The combination of Isaac, this work is very playful, and there is also a very interesting place is that the plot of the combination of Isaac is hidden in the game.

Through the various props in the game, such as "family photo", such as the monster "mother's heart", which has symbolic significance, is surrounded by "Heaven layer" decorated by church. In addition, there is also "Isaac" who appears in the story as boss.

Compared with the audience here, the audience in Europe and the United States are more fascinated by the wonderful scenery.

At the beginning, everyone was wondering how many endings Isaac had and what kind of story the story finally told.

Because the game to the back, there are two routes to heaven and hell branch.

So the players are guessing at the beginning, what kind of route the game is going to take.

It was.

But later, we found that the script and production of this game had the name of "shawson".

The name is well-known in mud boom, such as Earth Defense youth, which has not yet started broadcasting. Although it hasn't started to play yet, there are many friends who are trying to popularize science for pure children: This is the work of Mr. shawson.

In Europe and the United States, the name also has a certain popularity, but not high.

However, although they are not high, there are still some people who know him. As we all know, one of the creators of Ni Bang's recent animation box office work is shayson, and this name can also be seen in "soul of darkness" and "tolerance for evil".

At the beginning, although everyone was guessing, some people immediately understood the urination of the story after discovering the name of shawson.

"This story has no good ending."

With this in mind, players began to discuss.

With faith in the name of shawson, they were not afraid to guess the end of the game from the most malicious point of view.


Then, they found that the endings of these games look a lot, but they're not actually the branch endings of the games.

Each ending is about the course of Isaac's mind, or his state in the real world.

For example, Isaac finally suffocates in his chest, so the map that the story opens at the end is the "treasure box layer.".

For another example, there is a special ending in the story, that is, players collect the angel's key, and then use the key to open the hidden door of the treasure box layer and the dark layer, and then encounter the Satan who hides the boss. In this ending, in the real world, Isaac is breathing and breathing, and finally becomes a devil.

Therefore, some players believe that the story does not have many endings, the whole ending is only one, and the story is actually about the state of Isaac before he died.

Many players agree with this point, because under the cover of leisure games, the core of the story is actually very subtle. For example, Isaac's bullet is actually Isaac's tears in the story. Some people think that the characters in the story, such as "Judas", "Eve" or "Samson", are actually Isaac himself and his heart The alienation of an image.

This matter is highly discussed, and many people who don't know the game are curious.

At this time, some of them found that the game actually had a live network.

Ah, this is really strange!

With this in mind, these players also began to watch the live broadcast.

But the more you watch the live broadcast, the more curious many of them are about the game of Isaac.

They want to figure out what the whole story is like.

The propaganda mode of Isaac's game is different from other games. Basically, it doesn't spend too much energy on publicity. However, after the popularity of the game, Isaac became a hot word instantly, and the sales volume exceeded 100000 copies in a few days. Moreover, the sales growth of the whole game is also accelerating. The sales volume of the game is constantly increasing Yang.

Although it can't compare with Mario and other masterpieces, there is no doubt that this is a very successful and mature game, and has a very loyal user base.

Of course, in Mori's view, the greatest significance of this game lies in its verification of the role of the current live network mode.

According to the survey on the Internet, netizens are generally interested in this kind of live broadcast.

Of course, this kind of live broadcast is not without defects. First of all, compared with the future network live broadcast mode, the audience group is not very large; secondly, under this mode, the anchor rate can only play a few fixed games.

The latter is due to the constraints of current technology.

The works that can be played on the network can be divided into two categories. One is a live broadcast similar to "local reproduction", that is, the so-called "audience" live broadcast in the game. This kind of live broadcasting requires the game to support the game Specifications issued by society A. games that do not conform to the standards cannot be broadcast live. At present, the only game that deserves to be optimized by a society is probably StarCraft. Although the second type is a streaming video mode, in fact, it is still similar to the first one, except that the audience group changes from players to servers, and the server turns what they "see" into live content.This is a sad story, but there is no way, because group A has already done what it can do.

"Ah ah, ah, it's technology X!"

Alice was also fascinated by the game in Sonia's house.

After suffering more than half a game in a row, she got a very powerful prop in the game.

"Congratulations." Alice is here to enjoy playing the game, senxia at this moment is looking at the evaluation of the network.

To tell you the truth, he was annoyed.

At the beginning, the situation on the Internet was very good, and the discussion was very interesting. Including the forum, we are very hot.

…… It was.

But after that, someone discovered the name "shawson.".

In the game circle, the name shayson is almost synonymous with the word "sinister".

"Solved the case!"

"Solved the case!"

A group of people roared in the forum like this, and then criticized senxia.

"Tut, so these people are really Tucson, they don't understand. Isaac is a good game with thought and depth..."

Senxia curled her lips.

"But aren't the reviews on the Internet great?"

Alice has been a "inspirational bureau" before, even after several passes, the character's attribute has not increased, props have not taken a few, in the crazy suffering. But after getting powerful props, she is much more comfortable now, and has leisure and senxia here to tease.

