After the discussion, senxia and Qianjia went to the hospital to visit dachuangong. The old man was not in good health, but he was in good spirits. After meeting him, they returned to their new home in Musashino.

Well, senxia and Xue are the earliest old houses in Musashino.

It's "redecorating," but it's almost redeveloped. Because the decoration freedom of the mud boom "one house building" is very large. Unlike those rooms with reinforced concrete frames, these rooms can be redecorated from the inside out.

Although I came back and cleaned up at Christmas, the place is still uninhabited. Now it's not easy to have a holiday, and senxia is back.

"It's better to be at home." after returning home, senxia felt at ease.

Different from the empty cottage or high-end apartments, there is a natural and comfortable sense of warmth in our "one family building".

After entering the porch, senxia looked at it. Although it had been vacant for such a long time, it didn't seem lonely here. Even there were some pairs of shoes on the shoe cabinet, which was quite life like.

"I feel like there are a lot more people here." Qianjia felt that this time when I came back home, I felt that there were more people around me, and the number of customers in the store street nearby also seemed to increase.

"Ah, because of the yuzao shrine. Recently, the land price here has also increased a lot. " Senxia said, "the yuzao shrine has made the Musashino area prosperous, and some changes are inevitable."

This pot is Mori Xia's back - because it's really Sen Xia's pot.

Yuzao shrine is definitely the most famous shrine in the world. In a large Eastern country and surrounding areas, its popularity is even higher.

This high popularity has brought a huge bonus to the tourism industry. Along with the Musashino area and some surrounding scenic spots, it has also begun to flourish.

The exchange of goods and materials has been enriched, commercial activities have been flourishing, and the income of the city has increased. At this time, the land price has naturally increased.

"Ah, in front of yuzao." At this time, Qianjia saw the statue in front of yuzao, which was placed on the shelf. Next to the statue, a group of handicrafts collected by Sen Xia said, "senxia Jun, if you put the statue and the handmade together, you will be scolded!"

"Well, what's the difference?" Sen Xia rolled her eyes, "and the quality of the hand-made is not so good."

This jade alga was made of jade and was made by the master by hand. Although it is a "statue of God", in a variety of senses, it has crushed the general sense of handmade.

In addition to this jade algae front, there is a pure gold jade algae front in senxia. However, the jade algae front was displayed by the father of senxia family. It is said that when the old man invited guests to Zaotian village, he would show the pure gold jade algae front and blow his grandson how powerful.


I was forced to be the head of the house before. Now, you are not ashamed to use me to force me

It's a long way off.

Anyway, Sen Xia thinks that this thing is actually a hand-made evolutionary form.

The reason why Qianjia said this is actually intentional.

She just wanted to tease and tease senxia.

"But this room is really clean. It seems that I cleaned it not long ago." Qianjia is walking around the house, looking at the new house.

"I did it on Christmas." Senxia said, "with habitat."

Before senxia finished, Qianjia over there had already come over, and she gently kicked senxia's ankle with her toes in black silk stockings.

"Ha?" Senxia was baffled.

"Mention another girl in front of one girl, senxia Junyo, and deduct 100 points from the degree of liking." Qian Jia smiles.

"So when is the popularity system going to be kept? I don't want to play with it anymore!" The breaching of the dike make complaints about the soul.

"Well," Qianjia turned her head and continued to look at the room, ignoring senxia. "It doesn't look like Christmas day, because it seems cleaner here than that time. It should have been done recently. "

"Maybe the maids came to clean it. It should be ruozi or empty cicada."

Senxia has a maid team, but she seldom uses it.

But in fact, they are still working in silence behind senxia. These maids had been living in the yuzao shrine before.

But that place has now become a tourist attraction, so the maid team now lives in Xiaotian village, only one sunset has been following senxia's side.

"Well, but in that case, you don't have to clean it." Qian Jia said.

"That's true, but the room still needs to be cleaned up, and we have to buy some food reserves."

Because the store street is not far away, food and other things are very convenient."Well, it's so comfortable to be back here."

Qianjia has already left senxia and sat on the sofa over there.

Sen Xia turned her head: "sister, don't you come to help?"

"Give it to you, senxia Jun ~ Qian Jia waved her hand, turned on the TV and picked up the remote control.

"Elder sister, you should at least take out a little momentum, don't leave everything to me to do!"

"Hi, hi!"

Qian Jia nodded and picked up her mobile phone.

"Moximoxi, liuweizhai? I'll have a take out Braised lion's head in brown sauce Mapo Tofu Hi The address is Well, ok... "

Then, Qianjia hung up.

Then, she turned her head and looked at Sen Xia: "so, senxia Jun, I've made lunch."

“…… It doesn't count at all? " Make complaints about the summer.

"Why not? And it's very rich Qian Jia said with a smile, "and the taste is also excellent ~"

"forget it..." Senxia felt that it was a mistake to argue with Qianjia.

"It's senxia Jun, if you want to do well in that hard core witch's work, write it out quickly. I'm looking forward to it." Qianjia urges Sen Xia.

"In that case, I have to consider the character of the protagonist, not so fast." Senxia shook her head.

Senxia has decided to learn from the Witch of the sword.

Since the original has left so many regrets, why don't you come here to add? After all, it's such an interesting hard core theme.

In particular, the heroine in the story, Konami WAITO, is really a very interesting role.

