"Cool!" Alice looked at the game in front of her eyes and said, "I think this is the best game!"

"Well, it's just a mod developed by someone else." Senxia's mouth twitched.

Alice is just looking at the new game from a commercial point of view.

However, when she saw the "third party" mod developed by senxia, her eyes brightened.

The mod in front of me is a defeated mod of tolerance to evil, eh To be more accurate, it should be something like "unofficial DLC".

In this mod, if the player is defeated, he will be captured by the monster instead of dying like the original.

If it is a man, it will be transformed into a younger sister paper appearance, and then be brainwashed, and if it is a younger sister paper, it will be directly brainwashed.

After that, players need to escape from the depths of the nest before they can return to the ground. Alternatively, players can choose to commit suicide and return to the base of tolerance against demons.

"Originally this place will return to the base of demon tolerance, but this mod has added a paragraph to it." Seeing that Alice was so enthusiastic, Mrs. Sen explained one more sentence.

"I feel more reasonable." Alice said with a smile, "the setting of this story is that evil tolerance should be polluted and degraded by monsters. If monsters just kill them, isn't it against this setting? This kind of method is the one that can really make the demon tolerance degenerate from the physical and mental aspects. It's very good, very good! "

She thought it was a good setting.

But Sen Xia is speechless at this moment.

"This is just an extra configuration to add popularity to the game, nothing to see." Senxia doesn't pay much attention to this mod. Although it is a gentleman's link, it is only an extension and supplement.

"What a pity." Alice shrugged.

"It's not a pity." "Let's take a look at this first. This is our new web game."

Senxia opened the documents on the Starship voyage.

"Star ship voyage" started development last year, and has made great progress now. This game is one of the heavyweight games to be released in July, so senxia attaches great importance to it.

It's not that the game can surpass the classics, but that the game is part of moriha's development as a gentleman.

As a real gentleman, it's great to be able to develop good games.

"Well This landing screen is very cool. "

At the beginning of the screen, the background characters are Naiye, fitt and several other magic maidens.

Today's magic girls are "soft cute and soft cute". Only group a can make such heroic magic girls.

"But it's a strange name, isn't it? Star ship voyage? Why do you want a name that has nothing to do with girls? "

“…… Huh

results, and not yet into the game, Sen Xia side was Alice make complaints about it.

"Star ship sailing far away Well, it's about the background in the game. " Senxia had to tell the general background story of the whole game briefly, "this story is the product of Naier's world view expansion. The whole background worldview has expanded from the single earth to the multiple meta worlds under the space-time administration, and our story begins here. The protagonist is an ordinary person who just graduated... "

Senxia repeated what he and Qianjia had said.

"It sounds like changing the beautiful new world into the story background of the magic girl, and then moving to the web platform?" Alice said what she thought.

"A little bit of it." Senxia replied.

"It seems like a collection game? I think of the spirit baokemeng Said Alice.

"Well, there are some. The holy mark is the composition of magic maidens. The power of these magic maidens is one of the targets of collection. " Said senxia.

"I have an idea." Alice thought for a moment, "the level of play seems to be a little too complicated, the degree of freedom of players is too high. I suggest reducing the freedom of the player, for example, allowing the player to act as a new captain at the beginning, and then performing multiple meta explorations, or locking the vision on a single character instead of customizing a new character. "

"We have this plan." Alice said the trend of the future, and senxia agreed, but now is not the future, so senxia has her own plans. "At first, I thought it was a bit complicated, but after discussing with the production team and the marketing department, we thought that players were still interested in this kind of more complex game. According to the trial report, simplifying the game settings too much will make players more relaxed, but it will reduce their krypton gold. The web game is a game that continues to make money, and I think it's better. "

Alice raised her eyebrows when she heard "krypton gold.". Her view of web games is similar to that of general games. However, it seems that it is not the same to listen to Sen Xiayi."If you want to simplify, you can wait until players gradually accept the concept of web games, and then slowly change. But now, a more complex system is better."

Senxia did a real systematic investigation here.

As a result, they come to the conclusion that if the system is complex and the plot is exquisite, they will be more comfortable with krypton gold. But if you simplify it too much, you get the feeling that krypton gold is not worth it.

This is the age gap.

If ten years later, everyone is playing games in fragmented time, then the simplified game may be even more popular.

But now, players are still very particular about the gameplay and the game itself. The complexity and complexity can arouse the players' sense of challenge. This is one of the reasons why the Black Soul series is more popular than another world line.

The battle part of the web game may be simplified, but at least the card surface of the whole game should look high.

This is easy to understand.

For example. On another world line, there is a game called DOTA, which is senxia Shanzhai Cough One of the roots of the hero's trajectory. In this game, players have an operation is to kill their own side of the empty blood of the small soldiers, so that the enemy players can not eat experience, so as to suppress the level of the other side.

The hero League series, which was born out of DOTA, canceled this complicated setting, and then the glory of the king simplified the design.

This is not only the so-called "optimization", but also people's different understanding and pursuit of the game in different times.

