What should be done in young Xiang's works?

Wang Qiwen, who left with his nephew, was thinking.

Because he found that the concept of making this kind of young works is almost completely different from that of adults.

First of all, the logic is simple and children can understand it;

secondly, the value orientation is correct, guiding the children to have a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values;

and at the end of these two points, it is the picture and commercial projection of the work.

After all, the first thing to do with children oriented works is not to please children, but to please parents.

If the children can't understand, they will leave noisy, and parents will not be happy; if the value orientation is not correct, parents will also let their children stay away, and in terms of the company's own social responsibility, this also needs to be observed. After these two points are satisfied, the works themselves will have the soil for survival, and parents will have the willingness to consume the works.

After watching the blue cat, Wang Qiwen took his nephew back home. Now it is the Chinese new year, and his nephew lives here.

"Go to the Internet first..."

Wang Qiwen thought about it and went to the Internet.

As a result, he didn't find out how many people were discussing the so-called "blue cat" relationship.

In the larger game forum, we discussed the stone age game and another recently tested game called magic baby. The former was a new year's activity, and everyone was in a carnival. The latter was curiosity about the new game.

In addition, the most heated discussion on the Internet is a game, a game called "MUV yueluo".

Wang Qiwen knows about the game, but it's not so good to play shooting games, so he just goes to watch other people's games on the Internet - not to mention, the "webcast" of the minority is quite popular, but now the webcast is not so easy to do. Even the live broadcast itself has to download the game data, which is somewhat subtle in experience.

This kind of live broadcast, in a sense, is just to reproduce the operation of the host through instructions, rather than the transmission of pictures.

"It's really not..."

The most heated discussion about animated films is that many people are saying that "the sky of fate" is about to pass the audit.

People in this year are still very pure, we are discussing the depth of this work on the Internet, and praising how glorious the work is.

"It's said that the great work of Nihong has been approved and will be released in China after the New Year!"

"The space of fate is a great work of excavating human soul and torturing human nature."

"Young life is hot, mud boom is the strongest, the sky of the works is coming, and I'm afraid of losing!"

Seeing this place, Wang Qiwen's face became a little delicate and strange.

Ignoring the following speech, which is called "God Lord", many other online posts are making various guesses about this work. Some players who have seen it in mud boom are saying their impressions. Even readers of novels are comparing the pictures and pictures of movies with human settings.

Well Let's not mention whether this work is pure or filthy, but the super magic version of a big eastern country Well, don't look directly.

Although it seems to be a good story, but how to say, in terms of thought and realm, it is far from the original. This gap is the same as that between the eagle warrior and the evangelical warrior.

It's a sad story.

"The result is still no blue cat!"

Wang Qiwen watched for a long time, but there was still not much discussion about blue cat on the Internet.

He thought about it, and then went to his most familiar film and Television Forum, and then made a post.

"I'm going to take my nephew to the cinema tomorrow. How about the big blue cat movie?"

Since no one asks, say hello to yourself.

Wang Qiwen is very witty.

Don't say, near the end of the new year, many people are also busy, in Wang Qiwen post not long, someone reply.

"So childish works will pull low-grade, your nephew saw more blue cat, and will only be as low-b as blue cat."

LowB is used by Sen Xia in Chinese Forum, which shows her superiority and disdain for each other.

"Upstairs + 1, if you see more of this kind of work, it will reduce your taste. If you want to see a movie, you can go to see something better."

"There is no good film this year. This kind of retarded film is insulting to people's intelligence."

"If you want me to see it, Shangmei film has gone back more and more. In those years, Baolian lamp was the fifth box office of the year. Now, the blue cat must have lost all of them. No one will go to see it."

"My mother asked me to accompany my cousin to watch the garbage cartoon, which has no style at all. The picture is pretty good, but the logic is in a mess, and Wei Guangzheng's set is disgusting. If I want to see it, those aliens should kill these animals."

Wang Qiwen:He silently turned off the comment.


Why is the review so bad?

It's not scientific.

I am very happy to see the children, and I feel good about this story!

According to Wang Qiwen, the leader in charge of auditing also thinks that blue cat has positive value. Originally, the part of blue cat's PK alien was a little extreme, but under the leadership's sign, it was still given.

Of course, it can be done without a sign from the leader. After all, it is "foreign capital".

But there is something wrong with the situation on the Internet.

Wang Qiwen thought for a moment, and he called Sen Xia.

"Hoo, Lao Wang, it's not spring festival yet." There came the voice of senxia, who seemed to have just finished his exercise and was panting.

"Well, blue cat is on, you know?"

"Oh, yes, I know. It's very good." Of course Sonia knew, "what's the matter?"

“…… The reviews on the Internet are not very good. " Wang Qiwen worried, "I think it may be bad, the word-of-mouth on the network is a street."

“…… Huh Senxia heard Wang Qiwen's voice. His movement seemed to have stopped. He seemed to be surprised by Wang Qiwen's words.

"I say, are you serious?"

"Yes, I've just read the news on the Internet. Some of the comments are really too damaging."

Wang Qiwen simply read a few comments on the Internet to Sen Xia. Don't say, some are really cruel.

Senxia over there didn't say anything. She only said, "shangmeiying may have cheated Japanese enterprises into making such inferior investment. This is anti Japanese!" I laughed.

"Well You're looking for information in the wrong place. That kind of people are in the minority. " Senxia is probably holding back a smile, that voice how to listen to all have a kind of wrong head feeling.

Wang Qiwen was not happy: "most of the people on the Internet are young people, or they are intellectuals. Although there are few people on the Internet, they see the big from the small, which represents the evaluation of us by the cultural circles."