Kenaimei Wei Teng is very good at swordsmanship, but because of this, she has the idea that no one can compete with her own sword skills. Therefore, when fighting, she will unconsciously release water, and fight with anyone is fifty fifty.

At the beginning, this character is a cheerful and lively swordsman girl. However, in the second half of the plot, Kato's bad character breaks out completely. The classic line "that can't be said" appears here.

In the story, female number two absorbed the power of the goddess and became the strongest state, pushing the story to the most exciting part. At this time, Naimei Wei Teng jumped out and beat female number two down in one breath. Even the final boss after that was cut off by her directly.

The combat effectiveness is not even as good as the heroine's boss, can you believe it?

But this plot is also the most interesting part.

However, the whole story before and after the plot still has many deficiencies, how to let the audience in the beginning can be attracted by the story, is also one aspect.

At least on this point, the original work is very poor. The logic of the first sentence is even a little odd. When the mystery is revealed, although everything is reasonable, the lost audience will not come back.

At this time, the production team made a mistake. In reasoning works, if the clues are hidden in the dark, if they don't tell the readers and take them out to solve the problem, they will definitely fail.

It's like Konan Edogawa has been reasoning, and then when solving the key, he suddenly says "I have consulted my father in Hawaii, you are the murderer". However, this plot has not appeared before. Even if the whole story can be solved, the reasoning story has actually failed.

Suspense design, if there is no foreshadowing in the front, it will appear in the follow-up, it will become "patching".

It's OK in the novel, but it's no doubt a failure in the animation dramas whose length is not so high.

Moriha is now looking for a place that can solve this problem and make the whole story go smoothly.

In fact, senxia doesn't hate that part of the plot.

In the first words of "the swordsman witch", female No.2 and 10 Tiao Jihe suddenly attacked zheshenzi, the director of the sword Administration Bureau. When she failed, the heroine, Naimei Wei Teng, suddenly rushed out to save female No.2, and then the two eloped in this way.

In the animation, this part of the plot gives a sense of inexplicable.

But in fact, in this part of the plot, in fact, it reflects the rather bad character of Kenai Wei.

She thinks that one of the ten Jihe's Taidao is very strong and may defeat herself. But when she attacked, Kato Konami also found out that shitiaoji and she were not actually the opponents of zheshengzi, so he saved her.

Of course, the actual situation is that Kato Konami also found something wrong with kinoshi, but her first reaction was "I can't let my sister who may defeat me be caught like this.".


Very bad.

Unfortunately, this setting is not reflected in the animation.

However, this kind of setting can not be done overnight, and it is not a simple thing to change and add magic."Hoo That's about it. "

Senxia was quite satisfied with the fact that the display cabinet was slightly cleaned, and then all the handicrafts were rearranged.

"Well, in fact, you can put a Taidao or something here..."

Now that she thought of making a witch, she suddenly felt that she might be able to put a Taidao here.

Mm-hmm, hard core periphery ~

"do you want to be divided by seventeen Hearing the words of senxia, Qianjia suddenly opened his mouth.

"Ha? I just think it's better to put a Taidao here. " Senxia is puzzled.

"That is to say, you want me, Lihua, xuenai, or your maids to cut you into seventeen pieces?" Qian Jia asked again.

"I don't have that hope." Senxia turned her head in anger.

"Ah, Lala, but I think the possibility of you being divided by seventeen is very high. Oh, by the way, Taidao seems to be a little bit bad. You may be more interesting if you change to a Chai Dao. By the way, if you are divided by seventeen, I will not abandon you, oh, I will hold your head and go boating in the lake to enjoy the scenery ~ "

" don't mention that work at this time. "

I'm not brother Cheng

When it comes to Chai Dao, senxia feels guilty.

Mm-hmm. sure enough, it's better not to use Taidao. I'm really guilty if I put it here.

"Tut, I'll ask Musashino to animate the day on campus some other day, so that other people can also feel the love of brother Zicheng..."

This world line day on campus is Sen Xia's outline and Xue Nai's script. Compared with the original book, the story and script are more healing than the original.

"I'll go and tidy up the room."

"Remember to help me clean it up," Qian Jia said in the back.

"Hi, hi!"

Snow is sure to come back, so senxia is going to tidy up the room first.

Continue to entangle with Qianjia here, senxia doubts whether he is really likely to be divided by what indescribable existence.

During the "decoration" period, senxia bought the neighbor's house, so the family can be expanded. After the expansion, the home of senxia is much larger than before.

In the past, the family had two people, senxia and xuenai, which seemed a little big, but after Qianjia and Lihua lived in, they were a little smaller. After that, sister Yiji also came, and here began to be stretched out of money.

But that was before.

Now the room, this is big.

Senxia didn't go to her room first, but went to xuenai's room first, took out the bedding and pillow, and then packed up the tables, chairs and benches.

Mm-hmm, not bad, perfect ~

after this is done, senxia is ready to go to Qianjia's room.

After all, Qianjia just said that she would like to tidy her room, so it's better to finish it earlier.

Then Sonia opened the door to the room.


A figure appeared in the room.

When she saw the figure, Sonia's brain was short circuited.



In fact, a lot of animation in some non-existent websites, the official will add settings or release people set. However, it can not be seen in China.

The knife makes the witch heroine's character look good, but in fact That's not true.

Two in one meow ~

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