"Are you all right?"

When senxia and Miyazaki YingGAO meet, he finds that the other side is full of bloodshot. The whole person has a feeling that he may fall down at any time. How to look at it makes people feel worried.

"No, nothing." Miyazaki waved his hand and happily held the document on his hand.

"Is this?"

"What I thought of last night." He said that.

"Well, let me have a look first." After the two saw the foot of the mountain, so at this time, Mori was ready to read the document written by Miyazaki YingGAO.

Miyazaki YingGAO obviously did his homework. He only got the setting last night. Now he has come up with his own plan.

Eh, by the way, it seems that he still called last night?

Let's have a look first.

Mori took a look at Miyazaki's plan.

Miyazaki's plan is to use the whole mud boom for the stage creation.

The whole story is about mud boom that has been contaminated with some kind of spore.

In this mud boom, countless spores covered the whole land, and the buildings of the island country were covered by these plants and the monsters hidden in them.

At the beginning of the story, human beings only think that this is just an ordinary apostle.

At the beginning, spores only flowed into Tokyo. These spores turned the whole city into a "Tokyo forest", where huge trees, vegetation and monsters occupied the place.

Everyone in Tokyo has been eroded and turned into zombies.

A huge shadow enveloped the whole country, and the New Tokyo, the third city that had been attacked by the apostles, became the front line.

But the spores can't be resisted, and they're still drifting along the sea breeze and the climate.

Later, they finally realized that this was not an ordinary apostle, but a complete apostle.

This perfect life from the parallel world wants to occupy the world and obtain a stronger and stronger "completion".

"Well, it's a good setting." Sen Xia felt that the setting was very good.

Well, after all, she is a brain cavity expert. She is very happy to see her brain hole opened.

He continued to look down.

At the end of the story, Miyazaki sets the whole story.

In the original story of the evangelical warrior, EVA was able to move forever after getting the "S2" agency of the apostle.

Now that the whole story has changed, it is natural that EVA should be given permanent power at the beginning of the story, so that players can enjoy the story. Otherwise, the whole battle will basically become a huge robot constantly looking for places to recharge

"The structure of the whole story is almost like a giant robot taking risks..."

Mori thought about it and found that this kind of structure is from the same family as the series of "devil's soul", "soul of darkness" and "Curse of blood". The whole design is to perfect the structure of this adventure mode, which is quite in the style of Miyazaki Yingko.

However, Sen Xia doubts that if the content of this level can be made after the acquisition of SF club over there, this is a problem.

"Do you think SF can make this kind of thing?" Mori asked Miyazaki's thoughts by the way.

The latter thought for a moment and then said, "we need the cooperation of this society."

"Well." He nodded and continued to look.

Since the whole story uses a huge robot as the background of the story, there is no need for the driver's design in the process of fighting. Looking at the whole process of the game, senxia finds that this is the architecture of a hard core game, which has nothing to do with what kind of paper or cute girl you are.

Well, it's a tough guy.

But if there was no Ling Boli, would the players play the game?

Senxia felt a little subtle.

Not to mention Ling Boli, there are not many scenes in the whole story, such as tomotaka, Shinji or others.

However, such a story can not become the kind of driver adventure.

As for the type of "falling moon", Mori had already rejected it with Xiuming Amano.

Sen Xia thinks that the structure of hard core content is OK, but if this route goes down, he feels that the audience is limited.

May be able to make a good game, but this kind of game absolutely can't satisfy the kind of thinking that Amano wants to make money.

That's the point.

Whether a game is good or not is one thing, but whether a game can survive in the market depends on the sales volume.

No matter how rubbish a game, as long as sales can go up, sequels are likely to exist. But a game called "not popular" may end up in the cold.

Well, Sammy is the game.Mori and Suzuki Yu have hinted that if the sale of "Shamu 2" is not good, "Shamu 3" will be ignored.

In fact, it's not senxia's ruthlessness. It's really the idea of the first two generations of Shamu. Now it has been played by senxia. Even if the third film comes out later, there is no way to show its brilliance.

In this case, it is better to leave a regret beauty.

This is also no way of things, well, it is better to say that sometimes this seemingly helpless method is the best.

Some games forced to continue the result of life, is later more and more bad, this is the most uncomfortable.

But Suzuki Yu is not so fine, because Mori gave him another plan.

Suzuki has been busy with this project for a long time.

"If this game is made by our club, I will find it very interesting. Although we can't make a lot of money, it's also very interesting." Mori Xia said, "but if it's just like this, I'm afraid it's hard to satisfy the idea of teacher Ono Xiuming. He doesn't just want a word-of-mouth work, but a bestseller that makes people know more about the series. "

People just want to make money, but now we want to make a big news.

That's what senxia meant.

But this kind of words, is not good and Miyazaki YingGAO direct explanation.

So after seeing the change in Miyazaki's face, Mori thought about it for a while, and then said, "the goal of our game, the most important goal, is to let more people know the name of the evangelical warrior and let more people play it. Do you understand that?"


Miyazaki nodded.

He thinks his game is good.

But sure enough, just one night to come up with a plan, some are not suitable ah.

"Well, I appreciate the big background. If we can make a new series of evangelical warriors based on this background setting, I think it's not impossible." Senxia thought that the design of the completed apostles was very interesting.

