"A single Just one... "

After krypton gold, Meng xiangdun felt that a big stone in her heart seemed to fall on the ground. The feeling of surging in her heart made Meng Xiang feel a kind of incomparable comfortable feeling.

I've seen Meng Xiang early. Now I have the holy stone.

So, come on, ten companies!

See Meng Xiang take a deep breath, and then open the call!

"Color, color light!"

The first shot is color light!

Seeing Meng Xiang's eyes lit up.

At this moment, she felt her hands, holding the hope!

"Well..." However, when Meng Xiang saw the golden light, she was silly.

It's Naiye is right.

But But It's an adult version.

The adult version of naiyeh, holding two swords, appears in the picture at this time, and then becomes a holy mark card.

Meng Xiang has a delicate face.

It's hard to describe the feeling of eating roast duck and finally having a chopped chicken.

How to say, although they are delicious, but I feel a little bit worse.

Don't say, this one has good luck. Although there is no five-star small Naiye in three rounds and ten companies, the holy mark of Samsung's "Meng Xin Naiye" is full of treasure. When all skills are Naiye's skills, the set skills also have a Naiye's buff. Each set of holy Mark's buff is different. Meng xinnaiye's buff is the experience gained after each battle Value increased by 5%.

Well, although Naiye's set of holy marks is r-level, there are not many extremely rare buffs that increase experience value in the whole game.

But this is not what Meng Xiang wants.

What she wanted was the legendary "final Dacheng version" of Naiye.

Although the adult version is a great success, Meng Xiang still wants the latter compared with the magic of xiaonaiye in Xinghuang mode.


However, No.

Although there is a holy mark, it is Nana Li's holy mark. This one is the heroine of nanali's nightmares. She has the same powerful skills and can summon mecha, but it's not what Meng Xiang wants.

"Why do you all have Naier and fitter! Why didn't I get it? "

Meng Xiang complained on qicq.

"It's impossible. The up card pool only has the role of Naiye. You didn't draw the up card pool, did you?" Suddenly someone said something.

"Ah..." Meng Xiang was stunned for a moment.

According to the other side, Meng Xiang opened the holy mark calling card pool, and then switched to the bottom.

Then, Meng Xiang felt black before her eyes - there was a "special call" card pool next to the call of card pool.

After that, Nai's interface was found to be the original one.

There are instructions next to the card pool.

"Naier & fitt, probability up!"

"I I... "

Meng Xiang fell into the rage of incompetence.

Unfortunately, when I saw the card pool, I had already There's no more spar.

"Well No way Meng Xiang looks at her own recharge interface.

8800 yen krypton gold is gone, but 4500 yen krypton gold and double krypton gold effect is much better than the 8800 without double.

"That's it I'll always get it... "

She murmured, then charged and continued to draw.

Then, the color light flashed.

"Why? Eh, eh, eh?! "

It's exploding!

Golden light explodes!

Naiye! Naiye is out!

"Ah, ah, ah!!! Naiye sauce

Meng Xiang grabs her Naiye pillow excitedly and rolls on the head of the bed.

After rolling for a long time, she gradually calmed down.

"Hoo..." Meng Xiang breathed a breath, and then put this skill on the character.

Different from the adult version of physical attack, this set of holy mark takes the route of magic attack. It also has a survival skill that can convert MP into shield, which is very easy to use.

In "boundless", it is a basic routine to choose holy mark to fight according to the battle.

Senxia's game, when making reference to some games, skills is the reference of DNF, so, the main output of the role in the game is to rely on skills.

So, in terms of skills, the scar has a different effect. The effect of the holy mark of physical attack is different from that of magic attack. Therefore, if you want to take the physical route, you need the holy mark of the physics department, otherwise, you need the holy mark of the magic department.

In the game, players can be equipped with three sets of holy marks, and can switch once every round.In the game, within a round, you can act four times. If you switch the holy mark, it is three times. In addition, if you want to use super kill, you need to consume two actions. In addition, some of the skills in the game can only be used once in a round, while others can only be used once in two rounds. Although the power of some skills is not great, they can be used many times in each round. Therefore, how to skills and arrange actions is also a point to test players.

For future game lovers, this kind of setting may be too complicated, but for people of this era, senxia dare not set the game too mindless, because the mud boom of this era likes the game of this complex system.

What's more, web games can't have too exquisite system mechanism, so we can only use this way to make the game more mental and cover up the shortcomings of web games.


However, with Naiye's holy mark, Meng Xiang doesn't know which skill to order at this time.

Naiye's big move is star burst and super powerful clearing skill, which is obviously impossible because it requires two identical holy marks.

The first small skill is God breaking. This skill is a big move of Naiye at R level, but the two moves are different. The big move of R level also has Vertigo effect, but as a small skill, this skill does not have this function.

The second skill is meteor grenade, which is a single skill and can also cause enemy paralysis. Paralysis attribute is that the opponent has the probability to be unable to move because of paralysis when he is in action. It is a debuff of personal character. If he is lucky, the other party can beat himself in three rounds, but if he is not lucky, this debuff is no different from no existence.

The third skill is light shield, which is the core of survival. It can consume MP as a shield to resist damage. It can also turn the crisp mage into a powerful blood cow.

This Naiye's skill is actually the skill of the Naiye that the player controlled when he just entered, so Meng Xiang also knew something about it.

"But which skill is better to light up..."

She was lost in thought.

The first is the powerful attack skill, the second is the control skill, and the third is the defense skill


"Well, but when it comes to Naiye, first of all, it is the God liepo?"

Mm-hmm, if you think so, it's still the God of heaven!

Meng Xiang chose this skill.


