The scene was silent.

"You, you, you, you You guy, you really want to do something like this and that to me! You're such a lunatic

Astonishment, panic, fear, entanglement Die, die!

Senxia saw the expression of poetry, in a short time, experienced so many changes.


I don't know how to explain to you. In fact, I'm going to call Chao Yan and Li Nai to come over

However, Sen Xia never thought that such an unexpected situation would occur.

And there's this very serious sense of seeing.

as like as two peas, what happened today is almost the same as it was then.

Well, the only difference is that this time, I haven't had time to call Zhaoyan.

"I say this is a beautiful misunderstanding, do you believe it?" That's all senxia has to say.

"You are really crazy. In order to do something like this and that to me, you even find out the reason. I have seen through your scum essence!"

Clearly speaking such tough words, but when the poetry is speaking, the whole person is retreating. However, behind her is the sofa, and the poetry is no retreat.

"So it's not what you think it is! Are you still delusional that I have pushed you down? "

"Who, who, who would think of that kind of thing!" "Do you think the real world is a game! Do you think that if you do things to me like this and that, and shut me up in the dark room, I will give in? I'll tell you what kind of storm I haven't seen

Hearing the words of the poem, senxia couldn't help covering her face.

Girl, you have been exposed!

It's a sad story.

The poet himself probably realized what he had just said: "forget it! I'll forget them all. I'm not allowed to think about things like that! "

“…… Let's go out to dinner. " Senxia decided to change the subject.

This time has already ended, at this moment the Sen Xia also does not have that mood to cook.

It's better to take the opportunity to suggest that the poetry sounds go out together, and then slowly fade away this matter.

"What, you are not satisfied at home, want to take me out to do things like this and that?"

"Hello, Hello, you don't always think about strange things!" At last, she could not make complaints about her soul. "I am a reliable adult male."

"What do you want to do to emphasize that you are a" adult male "! And you're not an adult yet! Sure enough, you just want me to give in and force me to put on weird clothes and bully me! "

However, Xia Sen's 20-year-old does belong to adults in the East.

Wait a minute. Is this the slot point?!

"What are you thinking about every day? If you want to push down by force, I can do it anytime and anywhere, you are such an unprepared guy! But I haven't touched you yet Sen Xia was really unbearable, "the same sister, Qianjia Xuejie is more charming than you!"

…… Ah?!

However, senxia had just finished this sentence, but there was no sound of the poetic sound there. He looked up and saw the poetry coming towards his side.

Senxia quickly stepped back a few steps, but before he took two steps, he found that he had reached the wall.

There is no retreat.


The hands of the poem are on both sides of senxia.

This Am I hit by the wall?

Senxia has some silly eyes.

"Are you looking down on me?"


Don't you respect your sister very much?

"I respect you very much." Mori explained in a hurry.

"Don't I have the charm of my sister?"

Hearing the sound of the poem, senxia seemed to understand.

Shiyin is very respectful to Qianjia, and she is also working hard to get closer to her sister.

However, at this time, some people said that they were totally different from their sister, and the poetry sounds of course would feel very hot.

"You are also charming. I don't think you need to imitate Qianjia. You also have your charm."

Well, you who have been educated to be proud and charming by Ji ye are totally different from Qianjia

"Yes, is it?"

After hearing senxia's words, the poetic sound seemed to reflect what he had done.

She panic back two steps, has retreated to the previous place, a foot in some strange sanitary products.

As soon as the foot of the poem slipped, the whole person fell back and sat down on the sofa.

"Are you all right?"

Senxia went over and kicked the strange thing to the bottom of the tea table without trace."Nothing! I'm fine! " The sound of the poem shakes the head.

"Well, that's good." Senxia nodded.

Although things are a little strange, but the initial embarrassment after the strange props were found by the poetry sound, at this moment, it finally disappeared.

Senxia felt a little hungry at this time. He went on to ask, "how about going out for dinner together or waiting for me to make dinner?"

"Get out! Now, immediately, immediately! I don't want to be here for a minute! "

The voice of the poem said its own ideas at once.

"Well, let's go out for dinner."

It's not much money, but it's enough for a meal or two.

"That's it." Senxia nodded.

All in all, get out of here first.

It's not too late to go to Zhaoyan after dinner with Shiyin.

And at that time, it was probably the time for them to finish their training, and there was also time.

However, senxia didn't plan to come back, so she went to find them and spent the night outside with them.

Well, senxia has no money to spend the night outside, but lenai and Zhaoyan still have money. Although there are some suspects of soft food, but continue to stay here in the apartment here, senxia is really not interested.

Pacify your sister-in-law first.

But the senxia side just put on the clothes and came to the porch here, and then something happened.

The poem sound stands in front of the porch, his face is not twisted.

Senxia seems to understand.

By the way, because of the last incident, the poetic sound seems to have some psychological shadow on the apartment night.

"Or what would you like to eat, I'll buy it for you? Well, don't worry. If you live here at night, I can go out and live alone

It's impossible for a person to live on a soft meal.

"You think I'm afraid!" The sound of the poem immediately reflected what senxia's euphemistic reminder meant.

Then, the poetry sound blew up. She bit her teeth and stepped out of the porch with one foot.

"Well, I'm not afraid! You must be afraid. Don't let go of my hand, or I don't care if you cry for a moment

So, why do you suffer?