If the king's glory is put in the present situation, compared with senxia's hero track, players will surely scoff at the king's glory - because compared with the hero track that needs to be studied thoroughly, the king's glory is too simple.

On the other hand, if the hero's trajectory is placed in 20 years, I'm afraid that they will be hanged by some 300 heroes. This is the difference and change of the times.

"Is this game mainly for Asia Pacific? I'm sure that this kind of complicated content is more difficult to fire in lighthouse country. " Alice put forward her own opinion.

"Well, for the time being, my goal is around here, not across the Pacific."

Different from other games, this game is aimed at the Asia Pacific region on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. As for lighthouse Well, this game is not very suitable.

Well, maybe this game seems good for a big eastern country and neon gold, but the average starting IQ of Lighthouse players is compared Subtle. Alice proposed simplification because she knew that the players over there couldn't accept too complicated content, and it would be better if they were mentally retarded. But after hearing the words of senxia, Alice immediately realized that the game of senxia seemed not to want the market of Lighthouse country.

"I see. But your name is still too bad. "

"just temporarily named it, this is not to make complaints about it! If you have a better name, please let me know! "

The name "star ship voyage" is not romantic enough, and Mori knows it.

But I don't have a better name for the moment

"Well, it's called magic girl, how about it?" Said Alice.

"No, no, it's not good to limit the user base from the name of the game."

The name "magic girl" looks popular, but it's not easy to use. Let's not mention whether the name has been registered, just say that the name itself has already limited the user group, which is definitely not possible.

"Magic war?"

"Well, that's bad luck. No need."

Naiye, the magic war record, is a work that was cut by the waist in Naiye series. This name is not very good!

“…… I didn't see it, but since you don't like darling, let's get a new one. " Alice thought for a moment, and seemed to be thinking of a new name.

"If you don't have a good name, just use it for the time being. It's still early. " Senxia said quickly.

"That's not good. I have to think of a good name!" Alice didn't admit defeat.

Tut If I had known, I would not say that this is a temporary name, but directly say it is a development code. Maybe there would not be such a single moth.

"So Alice, how do you feel about the design and mechanics in this game?" Sonia decided to ask Alice what she thought of it.

"The system is not bad, at least I find it interesting. Based on my personal aesthetic, I like the customized protagonist games. It makes me feel more empathetic than watching a play. And it's interesting to be in touch with the girls of the holy mark. But I feel that the game seems more like a stand-alone game? The interaction of this game is not even as good as "beautiful new world"! " Alice is keen to notice the difference between web games and general online games.

"You can think of this game as a single online game. We've also thought about developing PVP, but for now, the biggest interaction we've done is the help system between players. " Said senxia."I don't understand this very much, but as a new content platform, I feel it necessary to be cautious." Alice doesn't know much about web games.

She seemed to be a little upset.

Looking at Alice's side of the chagrin, senxia was amused. It's because Alice is surprised to be upset about her lack of knowledge of the web game, and it's also the first time that she saw Alice's expression.

"Web games will simplify unnecessary content, maybe not too much now, but the system will continue to simplify in the future."

Don't look at Alice's aversion to the complexity of the game on the side of senxia, but the game itself is already simplified. To know, few of the Games in this year are simple, from RPG to act, more game mechanism and more gameplay, which is the mainstream.

"I'm more concerned about whether this krypton gold game, which needs to be invested continuously, will make a profit."

"Well, I'll think about it."

'it was quite a deep thought of senxia, as Alice said.

It is important to make money or not.

If gentleman culture can not make money, it shows that the few people who love gentlemen are actually few, and make profits and have good operation, which is the key.

"But if I'm personal, as a fan of miss charson, I can say I like the game." But when the front turned, Alice said such a thing again, which surprised Sen Xia, "well, I think this beautiful style is great, the background is bright, the girl is lovely, and it can stir my impulse to collect them. Oh, that's great! And I am also very interested in setting, the enemy of space, the enemy of time, the enemy of knowledge Oh, it's really cool! "

After the attitude of the collaborator was finished, Alice became the brain disability of senxia in an instant.

After reading the information about "star boat Voyage", she became a fan of senxia and liked the game.

"Well Thank you. "

Well, actually, I personally think I have made some of the settings, but since you like it, then it is

In fact, it is a very refreshing thing to have fans of true love, Sen Xia said

"Will the game be released on E3 as well?" Alice asked again.

"No, it'll be in a few days. The first season of Nye is almost over, so I'm ready to make it clear in the end. "

"That official name is still needed." 'said Alice.

"Ah It's also

In fact, we have already defaulted on the name of the star ship sailing

"I always need some more powerful names. I think it is very suitable for the female warrior God in the battlefield."

"Well I don't think it's going to be used. "

Senxia quickly vetoed.

"Is it still unsatisfactory..." Alice skimmed. She seems to feel that she is very good to name, how is the face face ghost expression?

"Cough Let's think slowly about the name, Alice, if you have a good name, then tell me. " "It's not too early now. Let's have dinner first?" Sen said


Alice took 0.01 seconds to leave the name behind her head


If you have a long animation of Nye.Jpg.

The two in one meow ~

today's meow ~ < br > is the most important part of the world

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