The appearance of krypton gold has blinded a group of insiders.

Nobody thought that there were so many rich people here.

Of course, in addition to many real bigwigs, there are also middle-class people with money and no place to spend. These talents are the main force of krypton gold.

One of the advantages of web games is that they can be secretly hung in the background even when they are at work. However, the network speed of clubs is usually very fast Cough

After understanding this, many manufacturers also suddenly realize.

Quick recharge method and easy time, these are the magic weapon to win.

In terms of convenience, the handheld is better, but it's also a disadvantage that the handheld can't be connected to the Internet. Moreover, if it's a handheld You can't take it to work, right?

So after the "boundless" is popular here, they all go to study why the web game has suddenly become popular, and then see if they can go in Get a vote.

A survey was also conducted by group A. they found that the number of male players in the game is the majority, but the proportion of female characters is the opposite.

On the contrary, the proportion of women who specialize in making handsome boys and then smoking male holy mark pools is higher.

This is very different from the traditional game. The "house" property of the game itself is gradually showing up.

By the way, it's probably because of Nai Ye's relationship. In this game, most of the characters are primary school monks, and about one-third of the local tyrants are young women who choose to work hard.

Oh, of course, it doesn't mean that the big ones don't have any. Among them, the characters with great mind also account for about one fifth of them.

But after all, it's not a game of craftsmanship, so the body value setting of the game is still very harmonious. For example, in the game "beautiful new world", characters can even enter lactation directly

Although the so-called "degree of freedom" is only limited to the text and static diagram, at least the players are satisfied - because the psychological expectation of the players who play the web game is not very high. It is better to say that the completion degree of "boundless" has exceeded their expectations.

It is also an important point to study the psychological expectations of the game audience and players. As a game manufacturer, if it does not conduct market research, it is easy to call the game out of the market.

Even Sen Xia, in the game, will do some market research. Although he sometimes let himself go, he was still within the framework of the times. Otherwise, why not do the so-called "FGO" or "ship C" games?

These two kinds of games can be done, but the time is not right. The game of fleet collection is too simple for this era - relatively speaking, players can't look up to this kind of "automatic combat" games, and FGO game will not be simply made without sufficient accumulation.

This is the gap between the two.

As for the "boundless" words, in fact, just as Yamauchi Pu guessed, it is a water test work. In addition to meeting Sen Xia's idea of self release, the experimental function carried in the game is to test the players' acceptance of online games.

However, the situation of the game is better than expected. Senxia has asked the planning and production team to make urgent adjustments to adjust the operation of the game to a long-term mode of continuous flow.

As for what kind of online games does senxia want to take out after "boundless"

Of course, it's the realm of sword and sword.

This is what Pu saw through in shannei.

However, these people did not notice that at this moment, another game has quietly begun to become popular.

Yamamoto bought the game called my world.

Yamamoto is a college student. He bought dc-p not because he is a fan of Mori or an old fan of Sega. He just saw the words "big works looking for PS2, networking looking for DCP" on the Internet, and then analyzed the dc-p he chose.

Fighting in all kinds of online games is Yamamoto's favorite thing.

He played a whole spring break in "MUV moonset" and got to the top 100 of the ladder.

And then Benxiu.

Every day I stay up late and climb the sky ladder. I have to endure my pig like teammates. I can't stand it.

He was very restless, and Yamamoto decided to have a good rest.

It's not that we don't want to play games, but we decided to change to a simpler game, not to fight and kill.

But how to say that.

Now the network game, although most can form a team, but the basic is to fight to kill the type.

Yamamoto is tired. Yamamoto doesn't want to fight.

At this time, Yamamoto saw an interesting game.

My world.Although group a thinks that this game does not conform to the culture of mud boom, the game may not be very popular.

But it turns out that some people will like the game.

Although it's a square, it's surprisingly interesting.

No, it's just because it's Square. It's different from that kind of pure sexy goods. It has a very fresh and comfortable feeling.

Yamamoto began to play single player mode - he used to be familiar with the game under the single mode, and then enter the multiplayer mode.

Games can be divided into two categories: creation mode and survival mode.

In creation mode, players can continuously add a variety of squares, and then build buildings, and the character is invincible.

Survival mode is that players have blood bars, and building buildings also need to collect and deploy their own.

Yamamoto likes to create a model, but it is still the survival mode that makes people feel more struggling.

After playing for a while, he had already figured out the characteristics of the game.

This kind of leisure architectural game is what you want.

What's more, isn't it interesting to work with you to build your own home?

And this game is not aimless. In the game, there is the so-called "final boss", which is the end of the shadow dragon.

This is the most powerful monster in the game. In multiplayer mode, it will even increase the difficulty according to the number of players.

If you want to attack the end of the shadow dragon is not simple, players need to save through various ways, and then build their own base, and then produce their own equipment, and then go all the way to find the gateway to the destination, or try their best to build one.

This is a game that can be used as a leisure game and as a strategy game.

Although the picture of the game is an 8-bit square, when playing the game, Yamamoto found that this square is not surprising. On the contrary, this feeling of building blocks can also have an unspeakable pleasure.

