Time came quietly to February.

Although it is a new January, there is no sign of warming in February.

Winter is long, maybe it will take some time before spring comes.

In the Kendo Hall of baibaibaihe women's University, xuenai and Xiaoyao are holding wooden knives and staring at each other.

“…… Well, I lost. " Looking at the snow over there, Xiao Yao shook his head.

Just a moment ago, the two men competed for a while. As a result, Xiaoyao's tomb passage was cut off by snow on the front, and it was simply defeated.

"Why so fast?"

In the side of the real Tong and seven sea love, two people look at each other.

Because it's only five minutes from the beginning of the competition to now, but xuenai has already played three rounds with shenqiyao, and each round is a complete victory for xuenai.

"That's what real fencing is like. When you're chopping, it's almost over." Xuenai came over as she spoke. She moved her body, but she frowned. She could not help it. For the convenience of wielding her sword, xuenai directly tied her chest with bandages, but this feeling was obviously not so good.

Although it's OK to wear a sports bra, xuenai thinks that the bandage is more "cute" and Zhentong is willing to help xuenai put on and clean the bandage, so there is no problem.

"It's also true. It's basically impossible to fight back and forth in the real world and animation." Zhen Tong also nodded.

In the animation, the fight often has to go back and forth for dozens of rounds. In the real world, this kind of situation may be very common in boxing, but it is very rare in fencing competition.

The real competition between swords often ends in a flash.

"The fight in the animation is different from that in the real world. If people in the real world hold their swords, the speed of chopping is definitely different from that of wooden knives, and the movements will be ugly. Animation is beautification, it doesn't consider the weight at all... " Shen Qiyao seems to resent the weight.

"Well?" Seven sea love keen attention to this, "is what happened?"

"I used to be handsome. I wanted to hold Yetai Dao in one hand and hit it on my toes It's broken. "

In saying this sentence, the expression on shenqiyao's face is very wonderful.

I can see how terrible the consequences of this show are.

"Yetai Dao is originally a battlefield weapon, so I won't consider some personal holding problems." At this time, xuenai had put the wooden knife beside him.

"But xuenai is really handsome just now, and the powerful preview is really great!"

In the two men's fight, xuenai can get ahead of the enemy every time. If not for shenzaki's quick reaction, I'm afraid the game of two wins in three innings would not have ended in five minutes.

"This kind of pre reading is really as good as in the comic books!"

However, in the face of Zhen Tong's flattery, Xue Nai just smiles modestly: "that's nothing. People who have learned swordsmanship can have this kind of premonition in two or three years. It's better to say that Xiaoyao's reaction ability is really strong. Although I judge correctly every time, she can open up the distance in time. It's really good. "

"Xuenai, don't say such words. I'm not an opponent at all. Xue is your judgment. I have no place to use it."

The other two laymen, after hearing these two people's flattery, were in a daze.

What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?

Who am I, where am I, and what am I going to do?

"Preview Is that a simple skill? " Zhentong is surprised.

In all kinds of animation, the ability to sense the enemy's action is not super powerful?

"Well," said Shenqi Yao, "if you think of a fight as crossing the road, then the reaction ability is whether you can react and escape in time when a car is coming to you when you are crossing the road; and the pre reading judgment is that you honestly wait for the green light to come, and then cross the road."

It's a subtle metaphor, but can you understand it?

"In fact, luck is very important in real swordsmanship. When both sides attack, if the other side comes to your left side, but you defend the right side because of wrong judgment, that is the way to die. However, this kind of thing, no matter how experienced a swordsman, may make mistakes

It's like the stone scissors with complicated rules, but the essence of swordsmanship is more complicated than that of stone scissors.

After the fencing competition, the two girls changed back to school uniforms.

"Well, it's still interesting. I'm tired of Kendo competitions."

Just leaving the Taoist temple, shenqiyao sighed.

What she and xuenai have just been engaged in is not a Kendo competition, but a real sword competition. It can even be said that if their wooden swords are replaced by cutting edge weapons, the previous fight between them can be said to be a battle of life and death."It would be nice if you could make Xiaoyao energetic." Snow is smiling.

"Ah, ah, snow, it's so good that you can accompany me to fight. I've got my fighting spirit back on."

Shen Qiyao smiles.

Xuenai is not here with shenqiyao for no reason. One of the reasons for the two people's competition is that shenqiyao wants to participate in the women's Kendo contest - well, xuenai is the one who won the championship - so xuenai came here to help shenqiyao improve his fighting spirit.

When pure, shenqiyao is not interested in it, so they will have a pure sword competition with wooden knives.

Although the bamboo sword is replaced by a wooden sword, the weight seems to be smaller. The intensity of the competition is not as fierce as this kind of "competition".

Although it is not formal enough, it is the best to improve the fighting spirit.

"But if the players in the competition are as effective as xuenai, I'm afraid I can't help it."

Shen Qiyao sighs.

There is still more than half a year to go before the game, but shenqiyao's time is wasted in playing games. Last year, she spent most of her time in video sports training. After being crushed by snow, she even felt guilty.

"It doesn't matter, my kind of Well, it's a special case. I think it would be great to meet someone who has one-third of my strength in the game? "

Xuenai, this is not modest, but self-knowledge.

