mori feels a little worried.

Well, I'll talk to you later

As for today, the present time belongs to the poetic sound.

"If you like it, I'm afraid you won't like my Christmas presents."

“…… Ah? Is this a Christmas present? " The poem touched the blue pendant on her braid.

"Is this crystal?" The texture is not the same as glass, but the poetry can't feel what it is.

"Well, it's just a random gift, whatever it is."

Although it was made of sapphire, senxia seriously suspected that if she really said so, she would take off the pendant.

However, the finishing touch of the general hair ornament in the head of poetry is so appropriate, how can Mori have the heart to destroy this beauty?


She took a deep breath and then stood up.With a lady's purse, lipstick and light make-up on her back, she really has a little charm.

"Although I can't understand your mood, it seems that there are some Is it over? "

Senxia looked at the poetry with delicate eyes.

"No, that's good!" Shi Yin looked at Sen Xia with firm eyes, "and you, this guy, now concentrate on playing my boyfriend, that's it!"

"Well, if you are happy, then we should go to see your classmates, too?"


Now that the preparatory work has been done, it is time to get down to business.

Yes, senxia and Shiyin are going to see their classmates and have a Christmas Eve party. Now, she is Shiyin's "boyfriend".

"Poetry, why do you attach so much importance to it? Isn't it just a party? "

Waiting for the elevator, senxia asked curiously.

“…… You know, I used to live in Kansai


Senxia still remembers that when she just came from guanxi, she even spoke with some Guanxi accent. But now it's much better.

But senxia understood it immediately.

Shiyin is a transfer student from guanxi.

She is naturally a "special individual" in the class. Such individuals, want to integrate into the class, it is not so simple thing.

Here is mud boom. If you don't follow the current, you will not even live and suffocate in many cases.

If you want to integrate into the group, it is really a very hard work.

Gazing at such a poetic sound, Sen Xia suddenly thought of xuenai.

I used to worry about snow being isolated in class

Well, Sen Xia's worry at that time was not tenable, because everywhere she went, she felt full of snow. In a sense, she was even more a winner in life than senxia.

"Don't look at me like that. It's disgusting." The poetry sound is looked by Sen Xia's eyes somewhat coquettish.

Ah, ah, sure enough, the younger sister characters are super cute.

"Well - I'm practicing. I don't want to be your boyfriend, but this kind of thing, without a bit of technical content, is not enough. "

“…… Whatever you want

She glanced over her head. She seemed to be angry, but seemed to be expecting.

Speaking of it, the reason why Sen Xia will be here today is simple: Shiyin needs a boyfriend.

When senxia heard the request of the poem, he was shocked.

However, after a general description of the poetic sound, senxia understood what was going on.

After coming to Tokyo, Shi Yin is really trying to integrate into the new life of the new school.

Don't say, the girls in the poetry class are very friendly, and the poetry music is soon integrated into the class.

But - that's the point.

Although the poetry is integrated into the new class, the result is not so wonderful.

Because when the poetry music was integrated into the class, I wanted to make myself mature, so when I set myself, I added a "boyfriend" setting. Before, we were still very curious about this "boyfriend", but the poetic sounds were all evaded in various languages.

Finally, this Christmas Eve party, poetry can not be shirked. Because before the party, the girls suggested that everyone bring their boyfriends.

If I haven't said it's OK before, there are also some sister papers without boyfriends in the circle.

But since I have done "human settings" for myself before, I suddenly said that I was dumped by my boyfriend, or that my boyfriend couldn't come. I'm afraid the plastic sisterhood will come to an end.

Therefore, when Shi Yin proposed to let Sen Xia pretend to be her boyfriend.

Seriously, when hearing the news, Sen Xia's first reaction was to cover her face.

I can't help it. It's too light for novels.

Standard haughty personality, and then there is the classic "pretend to be a boyfriend" routine story.

Can you believe that I can write a novel about this plot tomorrow?

Well, well, the routine is relatively speaking, at least in this era, it's still a "fresh" script.

At least in this era, this kind of play is quite inspiring.

Before the routine becomes a routine, this is a novel setting

The party was held in karaoke.

We chose a karaoke opened by a big oriental country, which is not far away from the hotel.

The reason why they choose KTV singing set up by some big oriental country people is that only they can charter the venue.The karaoke here in Nihong is based on the number of people, and the rooms are narrow. On the contrary, the KTV set up by a big oriental country here is more spacious and can also be private rooms.

It's cheap and affordable, and it's not a problem to put down 20 or 30 people, so we chose it.

"Poetic sound!"

"From the inside! Summer tree! Beautiful

Just came here, Shi Yin met a few of his friends.

Don't say, these girls are pretty good.

The three girls are all fashionable. If you go to dye a blonde or something, they may be a "hot girl". However, kauno school is not a tripod school. No matter how hot the hot girls are, they dare not openly challenge the school rules.

…… Well, except for Lily, they have "golden fingers".

Sister paper are very cute, from the inside is a small girl, Sen Xia can see, she is wearing high shoes.

Summer tree Yeah? A little familiar?

Beauty Oh, ah, it's a little heavy. Is it because you are proficient in the four beauty techniques in Asia?

The three girls did not come alone. Behind them, there were three men.

Two of them were pretty, but the other one put his head away after seeing mori.

“…… Well? Whoa, whoa

Senxia did not say the name of the third person, the man rushed over and covered her mouth.

Inoue Ono.

Yes, this man is Mori's old high school classmate Inoue.

In this case, the "summer tree"

Well, by the way, Mori remembers Inoue used to show off his photos.

Well, yes, Inoue's sister It's called the summer tree on the well

Sleeping trough!

Feelings out of poetry, there are Xibei goods here?

"Are you..."

The poetry sound is confused to the present state.

"Ah, this is my old friend. We didn't expect to meet here. Ha ha ha! Wait a minute Inoue knows that his action is not very polite, but he has no way.

Pulling senxia around a bend, Inoue presses Mori against the wall.

“…… I was beaten by a boy? " Sen Xia is embarrassed and has a God.

"Don't worry about the wall thumping or not! Senxia - this is my life's request, please don't tell me the relationship between me and Xia Shu! "

"Well, I'm sure I won't say that."

Although already recognized, but senxia really did not consider to break through the well brother and sister.

After all, my side is also fake.


After hearing Mori's reply, Inoue was relieved.

"Why are you coming with your sister?"

Although senxia didn't intend to expose it, the soul of gossip in his heart was still burning!

"It's not because my sister - she said all her friends have boyfriends, so she's going to take one." Inoue said while shaking his head, "since it is my sister's request, I have no way, you say it is."

"I can't see that you are a sister control

I used to think that you were just an ordinary second goods, so you are a sister controlled second goods. I'm really sorry, Inoue!

"Tut, senxia, if your sister asked you to work overtime, would you agree with her boyfriend?"

"Duty bound!"

Senxia did not hesitate at all, but said her own way in a firm and quick tone.

"That's right." The well let senxia go, "in a word, you can cooperate with me. We can't leave for long now. Go back first. "

After all, it's been a long time since the two left alone.

"So you're still called Inoue?" Senxia had a question.

Brother and sister, the same name, that is not recognized?

"Musashi, my name is Musashi."

Senxia was a bit of a jerk.

There are gods in embarrassment.

"Musashi Wild? "




The lost ballad is 9.2 points all the way to station B. I'll see how much this drama can get

Today's two in one, meow meow ~

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