It's cool at night.

Today's weather is good, although some cool, but the sky is very clear, there is no cloud cover.

It's a pity that we can't see many stars in winter. In the sky, there is only the last quarter moon just rising from the horizon.

Walking along the streets of midnight with xuenai, they have a special flavor.

"It seems that I haven't been out for a walk with my brother for a long time." The girl gently nestles beside senxia, her head against his shoulder.

"Yes, it's a wonderful feeling."

Even in Akihabara, the streets around midnight, most of the shops are closed.

Looking around from the deserted street, I feel lonely and lonely.

"Let's go home soon." Said senxia.

However, snow is not in accordance with, she shook her head, resolutely denied the view of her brother. She quipped her mouth: "no! It's hard to get out with my brother. This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed! "

Sonia patted her on the head.

After entering the University, they spend less time together.

So - just let her be a little wayward.

Senxia did not speak, but stretched out her hand and gently stroked xuenai's hair.

Xuenai's hair is a little messy, after the horse's tail is untied, she is like this.

The girl's body sends out a good smell, she quietly nestles in her brother's side.

The moonlight in the last quarter of the moon is not abundant, even not as bright as the street lamps.

However, the lonely moonlight reflects the sky of the city.

Sen Xia can't help slowing down the pace, light Yingying walking on the street, hoping that this happy time can stay here for a long time.

When the cold wind comes, the cool wind in winter makes senxia feel a little cool.

He leaned the snow closer to him.



"I am Can I live with my brother? "


It's already so late. The Mori family in the neighborhood is naturally the best. If xuenai is to return to school now, senxia is not at ease. As for asking the maids to come and see them off, it's not easy to trouble people at this time.

It is better to let xuenai go back to the apartment with her first.

Anyway, sunset should be with her sister now.

He couldn't help laughing.

"What's your brother laughing at?" Snow is a strange question.

"Nothing. It's just that I haven't been home with you for a long time." Senxia said, "to be able to go home with xuenai is really missing."

Senxia has some regrets.

"Well, not for a long time."

Since entering the University, the two people have been separated, not in the same school, really get together less and leave more.

After hearing the words of senxia, xuenai's face showed a smile. She leaned against the body of senxia, and her face was full of happiness.

There are no people in the street at midnight. After entering the residential area, there are fewer people. The street is quiet and empty except for senxia and xuenai.

But Sonia enjoyed it.

It's quiet, but comfortable.

"In this street, it feels like we're alone." The snow suddenly opened her mouth.


"Don't you think it's romantic?" Xuenai's face showed the color of longing.

"Well, yes, there are only two of us in the empty street, just like the two of us in the world."

Where did Alice go?

Senxia is still a little concerned.

It doesn't matter at the company. Although the door lock on the upper floor is broken, there is still a door at the entrance of the corridor on senxia side, which is more solid, and there are surveillance videos there.

The only doubt was where Alice had gone.

Well, if it's Lynette or something, senxia will probably be very worried, but if it's Alice, she thinks it's unlikely that she will have a problem.

No, it should be said that it would be more unfortunate to meet her suspicious personnel, right?

I don't know if it's Sensha's illusion. He always thinks that Alice is the kind of person who would stop the punks in the middle of the night and blackmail their wallets.

Although some impractical, but Sen Xia is really this feeling.

Snow is a glance at the senxia.

"What's the matter?" Senxia asked.

"Nothing ~" xuenai let go of senxia, then ran forward two steps, to the front of senxia, and then turned back, smiling at Sen Xia.

Elegant and refined smile, as if a warm wind, blowing away the cold winter, indicating the arrival of spring.

She looks at Sen Xia like this, the amorous feelings in her eyes are unspeakable.Looking at his sister, senxia's heart also produced some kind of palpitation.

On this cold night, she is the warmest light in the world and the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Suddenly, xuenai turned her head and noticed the other side of the street corner.

"Well, brother, look, that tavern is still open!"

Senxia went over and found an open tavern over there.

"It should be all office workers." Senxia said, "but we are all minors. We can't drink."

You can't drink until you're 20 - at least on the surface.

"You can't drink, but you've done it." Snow is smiling at Sen Xia.

"Ah, that..."

Seeing xuenai's eyes, senxia instantly understood what xuenai wanted to say.

At this time, xuenai also ran forward two steps and came to senxia.

Xuenai's face came to Sen Xia's face, and her voice became a little subtle: "brother, do you want to drink it?"

Gentle voice rings in the ear, Sen Xia feels his waist some itch, legs some soft.

"Forget it. Besides, wasn't that originally a sacrifice for gods?"

"But I think my brother will like it." the girl's eyes stare at her brother. "Besides, for me, my brother's status is higher than the gods to be worshipped. So, if it's a brother, you can ~"

" No, no, no, no, I'll let it go. It's a bit shameful to chew wine or something. "

What they said was a kind of wine brewed by the witch. The rice was initially processed by oral cavity and finally brewed into wine.

But this is not for people to drink, but for God.

But Sen Xia strongly suspected that if there was such a "witch chewing wine" on the market, it might become a hit.

Well, according to the witch's age and character, it may be more strange

"Well, well, let's go back first."

Senxia patted xuenai on the head.

It's midnight, and it's not appropriate to be outside.

However, when senxia and xuenai came to the door, they saw an unexpected person who was waving and greeting them at the door


Let's make a shift

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