"Is there anything on my face?"

It was the afternoon of the next day, and Mori had changed back to her original clothes.

Originally, at this time, the shrine should be a little more relaxed, but it did not.

After all, holidays are busier days for tourist attractions.

In addition to the visitors, the shrine has also poured into many tourist groups. The whole shrine is busier than usual, even busier than the peak last night.

At night, the number of tourists who come to the shrine is not large. Most of them are local people - after all, there are not many tour groups that will come out in the middle of the night.

So in the daytime, there are more people here.

It's OK for Yutong to be a temporary worker in the Hakka club, but they're still working for one or two of them.

Although she worked all night, she was not very sleepy at this time.

After all, she's used to it.

Of course, it is different from her own shrine. This is a tourist attraction. When the scene becomes more and more lively the next day, Zhentong feels a totally different kind of excitement from what he felt before.

Although Zhentong can understand the large number of people who come to visit in the new year, he does not expect that the population will be so large.

Most of the "first attainments" that began in the middle of the night on December 31 are local festivals, and few people choose to come out at this time.

The so-called "first attainments" refers to the period from January 1st to the 3rd of the new year, which is called "three days" and called "initial attainments" (はつつうで). The first time is usually on the evening of December 31 or the morning of January 1.

This is mud boom, traditional customs. In animated dramas and other works, the protagonist often accompanies his sister or his family to visit the new year, which is called "initial attainments".

This is the first time in a year to go to a shrine or temple to pray for peace.

The mud boom tram also runs all night on December 31, making it convenient for people to visit.

This day, Zhentong was used to it before.

From the midnight of December 31, as long as it is densely populated areas, the gates of temples and shrines must be crowded with people, and even special people are needed to maintain order, no less than those who hold ceremonies.

After entering the new year, the number of people will be less than the peak, but not much less.

Of course, that's the general situation.

Yuzao shrine is very large, even very large.

According to Zhentong's experience, the yuzao shrine occupies a large area and has a vast area. Even if the number of worshippers is larger, there is still plenty of room.

Zhentong has been to Hegang Bafan palace, which is located in Kamakura City, Kanagawa County, Nihon. It is one of the three eight Banna palaces in Nihon. Although yuzao shrine is not the so-called "Bafan Palace", it has a larger area - after all, it is the whole mountain.

In the past, the yuzao shrine was not so big, but after the expansion and development last year, the whole mountain has become a shrine. Even if people from the whole Musashi area come here, there is no problem. The crowded place is only this palace at most.

It should have been.

But after the end of local participation, more outsiders came out.

Tourists from all over the world have entered the yuzao shrine.

Few God societies have a large number of guests at this time, just like in the eastern countries, you can't expect to go shopping on the first day of new year's day.

However, it is an exception here. Not only is the mountain overcrowded, but the shops and shopping malls all over the mountain are still open.

Xuenai has already fallen asleep. The hardest thing last night should be xuenai. She put on heavy clothes to perform hard and concentrate on performing every moment.

At this moment, the operation mode of the shrine has been transformed from the "festival mode" of mud boom to the "scenic spot mode" of the outside world. Naturally, there is no need for snow here.

However, senxia did not rest. He and Zhentong were sitting here drinking tea.

To be exact, it should be that senxia, in order to avoid Alice, went to the room where Zhentong was resting.


True pupil put aside his face.

I don't know why, when I see senxia, the girl's heart is a burst of irritability.

It's not the feeling of falling in love at first sight, and it's not the feeling of puffing heart.

I just feel irritable.

Very angry.

Be angry with yourself.

No reason to be angry.

"Are you not going to rest?" Sen Xia inquires about true pupil.

The expression of true pupil is some delicate, seem to be a little tired.

"I can't sleep. I'm still very energetic. I used to be a witch. I was used to such things as Spring Festival -- "

she shut her mouth.——Ah, ah, ah, what am I thinking? Why should I tell him what happened before!

Big fire! Very hot!

She was restless, and senxia could see it.

"Alice got up early in order to catch the plane, and now she's been up all night. She should have gone to bed..." He muttered to himself.

After finishing this sentence, Sen Xia looked at Zhen Tong again: "why don't we go shopping together? This is a grand festival which is not inferior to any other ceremony


Tong really agrees.

She didn't want to share a room with Sonia.

Otherwise, the real pupil will feel very hot.

Senxia, who changed back to men's clothes, and the feeling of "snow is an adult" has disappeared completely. However, senxia's face now has a feeling that she can't look at directly.

Whenever he looked at each other's face, she could not help but want to look away.

After cleaning up, they went outside.

It's a very lively scene.

Two people came out from the back and walked in the crowd.

One of the advantages of large land occupation is that you can go shopping freely.

In other shrines, because the number of people is too large and the place is too small, the visitors must follow the designated route.

But in yuzao shrine, only when you go to the palace, you need to enter in order. In other places, it is quite free.

"A lot of people like xiaoyuzao." There are people everywhere who buy jade algae gods (hands).

These gods (hands) are not made of resin, but cast into blanks with metal, and then processed. They are real statues that can be preserved for a long time.

In addition, the new business of jade statues and jade statues has also been developed here, and there are also amulets, charms and other souvenirs in front of yuzao.

- the killing stone is the stone worshipped in Niaoyu shrine before, not the one in Nihong scenic area.

Well, it's all myths anyway, and our stone has been worshipped for thousands of years. It's OK to say it's genuine.

