
Songpingzhe also came to the couple.

"Is it a street interview?" The handsome boy over there seems to be interested in the interview.

"Hi, hi, hi, we are NHK TV reporters," Matsumoto also explained, "can I borrow your time?"

"No problem." The other side is very generous.

"Ah?" But the girl seemed not to want to be interviewed. After hearing the boy's answer, she was obviously stunned.

"Don't worry, just ask a question. It's not very interesting." the boy comforted his little girl friend.

"If you want to interview, you can go by yourself." The little girl friend has a bad temper.

However, as a former songpingzhe also knows that this little girl friend is probably in a bad temper.

Ah ah, so to say, young people or pattern Tucson broken ah!

Song pingzhe also sighed in his heart.

These two children still don't understand the difficulties and dangers of life.

"Don't worry, it won't take much time, and we've already started recording." Matsumoto also said.

"Ah ah ah ah!" After hearing this, the girl quickly covered her face with her hand, and then pulled her boyfriend, "let's go! Let's go

"Cough -" Matsumoto also felt that it was better to ease the atmosphere first. He thought about it and asked simply, "Akihabara is the most famous electrical street in Tokyo, but in recent years, this place has gradually become popular with a kind of special sprouting culture. Why do two lovers want to date here

"Date?!" The little girl over there seems to be very shy. After hearing the word "date," she seemed even more confused.

Sure enough, she is a shy girl. If she is not a college student, she is a high school student. Today's young people, so early began to fall in love, you do not know the hardships of future life ah!

"Well, because Akihabara is very interesting..." The boy seems to have a look of crying and laughing.

Songpingzhe also knows that girls are so shy that boys are hard to deal with.

"Well, there's a special atmosphere here with my girlfriend and girlfriend."

Although a little stuttered at first, the boy entered the play very quickly.


The girl over there let out a hum.

She lowered her head, covering her face with one hand and holding the boy with one hand, as if hoping that the other side would not talk.

"So it is Do you know about the "Meng culture" that has been prevailing in Akihabara recently Matsumoto asked again.

"Hi, hi, hi! Of course I know! " The boy smiles, "you see, my Cough My girlfriend, it's cute

"Ah? Hi It seems that It's like this... "

Before, songpingzhe also always believed that Meng seemed to be a synonym for loveliness.

But after hearing the boy's words, song pingzhe also vaguely noticed that the content of the word Meng seems to be more profound than the so-called "cute".

The concept of "Meng" includes loveliness, but it seems that Meng is more than the word "cute" can describe.

All in all, it's a very subtle feeling.

"Meng is a kind of concept and a new form of culture. If you just think that Meng is an extension of otaku culture, you are wrong. Meng is a popular concept, which is the kind of beauty that everyone can feel." "Meng culture was born a long time ago, but at that time, we could not explain this concept clearly. For example, we meet boys and girls with various personalities in animation and film and television works, such as the silent "Sanwu" or the "haughty and charming" with a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart. Although we all like this character very much, they have no way to unify it. "

Eh? That sounds reasonable!

Moreover, this feeling is different from the forced Amway I heard before.

Although very young, but in front of this Are you an expert?

"In the past, although these interesting characters can attract the audience's attention, they have no way to summarize them in a certain word until the birth of the word" Meng. " "Meng was first used to integrate and describe these roles. It originated from the Internet in 1997, and in the following three years, the concept of Meng began to spread and develop gradually, and became the most popular word on the Internet."

Gee, gee, Gee?!

They NHK do this program, but the information Some of them didn't find out by themselves!

"After the word developed on the Internet, it gradually spread to the offline. At that time, the Maid Culture of Akihabara was just on the rise. The concept of Meng and the concept of maid began to complement each other. This is the initial reason why Meng culture can develop in Akihabara." The other party even made a summary! What's more, it's similar to what the boss wrote there!"Hello, Hello, enough!" The boy seemed to want to continue talking, but at this time, the girl spoke again.

At this moment, in order to prevent the girl from being photographed by the camera, she has completely retracted behind the boy.

"It's OK. I'll just say the last two words." At this time, the boy continued, "now the selection of" Meng Wang "is in progress. If your goal is to investigate Meng culture, you may as well learn about the Meng Wang's plan."

Said, the other side took out a business card and handed it to songpingzheye, and then said: "if you want to understand, you can go to a club to do an interview."

"Hi Thank you very much It is clearly his own interview, but at this moment, Matsumoto also felt that he really met an expert.

Obviously, I'm just an ordinary citizen, but I seem to know a lot about it!

The enthusiastic citizens now are amazing!

"By the way, the boss doesn't seem to know the content of this cute king, but it seems that this is also big news..." Although I don't know, songpingzhe has already heard many people talking about "Meng Wang" before.

This is a big news. Maybe you will get a promotion and a raise!

"Thank you for your interview He said quickly.

"Oh, by the way, can we mosaic our heads?" The other side asked again.

"Hi, hi, hi!" Songpingzhe also nodded his head, and then quickly said goodbye to them.

"Ah, what did the other party say at last?" He suddenly thought of what the other side seemed to have said before he left.

Oh, it should be a blessing or something.

Mm-hmm, sure enough, this is the rhythm of promotion and pay rise!


Second, more.

The author is in pain

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