"Once these people saw my name, they began to think about the whole story in a bad way. I really don't understand why..." Senxia shook her head.

Clearly, I am a person with depth and connotation!

"Darling, I just like the way you cheat people and have a sense of righteousness. In the game you do, the kind of malice that comes from the shop is really excellent!"

…… I almost forgot that Alice is also a "fan" of Sonia.

But as a fan, why do I always feel a little subtle in my heart after hearing what you said

"I know you are praising me, but I feel as if my personality has been slightly shaken..."

"I hate it, darling. People are praising you." Alice "shyly" threw a wink at senxia.

Senxia chose to ignore.

Fortunately, snow is not here at this moment. Otherwise, we will have a quarrel again

Well, xuenai and Zhentong went shopping. Because Zhentong didn't have her own washing utensils, xuenai took Zhentong out to buy sanitary supplies.

"Forget it." Senxia doesn't want to continue to entangle with Alice. He stares at the forum in front of him.

After confirming that senxia was the culprit, these people began to speculate the story of senxia with the deepest malice.

As a game with 34 million copies sold in another world line, the quality of Isaac is absolutely enough.

So senxia didn't modify it at all Well, he slightly adjusted the props in the story to make them more suitable for the whole story. But senxia swears that he just did some smiling work. He just embellished the whole story a little, and didn't do anything strange!

"It seems that when I play this game in the future, I should change a vest No, shawson's vest is probably on the blacklist, so when I'm playing casual games, it's the best to use a new pure pink vest... "

The tremella that had been blackened out could not be bleached, so senxia decided to think of a trick.

But, I change a new, pink tender, not good?!

"Well, just call it the warrior of love." As a warrior of love, senxia felt that the vest seemed to fit her very well.

"Warrior of love? Why don't you call it a masquerade Alice cocked her head. She thought it was too soft.

"Because I am the disseminator of love Senxia said that as a disseminator of love, it is not a matter of course to use this vest!

Mm-hmm, if you want to produce some magic girl's small round face in the future, you can also use this vest. Mm-hmm, it will be very interesting at that time.

"You can guess, I will never tell you the answer ~" after thinking about the new waistcoat that she is going to make, senxia feels as if she is happy.

This refreshing feeling made him very happy.

"So, what is the end?" Alice was also interested in the story of Isaac.

"I want to know I'm going to play my own games. I put all the clues in the game

Sometimes, this specious setting is the best. Senxia will never tell the story clearly about what happened to Isaac."That's what you said before." Alice tilted her head. "Darling, can't you give me a tip? '

" I'm not a spoiler party. "

Well, I'll only criticize those dung stories on the Internet

"Well, well, I'll find the ending in the game." Alice turned her eyes back to the game on the screen.

actually, Sam ha wanted to Tucao a sentence, "you said so two hours ago", but he thought, still did not say, because it will definitely let Alice again make complaints about Sen Xia said a pile of not.

After reading the reviews of the game, senxia entered qicq's working group.

In this place, senxia's subordinates are also reporting to senxia.

Not the content of the game, but the load of the live platform.

The live game is not only "the union of Isaac". In this live broadcast, there are more than ten games, such as StarCraft, hero's track, the soul of darkness, and the devil's patience.

When the service was just opened, the number of live broadcast was about 10000, with mud boom and overseas accounting for half respectively. Moreover, there were special servers for overseas live broadcasting, and the load was not large.

However, with the beginning of nightfall in Europe and the United States, the servers there began to bear pressure. At the peak, the number of accesses detected by the servers there had reached more than 30000.

This year, more than 30000 live viewers are absolutely a frightening number.

Group A is also very nervous, because the network is related to more important things.

They are ready on their side. If they exceed the warning line, they will directly top up the new server.

After learning that things were OK there, senxia was relieved.

"Well, it depends on whether it can be settled..."

Senxia was muttering when his phone rang.

"Moximoxi." Senxia got through to the phone. "Sister Yi Ji?"

It's Ichi on the phone.

Because Lihua left temporarily, senxia snatched Yi Ji from her old man and asked her to help herself.

Facts have proved that, as a maid, sister Yi Ji is still very powerful. She has just come over for two days, and has helped senxia deal with things in an orderly way.

Seriously, sister Yi Ji's ability, let alone be a secretary assistant, Sen Xia thinks that there is no problem for her maid to be president. In modern times, this kind of person is a social celebrity. In ancient times, it's a vassal of one side. If you go to a different world, you'll be brave.

"Hi Hi Oh, great

The news over the phone made Sen Xia stand up excitedly.

Alice next to see the action of senxia, can not help but pause the game.

This call is not long, Yi Ji sister there informed about the matter, then ended the call.

And senxia here is smiling.

"What good is it?" Alice asked.

"Well, it's a great good thing that our Miku can finally make his debut ~"

Two in one meow meow ~ meow meow ~

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