But just strolled for a while, the real pupil has some doubts.

"What's the matter?" Senxia asked.

"Why are there so many big Oriental people?" It's strange.

"Ah, because we have cooperation there, we can also come here for new year employee benefits. In addition, other channels are basically here. "

Senxia's own enterprises do not have any special tourism channels, but when Qianjia went to a big eastern country, it actually opened up a tourism channel there. Through negotiation with Tianhai family, it specially set up a tourism route here.

By the way, this negotiation was made by Qianjia to persuade the old man, not through Sen Xia or Xue Nai.

Of course, this channel is not entirely commercial tourism. It is mainly based on some arrangements made by our own people.

"Are they just new year's day?" Chen Tong doesn't understand.

"Of course, but their new year is the old calendar Well, it seems better to use the term "lunar calendar" or "lunar calendar."

"Of course I know that." Real Tong looked around for a moment. "I remember that they also celebrate the new year's day. I remember that" New Year's Day "is here."

In fact, in the past, the new year's day and the Spring Festival were the same day in a big eastern country, but there were different opinions. Under the leadership of a certain artillery comrade, we changed the Western calendar, so new year's day and Spring Festival were separated.

"For them, the new year's Day is no different from ordinary festivals. The old Spring Festival has a greater impact on them. But the new year's Day is actually an ordinary holiday, and there is nothing special about it." Senxia explained, "maybe you don't quite understand the people's views on the new year."

"Well, in the Ryukyu Islands and some rural areas, the old Spring Festival is still celebrated. I know that." Of course Zhentong knows.

In fact, there is also a festival in accordance with the lunar calendar - the Mid Autumn Festival.

After all, other festivals can be observed according to the Gregorian calendar, but the Mid Autumn Festival follows the Gregorian calendar You can't expect the Mid Autumn Festival at the new moon, can you?

"But it's amazing that there are so many foreigners here."

"Well, in fact, this is just a deviation. There are quite a lot of neon gold, but most of them are queuing up at the palace, and few will come to shop." Senxia said, "although I came to the yuzao shrine, the mood we held was different."

After hearing the words of senxia, the real pupil was suddenly stunned for a moment.

"Mood Different mood What about... "

"Well? What's the matter? Are you sick? " Senxia noticed that there was something wrong with Zhen Tong's expression.

"Ah - no - it's nothing. It's just the feeling. The mood is a little different."Ah, that's right.

Because I feel the same when I get along with xuenai adults and this guy, I feel afraid and bored.

But If I face this guy with a different mood, will it be much better?

The feeling of irritability seems to have gradually left his heart, that kind of pleasant feeling as if there is a shadow left from the heart, let the real pupil feel that his heart seems to become clear.

That kind of spontaneous pleasure and comfort, let real pupil's heart seem to become excited.

"Well, to speak, Zhentong, do you want a talisman?" Just at this time, two people went to a shop in front of, Sen Xia just saw the goods inside.

This is where amulets are sold, and many of the people here are local.

When the bride is in the mud, after visiting the gods, most of the neon gold will buy a "おりり", that is, amulets.

"Well, that's enough."

Because she is a witch, she is not very keen on this kind of thing.

"How about drawing a lot and divining?" Senxia asked again.

“…… Do you have any intention? " Real Tong looks back and looks at Sen Xia with suspicious eyes.

"Er - I'm looking at Zhentong. You seem to be in a bad mood. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. "

Senxia scratched her head.

He thought that Zhentong had something on his mind, so he wanted to help Zhentong solve his inner troubles.

I don't know why, when he saw the real pupil, he always thought of his "little apprentice" on the network.

This kind of cordial feeling made senxia feel as if she had no way to leave her alone.

But Zhentong doesn't seem to think so.

Realizing that she seems to have gone too far, Sen Xia quickly said, "you are a good child, I always feel that I can't leave you alone."

“……” "Really Tong silently stepped back a step," don't say that kind of disgusting words

Real Tong quickly stopped senxia.

"Er --"

am I wrong?

No - ah, by the way, is the child allergic?

Senxia asked herself, did not say anything strange, that question naturally in the real Tong own body.

This little guy, he seems to be allergic.

"And don't look at me like that. I'm about your age."


Although xuenai is Sen Xia's sister, there is no age difference between them. As Xue is the real pupil of her classmate, she can't be too small.

But just as Zhen Tong said, Sen Xia seems to unconsciously regard her as her younger generation.

Embarrassment of fans

"Ah, it's you

A woman's voice suddenly rang out.

After hearing this address, Zhentong is a little uncomfortable.

You guy What's your name!

It's clearly what I called it first!

"Ah - poetic sound?"

Senxia's face showed a surprise expression.

But after seeing this, Zhen Tong feels more uncomfortable.

Originally calm down the mood, at this moment, also seems to become more intense and fire.

"Did you come, too?"

"My sister is here, of course, but she is going to visit now. Well, I'm not interested in that kind of thing, so I went shopping. This is your home. If you have any interesting places, take me to have a look

However, did not wait for that voice to finish, the real pupil then took Sen Xia's hand, then turned back to the person behind him and said, "sorry, I came first!"


When Nihong visited the new year, there were a lot of people, but yuzao shrine was very big and could hold it, so there was no problem.

There is no bird feather shrine or yuzao shrine in this world line. Even the mountain has no world line deviation, so you can't find it on the map. (laughter).

Today's two in one, meow meow ~

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