“…… What's the matter with you? " Senxia noticed that Zhen Tong looked at her eyes more and more strangely, and the whole person seemed to fall into some kind of tangled state.

…… What the hell is this?

However, I just used the content of 18x to give real Tong, it seems that it is not very good

Senxia realized that what she had just done on her side seemed to be quite subtle indeed.

"You're so generous to show this kind of content to girls, it's really a super abnormal guy." Real Tong looks down at Sen Xia.

In fact, this kind of setting is quite good.

Although I don't mean to say that, in fact, the role of Zhentong is pinched according to xuenai's face. In the game, it can reach 80% of the similarity. Zhentong mends his role, puts on leather clothes, and then picks up the appearance of a leather whip

Think about it, I still feel a little excited

Cough, no, no! This kind of thing should be criticized!

This kind of thing, can only I to snow is adult delusion, others all forbid! No! No!

It's probably that I've been living with senxia for a long time recently, so some people who are close to me are more and more extreme and dirty.

"How can a gentleman's business be called a pervert?" Mori said, "and there is a market demand, we just make money legally, and then spread our ideas to millions of people legally."

“……” Zhen Tong thinks that Sen Xia is too sophisticated. However, judging from Sen Xia's attitude and face, she is clearly a "justice messenger" attitude.

If it wasn't for knowing that senxia was talking about the craft content, just looking at senxia's face and attitude, you would think that he was just an emissary of justice from M78 Nebula!

But how to say

This kind of feeling, do not know why, have a kind of good feeling with feeling!

It's over. What am I thinking!

Real pupil sauce, big crisis!

She suddenly realized that the attitude of senxia was not because she had already decided on herself?

Yes, after all, at this moment, there are only myself and senxia in the room.


It's a little subtle.

The original true pupil is the side of Sen Xia, but at this time, she is far away from Sen Xia without trace.

"You Do you still play this 18x game? " Chen Tong asked again.

"That's what I said," senxia chuckled and shook her head. "I've done a lot of 18x games! Even if it's a lot of games I've thought about

Senxia pointed to her own picture: "it's like this fighter man's mission. Part of this mission can be downfall. This is the content of 18x. In fact, there are many similar settings. In fact, we also want to make an 18x game. It will be released in the name of DW. "

In the past month, many people under the secret silver force have found that the web game seems to be very good. They are also ready to make the game, so they all find the side of group A.

These game manufacturers are looking for transformation - it is as if in a few years, the game manufacturers of a big eastern country are seeking transformation, one by one from a single computer to an online game.

On the other world line, few of these companies have completed the transformation, and most of them have been hanged from a tree.

But after moriha intervened in this world line, it was different.

There is a "boss" leading the way in front of us, which means that we all have the direction and backbone. After discovering the transformation of "boss", they immediately sold out, and they all became enthusiastic.

Senxia is not afraid of their backwater, because at this time, senxia has basically mastered most of the distribution channels of mityin power.

In other words, these game manufacturers, if they want to develop games, basically follow the path of senxia.

They want to go to other distribution channels, but it means that their income may have to drop sharply.

There are many others. First of all, they have little profit from a big eastern country.

In a big eastern country, senxia is basically "selling pirated goods at a price that makes piracy impossible". However, the number of players in the family is high!

Even if it is a big sale, the number of galgames can be doubled by 100 times. If these channels are abandoned, the income of many games will be deducted by at least 20%.

This change is actually caused by different cultures. In Nihong, GALGAME is generally considered to be the game of nites and otaku, which is a very negative content. However, in a big eastern country, this kind of "animation game" is very fashionable. If one has played the original while watching some plays, it is quite fashionable.

Especially after senxia and mithrin started to change GALGAME to animation, the sales there were much higher - cheap and genuine sometimes was really terrible.But senxia didn't really want to earn their money.

The only purpose of this kind of cheap legal edition is actually to cultivate the future user group and influence them imperceptibly.

With this part of the impact, when a big eastern country brick to the online game market, senxia side can make a lot of money.

What's more, senxia also hinted with the game manufacturers of these secret silver forces to let everyone "warm the newspaper group". Sometimes, their own game and other home together linkage, sometimes may have a very special effect.

Of course, Zhentong has played 18x.

In fact, real Tong has played a lot of 18x games.

Group A has an 18x vest, which is specialized in 18x games. Zhentong also knows this.

In fact, the reason why Zhentong knows DW society is that she has heard of the second generation teacher of elohil, who has cooperated with this club.

In fact, she has always been Zhentong's spiritual tutor. She once looked at the works of the second generation of Mu teachers, and then imagined that the second generation Mu teacher's routine was used between her and xuenai adults.

How to say that.

If it is the second generation of Mu teachers who say the slogan of "the spirit of work", Zhentong will definitely not resent it.

But it was senxia who said this, and Zhentong wanted to kick his feet.

Ah, ah, ah, how angry!

I want to kick him, but I can't beat him!

Mori turned her head and looked at the computer screen.

