Meng Xiang is more comfortable these two days.

Although still playing games in krypton gold, but today's Meng Xiang, met a krypton gold big man.

Well, it's also known as the golden thigh.

In boundless, players are allowed to make friends with each other. In the game, there are also copies and playing methods of joint team formation.

In the story, we will encounter the invasion of the world's enemies. At this time, we need players to join forces to join forces from all time and space, and then help the new world resist the attack. At the beginning of the story, Naiye is helping the player's world resist the invasion of the world's enemies.

Meng Xiang met this big man named "Yika sauce" when she took part in the activities.

This big guy is very high-level, with Meng Xiang and another oil bottle rolling all the way, easily completed the originally difficult team.

After secretly seeing each other's holy mark and equipment, Meng Xiang kneels down directly.

The other party's body is installed with all five-star holy mark, a set of Naiye, a set of fitte, a set of prayer.

The equipment on the other side is even more extraordinary - all of them are extra rare equipment to increase cost.

In the game, through some equipment, you can add extra cost. In this way, players can theoretically equip all the five-star holy mark of SSR.

But this kind of equipment is very, very rare, and the attribute is generally very poor, so no one will take a set of it when attacking a difficult position.

The other party's such a set, of course, the attribute is not high - but people's level is high!

Yi Ka big guy is clearly to crush activities, a set of auxiliary increase, a set of range attack, a set of boss special attack, short-term outbreak, enough to take two rookies all the way to crush.

At the end of the task, Meng Xiang went to chat with the other party in a worship mood.

I didn't expect that the big guy actually replied!

After understanding, Meng Xiang knew that the other side was the old player of the legendary "beautiful new world" game.

After the "boundless" online, the other side came to have a look, and then immediately entered the game.

"The game is so interesting and the picture is so beautiful that I have a little bit of recharge. Let's just open the card pool's map. Now my goal is to gather enough prestige and buy the ark warship."

Hearing this, Meng Xiang knelt down directly.

"All open?" Meng Xiang confirmed it.

"Ah, yes, it's just a few million yuan. I'm lucky."

Whatever Millions of Out of Good luck

Originally thought that he had already flushed the credit card to be able to become a big man's Meng Xiang, suddenly found himself very silly very naive.

"And the ark, which you can buy now?"

In the game, there is a home system.

If the player is in midzelda, he will get an apartment. If he is going to explore the new world, he can get a cottage.

In addition, the game also allows players to move their homes to other places, such as warships, another element of the game.

Players can own their own warships. The advantage of this is that players can freely shuttle around the world in the future, instead of buying tickets and going to their destination through official "buses".

And if players have warships, of course, it's the best to be able to follow their own home anytime and anywhere.

In the game, "Ark class" is the highest level of warship players are allowed to buy.

"The money is enough."

"But this ship needs a lot of prestige, isn't it?" Meng Xiang asked curiously.

Although the warships are good, the prestige they need is amazing.

The ark class warship, needs the player's prestige in the time and Space Management Bureau to achieve the worship only then, moreover also needs the very massive fund.

Of course, there is no lack of money for the big man, but reputation can not be saved in one day or two.

It's all liver stuff.

"Well, yes, but there are other ways. In the game, there is an organization called counter entropy. I have opened up the reputation there. One of the mission objectives is to let players steal an ark class warship."

In the game, in addition to the time and Space Administration Bureau, there are many organizations.

For example, the earth camp of the original world, or the "holy king" camp and so on.

In addition to this reputation, Midda needs a chance to enter the world.

For example, if you want to join the space-time administration, the most convenient way is to choose further education when you graduate from school, and then pass the trial, so that you can become an officer of the space-time Administration Bureau.

For example, in the holy King camp, this camp also needs to be completed in midzelda. Players need to enter the church to become a nun, and after a series of tasks, they can be recognized.Meng Xiang also knows about this "reverse entropy" or something, because this organization can be seen in the new world. There will be a random shop there that will refresh various equipment. Some need to be purchased with money, some will be exchanged with materials, and some can only be purchased with holy stones.

Many of the opponent's equipment is mainly mechanical. Some people even speculate that the inverse entropy may be the legendary "mechanical race".

However, Meng Xiang did not expect that this "black hearted businessman" was still a camp?

No, that's not the point.

"Can we have warships with inverse entropy?"

This is the biggest problem.

"No, it's not." ICAR's typing speed is very fast. You can see that he is an old bird.

"In fact, it's embezzlement. This game has a lot of freedom. Players can actually choose to drive away the warship and hide it when they are on this mission. Then there is a ship renovation service in the game. If the player renovates the ship at this time, he will lose the mission target and cause the mission to fail, but the ship itself will become the property of the player. "

Can it be so late?

Meng Xiang was shocked.

"Well, if you do this, you will be wanted by both camps at the same time. You have to do a series of tasks and hand in a lot of materials before you can be relieved. Moreover, the reputation itself will be reduced to apathy. The problems that can be solved with money are not problems. The biggest problem now is prestige. I don't have a good reputation now. I'll be able to pick up the task in a few minutes. "

It's obviously a good way to get warships very quickly, rather than swiping the prestige of the space time administration to the explosion.

Meng Xiang immediately investigates after hearing the other party's words.

