Ji ye come with evil intent!

Senxia saw through the elder's intention at a glance.

Ji Ye tries to carry forward her insistence through the method of letting senxia give in.

But the clever marsh fish, senxia, has already seen through everything.

Ji Ye's body wears apron and suspender white silk. She shows the charm of white silk with sling in front of senxia without reservation.

Although she is an "elder", Ji Ye's figure is actually quite petite, but her figure is also relatively thin, so if you ignore the proportion, it must be very wonderful.

Well, senxia Mu measured that Ji Ye's height is only about 1.5 meters. If you go up, it may be 1.55 meters Yeah.

Although relatively petite, but in mud bang, this is also a more normal figure.

Today's Jiye is not wearing her old braids. Her braids are scattered and become a pair of black low double ponytail hairstyles.

This hairstyle makes Kye more attractive than ever.

That kind of glutinous feeling, like a piece of cream cake, full of sweet and attractive wonderful flavor.

…… I really want to go up and have a lick.

Black hair and fair complexion, as well as the same flesh color of the ultra-thin white suspenders.

"And this, by the way."

Ji Ye seemed to think of something, she turned to the side of the table, and then took a small plate to senxia.

In the middle of the plate is a piece of white chocolate.

Sweet chocolate with an indescribable beauty.

"White milk chocolate." she leaned over and leaned beside mori.

"Master Ji ye, is there really no problem for you to give me welfare like this? I saw all of them just now

Senxia's eyes do not squint.

He knew that if at this time, he would lose.

"Senxia Jun, do you want to see it?" She had chocolate in one hand and her shoulder strap in the other.


Senxia was shocked.

Is this the elder who wants to trade py to make himself yield?

"Nah, senxia Jun, do you want to see it?" Ji Ye comes to Sen Xia's face, and the white chocolate is squeezed between them.

Then, Ji Ye buckled her shoulder strap.

Then, Ji Ye instantly opened her shoulder belt.

"- remnant mind, there is still ~"

at first glance, there is nothing in it, but after taking off the apron, it is also.

What a big Stickers.

Well, it completely covered all the discordant places, so that she became healthy and healthy.

"Master, I'll tell you, you are playing with fire!" Sen couldn't help but make complaints about it.

"Ah, Lala, you've already seen it for a long time. In fact, it doesn't matter." She simply put the apron aside.

It is because there is no extra clothing, so Ji Ye's suspender socks have become more obvious.

she picked up a piece of white chocolate and handed it to moriha's mouth.

Mori opened her mouth and wrapped the white chocolate. She began to suck it together with her finger.

"Ah --!"

However, Ji ye, who has been expressionless, can not maintain her original calm expression at this time.

Senxia had a smile on her face.

He already understood.

Compared with being seen light, Ji Ye is more intolerant of physical contact.

No, maybe it's just that certain parts can't stand it.

For example Fingers.


Her body softened, the plate fell to the carpeted floor, but fortunately it didn't break, and the white chocolate spilled all over the floor.

"Let me go, let me go..."

Even the voice became a little more subtle.

Well It's interesting.

'it's very interesting,' Mr. moriha says.

Instead of letting go of her, he hugged her and sucked all the white chocolate in one breath, leaving no taste left.


Finally let go of Ji ye, with a kind of resentment of the eyes on this side of the senxia.

There were tears in her eyes.

This is not aggrieved tears, just because can't bear the subtle feeling just now, and overflow.

"See, master. If you wear suspenders, that's what happens Senxia smiles.

"You mean ordinary stockings are OK?" Ji Ye expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Of course not, but think about it, senior. Compared with the suspenders, simple stockings are more lovely. In fact, it's better."In the words of the game, the attribute of suspender socks is "temptation + 10, lovely + 5", while that of stockings is "temptation + 5, lovely + 10".

The values between the two sides are almost the same, but the bias is different.

Ji Ye frowned.

At this moment, it was impossible for her to say that stockings were better than suspenders, because if she did, she would lose.

Since stockings are more alluring, there is no need to stick to it.

But if Sen Xia is successful at this time, it seems reasonable to use more "cute" stockings instead of more "seductive" suspenders.

“…… Well. "

The girl was dizzy and some of her standing was unstable. Fortunately, senxia helped her well and sat on the sofa.

"Are you sick, elder?" Senxia asked.

"I haven't eaten much since yesterday, so I have some hypoglycemia." Ji Ye shook her head.

"Oh, yes."

Senxia didn't forget that she still wanted to have lunch with Ji Ye. However, they were in PK at the beginning and forgot about it.

"Let's go down to dinner. How about liuweizhai?" Senxia asked.

"No, I don't want to go out today. Well Well, senxia Jun, you can cook today Ji Ye looked at Sen Xia with a smile, "I want to have a taste of Sen Xia Jun's cooking skills."

“…… Well, all right

Senxia nodded.

He didn't have any particular ideas.

Although Ji Ye is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, she is also the kind of person who can hold the whole audience.

At least in terms of bearing, senxia thinks that Jiye can compete with Youqi.

It's a pity that in those awkward times, Ji Ye always adds fuel to the fire instead of making the situation better.

It's like that.

Although Ji Ye looks nothing, she is just wearing an apron.

But in fact, under her clothes, she still wears "sound" clothes.

"There are ingredients in the fridge!" As moriha went to the kitchen, Kye yelled in the back.

"Hi, hi, elder sister, please put on your clothes first. Although the air conditioner is on, it's winter after all!"