It can be said that Xue is really very powerful in "fighting" here. She doesn't think that anyone can really fight with himself.

Well Of course, it's not completely absent, but the number is also very small.

As they spoke, the four walked into the cafe.

It's tea time.

"By the way, will our white lily team continue to maintain next semester?" Zhentong thought of another thing, "lilisang and tousang don't seem to want to leave. If they will continue later, we can form a team."

"But next semester's WCG, we may not be that good." Xuenai shook his head. "My brother has normalized all the competitions. In the future, it's not easy to report a name to enter the contest."

The WCG between them will become more and more formal and more neutral. This is quite different from the WCG of another world line.

The dependence of such WCG on manufacturers will also change. It is still unknown what will happen after that.

"But that kind of competition is really interesting..." Snow is a crooked head, "although may not be able to continue to participate, but the battle can still be retained. Especially Zhentong, maybe you can continue to win the championship this year. "

"Ah - I'll take care of it." Chen Tong is a little embarrassed.

Zhen Tong took part in the arcade competition over there, and in the two games of boxer king and street overlord, she has won excellent crushing victory, so she is undoubtedly the real champion.

Probably because of this, Zhentong finds that he is becoming more and more famous in the circle.

This kind of news makes Zhen Tong feel a little embarrassed.

At this time, afternoon tea and desserts also arrived.

Sipping tea, eating strawberry cake, looking at the cold wind outside the window, this feeling unexpectedly good.

"By the way, Lord xuenai, how is the game you submitted?" Zhentong is very concerned about another point, "it's the zombie game that uses us as a template Oh, sorry, love. "

True pupil just finish saying, see the expression on the face of seven seas love to become a little strange.

Well, the previous time, for the seven seas love, the value was black history.

"Ah, no, it doesn't matter. It's better to say that I was a little too immature at that time. Hehe hehe ~" is not convincing at all. After seeing the unhealthy blush on the seven seas love face, Zhentong shut his mouth obediently and did not continue to entangle in this matter.

"The game brother already has a lot of ideas, and may even make several games."

Xuenai was not very clear about the news.

She knew that the nearest one to these news was that senxia seemed to be making a game, and even had begun to develop it. This game uses the "MUV moon" production engine, and then modified to make a gun as the main axis, from the zombie escape game. The other plan is to make a third person zombie chopping game.

In fact, xuenai has played two demo versions of the game, but she can't tell the three people the news here, because it's confidential.

In fact, this first version is similar to the model of the road to survival.

In this mode, players need to survive in a city surrounded by zombies.This model also supports the elements of confrontation between players and special infections. If the player can arrive at the safe house, it will be the victory, and if the special infected person can eliminate the player in the middle, it is the victory of the special infected person.

This is very much in accordance with the original version of the road to survival. Xue Nai thinks that this version and the "escape" element that everyone thought at the beginning is quite appropriate.

But another game Well, that would be interesting.

This game is a game made by Sen Xia according to the "Princess Rose" and other games. Ah, or, it is not only "Sister Rose". The other main "victim" in the game that Sen Xia learns from is actually a game called "zombie Besieged".

Zombie siege is also a very interesting game. In the game, players can make various weapons to chop zombies. To some extent, it can even be said that it is an unparalleled game All in all, it was very interesting.

It's just that xuenai can't give too much evaluation, because what senxia gives is just a demo. What's more specific, senxia can't see, let alone xuenai here.

"A lot of games..."

"Not one, but several?"

The three people here are also a little surprised.

"Well, yes. But in fact, I would like to play more interesting games. Now this feeling is too subtle... "

Although Xue Nai thinks these two games are very interesting, she always feels as if she is a little bit worse.

In the whole game, there is no such interesting "terror atmosphere", instead, it is not with guns or with various weapons.

But I dare not say it now, because this sudden game is nothing to say. But if the game really turns into a game of terror, maybe we will think of the shadow that night.

I can't look back on the past. I can only say that these are mistakes made when I was young. I was still too young at that time.

"Speaking of it, I think of another thing." Seven sea love suddenly opened.

Heard her words, snow is they also stopped, and then looked at seven sea love this side.

Then, the little love said: "there is less than half a month's time, is love. People's day, do you have a good idea, who should give chocolate?"

"Ah - by the way, February 14!"

The girls widened their eyes.

"Brother..." The snow is whispering.

“……” On the one hand, Zhen Tong was excited and timidly watched the snow.

"Chocolate..." And shenqiyao is an indescribable expression.

"What's the trouble with Xiaoyao?" Seven sea love asked.

"Well, a little bit, because every year I get a lot of chocolate, I don't know what to do with it."

"Ah, I am, too." Xuenai agreed with him.

“——!!!” But there's Zhentong and Qihai love, his face is serious


Basically, in the novel, the kind of fighting that lasts one hour or two hours hardly exists in the real world. One is that the quality of human body itself is not good, and the other is that human physical strength is not good. Therefore, the content of animation novels, all need to have a convenient super ability as a support, otherwise that kind of battle can not really fight.

Today's two in one.

Meow, meow, meow.

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