After the initial sound is announced, the rest is to see its own development.

As for Sen Xia, he is helping xuenai with the golden week these days.

Yuzao shrine will welcome a large number of tourists in the golden week.

The shrine here has also ushered in a wave of outbreak. As far as Musashino city itself is concerned, the attraction of group A and Musashino animation is not as good as that of yuzao shrine, because the tourists brought by yuzao shrine can bring them greater benefits.

"Hoo There are two days left in the golden week, but now there are so many people... "

Nowadays, the yuzao shrine does not need Sen Xia's help in terms of service. However, she has to make decisions on business matters of all sizes, especially in the recent cooperation.

The shrine is xuenai, but because snow is to prepare for sacrifice, this kind of commercial affairs is that senxia is in charge of replacing her sister However, this kind of thing has always been managed by Sen Xia.

When she got home, Sonia lay dead.

However, he did not forget to see the future development of the initial sound.

Just after entering the forum, he found that a few friends found a very special element - that is, the model made by MMD can be imported into my world!

Yes, these people are very surprised to find that the expansibility of my world is so powerful.

Before that, in fact, some players have found that my world has rich interfaces. It can even call small software such as text documents or calculators from inside.

But MMD, which has just come into the market, can "interact" with it, which is very surprising to them.

In fact, Sen Xia did this by referring to the experience of another world line, and in that world line, if you use java language to do it, the scalability can be stronger.

But even so, it was a surprise.


Lihua enters the study and hands a glass of water to Sen Xia.

"Thank you." Senxia took the water and took a sip.

He is in a good mood.

In fact, Sen Xia also knows about this mechanism. If it is not exposed on the Internet, Sen Xia is actually prepared to wait a month and then "accidentally" discover the news by some "netizen".

However, the enthusiasm of the public exceeded senxia's judgment. This little careful thinking of senxia was discovered soon.

"By the way, how did you get here?" According to Sen Xia, Lihua should be in school these two days - anyway, she is also the student president.

"It was sunset who asked me."

"Ah." Senxia nodded awkwardly.

"What's the matter with you?" Lihua asked strangely.

"Maybe the sunset is protesting." Senxia scratched her head.

During this time, Mori felt that it was best to let Zhaoyan and Xiyan repair the feelings between sisters, so she often asked Xiyan to help.

"During this time, Nanai and they went to Okinawa, and I let sunset follow them. That's probably why. " Said senxia.

"I always feel that the relationship between sunset and Chaoyan is somewhat subtle." Lihua always felt that the relationship between the sisters was strange.


Senxia did not speak.

If there is only a sister relationship between Zhaoyan and Xiyan, how can Mori do such a thing?

How to say, can only say, Zhaoyan's longing for his sister seems to be some wonderful.

"Well, that's what we can do. By the way, why did you come here in person? Did you bring two maids to your house? " Senxia asked strangely.

"If they see you alone, I'm afraid it will be a bit embarrassing for them. I think we should at least let them get used to it." Li Hua said.

"All right." Senxia nodded.

After all, he used to go to the auspicious courtyard in disguise, and he was under the same roof with the little maids. Now their mood is Well, senxia can understand.

"Said, sister Yi Ji is not here?" Lihua asked curiously, "now there are only two of us in this room."

Qianjiahe Shiyin wants to go out on holiday with Qianyu Zhengxiong in the golden week. Naturally, he is not here now, so there are only senxia and Lihua here.

"Sister Yi Ji, she was asked to leave by the old man." "Now it's in some big eastern country," senxia said

"Why? Is it over again? Is it because of Kirin computer? " Qian Jia asked curiously.

"No, it's Tianhai family that has something to deal with..."

How to say that.

Senxia actually had to admire his father's sense of smell.

Because soon, the relationship between a big eastern country and mud boom will begin to cool down.As a Japanese traitor family, Tianhai family naturally has some things to say in advance.

How to say that, senxia once saw the history of the Tianhai family. He found that it was hard to say anything else about his family, but standing in line was absolutely first-class, and they could also make a lot of special things.

The gold of the last princess and gorchak, according to senxia, is their biggest investment. In Mori's view, the biggest difference between this world line and the original world line is here - tianhaijia got a large amount of money, then took control of Hokkaido, which was developing at that time, and gradually controlled this place.

Speaking of it, senxia is also very concerned about the German submarine in her family

It's a long way off.

"It's a good thing for the old man to go to a big eastern country to do a good job in relations." Said senxia.

"Yes. What are you looking at? "

Lihua noticed that senxia's hand was constantly on the page.

"Find the future information of the first tone. Although the following will be collected, but I think if we can stand in the perspective of ordinary netizens, we should be able to have a more objective view. "

"What about that?" Li Hua asked.

"We are lucky. After the initial sound is listed in the future, the market response will be so good." Moriha was pleased.

2CH above, now the most discussed is how to go to the future station of the initial sound to contribute, among these people, many people are studying how to use MMD.

"But these people are still trying to make a trick. It's really How to make the first sound of human beings imitate... "

The initial sound of the future is made by synthetic technology, and the tone and voice of the speech can be adjusted.

