"We are going to finish the game in half a year, Mr. shawson. By next spring, you will be able to play our Yueji." After exchanging mobile phone numbers, naisu smiles at Mori again.

"Well, I'm looking forward to..." Senxia found that there were more and more people in the shop, so she said, "well, enjoy your dinner. I have to take care of other people."

In this shop, the number of acquaintances is indeed a lot, this place is not as cold as my elder sister said before. People in twos and threes all enter the restaurant at this dinner time.

Some talked in Japanese, some in Mandarin, some in Cantonese. Mori noticed that there were two Korean speaking Koreans entering.

There are more and more people, but there are only three waiters. Even the new employee, senxia, is busy at this time. Even when he needs to leave, she has forgotten.

All in all, by the time he came back, the night was already deep.

"Oh, I'm so tired..." Senxia exhausted her strength.

"It's just that it happens occasionally. Don't worry Oh, I'm going to change Qianjia sister seems to be tired enough, she said and went into the dressing room.

"It's been a hard day for you, Mori sauce." Aunt Wenzi smilingly walked to Sen Xia's side, with that guanxi accent said, "how, how do you feel here?"

"Well, it's fun! Although busy, but very substantial. "

When I was here, it seemed that I could often see the mushroom of Nai Shu Oh, I can't see him recently, because Nai is going to be spoiled by Wu Nei's golden house. The next time I see Nai Su, it's probably when Yueji has an embryonic form.

As an old man, Sen Xia really resonated with the mushroom life when she was at Xuejie's home. In addition to going out to buy food materials several times, senxia basically sat in front of the computer to rush to work all day. During that time, senxia was in a muddle, and even didn't know what day it was today.

"If there's no problem. Senxia sauce, you and Qianjia come to work tomorrow. I'm very optimistic about you! " Aunt Wenzi smiles at Sen Xia and leaves.

"Hoo..." Senxia long out of breath.

Xuejie also came out of the dressing room at this time, and then said to Sen Xia, "I have changed it. You can go there now."

"Hi." Into the house. Senxia took off a rather tight suit and changed into her school uniform.

Without the restraint of tight clothes, senxia felt that her blood flow was faster, and her fatigue seemed to be relieved.

"Oh, I've never thought our school uniform was so comfortable before." Although the school uniform to Sen Xia's feeling is still as bad as ever, but people always have a contrast to have happiness. Compared with the suit which is more inconvenient to exercise, the school uniform is better.

"It's just a suit for self-cultivation. You can't adapt to it?" Xuejie looks at Sen Xia with disgust.

"That's because you wear silk stockings every day, so you don't feel bad about it! Although you say it's wonderful, I have hardly seen your barefoot appearance! " There will always be a silk stocking on my sister Sen. In fact, Sam ha has been trying to make complaints about it since he started very early, very early.

"What do you know? In Japan, silk stockings are a necessity for girls. In this country, only 30% of girls don't wear silk stockings, and some girls will wear a pair of silk stockings even if they wear jeans and other clothes!" My sister didn't care about senxia's pointing, "and I wear high-end custom-made silk stockings, even if I'm sleeping. It won't affect your health! "

"Er..." Well, the values of men and women are different. "We should go now, and now we can catch the subway."

Senxia finished and was ready to leave. Sister looked at Sen Xia's head and face, and suddenly stopped senxia: "wait!"

"What?" Mori stops and looks back strangely.

"Well..." When she saw senxia's face, she thought for three seconds, and then her face suddenly raised a wonderful smile: "no, nothing. Just like this, just thought of a thing, and then suddenly found that they think wrong

"Oh," senxia said nothing, just packed up and ready to leave.

"Senxia Jun, you and Nathaniel have been discussing the game since then?" After leaving liuweizhai, Xuejie began to chat with Sen Xia again.

"Well, yes, they're going to make a GALGAME." Senxia replied.

"It's a pity that he used to see Nathaniel often, but I didn't know he could write it." Qianjia sister sighed and said, "but it's OK. I've got Sen Xia Jun now."

