"The future of chuyin is actually a plan made several years ago." Senxia said his thoughts on the future of the initial sound, "but we also prepared for a long time before contacting Yamaha."

"What? You had that kind of attempt a long time ago? " Chiu Masao sent out a cry of surprise.

"Ah? Well, including the initial sound of the future, and derivative works - we're also going to do online animation. " Mori opened the notebook, to the black rock shooter interface, and then to chiyuzhengxiong.

"This is a series of black rock shooters derived from the future of primaries. As a virtual singer, the first tone future will sing the theme song to the black rock shooter." "It's going to be the first animation to be performed by a virtual character," she said. In the future, we will further spread, produce records, MV, and act as image ambassadors for the future of prima

There are still a lot of ideas on senxia's side.

"What's more, we're going to open license the models of the characters, allowing users to use their models of the future of the initial sound to create MV animations - the software we've developed."

For the future development of initial sound, senxia is the most well prepared. She then said, "in addition, our dc-p supports some better lighting effects when rendering."

In fact, PC can also achieve some effects, but on dc-p, the effects are implemented from the bottom, so you can save some effort in rendering.

“DC-P…… It seems that it's not just a video game Zhao Yilang muttered beside him, "it's a little bit bigger than before."

"Well, no matter what it is, as long as we can increase our market share, I will do it." Senxia did not hesitate to say his strategic objectives.

"It's a very simple and crude method." Zhao Yilang, who entered the diplomatic relations, was stunned by Sen Xia's unorthodox speech.

But since it is a business, what is a little bit of integrity?

And he knew that Sega would not do such things.

It's not that Sega won't do business, it's just that the two sides have different positioning.

The order of Phoenix is small and easy to turn around. Even if they have sold tens of millions of sets of mainframe, they do not have any other redundant business, so they do not need to be as particular as Sega.

For large enterprises, a change in a certain part may cause changes in the strategy of the whole enterprise. A little bit of small matter may cause strategic events.

This is not only because of the problems with the home computers, but also because they are already "schizophrenic" inside. We all act in their own way. It is really uncertain what will happen to Sega.

"You And animation? "

Chiu Masao does not know why, his thinking seems to be a bit slow, at this time he asked another subtle question.

"Ah, black rock shooter's cartoon."

Chiyu Zhengxiong frowns.

If it's the first sound of the future, it's actually OK.

Because the initial tone of the future is green hair, and double horsetail also has a very special feeling.

But compared to the future of the initial tone, the black rock shooter in front of him is a black horsetail, and this horse tail His meow is more similar to poetry!


Chiba is feeling worse now.

"In addition, the initial sound will also be made into music games in the future. Our dc-p itself supports high-quality audio, and the effect of playing music games is great."

Thanks to the coprocessor, dc-p can perform better music.

Senxia is also very proud of this.

"Finally, we have a lot of new products ready to be released at E3, which is enough to stabilize people's hearts."

“…… By June, it will be late. Shopping malls are battlefields. After two months, I'm afraid it will be late. " Chiyu Zhengxiong said without good breath.

"Ah, we have already taken a lot of measures. In fact, we're going to launch two great games next month. "

One is my world and the other is boundless.

"I'm afraid it won't work just for games." Zhaoyilang has already suffered a loss in Jiaotong, and Shamu directly gives him a pit. "Tianhaijun, please make more preparations."

"Well Is the conference held by a big eastern country count? "

Zhaoyilang, who is in Jiaojiao, doesn't quite understand senxia's meaning, but Chiyu Zhengxiong over there gets some news from his daughter.

"A big eastern country Is it related to the recent movements of giant hard? "

Senxia just said that through the order of the Phoenix, he got the agency right of the giant hard in the mud.

But there is no love for no reason in this world. It's not easy to grab food from under the hard mouth.

"Yes. Well, we recently reached an agreement with giant hardware, "senxia said." we shared the patented technology a little bit. "“…… Isn't it about PC? Well, forget it. It's good that you have a foundation in your mind, but a big eastern country is not mud boom after all. "

Chiu Masao had wanted to continue the discussion on this issue, but he took a look at Zhao Ichiro, who was still here, and decided not to talk about it for the time being.

If you want to talk about it, you have to wait until zhaoyilang has left.

"In fact, it's about many aspects. I think the most important one is probably wireless transmission technology." "We did a little bit of effort," she said


It seems to be something I haven't heard before.

But chiyumasao thinks that what senxia wants to do is not so understated as he said.

It's impossible to get bill lid to spit something out of his mouth.

But what has senxia done to make such a big change to Juqiang?

It's nothing.

Senxia just for the upcoming WinXP, made a beautification plug-in for giant hardware, and then made a "beautification effect picture" with PPT.

Oh, by the way, this rendering can also be the future vision of Kirin computer with a little modification.

Cover children's shoes are also in the view of this effect picture and long-range map, before making a decision.

In fact, these pictures are nothing.

Senxia is just in accordance with the future Vista and win7 advantages, the system for some "beautification processing.". The Kirin computer uses a more customized system, so the operation logic of Kirin computer can be closer to the future win7.

In addition, Sen Xia also flattened the interface and made another pre selection scheme.

Well, it's a flat solution for win8 and win10 in the future.

By the way, these designs have been patented.

"In a word, it's good that you have a foundation in mind. Sega is now more chaotic, so in other people's eyes, the threat is relatively small, on the contrary, the order of Phoenix is now Zhen Xiang Rong, you are the target of public criticism. "



In fact, the author also wants to know what kind of interface and interactive logic will be made by Juqiang if Sen Xia really fills up the pit of Juqiang

Meow meow ~

of the second watch

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