At this time, he continued: "although rolling is also very interesting, but after playing for a long time, it will be a little boring. Well, I think we can add some difficult challenges to our game later... "

"Hello, Hello, you were just talking about the topic of work. Why did you jump back to the game all of a sudden?" True pupil can't help but make complaints about Sanger.

Just now I was still discussing 18x content. Now it has suddenly become a discussion of game playing. What about wool?

"Ah? I think we've been talking about games all the time Senxia is a little strange.


Hearing the words of senxia, the real pupil was blocked and couldn't speak.

Indeed, although we are discussing 18x content, it is also the content of the game.

"Although 18x is 18x, these contents are also indispensable in our life. It doesn't conflict with the game's update - I don't intend to make anything too high. " Senxia said reasonably, "food, sex. I think we still have our own efforts in this respect. What's more, I didn't turn all the holy marks in the game into 18x, and I didn't let the players in the game be able to 18x at will? "

"Well no Don't continue to talk about this topic! If you talk about this topic again, I can't look directly at the game of boundless

The real pupil finally burst.

Indeed, if it wasn't for myself, God knows why things are like this.

He is clearly questioning this guy, why he is more and more motivated?

Is this the case if you don't play according to the routine?!

And the real pupil this time, really already some have no way to look directly at "boundless" this game.

I always feel that when I see the game, I can't help but want to strip all the characters!!!

Super depressed real pupil, at this moment, the expression is simply rich.

"Well, well, that's not to say." Anyway, it's almost said

As a matter of fact, senxia really intends to make a similar game.

In addition to borrowing the original name of "boundless" after the "star ship voyage" that program, senxia here also has no Gongkou 18x game works.

On the contrary, there are many games of this kind recently. For example, elf, the famous club, is considering doing this game.

Oh, by the way, in fact, on the other side of the story of the black holy book, I once found Sen Xia and wanted to change this game into a web game - this is the latest thing.

Other games senxia can ignore, but this black Saint book is a script written by Sen Xia. Although the hero is deleted, the whole game has a high sales volume, which is more popular than another world line.

"In fact, I also have my own account in the ordinary version, and I've made money. But I don't have so much time for krypton gold, so let's just collect the five treasures of the whole holy mark. Well But I have time today. I can try to move on. Sometimes after experiencing it personally, the feeling of the story may be completely different. Well, think of it as writing a book

That's what senxia said.

"If you are happy." Zhen Tong doesn't write a book. Of course, she doesn't understand senxia's ideas.In her opinion, senxia seems to be just lazy.

As for admiring the local tyrants, Zhentong will not. He is the boss and the controller holding the "crystal modifier". Even if he says that he hits 99999, he will not have any feeling.

Hearing that senxia finally stopped mentioning the problem of labor, Zhentong stood up and arrived at the door: "I'll go back first."

"Hey, what would you like to eat for dinner? I'll cook it myself."

"You don't put something strange in your meal, do you?" True pupil says suddenly.

"Ah? What strange thing am I? " Senxia was baffled.

"Well It's hard to say

Zhentong has seen some works in which the hero or heroine always drinks milk or other things to his intimate object, but they all add ingredients to it.

Well, watching the lover eat all the food and drink that he has soaked with body and mind, he will naturally feel excited.

In fact, Zhentong did this when she was cooking and taking food for xuenai. But no surprise, she was found by xuenai every time, and then she was fed by xuenai to eat herself.

Well, because she is a recidivist, Zhentong makes her own way. She immediately feels that senxia will do something strange when she is lonely and widowed.

Eh, I always feel as if I have exposed something?

"Forget it." "If you don't want to, let's go out for dinner," she said. The shopping street is right next to it. Or go to a ceremony. "

"Well, that's it."

Take advantage of the Sen Xia did not react to come over, true pupil a slip of smoke left the study.


Finally returned to his room, the real pupil locked the door, this just relieved.

In any case, I managed to escape.

Especially in the end, she always felt that Sonia might do something bad to herself.

"Maybe my own delusion is too serious Well, I knew I shouldn't stay up late to play games... "

Zhentong didn't sleep at all last night. She went to bed at three o'clock in the morning.

The original real pupil is to have a rest today, so I can have a good sleep afterwards.

But perhaps the game makes his nerves too nervous, so the real pupil has been awake until six o'clock in the morning.

Well, compared with Zhen Tong's experience of getting up at 5:30 every day, she really sleeps half an hour more

After waking up, Zhentong immediately put his energy into the "boundless" game, the whole person black and white reversed, confused.

Now think about it, I seem to be a little nervous.

"But it's the guy who always says something about 18x!"

Mm-hmm, yes, it's not my fault, it's the guy's fault!

If he hadn't been talking about some strange things, I wouldn't have been so nervous!

Be careful not to make a big mistake.

Mm-hmm. that's the best.


Wait a minute. There seems to be something that I just ignored.

What, what, what it is

"Ah, it's eating..."

Speaking of speaking, I and Sen Xia said to go out together




The real pupil suddenly blew up.

She realized at once that something was wrong.

Isn't that a date?!


Today's two in one, meow meow ~

the new FGO card pool is about to open, so be careful of krypton gold

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