"But there are not only apostles from different worlds, but also apostles from this world. What do you think? Here, ah. "

Senxia asked, while browsing to the follow-up content.

Miyazaki's plan is that the other apostles have become puppets of the completed apostles, who are eroded and assimilated.

In the whole story, although there are spores and monsters everywhere, these spore plants and spore monsters are part of the apostles themselves. These spores are united into a whole, which is the original of the apostle.

The rest of the apostles are just a living body which has not been completed yet. They are not enough to see in front of the alien apostles who have absolute walls of heart.

"Well, that's a good setting. I think we can finally do this - in the decisive battle, all the apostles sniped together, and a huge figure rose from the ground on the earth, while on the other side, the huge EVA, which also rose from the ground, launched the final decisive battle with the Apostles... "

It's a wonderful feeling to rise from the planet.

Miyazaki does not like to say otherwise, but Mori feels that Xiuming Amano will definitely like this setting.

Giant monsters step on the planet and start the final battle Mm-hmm, that's it!

"In fact, I have some immature ideas. For example, these apostles were found by human beings and slaughtered. Perhaps it is also possible that in the face of alien monsters, the apostles and human beings fought together Miyazaki said.

"This design is too different from the original setting, it will be sprayed. The design you have now is very good. Although it is somewhat ingenious, it completely bypasses the setting of the evangelical warrior itself. Instead, it finds a new way. I think the story unfolded in this can be completely. But it's found by human beings and slaughtered. Well, this idea can be combined. In the end, human beings combined all the apostles together and launched a mortal struggle? Well, in fact, it's still orange juice that feels better... "

All human beings will not hesitate to become orange juice, but also to fight the enemy to the end Well, maybe it can be changed into some red and special settings, but in the world of evangelical warriors, disobedience is a little subtle.

However, there is a house island in the evangelical soldiers, and the ruffians themselves like to blow up the earth or something, so this kind of setting It's not impossible!

Think about it, people "leap peak 2" inside, the earth has been made into a bomb!

Therefore, it is not impossible to make human orange juice into weapons.

"Wait a minute."

Senxia thought for a moment and then opened another book.

This is not the content of Miyazaki YingGAO, but the set set set that Mori got from Ono Xiuming.

"Well, let me see Ah, by the way, Li Lin (human) is the life that eats the fruit of wisdom... " With a pat on her forehead, Sen Xia said, "well, the biggest poison to this alien creature is" human's intelligence ", or" life's understanding ". In this way, it will be very interesting to make the whole settingHuman wisdom, human reason, these are highly toxic poisons for the completed apostles. Therefore, among the evangelical warriors, human beings become orange juice poison, which is forced to be poured on the mending apostles Maybe it's good!

"Well, it's going to be another 300 rounds of fighting against the setting party. Well, it's good to set it as the particularity of the alien apostle. The Apostle itself is a single and complete life, but if individual individuals acquire wisdom, then the apostles themselves will be separated from each other Mm-hmm, not bad, that's it... "

Senxia feels very good here.

And there Miyazaki YingGAO is a little sad.

Boss, you are out of the question!

However, he didn't say anything, because Mori said these contents, in fact, are quite interesting. This design is very suitable for Miyazaki's brain wave.

Mm-hmm, this design is very interesting!

Senxia felt the same way at this time, but he quickly reflected that he was a bit off topic.

"Keke, in a word, the setting of the background, this or that design, I think it's OK, this is all right, but if our story continues like this, it certainly can't be done, because teacher Xiuming Amano will not be satisfied."

This must be changed.

The most attractive part of a story can never be thrown away.

"In this case, I don't know how to balance the feeling between giant robots and ordinary people."


Senxia pondered for a moment.

Ordinary people?

At this time, he suddenly thought of another game.

This game, is to use the perspective of ordinary people, to view the huge monster.

The game is called megashadow city.

The background of the game is relatively simple. The protagonist goes to see his girlfriend, and then suddenly the giant shadows appear one after another. On the way to avoid the disaster, the protagonist accidentally sees a py transaction, and then the story makes the protagonist take his girlfriend to avoid the disaster and escape the pursuers

Well, the pursuit is not so interesting. The interesting content is the huge monster fighting in the whole story.

What bump man, what EVA, really have everything. And the whole story is to look up at the giant monster from the perspective of ordinary people.

In fact, the funny and self releasing elements in the game are also very interesting. Some options can even make people laugh.

Hearing Miyazaki's words, Mori thought of this.

Cough, of course, he didn't mean to make people laugh.

He suddenly felt that this kind of setting seems to be good?

"If the two can be organically combined, it may be more interesting..." Senxia muttered.

Miyazaki YingGAO did not speak, he knew that his boss at this moment, has begun to fly himself.

"Well, for example, at the beginning of the story, tomorrow incense has been eroded, and has been chasing after Shinji. At this time, Ling Boli, who has died, suddenly appears, and then runs away with Ding Shinji. Along the way, he has to avoid huge monsters and EVA, and then find the first plane. This feeling seems good."

Senxia felt the inspiration was coming.

But unfortunately, at this moment, the car has stopped.

The destination has arrived.


In the investigation of Xinfan, it is a pity that there is no special theory of blowing up.

Today's two in one, meow meow.

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