So, at this time, there are brain holes on the Internet. They are thinking, since the future voice of the initial sound is machine synthesized, can we simulate the future sound of the initial sound through human voice? Or through some kind of software, will human voice be transformed into the initial sound of the future discourse?

This idea, let Sen Xia think of MMD in another world line developers.

MMD is on another world line, developed by a man named sakouyo.

Unfortunately, this person later announced that he would stop developing a new version of MMD, and he had retired.

In addition to Miku mikudance, she has also developed Miku Miku voice, which can sing her songs for the first time or other characters.

The purpose of this software is to convert the songs into the project files used by VOCALOID after analysis. Even those who don't understand music score can retain the atmosphere of the original song as long as they can sing, and the song will be sung by characters such as the first tone, the future and so on.

"Well, write it down. This system can be added in the future."

Senxia took out a small book and recorded the discovery.

"The traffic situation of video websites is also very good," Sen Xia continued. "In just a few days, the number of videos has increased by more than 100, which is really interesting."

"Because of your free strategy." "I think that's the key to growth," Lihua said

MMD and VOCALOID software are not free software.

But there is one exception.

As long as users use the special version of "mikumiku" for development, they can get the software for free.

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world. If users do this, they can only publish their works on mikumiku. It is illegal to contribute to any other website.

"Don't say it. I think it works. Everyone is very interested." Sen Xia's face showed a happy smile, "look at this situation, we will soon be able to merge all of its videos."

Miku Miku is basically made according to the positioning of Nico and Bili.

in fact, Sam ha also considered a website with woodlouse. But after he thought about it, he felt that the development of his product would go well in that direction, so he would be satisfied with it now.

At this moment, senxia has muddled through and entered a certain group of fans with his trumpet.

This is a group of fans of the first tone future. According to Sen Xia's background data, he found that this group is the most active.

After using such a little bit of cheating, senxia entered the group with vest.

He wants to see what the public now thinks of the future of primaries.


However, as soon as she came in, she saw a group of people who seemed to be discussing some very special topic.

“…… Why can't it be reproduced through my world? Thousand Sakura is great. If this effect is expressed in square, it will be very interesting, right"No kidding! MMD achieves this effect because MMD has this ability. Now you want to use my world to achieve this effect. Do you know how difficult it is to build those scenes with pixel blocks? "

"I support it. If you want to build a scene, count me in!"

"I've looked at the mechanics of my world. In theory, we can write our own software and convert the model map to the terrain map in the game - maybe the effect is bad, but there should be no problem with the appearance. "

Senxia found that at this time, this group of people was actually discussing about turning the game into "the scene of the MV of the future".

Senxia was surprised to see these technical masters talking about it.

These people are really good at playing. They really want to show the MV of Chihiro Sakura through pixel squares.

"Thousand Sakura is so frightening?" Mori quickly switched to the forum, and then looked at the leaderboard.

If you don't see, you don't know.

Senxia here a look at the rankings, suddenly found that their own side of the thousand Sakura, click number has broken a million.

Of course, there is water in this million clicks. For example, if someone listens to a song in a circle, it will be a click.

But Sen Xia can at least say that this song has been played on the Internet at least a million times.

Of course, if you take out the number of users of the brainwashing cycle, it is possible that the number will drop to one fifth or even one tenth, but it is undeniable that the song is popular.

"No wonder these people think of this..."

After understanding the popularity of the song, senxia understood why those other people on the Internet should discuss such things at this time.

"And such things?" Lihua was also surprised at this time.

She also came to have a look.

“…… Reprint a MV with my world? Is this really possible? "

"Well, in theory it can."

In fact, these people are already talking about the format.

Because some people found that the default model of MMD can be imported into my world, so it is possible to let the initial sound enter this world in the future.

However, some people think that this method is not good, because the map of my world can also export models, which is compatible with MMD.

In other words, it doesn't show the characteristics of the game.

"So, we should first make a square man with the initial sound of the future."

"Hi, I think so."

"The future of the square people, after hearing this, Mr. Xia Sen will kill you wwww ~"

"mm-hmm, be careful, Mr. Xiasen will kill you tonight! Wwww ~ "

" don't underestimate Mr. shawson. I think the teacher should be very happy and happy. Let others kill you at last? "

Senxia saw these people discuss, some gape, and Lihua beside, is a Chuchi a laugh out.

"Hello, Hello, why do all these people think I'm going to kill this guy?" Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

Of course, he also knows that these people are actually joking.

But I don't know how they react when they know they're in a group? Mm-hmm, it's going to be fun, right?

But the first tone of the future square people, seems to be good ah!

"Well, by the way, why didn't I expect that the initial sound can be linked with these works in the future!"

Well, the future Geji Skin Theme Pack There can be!

Not only this game, but also "tolerance to the devil" and "MUV" can make a DLC linkage ah!

Blunder, blunder!

Mm-hmm, this can be!

"Oh, by the way, Lihua, please take a note of this matter and see if you can follow up. I think these people's ideas are quite creative."


Today's two in one.

FGO related, the author Jun Fu bag out of Nanting, subtle mood

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