Senxia some speechless looked at his arm, poetry at this time is firmly grasping his arm, teeth clenched. Senxia found that the fingers of the poems seemed to be white because they were too hard.

Shio was just afraid, she definitely didn't want to come out. Now, Sen Xia realized that she had just had to make complaints about Shio, maybe she would stay in the house at this time.

"Well Let's go. "

Because of the relationship between the poetry and his own, senxia's action is not very agile, he tossed for a while, then locked the door.

They left the room together and came to the corridor.

The corridor is very bright, which gives people a comfortable feeling. However, when the corridor is empty and quiet when it is bright, the corridor with no one is open and quiet. These two feelings make the corridor have some strange feeling.

At least in the perspective of poetic sound.

They came to the elevator together and got on the elevator.

"You say Will the elevator go all the way down? " After getting on the elevator, senxia heard the sound of poetry.

"All the way down?"

"Yes, it's said that the elevator goes down all the way, and then opens the door, and it's hell outside..."

"What kind of strange talk is this? It doesn't exist. It doesn't exist in the real world. If you're worried about this kind of thing, you might as well worry about the elevator in case it breaks down, we'll be in the elevator or something

"You, you, you! You've been exposed! You want to do this and that to me! It's true

The song released Mori and retreated to the other side of the elevator.


Senxia was speechless.

But fortunately, there was no accident in the elevator. After the embarrassing conversation, the elevator had stopped on the first floor.

When they got off the elevator, they left the apartment.

At this time, he just hated senxia's poetic sound, but he came to me again. The whole person held senxia's right hand, which was powerful, as if he wanted to break senxia's arm.

"Are you not afraid of me now?"

Although the arm is a little uncomfortable, but to tell the truth, the response of the poetic sound How interesting it is!

Senxia found that this feeling is very popular.


"I'm not afraid of you! When am I afraid of you "Don't get me wrong, I'm just afraid you'll run away and do strange things to others," she said

Senxia stumbled and nearly fell.Girl, why is your sixth sense so strong?

"Look at you! If it wasn't for me, you would have just fallen down! " The poetry over there pulled senxia, probably feeling that it could make his excuse more convincing. "If it wasn't for me, you would have fallen down, so - you can't get rid of me!"

"Good, good." Senxia has some helplessness.

If it's not poetry, I don't even need to go out at this time. What do I care about

Out of the apartment, to the front of the small garden, the poetry holding Mori's hand seems more tight.

So they went forward in a little dark garden.

It's also very quiet here.

Probably because of the cloudy day, the moonlight and starlight in the sky are also covered, so at this moment, this place seems to be a little bleak.


"Whoa! Don't talk suddenly The song was startled by the voice of senxia's sudden opening.

She hammered Sen Xia, but seemed to be worried that Sen Xia would run away, so after finishing the hammer, she quickly seized senxia's arm and refused to let go.

"Er I just want to ask, where do you want to go for dinner? " Xia Sen asked helplessly.


"Yes, although we speak out to eat, but Haven't decided where to go yet

There are no restaurants around this luxury apartment It's impossible to go to a convenience store for half price bentos, right?

Although Sen Xia feels that it doesn't matter, but since my sister-in-law is in what, what can he do without being forced?

Senxia has just asked about Shi Yin, just to know if she has any better goals.

"Go to Many people go away No, go to a busy place! Well, yes, it's just going to be more lively! " I think that the place where there are a lot of people will appear to be more counseling, so I quickly changed my view.

"Well, let me see..."

The nearest restaurant is a late night canteen. There are not many people at this time, but later, it will be lively.

If there are more people

Oh, yes.

"How about going to Akihabara?" Senxia asked.

"There are people there now I mean, is it busy now? "

"In the past, Akihabara was an electrical street, and there was nothing particularly interesting at night. But now Akihabara itself has become a paradise for otaku. Sometimes there are games specially sold in the middle of the night. It's still very lively at night. "

After 7 p.m., the area around Akihabara will be blocked and turned into a walking paradise. There are still many people at night.

Sometimes even the place has some interesting activities.

Whether this change has occurred on another world line is unknown to Sen Xia. However, on this world line, this change is brought by Sen Xia to a large extent, and he is very happy about it.

Because of their own transformation of culture and what, the most interesting!

"Then go to Akihabara." It's up to senxia to decide.


Because Akihabara is not far away from this place, senxia and Shiyin walk for a while, then come to qiuyeyuan.

Sure enough, although it's late at night, there are many people in Akihabara. The whole street has become a pedestrian street. In front of the white bear cafe, there are countless people waiting to eat in. On both sides of qiuyeyuan street, some maids began to send leaflets and invite people to their own maid's coffee shop for dinner. There are a lot of people in the white bear cafe, so not every one of them Everyone can eat the legendary maid set meal, so someone came up with the idea of setting up a maid restaurant, which diverted many customers of the white bear cafe. In addition, some other special restaurants began to appear Well, there is even a trend towards catering culture here.

"Well Where shall we go

Looking at the relaxation of their own poetry, senxia breathed a sigh of relief.

Hurry to have a meal, and then go to find my dear chao Yan and Li Nai.

I hope there won't be any more trouble


Princess link is sure to be on the national service, the author Jun purse bad heavy premonition. Restraint, restraint, restraint

Today's two in one, chaste meow meow.

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