As a result, she found that if players embezzle, they will be wanted at the same time. When players are in the territory of two camps, they will be killed and their warships will be captured - whether the players have fixed it or not.

But in the game, there is also a mechanism that players can purge negative reputation - it is just that this action will lead to the decline of the reputation of forces hostile to this force, until it is indifferent.

As long as players can avoid guards, they can "surrender".

In the game, players need to pay a certain amount of bail, the camp will give some material tasks, after all completed, the player's "reputation" will be cleared.

And this payment is based on the negative side of the game.

At this time, the player has to pay a fee of 99.99 million, which is the maximum currency limit for the game to be opened. The difference is more than one hundred million yuan.

In other words, if a player wants to get a warship in this way, he needs 200 million dollars - because both camps are negative.

In the game, the price of the first warship itself is only 20 million.

Meng Xiang continues to be stunned.

Meng Xin really doesn't understand how you local tyrants play!

Meng Xiang doesn't understand, of course.

Because the so-called "playing method" and "degree of freedom" are actually just a bug when we go online.

There is no design for the production team here, and players can take it alone. However, they never thought that players could even "refurbish" the ark warships, and make them their own temporary warships by this means.

What about that?

The dead sheep mend!

As a result, the production team has set that if the player takes it alone, he will annoy the two camps and be killed. In fact, both camps will lose a little prestige, and the mission will fail, but the others are the same as before.

However, after the patch went online, it really closed a loophole. This flexible method is more acceptable than a crude patch, and for players, it's even more mysterious - they think it's part of the game experience!

But the bad thing is that the production team has set up a mechanism for players to wash "negative reputation", which is directly proportional to the fees paid.

When the player is wanted, the negative reputation is full. In the game, it is shown that the reputation that the player needs to pay is the upper limit of the game currency - because this is actually not allowed to be "washed white".

But in this world, there is a kind of creature called "local tyrant".

If I can get the warship one month earlier than others, even if I pay ten times the price, what can I do?

Well, in the game, krypton gold can't get a lot of money directly, but players can make money by decomposing and selling five-star SSR traces or other materials. Theoretically, any amount of money is OK.

As a direct result of this incident, the production team is now working overtime to modify the game code, preparing to increase the maximum currency capacity of the game by 10 times, so that some local players can't do anything wrong.

As for now?

Now this thing can only be cold sauce.

The local tyrant is willing to krypton gold one million, just to extract Sr and SSR to decompose and sell money, so let the local tyrant come.This is the way to play the game.

Don't say, after this, the boss really got the warship, and also washed his own.


Seeing the local tyrant throw out two hundred million game coins and a lot of precious materials, and then change to a top-level warship that the average person will get for at least a month or at most half a year. Meng Xiang has nothing to say except to hold on to her golden thigh.

"Alas, unfortunately, the reputation that I finally won is gone, and the reputation on the reverse entropy side is also high. It's not a simple thing." The other side sighed.

Reputation doesn't come out in a day, but has a daily maximum. According to the game, "the spread of information is limited. You can't let people know in one day.".

Well, it's reasonable and convincing.

But for the local tyrants, this is not a good setting.

"After I had the warship, I found that a lot of content here needs a certain reputation before I can buy it from various places." The other side sighed.

"You can buy finished products directly from others." Meng Xiang said quickly.

In the game, players can't trade directly. All transactions need to be carried out through the trading line in the game.

In the trading line, players can not completely set their own prices, but according to the price trend, float within a certain price.

These are referring to the rich experience of online games of another world line, and the most mature market scheme directly.

There is, of course, one exception, which is direct delegation.

For example, ordinary players can entrust the other party to complete the task of creating an object from a living player.

In fact, this function is to use the player as a "synthesis tool", but if you directly "delegate", it will be more interesting in terms of sense of substitution.

"So you are majoring in life skills. Can I give you the materials in the future and help me build equipment?"

As they chatted, Yi Ka sauce found that Meng Xiang was actually a life player and belonged to the type of protective clothing.

"I have a lot of drawings here. I can make a lot of interesting clothes. I think this is the highlight of the game. Can you help me?"

"Ah? But my production level is not high. "

Meng Xiang looks at her production level and finds that the level is still very low.

Mengxiang also has a five-star holy mark suit, so she has also unlocked the exclusive clothes of many characters. These clothes are all five-star SSR. Although there are drawings, the production level is very high.

"It doesn't matter. If you have enough materials, you can just rush your skills. It doesn't matter if you don't have enough physical strength. Just buy more golden apples. "

All the actions in the game need to consume physical strength. The physical strength can be recovered a little in five minutes. However, senxia also inherits the fine tradition of a certain game. A holy stone can fill the energy value


Meng Xiang can't refute it.

All she knew was that she could only kneel down to the local tyrant.

She didn't know before, but now, she found out that there are people around her who can spend a lot of money

Yes, the emergence of online games not only brings a new type of game, but also makes a group of local tyrants who have money but no place to spend.

"Oh, wait a minute." Suddenly the local tyrant spoke again.


"The card is frozen. They said that my card suddenly had a small amount of capital outflow, and before the consumption habits are not satisfied, suspected is stolen brush. Well, it's really much smaller. Wait a moment. I'll go and communicate with you. "


Meng Xiang can't think.


To be exact, Qianjia should be the boss and the boss's wife, so there is no problem

Two in one meow ~

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