"Well Then you look to see if there are any parent-child forums on the Internet. You can go and have a look. "

"Parent child forum?"

Wang Qiwen really doesn't know this.

People always live in their own world, and their perception of the outside world is limited. Everyone only knows what they want to know.

After hearing senxia's statement, Wang Qiwen landed Google and searched for it.

Don't say, this really let Wang Qiwen find a forum.

"What are you talking about with those people? Where did you see it before?"

Wang Qiwen here is searching, and senxia over there is also inquiring.

"A film forum."

“…… I see, Wen Qing. "

“…… You can say that. "

"You've seen it yourself, and you think blue cat can't do it?"

"This In fact, I think it's OK. Although the logic is simple, it's comfortable to look at, and the value orientation is also good Oh, I see. "

This is not slander, but Wen Qing of this year There are few people who are really "Three Outlooks". Especially in this era, those who go to the Internet and professional niche forums are basically the so-called elites who yearn for the lighthouse country and wish they could immigrate tomorrow.

In this way, Wang Qiwen understood something.

Naturally, these people don't agree with the three views of the works. What they yearn for is the dish cooking oil of the lighthouse country. The cry of a few people is also submerged in the turbid current.

On the other hand, Wang Qiwen also entered the parent-child forum here.

The number of people on this forum is relatively small.

"The cinema below my house is full of children recently. This blue cat is very popular. Who knows the quality of the film?"

"Not bad. I just took my son to see it and bought him a schoolbag."

"Don't go to see it. It's all works that XX takes out to brainwash people. I'm afraid that children will see too much, and their brains will go wrong."

"I haven't seen any nonsense upstairs. Blue cat is very good. My family has bought a set of TV and books. It's very good to teach children science knowledge. I also took my little girl to see the movie. It's really good to teach and have fun

There are not many posts here, but those about blue cat have occupied the forefront of recent posts. Although the number is not large, and there are also random spray, on the whole, it is much better than the previous film forum.

"I seem to understand." Wang Qiwen suddenly realized.

"Yes, I have something to do now. That's all." Senxia there is very anxious, heard Wang Qiwen said so, he even hung up the phone directly, so that Wang Qiwen can't help crying or laughing.

However, when someone else has something to do, he doesn't want to continue to disturb him. He just has to think about it by himself.

After reading for a while, Wang Qiwen understood.He had always thought that he and those "Wenqing" could play together, but now he thought that his "butt" did not seem to be over there.

Although Wang Qiwen himself is not within the system, most of his family members are within the system. As a person born in such a family, although Wang Qiwen is unconventional in some places, his basic three views are still cultivated in this place.

As a "ruling class", Wang Qiwen of course believes that the values embodied by blue cat are appropriate and good, which is conducive to the long-term stable development of society and is also beneficial to individuals.

But in that film forum, the situation is not right. Most of the people there are literati and petty bourgeoisie, who hold a copy of Nietzsche and then pretend to be literati.

In such a forum, these people will naturally pay more attention to the high-quality works, while blue cat's "childish" works are regarded as garbage, which is natural.

Because the group that blue cat faces is originally two directions with this group of people.

In the parent-child forum, it is another situation. Parents who can surf the Internet are more open-minded these days. Among these people, the proportion of consumption for movies is relatively high, but there are also some people who are "Wenqing" and "petty bourgeoisie" in the first category, so they all feel that they can't.

Wang Qiwen believes that if he goes to the forum of big friends, which refers to adults who appreciate young animation, or the forum of angry youth, he will get the same news.

Maybe some people think that blue cat is the hope of the world.

Not to mention, in some sci-fi forums, many people are constantly "blowing" the blue cat, for no other reason - the space warship inside the blue cat is so handsome!

After thinking this out, Wang Qiwen's heart also suddenly brightened.

These principles have always been there, so when Wang Qiwen saw them, everything went smoothly.

Then, Wang Qiwen patted his head.

Oh, this film has nothing to do with me. Why did I just call someone else?

Wang Qiwen suddenly felt embarrassed.

It seems that I did have some superiors before. I didn't care about it. What do I do here!

But when he thought of senxia, Wang Qiwen changed his point of view and began to look at this work from the perspective of capital.

Well The target audience is clear, and the film's profit model is also very mature Well, they are really careful.

If you think about it again, Wang Qiwen noticed that the children were careful when they looked at the blue cat, and the expression of the parents when they bought them blue cat science books.

Don't say, in this respect, people are really doing a very good job, not just children. There are a lot of contents in the plot,

"senxia's eyes are really fierce!" Wang Qiwen sighed.

But what he didn't know was that Mori Xiamou was working hard, but it wasn't just because of this.

Blue cat is an animation, but it is also a popular science animation. From 1980 to 1990, many people's scientific enlightenment was due to blue cat. In Mori's opinion, rather than let the future pleasant goat occupy the market, it is better to push behind the blue cat now. At least in this way, this work can also have some practical value.

Although it's not a gentleman's business, but also to their own "childhood" to realize the dream.

"Those keyboard men, who were not on moriha's guest list from the beginning, could not have been on that list."

Wang Qiwen thinks of the word "keyboard man" that senxia once said.

Now think about it, it seems quite appropriate.


Information that can be disclosed:

the most ruthless person who sprays a and senxia online is senxia himself. "I think this broken society takes jujube pills" is a common habit of his own.

Today's two in one.

PS: Recently, when I saw so many works of great gods animated, I couldn't help but have delusions in my mind. Unfortunately, it's impossible.

Tell me the truth, you can really film and television, and you are willing to post upside down.

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