The songs of the future are totally different from the songs of real people, and the atmosphere of this song "the first voice" is completely different from the previous "song of throwing onions".

It can even be said that "the original voice" is the main theme.

This kind of thing is not hard to understand. Although the so-called "sketch" is popular, it does not represent the whole product itself.

But I have to say that the song itself is very good.

"The first sound" is not that kind of brainwashing song, but the lyrics and melody of this song are more in line with the theme of the whole series.

no ground for blame, but make complaints about it all.

At the end of this part, the topic finally began.

The first person to come to power is Shijia's president, Shijiao zhaoyilang.

This brother is not good in Sega recently.

There is no way.

After all, the status of Zhao Yilang, who entered the diplomatic relations, was not very stable.

In fact, he is still sitting in this position, which is considered by the board of directors of Sega. He can maintain good relations with the order of Phoenix and Qianyu group. Because the latter two give Sega great support, can give Sega into the state of collapse with excellent profits.

In addition, there is another reason that the interconnection PK system of arcade hall launched by zhaoyilang of Jiaotong at the beginning of the month has received strong repercussions from arcade shop owners - because this action, in a sense, can also establish the "status of the arcade hall in the world", which is really a very delicate thing.

Today's entry to Jiaotong zhaoyilang is standing on the stage, naturally to introduce products.

“…… "Dance dance in the future" is a music game of real-time calculation. In this game, your actions will affect the first tone and her partner's dance... "

“…… At the same time, the game also supports the Internet system. Even if a person plays the game, everyone can PK with his opponent in any arcade hall in mud boom... "

Zhao Yilang introduced the new game on the stage.

Although there is no arcade hall in the future on the stage, the trial of arcade in the back display area has been lifted.

However, the feedback from netizens is not very strong - because the difference between Internet user portraits and arcade user portraits at this time is somewhat huge. The former users tend to be more high-quality groups, and these people's hobbies for arcades are not much.

In fact, the latter is just right.

However, when Ichiro kurima came to power and began to introduce the future of the initial sound on dc-p, the situation began to change.

"Oh, oh, it's amazing. Is this Miku cultivation?"

"Combine music games with nurturing elements. But the freedom of the system is so great! Action even allows players to customize it?! Is this the function of MMD? "

The crowd on the Internet, began to get excited.

But that's just the beginning.

"In this game, we allow players to make the content of MMD into the game mode in the game. Players can use MMD to create their own game levels..."

Yes, senxia directly connected the two programs.

This statement, all of a sudden let the players excited.

Although, it is the introduction of the third game.

This game is an online game, but the response of this series is not strong, because the number of online game users is really limited.

After introducing the three games, but the press conference is not over.

At this moment, many good Coser, all on the stage.

What's more, these people have machines and boxes on their hands.

“…… The future of primary music is not just about developing software or games. Our aim is to serve everyone. Therefore, we have now reached cooperation with many manufacturers to launch the exclusive feature products of initial sound. "

The initial tone version of dc-p, the classic handle of initial tone, the clothing features of initial tone, and even the customized theme of windows series of initials in the future.

- well, the last one is that senxia has got the agency of Juqiang in mudbang, so he can do it.

"Well, that Coser is very similar to the first tone!"

These cosers on the stage were immediately discovered on the Internet.

Although they are all cos of the initial consonant family, the most obvious one is obviously the one of the cos initials.

Moreover, the other side and the real initial sound future, unexpectedly have nine points similar!

After seeing this initial sound, many people are staring at the "mysterious Coser" who it is.

Unfortunately, the camera wasn't given too much to these people.

"I wonder, should we have another song?" Mori chuckled.The crowd was defeated, and there was a burst of laughter under the stage.

"I see. I think it's not very good. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid our program will soon become a concert rather than a press conference. "

Senxia's witticism made others laugh.

"So music doesn't matter. We are ready to put the songs of the future on the official video website mikumiku So let's take a look at the next interesting content

There are still some?

Today's press conference, in fact, can be regarded as full of dry goods. We all think that the conference is almost here.

But moriha didn't seem to end that way.

"Now that you don't want to listen, let's see."

The screen is dark, and then the big screen lights up.

Then, a girl in black with a blue flame in her eyes appears in the picture.

What is this?!

The future blackened version of initial sound?

Although similar, there is a subtle difference

But soon, everyone didn't care.

Because the scene is now cheering out - this is an animated PV.

In the picture, the girl with black horsetail, with a weapon which is seriously asymmetric with her body, twinkles in the illusory world.

The whole picture is a fighting picture of only ten seconds. Although we can't see any content, the black double horsetail has brought a profound impression to everyone.

Black rock shooter.

This is the title that appears after the end of the PV.

"This is the black rock shooter, a new animation of the theme song played by our initials."

Senxia's voice sounded again.

"What's more, it's the first online animation in the world that will be broadcast synchronously through the Internet."


There are 1 yen coins. How could the writer make such a low-level mistake

Taiwu's painting is poisonous

Have a good rest today. The work in these two days is really killing me

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