With the new skills, Meng Xiang finds that her efficiency in fighting monsters has risen to a higher level. When she meets with a powerful enemy, she will have a super kill. Meng Xiang equips R. carnet's holy mark into a super must kill, so she can now send two tianshenliepo in a round.

This feeling, super cool!

This kind of feeling is even more pleasant than rolling, which makes Meng Xiang unable to control himself.

At this time, she has forgotten that she is actually a leisure player. Instead, she is constantly spending money in the wild.

As a result of mindless advancement, Meng Xiang's fight became more and more difficult. At the beginning, Meng Xiang could get rid of the battle with one Tianshen Libao. However, after two rounds of tianshenliepo, the enemy still had residual blood, and Meng Xiang's role could not be suppressed gradually.

What's more, the most uncomfortable thing is that when you encounter a single enemy, you can't make up for two times. Mengxiang can continue to use skills to supplement one. However, when the group skill is against a single enemy, it is a little weak. If the three group skills continue, Meng Xiang will be sent back to his hometown.

"I need some monomer skills..."

Meng Xiang looks at her own holy mark. Her holy mark is not small, but many of them belong to physics department. However, Meng Xiang's equipment is all legal system equipment, so there is not much choice.

Fortunately, Meng Xiang finally found a way.

She changed her skills to meteor grenade, but she also brought her empty sword. When she met the boss, she opened the empty sword first, then the meteor spirit bullet pasted the face, and then the super kill smashed the face. The boss took out one fifth of her blood.

In the next round, the monster can't move because of paralysis. Meng Xiang drinks a bottle of magic medicine and continues to paste his face.

Meng Xiang had a good luck this time. After three rounds, the opposite side had lost half of his blood, while Meng Xiang was still full of blood.

With this shameless method, Meng Xiang finally pushed the boss down.

"Naiye sauce is really the strongest ~" Meng Xiang's face showed a smile.

However, she couldn't laugh immediately. Because she met boss soon.

Facing the combination of two boss, Meng Xiang kneels down directly.

"Hateful tentacle, I'll fight you for 300 rounds when I change the holy mark!"

After lying dead and returning to the city, Meng Xiang began to combine holy marks.

But at this time she was a little confused.

Now there are two boss level enemies, but if you don't use single skills, you can't fight at all. You can use group skills. It's basically to fight the street. As for flat chop? Well, come on, unless it's the kind of guy who goes buff stream and gives himself a buff, the average person will suffer a loss if he cuts flat - unless there is no MP."If it's the combination of the God liepo and the meteor spirit bullet..."

Maybe it's good?

Meteor grenade is a good skill. It not only has high damage, but also can be used as normal AOE range firepower output.

But unfortunately, she has only one skill.

Meng Xiang has Tanya's holy mark. Tanya's attack power is very strong, but she will give herself a vulnerable debuff, which is not used in the hard war.

Meng Xiangsi didn't realize that she was actually overstepping the progress and leapfrogging. She was still thinking about how to cooperate with her skills and then kill the enemy.

She looked at her own equipment. All of them were blue suits made by herself. Although not powerful, they were also easy to use at the same level.

As for the weapon, Meng Xiang's magic weapon is a new product, which is also very strong at the same level.

Well, don't hesitate, continue to draw card!

Meng Xiang bit her teeth, and then continued to draw card.

Anyway, I've just pushed forward a lot of progress, and I've got some holy stones.

"Color light!"

Then, Meng Xiang's eyes brightened.

Because it's colorful again!


"Ah, ah, ah, it's another adult version of Naiye! You can give me a fitter

Meng Xiang is crazy.

"Yes, yes, I still have double spar to buy!"

Meng Xiang's eyes brightened, and then she was ready to continue to buy double holy stones.

But then, Meng Xiang frowned and found something wrong.

If you only buy low-level kyanites, although there are double gifts, but the quantity is still not enough for 8800. 8800 gear, although there is no double, but purchase of the crystal, which will give a third, so the cost performance is very high.


8800, let's have another round!

"Coming, coming! Two naires

This time, Meng Xiang was lucky and came to Naiye.

"I feel lucky. There are only two SSRs One more puff? If there are three of them, the meteor bullet and the starlight burst seem to be better... "

In this way, Meng Xiang continued to smoke.

This time, Meng Xiang's luck was better, and she even gave out a Naiye directly!

"Three!" Meng Xiang is excited!

She looked at her own crystal, and there was a ten company!

"Again Come again

There are two more to fill the treasure Why don't you try it? Try it and you won't lose

With such a mentality, Meng Xiang once again ordered ten times.

Color light again!

Meng Xiang's eyes widened and she didn't dare to breathe.


"Wow, it's the adult version again!" Meng Xiang is a little broken and crazy.

"No no way! I must get it

It's not easy to be so red, continue to draw card!

With such a mentality, mengxiang and krypton a single down.

But this time, good luck seems to be far away from Meng Xiang, not to mention Naiye, not even a SSR.

"Most It's the last one... "

It's the last ten companies

Color, color light!

Color light again!

Naiye again!

Four! I have four naiah scars!

"Just one more Another one... "

Well, I have a last breath. I'm lucky. Let's go all out. There's a whole set of Naiye's holy marks. I'll never be krypton gold again

With such a mentality, Meng Xiang began to smoke cards.

This time, the first ten even had color light, Meng Xiang's eyes widened.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

Unfortunately, it is fitter who has been hidden for a long time.

8800 yen down, Naiye None of them.

"No Again I just want one I just want one Mm-hmm, the last recharge, must come to a Naiye ah


Compared with the original dream war, reset and krypton swindler Why did you feel reset and raised your hand to swim, and then found that Qiyuan's vertical painting was made into DLC, which can also be

The subtle feeling of two in one

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