Today's weather is actually quite cold. Although the temperature in the room is very high, but in this case, it is also the most easy to catch cold.

Mori opened the refrigerator and found beef packed in bamboo boxes, as well as a wave of vegetables.

Obviously, Ji Ye has been prepared for this.

"Well, it's high-grade beef."

This kind of well packaged beef is the kind with high price. It's not a random purchase.

…… But then again, in order to make herself cook, Ji Ye specially prepared so many ingredients. What is she doing

Senxia looked at the time. It was already 12 o'clock. In order not to let Ji Ye wait for a long time, he decided to cook several dishes quickly.

First, the rice was washed out, then the rice was put into the rice cooker, and then the beef was taken out.

Senxia decided to make a fried steak, then stir fry two dishes, and finally make a simple vegetable shredded pork soup.

"Can I help you?" Senxia had just been half busy working here when Ji ye came back.

But at this time Ji Ye didn't mess with just like that. She finally put on her coat.

"Wash the vegetables for me." Said senxia.

"OK." Ji Ye nodded and began to cook.

With Ji Ye's help, senxia's work is easier. The kitchens in high-end apartments are very large, so they are not crowded at all.

Senxia suddenly thought of a question. He turned his head and looked at Ji ye and asked, "in front of Ji ye..."

"Ji Ye --"

before he finished here, Ji Ye pointed to Sen Xia with green vegetables.


"Just call me Jiye. It's true that Mori Xiajun is so polite today. I feel uncomfortable. "

I come to PK with you today!

Who knows you don't play according to the routine! What can I do? I'm desperate!

"Well, then, Kye."


"You also live in the twilight, but why do you have to go all the way to Shitian Valley?"

Shitiangu district is in the southwest of Tokyo, while it is in the northeast at dusk. The distance between the two sides is actually a little far.

"I just thought it was a little far away, so I stayed here." Ji ye said, "and because I can have my own studio here, can I monopolize Mori Xia Jun today?"

"I seem to have heard some very dangerous speeches." Sen couldn't help but make complaints about it."Well? No, I'm telling the truth Ji Ye was very calm, "besides, senxia Jun, you are so lovely. It's strange that you don't like it as long as it is in line with the aesthetic."

Remove the kind of muscle men have a preference for sister paper, Mori's appearance from a variety of senses, are very good.

"Just because of the appearance? I suddenly had a sense of frustration Make complaints about the summer.

"Appearance is not the key, but appearance is also one of the criteria for judging." While washing vegetables, Ji ye said to Mori in a serious voice, "if it's a very ugly opposite sex, I'm afraid it's very difficult to get in touch with at first. After all, if the appearance is too terrible, it will make people feel uncomfortable physically."

"In other words, it's because of our good looks that we can get to know each other." Senxia seems to understand Ji Ye's statement.

"Of course, think about it. If you are so ugly as to make people cry, then Qianjia and I will be scared out by you at the beginning, and then we will drag them to the dark room and never see the sun..."

“STOP!” Mori couldn't calm down, "why did I become that state?"

Why did it suddenly turn into a book? What kind of drama is this!

"I'm just trying to explain the effect of looks on judgment."

Senxia agreed.

It's like a painting by Ji Ye. No matter what her story is, the first thing the audience can see is the style and pictures of the whole work.

As for the story itself, after the screen is determined, the audience will have the mind to look down.

Of course, there are special cases, even those are excellent works.

But senxia says this is understandable.

The reason why special cases are special cases is that they are very rare. Because of the lack of pictures, the requirements of the whole work for the story are naturally very high. In this case, the works produced are of course very excellent.

"And senxia Jun, you are my hero. If I can't catch you, I'm very troubled!"

“…… Can I see that as a confession? " Senxia asked.

"I'm talking about my work." Ji Ye chuckled.

She had already washed all the vegetables. She wiped her hands, then pulled up her skirt to reveal the hem of the Garter.

She gently opened her white silk stockings, and then she said to Sen Xia with a smile: "if Sen Xiajun thinks that the suspender socks are better, it's not impossible to be regarded as a confession..."

"That's impossible! We have to consider the social impact! "

In terms of the level of work, Mori will vote for the suspenders. But the white bear cafe is not the kind of work that only sells meat! This is a work to be linked with the real world. How can you do it casually!

"It's just suspenders and stockings. Isn't this the best way to spread gentleman culture, Sen Xiajun?" Ji Ye is puzzled.

"The transition stage is also very important. We're just messing around. That's not going to work! " Senxia shook his head. "How can you start running before you start walking? We can have a lot of interesting things in the small group, including some subtle tights, rope clothes or other things, in fact, all can be. But in the public sphere, some content can't be done casually. "

"Well, what's the difference between the public and the minority? Well, speaking of it, when I was writing, I really didn't pay attention to this kind of thing. " If Ji Ye thinks about it.

"That's it. If everyone can accept your lovely stockings and maid's clothes, at this time, we will gradually popularize suspenders, which will be no problem. Of course, if the white bear doesn't show up in the coffee shop, I don't mind

"I see."

While speaking, the food of Mori side is also good, put the meal on the table, lunch can start.

"Yes, senxiajun." At this time, senxia heard Ji Ye's voice from behind, "today, senxia Jun's good feeling + 100 Oh!"

Senxia was a bit of a jerk.

Do you want this stem back!


Today's meow ~

two in one meow ~

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