That's the most important thing.

"Minasan, I recently found a very interesting game called my world. Does anyone want to go online with me?"

Yamamoto has already joined a group of qicq. The players in this group are all fans of online games. They basically play games together.

"Hi, hi, hi!"

"I play this game

"I just got to hell^_ ^"

" the last film man is so terrible. Is this monster coming out of the story of kesulu? "

"Speaking of kesulu, I remember someone who did a mod for a deep diver..."

"Lost in NPC's village..."

"What, there are NPC in this game? Is it true? "

"Yes, NPC can trade, but they don't say anything special. There's not much interaction."

"It is said that there is a story version of the game. Who knows whether it is true or not?"

Yamamoto's words even let the whole group burst into a pot.

Originally, he thought the game was a very small game, but he didn't expect to say a word, which blew up many diving players in the group.

At this time, he found that there were so many people playing the game.

Yamamoto took the opportunity to continue recruiting new players on the Internet.

After confirming the online time, Yamamoto and his friends decided to open a room for four.

The online mode in the game also has creation and survival. The creation mode is basically to build and create a certain area together, and the survival mode is the same as the single person mode.

In addition, there are two modes of multiplayer online, one is official server mode, the other is self built server mode.

The former system is stable, but it needs to rent an additional server to provide three days of trial play. The latter has high degree of freedom, many ways to play, and good support for mod. However, if the host computer is not online, it will be more embarrassing. However, the latter also supports players to purchase the server for game playing.

Yamamoto discussed with everyone, and they all decided that they would go to the official uniform, and then they would go to the game together and try it first.

Anyway, the game data can also be migrated. When the game is comfortable, you can decide what to do after that.

After building the server, four people started the game.

I am the world also has platinum trophies, and the single player platinum trophy is separate from the multiplayer mode - because there are always people who won't play multiplayer games.

Yamamoto's first goal was to win the multiplayer trophy.

Killing the last shadow dragon is one, discovering hell is one, and surviving for 60 days.

After setting a goal, they play.Now that we have entered the game, the first goal is of course survival.

Kill cattle and sheep, roll trees and dig holes.

After entering the game, everyone began to play the game happily.

After all, they are all old birds. It's a good time to play.

Playing and playing, we will have a model to build a small house, which is a place for everyone to rest.

The multiplayer mode of the game can also rest, but requires four people to go to bed at the same time - otherwise, they will have to wait in bed for the time to pass.

After playing for three days, we decided to continue the game, so we rented the official uniform and continued the game.

At first, they had only one hut.

But later, stables, farms, pig farms gradually appeared, and more and more houses.

Later, it was suggested that we simply build a track to facilitate the movement!

So the whole place has tracks.

But some people think it's not very beautiful, so they say: let's just make a road. Although it won't be very efficient, it looks good! It's ugly now!

Indeed, for the sake of efficiency, the houses are not very nice.

As a result, there were roads, and houses were repaired.

"Why don't we make a small town and come out?"

But the place is more and more beautiful, and everyone feels that there is a sense of achievement in their hearts, so some people put forward such an idea.

"Hi, hi, hi, that's a good idea. Other people will be happy to see our city!" Yamamoto also thinks that this proposal is very good, "and after taking advantage of the end shadow dragon, we can still build a monument, and then we can put it in the game!"

Yamamoto has a point.

So we began to build vigorously.

Because it is not the creation mode, but the relationship between the survival mode, so it is more difficult to build houses than the general mode. We must constantly excavate the mountains to make enough props.

But don't say, it's a very fulfilling feeling.

Especially after four houses were built, it felt better.

At the beginning, players were only in one house, but after that, we made different houses together.

I have to say, this feeling is really very popular. People help each other build houses, and then visit each other.

Occasionally, there will be visitors and players entering their servers, and then leave a sigh of "death and wealth", which makes the four people feel more comfortable.

"We should be ready to go to the end of the shadow of the dragon." Yamamoto put forward his views.

The last shadow dragon is one of the final boss in the game.

The reason why it is "one of them" is because the official said that there will be different kinds of monsters released in the future, including withering spirit.

After eliminating the end shadow dragon, players can pop out the head of an end shadow dragon and build a monument.

In the version of "my world" of group A, at the beginning, every boss was scheduled to build such special buildings as long as they were annihilated.

In order to go to the place where the shadow ends, the eye of the shadow needs the eye of the shadow, and the eye of the shadow needs the Pearl of the shadow, that is to say, it needs to hunt the shadow man.

The last filmmaker is generated at night. If he doesn't look at the other person, he will not take the initiative to attack.

But in any case, the monster needs to be prepared to go.

So, everyone began to prepare.

It was.

However, at this time, before a sneaky, ID named "13 years old this year" player, issued a burst of bad laughter.

And then

No, then.

The supplies of Yamamoto and others connect with the town itself, and are all sent to heaven by bear child's TNT


The author of that year saw the strategy and thought that the film maker was very good at fighting, and then Then I was taught to be a man

Two in one meow.

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