Sen Xia was curious: "what kind of person did you think naixusang was before

"Well At the beginning, I didn't have a profound influence on him. I probably stayed in a very quiet young man who liked to eat in liuweizhai alone. But later I found out that he was a fool of Mapo Tofu. This guy always ordered Mapo Tofu every time, but today I know that he is actually a young man of literature and art. " She sighed."Well, in fact, naissusan's writing is very good." As a scriptwriter, naisu mushroom is also very powerful in Japan's GALGAME industry. However, this guy is fond of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. When he has money, he doesn't do anything. He especially likes fried rice. The words "in the next ten years" in the reset version of Yueji are basically the embodiment of naisu's wonderful personality.

Well, you don't think it's really "to-the-next-10-years", and the famous "magic envoy's night" also has a nickname called "ticket skipping envoy's night". Even the original Yueji, naisu spent three times the original budget time to make it.

In all their plans, the only one that didn't skip tickets was "the 10th night of the song month". However, the price of not skipping tickets on the 10th night of Songyue was that the mayline that was scheduled to join Yueji was cut off. Gongzuka has also become one of the most tragic passers-by in the Japanese animation industry - the heroine waiting to be met has turned into nothing because of naisu's ticket skipping

"You know this guy well. Is he really that good?" Qian Jia continued to ask curiously.

"Of course, except for skipping tickets and playing games, everything else is pretty good." Well, wait.

At this time, senxia suddenly thought of the game fat. The heroine Elia's route in the game was also cut off because of lack of time. Now think about it, this kind of thing is really unbearable!

But don't worry, this time we already have naisu's phone call. If he dares to cut Elia's route, he will slap him directly!

"Well, I don't know if we have a chance to cooperate with them. If Nathanson is really so good, maybe we can play games with them in the summer of next year." What interesting things have come to my mind.

"Well, that's enough!" This is because Sen Xia has psychological preparation. If she knows naisu's urine, I'm afraid things will be bad, "and now winter comeket has never happened, don't think about things next summer!"

"Long term vision, you know, senxia Jun?" Her face was calm.

"Well, let's get on the subway first, and then we'll run away."

I'm afraid xuenai will be worried if he doesn't go back now.

Xuejie nodded and got on the subway with Sen Xia.

Unlike in the daytime, there are a lot of people on the subway at this time.

I don't know why, senxia always thinks that the people around him are

"well, what's the matter? I always feel that many people are looking at me. It's strange..."

I don't know if it's an illusion. Senxia finds that many people are looking at themselves with strange eyes. This feeling is very strange, which makes senxia have some back hair.

"Because Sen Xia is a lovely boy, so we all think it's not bad ~" she teased.

"To appreciate is also to appreciate girls, boys have what to see?" Senxia rolled her eyes.

"Who said, as long as lovely words, boys do not matter!" The elder sister began to explain to the boy, "the really cute boy should be the kind of man who can not feel disgusted even if he wears silk stockings and women's clothes, but he thinks that he is very cute. This is a successful man!"

"What kind of man is this! That's a pervert Sanger found that when she was talking with her sister, make complaints about her becoming a Tucao.

"There is the heart of a gentleman who can be called a pervert and wears women's clothes. Such a brave man can only be called a man!"

Lying trough, what you said is reasonable! I can't refute it!

"Loveliness is justice. As long as it is cute, even a boy doesn't matter!" She said again, "after the world steps into stability and peace, people's aesthetic will tend to be more neutral and feminine. That kind of masculinity and muscle is something of the last era. In the future, only lovable can rule the world!"

Elder sister, your foresight prediction is not under me!

what she said before was that she wanted to Tucao, but she had to make complaints about the Japanese and animation industry.

"So you don't have to worry, senxia Jun, as a lovely boy, what you represent is even the trend of human aesthetics in the future, which is a sign of the progress of the world!"

She is like a tutor of human civilization. Her face twinkles with wisdom and wisdom, guiding human beings to the road of gentry!


In fact, the feeling of Sen Xia at this time is like Xiao Lin in the random step fantasy, so we all understand.

A piece of news that I don't know whether I'm lucky or unfortunate is 2600 at present, which is 400 away from 3000.

Should I start to lose weight now?

If you support it, you can smash the monthly pass and (to be continued. )xh118r1052

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